A certain mountain range in the eastern part of the prehistoric land.

Bi Yun's figure landed from a height of 10,000 feet and soon hovered over the mountains here.

He has been looking for a cultivation treasure for half a year.

Just when he was flying high in the sky here, the power of Hunyuan in his body was suddenly affected.

You must know that his Hunyuan Tao Body is the supreme Tao body in the prehistoric world.

Being able to trigger a Taoist reaction, one can imagine that there must be something extraordinary here!

However, after he landed above the mountains here.

No matter how he scanned with his spiritual consciousness, he found nothing unexpected.

The mountains here are the same as other mountains in the wild land, there are no other strange features.

However, it was this strangeness that made Bi Yun even more convinced that there must be something in it that he hadn't noticed!

Thinking of this, he no longer planned to use his spiritual consciousness, but set off and flew towards the mountains....

He closed his eyes slightly and felt the pull of the power of Hunyuan in his body to move forward.

Baizhang... fifty feet... ten feet...

Wait until he is only one foot away from the mountain ground!

Bi Yun couldn't help but stop, and his eyes suddenly opened, filled with surprise.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue, but there is a mysterious force intercepting him from the front

"This is..."

"The breath of the power of the formation!"

Bi Yun couldn't help but exclaimed!

There are two types of so-called formations in ancient times.

One is the innate formation, which is naturally bred by absorbing the essence of spiritual energy from the mountains and rivers of heaven and earth.

Such formations are all Because there is no one to control it, whether it is offensive or defensive, it is a natural formation, which is deduced and researched by the monks themselves, such as the twelve ancestral witches' twelve gods....

The Zhuxian Sword Formation obtained by Master Tongtian...

There is also the Zhoutianxingdou Formation in the later period....

They are all acquired formations and are deduced by great powers.

Most of them are offensive formations, but of course there are also various types such as guardian formations and spirit gathering formations.

And the reason why Bi Yun was so surprised.

But it's because he can feel that the power of the formation blocking him in front has an innate aura!

In other words, the one in front is an innate formation!

The reason why he was able to detect it in this way was naturally because he had already understood it from the [Perception of the Formation] compensated by Taoist Tongtian.

Moreover, with his understanding, after reading this formation comprehension book, he also learned the formation to the entry level.

You can arrange some simple small formations and naturally understand the basic knowledge related to formations.

After realizing that the formation in front of him is an innate formation.

Bi Yun was filled with joy at this time.

The reason is very simple. The conditions for the formation of innate formations are extremely harsh.

Not only does it require mountains, terrain, and spiritual veins to be nurtured, but it also takes a long time to form.

Also because the conditions for the formation of the innate formation are harsh, as it is being formed, heavenly materials and earthly treasures will often be produced!

Thinking of this, Bi Yun was naturally very happy.

After being out for so long, I was finally able to find something good!

However, it is obvious that the problem we have to face now is to break the formation in front of us first.

How to break it?

Bi Yun thought of this and began to think.

After a while, he couldn't help but sigh:"Oh, forget it, the popularity is not in vain."

"For the sake of the treasure inside, I can only upgrade the formation skills."


Faced with this innate formation, brute force cannot be used to break it.

It has been gestated for who knows how many years, and it has been combined with the fate of this mountain range.

If you want to use brute force to destroy it, I'm afraid you have to destroy it.

How can we break the spiritual veins under the earth ?

We have to use the normal method to find the weak points of the formation, and finally break through it. The Way of Dharma can only be regarded as the entry level, after which there are mastery, control, master, and grandmaster....

The difference between each level is huge, and ordinary people need to spend a lot of energy and time if they want to break through.

And if he wants to break the formation, he can only use his popularity points to improve his formation skills.

"System, help me raise the formation method to a higher level."

Thinking of this, Bi Yun said to the system in his heart.

As soon as he finished speaking, the system's voice immediately sounded:

"Ding dong, the current level of skill [Way of Formation] is entry level.

"To upgrade to the next level [Mastery], 1 million popularity points are required"

"The current popularity value is still 10.5 million, will it increase?

After hearing the system prompts, Bi Yun said without any hesitation:"Promote!""

"Ding dong! After spending 1 million popularity points, the level was successfully upgraded. The current level of the skill [Way of Formation] is [Mastery]】"

"Ding dong! To upgrade to the next level [Control], 5 million popularity points are required"

"The current popularity value is still 9.5 million, will it increase?"

As soon as the system notification sounded, Bi Yun felt a sea of knowledge appearing out of thin air in his mind.

As soon as this knowledge appeared, it was directly integrated into his mind and absorbed by him in an instant....

After a while, Bi Yun's eyes opened and couldn't help but shine.

I just felt that a lot of formation knowledge that I didn’t understand suddenly became clear to me.

He was extremely excited and immediately looked towards the innate formation below.

Suddenly, I saw something different.........

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