If it is to be broadcast...

Where is the live broadcast room?

Who will be the audience?

How to start live streaming?

These questions appeared in Bi Yun's mind.

The next second, as if the system had read his thoughts, it sounded a prompt:

"Ding dong! Since this is the host’s first live broadcast, the system will automatically guide the host!"

"Ding dong! Detects that the host is from the Blue Star World, and automatically selects the Blue Star World as the projection target in the live broadcast room"

"Ding dong! The target is locked. The system has selected the Blue Star World Yan** Douyin Live Broadcast Room as the projection target for the host."

"Ding dong! This live broadcast room has been hosted by the system and is under absolute management. No one can control the background...."

"Ding dong! Please host name the live broadcast room..."

A series of system prompts made Bi Yun a little confused.

By the time he reacted, his heart was filled with joy and excitement!

The live broadcast room actually chose the Blue Star World in the previous life!

And it’s also a platform for Douyin in his own country!

Doesn't this mean that I can still connect to my past life through this platform?

Thinking of this, Bi Yun was extremely excited.

Therefore, he thought for a while and said directly:"The name of the live broadcast room is"My Life of Cultivating Immortality in the Ancient World"》"

"Ding dong! Naming successful, live broadcast room is opening..."

"Ding dong! Since this is the first time for the host to live broadcast, the system will automatically attract 100 people to the host."

After the system beeped,

Bi Yun saw that the Eye of Nothingness suspended in mid-air suddenly sank into the void and disappeared.

And the Mirror of Reality began to project the live broadcast room's images....

"Attract 100 people at the start! enough!"

Bi Yun murmured to himself, then looked towards the live broadcast room.........

Blue Star World.

It’s eight o’clock in the evening, which is when netizens across the country start surfing the Internet.

Among them, Douyin platform can be said to be the most popular and youngest app today.

There are many different types of short videos in it.

Not only are there hilarious, popular science, and editing, but there are also many hot news that are discovered in it for the first time.

Now in the Internet era, Douyin can be said to be a gathering place for young people and a dream paradise for many young people.

Internet celebrity songs, Internet celebrity stars, Internet celebrity artifacts, and Internet celebrity stores are all popular among people, and many become famous overnight!

This also makes Douyin seem to have magic power, making people pick up their mobile phones and play Douyin inadvertently....

Recently, Douyin platform has launched a live broadcast channel, which is backed by a large number of short video users. Douyin’s live broadcast also has a lot of poor traffic!

Interestingly, someone recently used this platform to live stream his sleep, which was watched by hundreds of thousands of netizens and even rewarded tens of thousands.

It can be said that he got rich overnight...

Back to topic.

At this time, under the automatic formation of the system, a Douyin user named Biyun Xiantong quietly appeared on the platform.

The next second, the live broadcast function was turned on.

A live broadcast room called"My Life of Cultivating Immortality in the Ancient World" appeared in the live broadcast channel.

One hundred netizens were recommended to this live broadcast room in an instant.

Immediately, the image of Bi Yun on the ancient land was directly projected in the live broadcast room by the Eye of Nothingness.

When netizens saw the scene in this live broadcast room, they were stunned

【Damn it? This anchor’s camera has such high pixels? Like watching a blockbuster】

【But I am uneducated! Just one sentence to conquer the world!】

【The anchor has spent a lot of money! But where is this? Why is it still daytime? The other side of Blue Star?】

【Please tell the host where to go. I’ll take my girlfriend to have fun when I have time....】

【Don’t pretend to show off your girlfriend casually! Who doesn't have a girlfriend?】

【Why does the anchor dress like this? But it really feels like a bit of a fairy!

【This little brother looks pretty good in ancient costume....】

【The ancient life of cultivating immortals? Biyun Fairy Boy? I feel like this anchor is a bit unintelligent...】

【I have met all fellow Taoists. I am the last immortal cultivator of Blue Star. You can just call me Li Changgeng!】

【I will transcend the calamity and ascend tonight, stepping through the void!】

【Everyone, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, animals are not allowed to become spirits. Come with me....】......

Just the moment the broadcast started, more than a dozen barrages passed through the live broadcast room.

After all, this is the result of system diversion.

They are real online netizens, not some kind of zombie account.

It is obvious from the content of the barrage that most of these people were attracted by the pictures in the live broadcast room.

After all, this is what the Eye of Nothingness projects, and its clarity is naturally not comparable to the technology of the Blue Star World.

It was so immersive that it directly conquered these online audiences.

The title of the live broadcast room and Bi Yun's account name even attracted several netizens who often read novels.

They all thought Bi Yun was joking, and started making jokes about cultivating immortals....

At this moment, Bi Yun, who was looking at these barrages, also smiled slightly.

At this time, he was very excited. After all, he was in a prehistoric world, communicating with compatriots from his previous life!

How could you not have any emotion at all?

Faced with the questions from the audience, he finally spoke.

"Pay attention not to get lost, meet all fellow Taoists, I am Biyun Fairy Boy!"

"As for where is this place? I think everyone has seen it! This is the prehistoric continent!"

"There's no point in opening this live broadcast room..."

"I just want to show you the live broadcast of the creation process of our human race’s Holy Mother, Nuwa Empress....".......

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