The ancient continent, the birthplace of the human race.

At this time, Nuwa was suspended in mid-air, her incredibly beautiful eyes slightly opened.

She felt a little bit of the saint's power rippling within her soul, and couldn't help but feel a sense of pleasure.

In his ears, there were sounds coming from all directions in the wild land, including three thousand Zixiao listeners.

Listening to these congratulations, Nuwa knew that this was not a dream, she had really become a saint....

As the saying goes, someone who endures countless calamities without being destroyed, who is not stained by cause and effect, is a saint!

Nuwa put away the power of a saint that she could not help but say softly:"Good!" As soon as this word came out, it traveled through countless spaces and fell into the ears of all the creatures who had just congratulated her on becoming a saint....

Immediately, she smiled sweetly and her beautiful figure moved slightly.

He fell to the ground again and came to the front of Ten Thousand Humans and Bi Yun....

"Yun'er, why do you look so bad?"

Seeing Bi Yun's pale face, Sage Nuwa couldn't help but ask, but there was worry in her tone. When

Bi Yun heard this, the big stone in his heart suddenly fell, and he breathed a sigh of relief!

Why did he look so bad? It wasn't because he was scared!

He was worried that Nuwa would not become a saint!

Fortunately, Nuwa finally became a saint, and she still seemed gentle to him....

"Madam, I just...Gained the power of two thousand feet of merit..."

"This is not what I want!"

"They came to me on their own!"

"Can't throw it away!"

Bi Yun said.

Then his body shook slightly, and the two-thousand-foot-diameter Golden Wheel of Merit suddenly appeared behind him.

How big is the two-thousand-foot-diameter Golden Wheel of Merit?

Bi Yun compared it to it, and it was like dust.

But this Golden Wheel of Merit But she was still standing behind him. Are you angry?

Seeing the cute contrast between Bi Yun and the golden wheel of merit, Nuwa instantly understood what Bi Yun was thinking.

She couldn't help but shook her head slightly and chuckled:

"This book is yours"

"Yun'er, if it weren't for your help, I still wouldn't know how to create a human being."

"This is the cause and effect of heaven. What belongs to you is yours. After saying that

, she still pretended to be displeased and said with a pretty face:"Is it possible?" Do you think I am so narrow-minded?"

Seeing Nuwa's expression at this time, Bi Yun felt as if he was in a dream.

In the ancient novels of the past life, it is not said that after Nuwa created humans and became a saint, she was extremely indifferent, abandoned the human race and ran into chaos. Open up a dojo and look at the three realms with cold eyes?

Who said this?

Come out and see if I don’t kill him!

How good is the Nuwa Empress now?

She even took her away! How could he be heartless even if he had no power of merit?

Thinking of this, Bi Yun put away his power of merit and said with some embarrassment:"I was inspired by the empress."

"It is my duty to answer my questions."

As he said that, he didn't mention a word about the power of merit....

When Nuwa saw this, she couldn't help but smile.

Then she thought of something, turned around and looked at the tens of thousands of humans who were kneeling on the ground, and then said to Bi Yun:"Good Yun'er, since you said this is your duty, then the task of teaching the humans will be left to you...."

You know, she became a saint for the first time this time.

You also need to build a dojo in the chaos.

And he spent some time in seclusion to understand the mystery of the saint's realm.

Therefore, there really is not much time to teach the human race.

But she created the human race, and she couldn't just let it go!

You know, the prehistoric continent is full of dangers.

Although these human races are born with Taoism, they are still too weak and do not know how to practice at all.

Any primitive creature that comes out can wipe out this newly born human race!

Therefore, Nuwa thought of letting Bi Yun stay and teach the human race.

Only in this way can the human race develop..........

When Graduation heard the words of Empress Nuwa, he was stunned.

Why is it that the more you don’t want something to happen, the more it will happen?

He just thought that Nuwa would not let go of the human race, but now it happened?

This fucking Murphy's Law is everywhere!

But now that things have come to this, can he refuse?

Not only is his identity the fairy boy of Nuwa, but before he becomes strong, it is inevitable to hold Nuwa's thigh.

Just say that these human races have countless connections with him in his previous life, and it is impossible for him to just let them go....

In a sense, these human races are his ancestors across time and space....

What kind of confusing relationship is this?...

Furthermore, after leaving Nuwa, I can explore the system as soon as possible!

You must know that the system is so flawed, this is the shortcut to rapid growth!

Only when you become stronger can you do whatever you want!

Bi Yun thought so and couldn't help but nodded slightly and said to Nuwa:"Yun'er obeys!"

"good! It’s better to be good Yun’er!

Nuwa smiled sweetly, then turned to face the ten thousand people and said:"From now on, Yun'er will be your holy teacher, responsible for teaching you how to practice."..."

After saying that, she seemed to be afraid that Bi Yun would regret it, so she blinked directly at Bi Yun, and the next second her figure directly escaped into the void and disappeared...........

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