In the eastern part of the ancient world, there is a small witch tribe.

At this time, the whole place was silent, except for the low groans caused by pain from the witch tribe below.

There is no other reason. At this time, many demon soldiers, demon generals and many scarred witch clans below are all staring at the small golden bead suspended in the sky.

Just now!

All the Wu clan thought that this young man who was a stranger to them but came to save them was going to be burned!

Just now!

All the demon soldiers and generals thought that this young man who was looking for trouble and trying to be a hero would be burned to ashes!

Just now!

Little Bifang is full of confidence!

Thinking that once the true fire of one's destiny comes out, all laws and phenomena in heaven and earth will be thrown into the street!

The results of it?

Bi Yun's expression didn't change at all!

Just such a small bead appeared...

Just absorb all the blue flames that can burn the sky and destroy enemies!

At this time, where is there any trace of the true fire of life between heaven and earth?

Thinking of this, Xiao Bifang was extremely shocked.

I know that I am in trouble!

Judging from the aura emanating from that bead alone, it must be a top-grade Houtu Lingbao or above.

Maybe it might even be an innate spiritual treasure!

Thinking of this, little Bifang stared at Bi Yun with his eyes.

But in his heart, he began to think constantly, who is the other party?

As the son of a demon commander, he naturally knows many powerful people in the ancient world.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of any powerful disciple with such a cultivation level!

It can be clearly seen from the vitality of Bi Yun that Bi Yun was born not long ago!

It's impossible for him not to recognize someone so young and so accomplished!

Since Bi Yun's identity cannot be recognized.

Then he looked towards the golden bead suspended in the sky.

Try hard to recall the origin of such a treasure!

How many treasures are there between heaven and earth!

Treasures of innate quality are even rarer!

Therefore, every appearance will attract the attention of many powerful people!

That's why Bi Fang felt that with such a golden bead, he should be able to guess Bi Yun's identity!

What is the fastest in the world?

That can only be one kind, and that is thinking.

To the outside world, Bi Yun's Yang Lingzhu was just sacrificed, swallowing up all the flames of Bi Fang.

Countless thoughts flashed through Xiao Bifang's mind.

Golden beads.

It has extremely yang attributes and can devour one's own true fire.

Possessing the best acquired and even innate quality...

Possessed by a young man who appears to have been born recently.........

These conditions kept flashing through little Bifang's mind.

In just one breath, he thought of what happened more than a hundred years ago...

The Taoist priest kidnapped the boy, and countless powerful people were involved....

Finally, it was discovered that this boy turned out to be the fairy boy of the sage Nuwa....

More than a dozen top experts have paid compensation for mental damages....

The trafficker took the Taoist in and compensated him with a golden bead!!!

Thinking of this, Bifang's eyes couldn't help but widen!

His expression changed from confusion at first to dullness, then to shock, and finally to horror!

Such a wonderful change in expression was directly caught by the Eye of Nothingness and projected into the live broadcast room

【Others won’t believe it if you tell me! I actually saw a very obvious change in the expression of a giant bird!】

【Damn it! Bi Fang's acting skills are really awesome!】

【Ha ha ha ha! He must have discovered the identity of the anchor!】

【When a newcomer comes here, he doesn’t understand and asks, what is the identity of this anchor? ? ?】

【The anchor is the fairy boy of Saint Nuwa, stupid!】

【I would like to ask, is such a bird a protected animal? Where can I buy it? Free shipping?】

【What a great performance by this bird! Movie king level!】.......... prehistoric times

"Who are you..."

"You are the fairy child of Saint Nuwa!!!"

After little Bifang reacted, he couldn't help shouting to Biyun in horror.

At this time, there was no arrogance in him. All his feathers had been put away, and he was as well-behaved as a little sparrow.

"ah? Do you know me?"

Bi Yun naturally saw little Bifang's expression in his eyes, and couldn't help but chuckle.

He smiled with a very gentle look, and touched his head with his right hand, like a sunny brother next door.

Little Bifang looked so happy. Startled again

"Yes Yes Yes! You were so famous before, so of course I knew you!"

"Fellow! Misunderstanding! What a misunderstanding this time!"

Looking at Bi Yun's gentle look, little Bifang felt a little relieved. He even said with a smile and walked towards Bi Yun.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding!"

As the saying goes, don't slap someone with a smile in the face. Seeing little Bifang saying a misunderstanding and getting closer, Bi Yun naturally didn't give him a bad look.

He still showed a smile that made people feel like spring breeze, and then waved his right hand, sharp sword The energy burst out and directly cut the Bi Fangniao who had just approached into two halves!

The Xiantian Yang Lingzhu appeared again and sprayed out supreme flames, directly killing the little boy who was still alive and had an incredible look on his face. Bi Fang wrapped, burned, grilled...

"Just kidding, who misunderstood you?..."

"Can misunderstanding be eaten? Bi

Yun murmured softly, and countless sword energy erupted again, killing all the remaining monsters............

In the live broadcast room.

Originally, everyone thought that Bi Yun showed a smile and wanted to reconcile with Bi Fang.

As a result, Bi Yun was seen smiling while he killed Bi Fang neatly.

They all couldn't help but smack their tongues....

【Damn it! This anchor is a bit cruel!】

【What cruelty? This is called insidious! This is the smiling tiger!】

【Insidious yarn! You must know that the anchor is in the prehistoric world! Only good people will be bullied!】

【that's right! I agree to kill Bi Fang!】

【Why don't you kill this little bird and keep it for the New Year?】

【yes! Didn't the anchor already start grilling Bifang without watching? Isn’t grilled mythical beast meat delicious?】

【What a misunderstanding! What a bad boy! Very bad!】.........

【ps: First of all, thank you to brother [Apocalypse King-Liang Bing] for your second reward! As the first and currently only reader of this book to reward me! I have accepted your wishes, but there is no need to waste any more money on rewards, as long as I understand your wishes! That alone! If nothing else, I will definitely try my best to write this book without looking for a ghostwriter! No waste! Not bad! 】

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