Blue Star.

A strange scene is playing out in Yanhuang Kingdom.

All over the country, countless young people are doing the same thing simultaneously.

I saw them holding mobile phones or computers in their hands, sitting cross-legged, staring at their mobile phones.

He also nodded from time to time, talked to himself, and took notes.

Those who didn’t know, thought that this serious look meant he was taking online classes.

Actually, that’s not the case. They are watching the live broadcast and cultivating immortality...... some company

"An empty room produces light...

"Stillness and sunshine again...

Xiao Wang stared at the live broadcast room screen on the computer screen.

He whispered softly to himself, still holding his daily workbook in his hand to take notes.

At this time, the manager of their company happened to pass by.

After seeing Xiao Wang's serious look, he nodded with great satisfaction.

I think he should be learning about work.

Then he looked closer with a smile on his face

"What the hell are you looking at!"

"live streaming? And take notes!"

"Does the company support you so that you can watch the live broadcast?"

"Especially watching a grown man live broadcast!"

The manager was furious, pointed at Xiao Wang and cursed, with droplets flying, sharp words, and an angry look.

But he saw Xiao Wang picked up his mobile phone and opened the same live broadcast room.

Then, he kicked him over!

He directly squeezed him Work manager kicked down

"Fuck your job! Wait until I succeed in cultivating immortality! I'll kill you first!"

Xiao Wang held the phone in one hand, stepped on the manager with one foot, and cursed.

Then, he turned around and left.

From the beginning to the end, his eyes never left the phone.

It was as if the live broadcast room screen on the phone screen was him. The most important thing is the same.

Colleagues throughout the company were shocked when they saw this....


"Wow? Can you become an immortal? Then what kind of class do I still have?"

"Fairy Tong’s live broadcast of cultivating immortality! There really is a skill!"

"Then what kind of class do I still have? I won't go to work today!"

"Go to Nima's job! I have to suffer all day long, my salary is small, and I have a lot of stupid things to do!"


There were screams.

Almost half of the entire company has left.

And the manager was still lying there with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Are these people crazy?..."

He murmured to himself...

But he didn't know that such a scene was not just his company's appearance.

All over the country, in various places, there are young men who have been oppressed for a long time doing the same thing....

These young people have been oppressed by their studies since childhood.

After leaving school, he was severely beaten by society.

Can't find a good job!

After finding a job, all the promises made by the boss are just empty words.

Squeezing your residual value everywhere.

Give you the minimum wage and let you do various things like a car driver, a porter, and a handyman!

Now, if you know you can cultivate immortality, why do you still work?

Go home and cultivate immortality!

If you succeed in cultivation, are you still worried about not having money?

In their words.

I am young.

I used to talk to you about salary, and you talked to me about dreams.

Now, don’t talk to me about your dreams, my dream is not to work!

My dream is to become an immortal!

This scene appeared all over the Yanhuang Kingdom.

This country is gradually changing........

Time passed by minute by minute.

Blue Star, humans are constantly watching the live broadcast and trying to become immortals.

In the prehistoric times, Kong Xuan kept flying into the sky to fight against thunder and disaster!

In the prehistoric times, the Xiu Zhan clan was being trained through live streaming.

Only Bi Yun, who influenced all of this, was still sitting cross-legged on the Taoist platform with his eyes slightly closed........ half an hour later

"One is the total number of golden elixirs, and the image of the river shows the real machine...."

I saw Xiu Zhan finishing this mantra in his mouth.

The next second.

His whole body was shaken, and a meridian light and shadow shook out from behind him and appeared above his head!

Full of mystery.

This picture is exactly what the flow of his meridians looks like.

Projection time.

Immediately, he opened his eyes slightly and exhaled a breath of golden energy.

But it ends by running the entire Jindan Avenue.

After it was over, he looked up at the Taoist platform and looked at Bi Yun, waiting for the other party's evaluation....


【finished? Why did you stop?】

【The picture above his head is so cool!】

【Is this the Jindan Avenue? I've finished recording it!】

【Let me ask, if I practice this technique, can I be so stupid?】

【Don't end it, it's so difficult! Nothing can be seen at all!】

【This is the level of cultivation in the novel, what about Qi training and foundation building?...】

【Fellow Taoists, see you in the future!】

【Let’s find a way to get spiritual energy first!】


Many netizens sent out barrages after seeing that Xiu Zhan had finished his training.

In their view, this is completely insufficient.

Because I can’t understand it!

Those who understand it have no time to post barrages and are already immersed in comprehending Taoism for the first time.

Even if you don't have spiritual energy, you can still understand Taoism.

What's more, the spiritual energy has begun to gradually recover now.........

Ancient times.

Xiuzhan clan was still looking at Bi Yun on the Taoist platform.

Time passes by one breath, two breaths...

"Holy Master?"

Xiu Zhan discovered something was wrong.

Why didn't it seem that the Holy Master was not watching him practice, but was practicing himself!



Bi Yun woke up after hearing the sound, and subconsciously opened his eyes and said.

Immediately, he saw Xiu Zhan's black and livid face....

Xiu Zhan was convinced.

This holy master doesn’t seem to be practicing, but he is really practicing!

Then why do you want him to practice the golden elixir path on his own?

"Well, cough! It seems that your basic skills are very solid."

"I have misunderstood you. Practice hard and strive to break through the realm of Xuanxian as soon as possible!"

"Among the human race, I am most optimistic about you."

Bi Yun looked at the Xiu Zhan clan below.

He finished speaking with a serious expression on his face, and his face was full of joy.

Looking at the Xiu Zhan clan, he couldn't help but nod....


"Um? It seems that Kong Xuan’s tribulation is over!"

"I gonna go see!"

After Bi Yun finished speaking, he disappeared directly from where he was....

Xiu Zhan was left in a state of confusion. who I am? where am I?

What am I doing?......

【ps:"Ancient Decomposition: One-Click Decomposition" can be read by those who don't know enough about it. 】_

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