The central hall of the human city.

At this time, a one-foot-tall giant egg was suspended in the air in the hall.

I saw that this dome was completely red!

There are also phoenix marks that appear and disappear in the egg shell.

This is when Bi Yun took out the phoenix egg that was previously placed in the system space.

Also taken out together was the three-foot-high Enlightenment Tree.

However, he planted the Enlightenment Tree on the edge of the square below the main hall.

There was originally a green banyan tree planted there.

It is the green banyan tree that contributed leaves to weave leaf clothes for the human race.

This green banyan tree has already begun to develop its spiritual wisdom. It often communicates with the children of the human race and is deeply loved by the human race.

After planting the Enlightenment Tree, Bi Yun handed it over to Shennong, who was good at breeding and planting, to manage it.

Anyway, in his opinion, it will take tens of thousands of years for the fruit of enlightenment to be formed.

It's still early!

At this time, he looked at the phoenix egg floating in front of him.

Bi Yun was a little confused.

The ancient Phoenix clan has declined, and even Kun Peng, who is now a demon master in the Demon Court, is just a remnant of the mixed-blood Phoenix clan.

So who is this phoenix egg in front of me?

Bi Yun couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Among the ancient novels he read in his previous life.

There are several members of the Phoenix clan.

The most famous among them is the Kunpeng just mentioned.

There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty. Its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that it cannot be stewed in a pot.

He has Phoenix blood in his body, and he has survived for countless years. After the decline of the Phoenix clan, he still has a high prestige among the Bird clan.

However, this old guy has been around for so long, so it can be completely ruled out.

It would be funny if another Kun popped up.

The second one is Kong Xuan, the eldest son of Shi Fenghuang.

Kong Xuan was the first peacock in the ancient world. He was born because the phoenix got the energy of intercourse.

His heels and feet are extremely strong, but he is also born with an incomplete bloodline.

Normal Phoenix bloodline is born with the energy of the five elements and the energy of yin and yang.

But Kong Xuan only has the Qi of the Five Elements and lacks the Qi of Yin and Yang!

This was also the reason why when he reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian, he had to join the world to help the human race and gain the power of merit to improve his cultivation.

Later, he participated in the Great Tribulation of the Gods and won many battles. Unfortunately, he was captured by Taoist Taoists and had to become the Peacock King of the Western religion.

According to Bi Yun's body memory, Kong Xuan had not been seen alive at this time, so the phoenix egg might really be him.

Third, he is also the son of Shi Fenghuang and the younger brother of Kong Xuan, the Golden-winged Dapeng.

It was also born because the first phoenix got the energy of intercourse.

His heels are as strong as his elder brother Kong Xuan.

Like Kong Xuan, he had incomplete blood and congenital defects.

However, Kong Xuan was born with the Qi of the five elements, but not the two Qi of Yin and Yang.

But he was born with two qi, yin and yang, without five.

As the saying goes, a big roc rises with the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles, so this guy said.

He was born relatively late, but something happened in Journey to the West.

He formed an alliance with the Green Lion and the White Elephant and built a Lion Camel Ridge, which brought great trouble to Sun Wukong.

Later, Sun Wukong went to invite Tathagata and was able to subdue him.

Of course, there are many secrets in this, which are not simple, but there is no need to elaborate...

The fourth one is Xuantian Fire Phoenix.

The origin of this Xuantian Fire Phoenix is also quite interesting.

His mother is the Phoenix Goddess, the sister of the First Phoenix.

During the catastrophe of the three great beasts, they were produced from the immortal volcano.

The body is the flame heart of a hundred thousand volcanoes of immortal Xuantian fire, respected by the feet. He has great magic power since he was born, and is in the realm of golden immortal.

Unlike Kong Xuan and the Golden-winged Dapeng, the Xuantian Fire Phoenix is a purebred phoenix.

He is born with the Qi of the Five Elements and the two Qi of Yin and Yang.

Thinking of this, Bi Yun was also a little confused.

Logically speaking, Xuantian Huofeng should have worshiped under Nuwa's sect and become a female fairy child under Nuwa's throne.

However, he, who is the sage and fairy boy of Nuwa, knows it.

I have never seen any Xuantian Fire Phoenix.

He is the only fairy boy of Saint Nuwa!

Thinking of this, he missed Saint Nuwa again.

Will she feel lonely without her by her side?...

Thinking of this, Bi Yun almost slapped himself!

Really not human!

I'm guessing the true identity of this phoenix egg!

What are you thinking about Nuwa?

At this moment, the phoenix egg suspended in mid-air trembled slightly!

Bi Yun couldn't help but narrow his eyes, but he had no time to guess anymore.

Because the phoenix in this phoenix egg is about to be born!

You know, Phoenix bloodline is super strong.

When it was gestated in the phoenix egg, it was constantly tempering its true spirit and body, strengthening its heels and feet.

This is why after he cracked the innate formation and entered the underground, the phoenix egg was still gestating in it.

As a result, when he absorbed all the spiritual liquid in the Lingtan, the phoenix egg showed signs of being born.

Therefore, even if the phoenix is of impure blood, it will directly transform into another form as soon as it is born!

Thinking of this, his heart trembled.

You can't survive the tribulation here!

Forget about other rich families, the family is big and the business is big.

But the human race is just a small family business, and it has finally developed to this point. If it is destroyed by thunder and disaster, it will be like crying without tears!

Thinking of this, he waved his right hand and turned the phoenix egg into a stream of light, flying towards the outside of the human city!........

The human city is thousands of miles away to the east.

At this time, a figure appeared, it was Bi Yun

"The maximum range of thunder tribulation should be only ten thousand miles!"

"That’s it!"

Bi Yun looked at the sky and murmured to himself.

Don't blame him for being so cautious. You must know that overcoming the tribulation is not a joke.

If a person overcomes the tribulation by himself, the power of the thunder tribulation counts as one.

If in the thunder tribulation If there is one more person within the range, the power of the thunder tribulation will be doubled! There are tens of millions of people in the human race. The superimposed effect is not a joke, let alone the human race. When he saw the sun of this world, he immediately burped. Thinking of this, he glanced at the phoenix egg, then glanced at himself, and then quickly retreated to the east gate of the human city.

"I found a guardian beast for you!"

"Now he is going through a tribulation thousands of miles outside the east gate city."

"All of you stay in the city and don’t go any closer than that!"

"Do you know?"

Bi Yun's voice immediately echoed over the human city.

All the humans were stunned when they heard the words.

Then they put down their work one by one, looked up to the sky and responded:"We will obey the orders of the Holy Master!"

After that, they rushed towards the east gate one by one.....

Overcoming the tribulation! Divine beast!

This scene is rare to see in a thousand years, right?

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