Blue Star.

After taking one bite of the mutated cherry.

Ketchup felt a warm current flowing through his body.

An unprecedented sense of comfort suddenly spread throughout his body.

She couldn't help but close her eyes and look enjoying herself....

The next second!

Her eyes suddenly widened!

"I'm going to give birth."

She exclaimed in surprise, and a look of panic suddenly appeared on her face!

She hurriedly held her belly with both hands!

She felt that the child in her belly seemed to be extremely eager to be born and face the world!

See This scene made the audience in the live broadcast room panic immediately!

【Wa tak tak tak! what to do! Why did she give birth?】

【Is there anyone in the ketchup family? Come out and help!】

【Ahhhh! Why are you giving birth at this time? Is it related to that cherry?】

【Don't panic, everyone, I just called Jiangjiang's company to notify them....】

【Don't panic! My water has broken, please tell me not to panic!】

【What to do! Where is Jiangjiang’s home? Call an ambulance!】


Fortunately, the audience in the live broadcast room did not have to wait anxiously for too long.

Several figures rushed into the room and helped Ketchup up.

"quick! Premature birth! Take him to the hospital!"

After these people saw Ketchup holding his stomach, they lifted Ketchup up one by one in an orderly manner and sent him out.

A young woman walked to the live broadcast room and said to the live broadcast room:

"Thanks everyone for the notice!"

"We have sent Jiangjiang to the hospital now, don’t worry"

"This live broadcast ends here!"

"Thank you everyone for watching! Thank you all for your continued support of Jiangjiang!"

After the woman finished speaking, she closed the live broadcast room.

This magical live broadcast ended here.

However, the popularity caused by this live broadcast has just begun to brew!.....

On the way to the hospital.

Ketchup recalled the magic just now and felt the fetal movement in her belly.

Thoughts are flowing rapidly!

"The spirit gathering array is real!"

"The world is going to change!!"

"Who is Fairy Boy?"

"Is he really not in this world?"

"How can this be!"

"But things like the Spirit Gathering Array have come out, so what else is impossible!"

These novel and jumping thoughts kept flashing through Ketchup's mind.

Until she entered the delivery room.......... online.

As time goes by.

Breaking news appears one after another!

【Personal experience of ketchup is amazing!】

【A sudden premature birth occurred during the tomato sauce live broadcast, maybe it was caused by mutated cherries!】

【The spirit gathering array was really successful! Experimenters everywhere are succeeding!】

【Relevant departments pay special attention to this! Authoritative organizations have begun trials, so stay tuned!】

【The Douyin platform announced that the Fairchild account appeared out of thin air and they could not manage it in any way!】

【Are there spiritual veins under the ground? Is spiritual recovery just around the corner?】

【The true identity of Fairy Boy is a mystery. Maybe he really comes from another world?】

【prophecy! Spiritual energy revived! The great era of cultivating immortals is coming!】

【The jade stock market will hit its daily limit in a few minutes! Relevant departments may provide unified management!】

【The world is about to change]

When I see these news.

Some people were dismissive at first.

Aren't the news that predicted the end of the world in 212 flying all over the Internet?

Therefore, this time the news seems outrageous.

To most people, that's a joke!

I thought it was a rumor and it was impossible.

However, the next few days.

As more people come in because of curiosity, because of certainty, and for various reasons.

The number of small spirit gathering arrays has begun to increase.....

Strange things keep happening.........

For example, after someone sets up a spirit gathering array, he throws his dog into it.

As a result, the dog has more than doubled in size!

Fortunately, this person took precautions in advance and did not make a big mistake!

Then the relevant authorities get involved!.....

For example, after someone sets up the spirit gathering array, a mosquito accidentally flies in.

As a result, the mosquitoes directly mutated and grew larger than pigeons and more ferocious than eagles!

It directly injured more than a dozen people and caused one death!

In the end, the relevant departments and the fire department intervened and used flamethrowers to burn the mosquito to death!......

Some people are so idle that they put eggs in the spirit gathering array.

The result was a mutated chicken hatched directly.

Then, as soon as I grew up, I was roasted...

Not to mention, its taste is far superior to other chicken!

Humans have also discovered new continents.

Various new varieties were bred by the Spirit Gathering Array.

Mutated crayfish, mutated hairy crabs, mutated apples, mutated durians...

Some people even sell the water in the spirit gathering array. It is said that its name is spiritual water, which can make people immune to all poisons, strengthen their meridians, and directly cultivate immortality!.......

Finally, the relevant departments finally took action on a large scale.

First, he took over the Douyin platform!

Then there was a statement prohibiting jade trading and hatching mutations!

Finally, the spirit gathering array runes on the Internet were blocked....

This series of shots.

One is to find out Bi Yun’s true identity...

The second is to find out Bi Yun’s true purpose....

The third is to find out whether the Spirit Gathering Array will lead to too many unpredictable consequences...

However, after the relevant departments compare Bi Yun's age and appearance with big data.

It was then shockingly discovered that there was no such person found in the entire country!

Bi Yun's identity seemed to be completely blank, as if he appeared out of thin air.

This makes it even more confusing...

In the end, they could only stare at the Douyin platform.

While studying the spirit gathering array.

While doing the work of waiting for the rabbit to come out...

Just like, the moment Bi Yun appears, dig it out along the network cable!

To this end, relevant departments have also hired top domestic network experts........

It can be said that the emergence of the Spirit Gathering Formation directly refreshed the Chinese people's three-dimensional understanding.

It also expands people’s infinite imagination of the future!

Ordinary people don't know that at this time, research institutes all over the country are already fully committed to researching the spirit gathering array....

The reason is to try the principle of the spirit gathering array.

Also because of these methods and statements.

People in the country have a vague feeling that the sky may really change... an era of universal cultivation of immortality? Will it come?......

However, Bi Yun, who had caused such a big change in the Yanhuang Kingdom, had no idea about this.

Even if he knew, he didn't panic at all.

Because he had expected this to happen.

After all, the emergence of new things will always cause some changes.

He believed his compatriots from his previous life would adapt quickly.

When the time comes, he will be able to teach immortality directly...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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