Ancient times.

And when Bi Yun was cross-legged in the underground cave, crazily improving his cultivation level.

A big event also happened outside.

That was the Demon Clan Emperor Jun Taiyi. Under Kunpeng's suggestion, he summoned all the Demon Clan creatures to discuss important matters on Mount Buzhou. simply put.

It was the demon clan Kunpeng who felt that the witch clan was very united with the twelve ancestral witches as its leaders.

As a result, when the Demon Clan and the Witch Clan competed for the resources of the ancient land, they were often defeated.

After all, although the Wu Clan cannot cultivate their souls, their bodies are extremely powerful.

Coupled with unity, the power of cohesion is very powerful.

And what about the demon clan?

There are demon tribes, large and small, all over the sea, land and air.

Without a unified leader, all demon tribes have no unity at all.

Sometimes they even fight each other for resources!

Compared with the Wu Clan, this is really a huge difference!

That's why Kunpeng suggested to Emperor Jun Taiyi that he should unite the demon clan so that he can fight against the witch clan!

Because he knew that Di Juntai already had the way to cultivate the emperor.

It also enjoys the legacy of Pangu, and is born with two innate treasures, [Hetu Luoshu] and [Chaos Clock]!

It can definitely suppress the fate of the entire demon clan!

As I said just now, Di Jun and Tai Yi were already practicing the way of the emperor. With the support of Kun Peng, the elder of the demon clan, their ambitions naturally rose.

As for why they gathered on Mount Buzhou.

There are two reasons.

The first reason is that the number of demon clan is too huge.

As far as they know, there are thirty-three days of space above Buzhou Mountain. If they can occupy it, they can accommodate the entire demon clan and easily unify it!

The second reason is because they plan to come to Buzhou Mountain to invite Fuxi into the demon clan.

Who is Fuxi?

His elder brother, the saint Nuwa, is one of the two innate qi of yin and yang.

It is formed by merging a hair of Pangu, and its body is the body of a dragon head.

If he could be invited into the Demon Clan, he would be supported by Kunpeng, a remnant of the Phoenix Clan.

Then these two brothers can definitely suppress the entire demon clan!

Not to mention that if they can get the support of Saint Nuwa, their position will be stable!

Therefore, inviting Fuxi to join the Demon Clan is their most important purpose in coming to Buzhou Mountain!

Because although Fuxi is an innate creature, he is in the shape of a dragon's head, a human body, and a snake's tail, so he cannot run away.

So Emperor Jun Taiyi and Kunpeng planned.

He insisted that Fuxi was a demon clan and let him join... soon.

Countless demon clans, led by big demon kings, came to Mount Buzhou.

The sky and the earth on the top of Buzhou Mountain are transformed from the backbone of the Great God Pangu.

With this Buzhou Mountain, the heaven and earth will be so stable.

At this time, even the huge Buzhou Mountain was occupied by densely packed demon clans.

Emperor Juntaiyi and Kunpeng also arrived outside Fuxi's cave.

"Fellow Taoist Fuxi! Dijun, Taiyi, and Kunpeng want to see you!"

Dijun Taiyi and Kunpeng stood at the front of countless demon clans and saluted Fuxi's cave.

In the cave, Fuxi heard the sound and couldn't help but wake up from his practice.

He cast his eyes and saw the densely packed demon clan outside the cave. He couldn't help being surprised and confused as to why Di Jun Taiyi and Kun Peng were here, so he asked them to come in.

Di Jun Taiyi and Kun Peng looked at each other, feeling happy, and walked directly into the cave......

After that, the three demons made some emotional and reasonable requests from Xiao Zhi.

Fuxi, who had a gentle personality, thought for a moment and could only agree to the other party's request.

But he just hangs out in the Monster Clan in an idle name and doesn’t care about the Monster Clan’s affairs....

Emperor Jun Taiyi Kunpeng was overjoyed about this!

With Fuxi's support, their demon clan is now unified...........

In the eastern part of the ancient world, in a certain mountain range, there are underground caves.

Under the three-foot-tall Enlightenment Tree.

Bi Yun sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, still in the state of enlightenment.

At this time, the aura naturally emanating from his body steadily stayed at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The nine Enlightenment Fruits on the Enlightenment Tree have disappeared without a trace.

The Lingtan on the side has also dried up.

This is the result of Bi Yun's hundreds of years of cultivation.

In a hundred years, he broke through from the early stage of Xuanxian to the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal!!!

A total of fifteen small realms have been crossed!!

Four realms!!

This is unimaginable no matter where you go!

However, Bi Yun did it directly!

Now he has reached the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

This means that he can truly be regarded as a powerful person in the ancient times.

You know, how long has it been since Taoist Hongjun finished his third sermon?

That is to say, the cultivation level of the top powerful person has reached the realm of quasi-sage.

Ordinary great power is in the realm of Da Luo.

Don't you see that Taoist Ran Deng was one of the three thousand guests of Zixiao. Later, after Yuanshi Tianzun established the Chan Cult and became a saint, he was still unable to break through the realm of Da Luo.

Later, in order to break through the quasi-sage, he was not allowed to join the Chanjiao and became the deputy head of the Chanjiao.

And he also belongs to the ancient power.

It is conceivable how high the peak state of Taiyi Golden Immortal has reached during this period.

It can be said that as long as Zixiao's Three Thousand Powers don't take action.

Bi Yun can then walk sideways among the younger generation.

Of course, he also has many shortcomings.

For example, if your foundation is unstable, you still need to consolidate your cultivation.

There is also a lack of combat experience.

Compared with those Taiyi Golden Immortals who have grown up step by step through life and death struggles, his combat experience is still insufficient.

This is also the reason why Bi Yun did not stop practicing directly after reaching the level of cultivation.

Consolidating your cultivation is very important...

On this day, a sound resounded throughout the ancient land!

Even Bi Yun, who was deep in the wilderness, heard it clearly.

"I am the Emperor Jun!"

"I am Taiyi!"

"Now our two demon brothers unite the demon clan and establish the Demon Court on the thirty-third day!"

These words came to my ears.

I was consolidating my cultivation.���Yun was suddenly startled and couldn't help but open his eyes...........

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