Somewhere in the wild land.

After some thought, Nuwa Empress.

Finally two clay figures were created.

I saw her holding the two clay figures in her jade palms and smiling slightly.

The next second, the color of heaven and earth could not help but change!

I saw waves of terrifying whistling sounds, and streams of spiritual energy surged from a million miles around, pouring crazily into the two clay figures in Nuwa's hands!

After three breaths, the spiritual energy suddenly stopped!

The vision of heaven and earth disappeared in an instant, and at this moment, the two clay figures on Nuwa's palms moved!


I saw these two clay figures jumping directly from Nuwa's palm and falling to the ground.

Something magical happened!

As soon as the two clay figures touched the ground, they were instantly enveloped in a snow-white light.

At the next stop, he transformed directly into two human beings with the same figure as Bi Yun!

At this time, the Nuwa Empress seemed to have fallen into a state of enlightenment.

I saw her throwing the four-colored sacred soil into the sky.

He picked up the green and colorful gourd vine in his right hand and began to wave it around!

As the divine land continues to decrease.

The four-color rays of dirt also turned into human shapes in mid-air. After landing, they turned into small human beings with different appearances, including men and women....

Finally, when the divine soil was exhausted, Nuwa emerged from the enlightenment state.

At this time, there were already 10,000 more humans on the ground.

Five thousand men, five thousand women.

As soon as these human races appeared, waves of innate Tao Yun surrounded them.

He is born with an innate Taoist body. For all races in the ancient world, this heel is pretty good!

This also means that the rise of the human race is about to begin...

Of course, the catastrophes that need to be experienced during this rise are all things for later....

And after the birth of these human races.

They all knelt in front of Nuwa and shouted together:"We thank the Holy Mother for giving us life!"

"good! Great kindness!"

Nu Wa looked at the new life born in front of her, and she couldn't hide the joy on her face.

Bi Yun on the side was full of excitement.

This is how the human race was born!

At this time, he and Nu Wa suddenly had a connection. Feeling excited, they all looked up!


I saw a thunderous explosion, which spread directly throughout the entire ancient land, shaking continuously!

All the creatures looked up one after another.

The weak creatures were even more frightened, and they knelt down and trembled....

I saw the clouds and mist in the high altitude at this time suddenly rolling!

There are even more colorful fairy clouds descending and falling.

These fairy clouds are like spiritual beings, circling around the human race on the ground....

The next second, golden light burst out from the sky.

I saw a mysterious aura suddenly appear, but it was a black and yellow power of merit gathering in the sky!

As soon as this power of merit appeared, it turned into an innate dragon, rendering the sky of the entire prehistoric world golden!

The next second, the innate dragon circled down and appeared in the sky above the human race. With another movement, it directly turned into two groups of merit.

The merits of these two groups are large and small.

The big one occupies eight-tenths and falls towards Nuwa!

The small one occupied two-tenths and headed towards Bi Yunluo!

Before the two of them could react, the power of merit had already poured into them.

Suddenly, a soft brilliance rose up, coloring the space between heaven and earth...........

And at this time.

The great powers from all over the prehistoric world were shocked!

I saw them rushing out of the cave one by one.

Looking up at the vision in the sky, a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

The next second, exclamations of surprise rang out from all over the world:

"This is! Great fortune!"

"Transform into a dragon with the power of countless meritorious deeds! Whose creation is this!"

"Nuwa! It must be Nuwa!"

"Taozu said that Nuwa had great fortune, and it seems that this is her fortune!"

"How long after the third sermon of the Taoist Patriarch was over, Nuwa accomplished the way of creation. Was Nuwa’s opportunity so terrifying?"


Above the Kunlun Mountains.

Three figures wearing Taoist uniforms were suspended here.

A figure looks like an old man, it is Taoist Laozi.

A figure looked like a middle-aged man, it was Taoist Yuanshi.

A figure looked like a middle-aged man, it was Taoist Tongtian.

They are the Three Pure Ones. After the Great God Pangu exhausted all his energy in creating the world, his Yuan Shen turned into three.

At this time, their bodies were filled with golden mysterious light, which was the heaven-opening merit left by the Great God Pangu.

They are Pangu Yuanshen, and naturally enjoy the legacy of Pangu's founding of heaven.

However, the power of Pangu's heaven-opening merits back then was not only shared among the three of them.

Therefore, compared with Nuwa at this time, their merit power is still far insufficient.

"What a great merit..."

"Junior sister Nuwa will be the first to become a saint..."

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the vision in the sky with a complicated expression, murmuring to himself, and feeling very unhappy in his heart....

You know, they Sanqing claim to be Pangu orthodox.

At this time, Nuwa was preempted to become a saint. Naturally, they felt complicated in their hearts..........

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