Kunlun Mountain.

At this time, the huge and vast power of merit above Taoist Yuanshi's head attracted everyone's attention.

Among them, the purple meaning is constantly blooming, making it outstanding.

Then they all poured down towards Taoist Yuanshi! boom!

In an instant, Taoist Yuanshi's aura soared into the sky.

In just a moment, his cultivation level directly broke through!

From the original quasi-sage early stage, he stepped into the quasi-sage middle stage.

However, this is just the beginning.

After entering the quasi-sage stage, his momentum remained the same.

The realm of the late quasi-saint...

The pinnacle of quasi-sage...

As he digested the power of merit, his cultivation level increased, and he finally reached the peak level below the saint!

At this time, a ray of purple intention in the power of merit suddenly flashed, and along with the massive power of merit, it entered Yuanshi Taoist's body!


I saw a sound like breaking shackles coming from Taoist Yuanshi's body!

The next second!

All the power of merit in his body was based on the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and continued to condense together!

Soon all the merits of establishing the teaching and the merits of opening the sky were condensed. Become a Saint Fruit!


The Saint Fruit is completed!

A surge of supreme pressure suddenly bursts out, sweeping across the ancient land!

At this point, Yuan Zhong has become a saint!.....

The power of this saint swept across the prehistoric times.

All the great masters who had been watching the show were extremely shocked!

Each one of them bowed in the direction of Kunlun Mountain with bitterness and surprise!

"I pay my respects to the original saint!"

"I congratulate the original saint for achieving the holy fruit!"

"I wish Chan and his teachings eternal luck!"


No matter how confused, how sad, and how unfair I feel in my heart...

But at this moment, all the powerful people still had to salute Yuanshi.

Below the saints are all ants.

The saints of the way of heaven are equal to the way of heaven. To disrespect the saints is to be disrespectful to the way of heaven!

Do they dare? They also want to break through the quasi-sage and become a saint!

I don’t want to die!

And in addition to these powers.

After receiving the power of the saint, other ancient beings were also shaken. They knelt down and worshiped in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, shouting:

"Congratulations on adding another saint!"

"We welcome the saint!"


Witch clan.

Dijiang Ancestral Witch Tribe.

In front of Pangu Hall.

At this time, twelve ancestral witches gathered here.

After hearing the heavenly oath sworn by the Yuanshi Saint and being promoted to a Saint.

The expressions of the Twelve Ancestral Witches are extremely complicated!

You know, they are the same as the Sanqing, but they originated from the great god Pangu.

They all claim to be Pangu orthodox!

But now, Laozi Yuanshi has become a saint in Sanqing.

So where is their path to sanctification?

They couldn't help but think of the limitations of their bloodline.

The Pangu bloodline gave them a powerful physical realm.

However, it also limits them to only be able to cultivate to the quasi-sage level.

Originally, they were practicing in the realm of the physical body.

With the quasi-sage's physical state, he can crush many powerful people, and even the Three Pure Ones can't resist the twelve of them.

But what now?

Nuwa has become a saint, Lao Tzu has become a saint, and Yuan Shi has become a saint.

No matter how strong their physical bodies are, they cannot cultivate to the realm of saints!

This is why they are melancholy...


"A vision came out of the Temple of the Father before. I feel that our witch clan also has new hope."

"The hope of sanctification!"

Just when many ancestral witches were in distress, the head of the twelve ancestral witches, Dijiang Ancestral Witch, said.

In fact, he had wanted to say this for a long time.

This was not a lie, but he really sensed Pangu Temple The information given in it was not revealed before because he had not yet determined it.

But now that Yuan Shi was becoming a saint, he couldn't bear to tell it to the great ancestor Wu..

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the eyes of many ancestral witches shone brightly and they turned to look at the ancestral witch Dijiang!

"What? Is what the elder brother said true?"

"Does our witch clan also have a path to becoming a saint?"

"Is this the meaning of the vision a while ago? I thought the thirteenth ancestral witch was born!"

"But where is our path to sanctification?"

"yes! Brother! How can we break the restrictions of bloodline!"

"Brother, don’t make us happy..."


The eleven ancestral witches spoke one after another, their expressions full of excitement.

You know, something happened in Pangu Palace a while ago.

That's why they gathered the Dijiang Ancestral Witch Tribe, but no matter how they probed, they didn't find any other strange phenomena in Pangu Palace!

Now Di Jiang Zuwu spoke like this, which naturally made them extremely surprised!

There is even some suspicion that the other party said such things just to make them happy!

After all, after all these years.

None of them had found the way to sanctification.

Not even in the Father's Temple, not even Hongjun Daozu knows about it!

Now it is suddenly said that there is a way to become a saint, which naturally makes them extremely excited!

Faced with their excited questions, Dijiang Ancestral Witch nodded heavily.

He said with a very serious look:"This is true, I don't need to lie to you."

As he said that, he turned his head and looked towards the huge, majestic, dark Pangu Palace, and murmured softly:"It's close....The answer is getting closer..."......

The central hall of the human city.

Bi Yun sat cross-legged on the Taoist platform, looking in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, with a smile on his face.

"Taoist Laozi finally informed Yuanshi, the method of becoming a saint."

"Haha, Sanqing's relationship is really good!"

He chuckled softly.

But he thought of some things in the prehistoric future.

The Three Purities separated their families, established separate religions, the Great Catastrophe of Conferring Gods, the Three Purities turned against each other, the Jiejiao was destroyed, and Tongtian was suppressed by four saints.

It can be said to be extremely pitiful.!

Are these three brothers who have a good relationship?

Let time prove it! Anyway

, he didn't have a good impression of this person last time.


"Could this guy have Pangu’s evil thoughts?"

Bi Yun's eyes lit up when he thought of this. It's really possible...

At this moment, a voice full of doubts came from under the Taoist platform:"Master, what are you talking to yourself about??"....._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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