The eastern part of the prehistoric land.

A small tribe of witches.

At this time, there were screams and countless flames were burning from the wooden houses.

Even the old, weak and young Wu Clan were swallowed up by the flames and kept screaming.

There were also remains scattered all over the charred ground.

The pungent smell of blood floats in this space.

There were only about a hundred big Wu clan men standing.

But they were holding weapons in grief and anger, fighting with the demon birds that kept flying down from the sky!

The clothes on the bodies of these witch clansmen had been soaked with all kinds of blood and turned black.

There were countless horrific wounds on their bodies.

However, they seemed to feel no pain at all and kept rushing towards the birds with red eyes!

As a witch clan.

They will not beg for mercy, let alone leave their brothers and sisters and run away.

Therefore, facing the attack of monsters, the only choice they can make is to fight for their lives!

If you don't fight for your life, you will die, and your brothers and sisters will die too!

Just at this time.

A huge roar suddenly came from the sky

��Stop it all!"

As soon as this sound came out, it was deafening and resounded!

There was also a terrifying coercion falling from the sky, suppressing the many demon birds!

In an instant, many demon birds were stagnant.

The weaker ones fell directly from the sky and hit the ground hard!

The big demon and little Bifang who had been watching the battle were suddenly startled and looked towards the sky hurriedly! An extremely thin figure appeared in front of it!

"I am the Demon General of Demon Court!"

"How dare you stop the Demon Court from doing its thing? Can you know the crime?"

Little Bifang narrowed his eyes, and his heart was full of vigilance.

You know, he came out to destroy the witch clan this time.

But because of the establishment of the Demon Court, he went out to fight for the first time!

The purpose was to kill more witch clans so that he could get Some fame.

This way he can be at the forefront of the younger generation in the Demon Court!

It doesn't mean he has insulted the reputation of his father, Bi Fang, the Demon Commander.

What he didn't expect was that he had already chosen a relatively remote small tribe of the Witch Tribe. Why did such a stumbling block appear at this time? Where did this guy come from

? Xiao Bifang asked himself, but the demonic energy in his body kept boiling. Why, if he directly suppresses his subordinates as soon as he takes action, he will not give the other party a good look! And he brought up the reputation of Demon Court before, just to put pressure on the other party, and to boost the morale of his subordinates!


Let’s talk about Bi Yun.

After seeing many demonic birds stop their attacks under the suppression of his momentum.

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If all these witch clans were massacred, would it still be considered as completing the mission if he killed little Bifang?

He doesn't know this, but to be on the safe side, he naturally won't let the Wu clan here die!

As for what little Bifang said, he didn't even think about it.

"Fellow Taoists"

"The gifts are collected, and next I will perform [Dharma Appearance Heaven and Earth] for you all, and behead the whole party! Save the witch clan!"

Bi Yun didn't even look at the murderous little Bifang.

Instead, he smiled softly at the Eye of Nothingness.

After speaking, his mind moved slightly, letting the Eye of Nothingness rise and scan the whole place.

For a moment, here All the pictures of heaven and earth appear in the live broadcast room...

The wooden house was extremely blackened by the flames.

The ground was littered with corpses killed by demonic birds.

Thousands of monsters appeared densely in the sky.

There are also remnants of the powerful Wu clan men whose bodies are covered with wounds....

Finally, the scene changed and it stayed on Xiao Bifang and Bi Yun.

After seeing such a bloody and special scene.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel shocked!

But he was stimulated by the picture in front of him!

You know, the appearance of the Witch Clan is not much different from that of the Human Clan, but their stature is much larger than that of the Human Clan.

At this time, I saw the picture of the Witch Clan being brutally tortured by the Monster Clan in the picture.

Many netizens couldn't help but think of the time when the Yanhuang Kingdom was invaded and countless people were massacred!

Suddenly, these netizens were angry!

【kill! Hurry up and kill these beasts for me!】

【What the hell! It really pissed me off!】

【Anchor! How dare you kill a demon! I dare to give you a gift!】

【right! Not short of money! Kill me quickly!】


Colleagues who appeared in these barrages even received gifts one by one.

【Brother Dachu: I rewarded Douyin Skyscraper*9】

【Fire Fox: rewarded Douyin Helicopter*66】

【Yan Ruyu: I rewarded the Douyin aircraft carrier*1】


These rich people who give rewards don't say much.

At this time, I heard that Bi Yun was going to use the magical power of [Faxiang Heaven and Earth] to kill those ferocious monsters.

Naturally, everyone is looking forward to it!

After all, after seeing the demon clan inhumanely massacre the witch clan.

They were so furious that they wished they could get into the live broadcast room and help Bi Yun kill the monsters together!

To vent all the unhappiness in your heart!

It was at this time.

Bi Yun moved in the live broadcast room screen!

I saw his body swaying!

In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a giant that was thousands of feet tall and had the same shape as his own body!........

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