Blue Star World.

On Weibo social platform

【Today's anchors are really spending a lot of money. The live broadcast uses high-tech special effects, and the effects of the special effects are far superior to those of domestic movies by several galaxies! I would like to ask the experts in this field, can special effects be used in live broadcast? Every frame of this is a blockbuster visual! here is the image! 】

A viewer in Biyun's live broadcast room sent a screenshot of the photo he had just taken in the live broadcast room.

There are exactly nine high-definition photos in the nine-square grid.

There are prehistoric lands...

There is a prehistoric blue sky...

There are sun stars blooming with colorful rays of light...

Naturally, Nuwa and Bi Yun are also indispensable.

This microbroadcast was just sent out, and soon someone responded below:

【Damn it? Where did this come from? Not to mention the special effects, this goddess alone is unique!】

【Is this a picture from the live broadcast room? Are you kidding me? p!】

【Studio? Do you think I believe it? Be honest about the source! Not for the goddess, just for the special effects!】

【Tsk tsk! Slap domestic movies online! 】

The netizens who posted on Weibo did not expect this.���The picture effect is so good.

It attracted so many people in just a short time.

And after seeing someone questioning him.

This netizen didn't hesitate anymore and said in the comment:"It's the live broadcast room, Douyin's live broadcast room! A live broadcast room called"The Life of Cultivation of Immortals in the Ancient World". You will know if you go and see it yourself. Forget it if you don't believe it! Although if it were me, I would I don’t believe that the live broadcast room can have special effects!"

What the hell?

Is it really a screenshot of the live broadcast room?

But it looks like it obviously has special effects!

How could it be a screenshot from the live broadcast room?

Could it be that the current high technology can already add special effects to the live broadcast room? Like a beauty effect?

And what the hell is the name of this live broadcast room?

The ancient life of cultivating immortals?

After seeing this netizen's introduction, many netizens were surprised.

But driven by curiosity, they all opened the Douyin app and searched for this live broadcast room........

The ancient world.

On the vast wild land...

"Queen, I know how to create new creatures..."

Bi Yun naturally didn't know that his influence on the Blue Star World was beginning to expand.

At this time, he was speaking softly to Nuwa.

There seemed to be stars in those dark and bright eyes, blinking and blinking....

"What? Yun'er, do you know the way of creation?"

When Empress Nuwa heard this, her beautiful face was full of surprise.

No wonder she was surprised at this time.

She had been thinking hard about the problem for thousands of years with no results, and Biyun suddenly said that he knew how to solve it.

Based on her feelings towards Biyun. She understood that the other party would not lie, let alone lie.

After all, she was the one who enlightened her.

How could Nuwa not be surprised?

When faced with Nuwa's questions, Bi Yun did not hesitate at all. the meaning of

"Madam, Yun'er doesn't understand the way of creation."

"But Yun'er feels that, Madam, you enlightened Yun'er into a human form"

"Why not continue to create a new creature in your image?"

Bi Yun's dark eyes still blinked and blinked, and he slowly said......

【Damn it! The anchor is so cute!】

【It's shameful to act cute!】

【The little anchor is really a shot! I want to take him home!】

【Coming from Weibo! Just to see the goddess!】

【Did you take more than one look at the one in front? It's time to go!】......

The mirror of reality kept flashing, and the audience was very enthusiastic!

But Bi Yun was still looking at Nuwa.

After he spoke.

Empress Nuwa's eyes suddenly lit up. yes! Yun'er, this is a good idea!

The Great God Pangu was exhausted when he created the prehistoric world, and he incarnated all creatures and races in the prehistoric world....

Only there is no creature that looks like him.

Is this what Taoist Hongjun said is his own way of creation?

Nuwa Empress had many thoughts in her heart, but her face was full of joy

"good! Great kindness!"

"I didn’t expect that Yun’er, you are so intelligent!"

"I will now use the Jiutian Breathing Soil to create a creature in my likeness."

Empress Nuwa gave Bi Yun a gentle look and said with a smile.

"As long as I can help the empress, Yun'er will be happy..."

Bi Yun responded very obediently.

In front of such a goddess, he was in a very good mood...

Hearing this, Empress Nuwa smiled sweetly, then she stopped wasting time and sat cross-legged, holding the Nine Heavens Breeding Soil and started pinching people....

However, just a while later she encountered a new problem, that is, it was completely impossible to shape a human form by relying on soil alone....

"this...Why can't the soil be shaped?"

"Is there still something missing?"

Nuwa Empress said to herself, and became distressed again, and her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Bi Yun was a little confused when he saw this.

He couldn't help but subconsciously look towards the live broadcast room.

Feeling Bi Yun's He looked at the frowning face of Empress Nuwa, and suddenly, barrage of bullets popped up!

【Don't make my goddess troubled!】

【Hurry up! Everyone, think of a solution quickly. How were humans created?】

【The moment the goddess frowned, my heart broke!】

【I have to say, this live broadcast room is magical, it is really easy for people to believe that it is real!】

【Thumbs up for the goddess’ acting skills! Not only her looks are spot on, but her acting skills are also top notch! I see a new star rising!】

【I just went through the ancient novels and found out that three rays of divine water are needed to create a human being!】

【It’s over, there’s no hope! Everyone is in on the fun! 】

Bi Yun already had the cultivation of a heavenly being at this time. Although these barrages passed by quickly, he could catch them all at a glance.

Immediately I saw a piece of useful information!

Three Light Divine Water! yes!

According to the memory of the main body, he thought that Nuwa had obtained the Three Lights Divine Water before!

Otherwise, try it?

Thinking of this, he interrupted Nuwa's contemplation again:

"Empress? Didn’t you say that the Three Light Divine Water is the number one divine water in the world?"

"Why not try Sanguang Shen Shui?".......

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