One day in the middle of the cave, the world has been around for thousands of years.

But somewhere, this sentence should be said in reverse.

The vines of lush and green cover everything, and the thick chains are full of rust. You must lift up the thick weed leaves and the soil layer to see a strange face, covered with it. The muddy eyebrows are three feet long, and the beard like the rooted old tree is probably several hundred meters long.

If it wasn't for the hatred in those cloudy eyes, Mu Shaoan would almost think that Ye Wu had already died.

Yes, his momentary negligence caused the time flow speed of the interior space of the bronze coffin to speed up, so although it has only been more than a hundred years since the last visit, time has passed inside the bronze coffin. a thousand years.

I have to say, Ye Wu is really an anti-torture.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry, please tell me about the situation of a civilized battlefield in Tianlong Civilization called "The Sword of King and Justice"."

Mu Shaoan smiled authentically .

Ye Wu roared desperately, struggling desperately.

Mu Shaoan pretended not to see, nonsense, his dignified law Heavenly God, if Ye Wu, a small virus with only Samsung Demi-God strength, escaped, wouldn’t it be the biggest joke in the world?

A few minutes later, Mu Shaoan got the information he wanted, which was more detailed in some respects than the information held by the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association. There is no way, this is the advantage.

In a blink of an eye, Mu Shaoan’s mind returned to his body. The four of them are currently hiding in a ruin to rest. Even if they just opened the door and killed a virus squad, it was not enough for them. Confidence.

Well, Mu Shaoan doesn’t say that he suddenly sensed huge aura fluctuations in the distance, suspected to be a high-level Heavenly God or a war evil beast equivalent to high-level Heavenly God, these two exist , All can cause annihilation to their squad.

And he really didn't want people to know that the remnant crab of fate was here.

"I really can't imagine that the resistance of Tianlong people is so resolute. I always thought they only like puzzles."

Hidden in a small space of ruins. Xiao Wumao sighed with genuine emotion. The unyielding, heroic confrontation in front of them could easily give them a strong sense of identification. Not only Xiao Wuwang, but even Old Fourth and Tangning seemed to be immersed in this tragedy.

There is an atmosphere of the same hatred and hatred brewing.

"What this said, it seems that in your impression, the laymen are all scholars without the power to bind chickens. Do you know that before the poison insect has not betrayed, Tianlong civilization It is the most famous mercenary business merchant in the Myriad Realms starry sky. It can export no less than one hundred Legendary-level mercenary wars every year. The number of mercenaries registered in Tianlong civilization exceeds one at the Demi-God Level. Millions of people?"

"Who gives you the illusion that your limbs must be weak when your IQ is high? In fact, because the average level of IQ is extremely high, Tinno people perform well in all aspects. Calling excellent, whether it is ideal or materialism, people mix better than you think. You can go to the battlefield, can afford a kitchen knife, write cosmic sonnets, can afford to fight ground ruffians, handsome, suave, and suave, Myriad Realms Stars version of Little Li Flying Dagger I will talk nonsense? Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association has three senior antivirus hunters from Tianlong civilization, including the law of Heavenly God that has mastered the laws of the Internet."

"And over the years, Tianlong Civilization has produced a total of 12 high-level Heavenly Gods, but there are currently three missing due to some kind of unsolved mystery, two have gone to travel, and the remaining seven The high-level Heavenly God can still support this war. Therefore, Tianlong people are both civil and military, not hard-working bookworms. Of course, you will have this understanding, and it is also related to the promotion strategy of Tianlong people to the outside world."

Mu Shaoan argue with the courage of one's convictions retelling the top-secret information from Yewu, Ma Dan, it feels so cool to be a student, especially when I look at Old Fourth, Tangning, and Xiao Wuwang The trio's expressions on the dog's eyes were simply crooked and crooked.

And this time, they didn't even dare to have doubts.

Aiya, Boss Mu turned out to be a deeply hidden old coin.


Just as Mu Shaoan was immersed in the unique feeling of the halo of the schoolmaster, a dull sound suddenly sounded hundreds of kilometers away.

"What's the situation?"

Old Fourth will release Gaelic detection magic without saying a word. This is a special magic that originated from a Gaelic civilization. Something used to detect various law data.

"Wait, this thing can't be randomly placed."

Mu Shaoan quickly grabbed Old Fourth, not all powerful creatures will be detected, in case it catches fire. That's not good, such as the war beast.

"Let's go out and have a look."

Mu Shaoan took the lead in rushing out of the hidden ruin space, and by the way, without showing a trace, retracted the mechanical dust arranged outside. This is the masking breath. The ultimate weapon.

Old Fourth, Tangning, and Xiao Wuwang would never think of this, so they still maintained a trembling with fear attitude, like walking on thin ice.

"What's that?"

As soon as they got out of the ruins, Old Fourth asked in surprise, because about a few hundred kilometers away in front of them, there was a rare beast like a small hill. While raging crazily, the thing couldn’t see the specific shape, it was just a big mass, but from time to time there would be a few huge claws or wings popping up, and it would even be transparent and blurry, but that thing’s attack The force is absolutely tyrannical, and the surrounding atmosphere shows that Law Power has reached the fourth level of Peak, which is boiling!

This means that at least the equivalent of the release of the seven-star Heavenly God technology.

"It is a war evil beast, a monster born after the impact of various laws on the battlefield. You can understand it as the ultimate biochemical zombie of the Myriad Realms starry sky version. You must know that in Myriad. In the realms starry sky, Heavenly God is the strongest level that all creatures can reach, but it does not mean that it is the strongest battle strength in the Myriad Realms starry sky. Existences with more terrifying power abound. For example, chaotic creations, such as Laws of evil beasts, such as the spirits of the realm, etc."

"Most of these beings do not have self-awareness, only aggression and devouring instinct, and their growth has no limit. Like being born on the most tragic battlefield The war evil beast, which has the strength of the low-level Heavenly God at birth, will continue to grow, and will be stronger than the most powerful law Heavenly God. Once in the Purple Eagle War, there was a war evil beast king, it It swallowed all the evil beasts of war and was so powerful that it could not be destroyed. The Heavenly God Giant Que, the Heavenly God Cambrian, and the Heavenly God Hook, took 19 high-level Heavenly Gods around it and fought for a whole day. It can be successfully killed, but in the end it can only be sealed in that period of history."

"But if such a king of war evil beasts is sent to the relics of the last god war, the top It can only be regarded as a small BOSS, there are more terrifying war beasts hidden there, so the Great Influence of Myriad Realms has always had an unwritten rule, that is, war beasts that appear on the battlefield, both sides must together destroy them. Of course, compliance or non-compliance is another matter. It seems that the virus camp and the Tianlong people are really impatient, and they let this war evil beast grow up wantonly."

Mu Shaoan sighed with emotion and showed off the Xueba attribute, and once again shook the three of Old Fourth, Tangning, and Xiao Wuwang into absolute silence.

This is really Yewu, and life suddenly becomes colorful.

"Then what shall we do now? Run away! Or kill this guy." Old Fourth licked his lips, causing Mu Shaoan to give her another look.

"Of course it is to be killed. This world is not covered by the infinite Heavenly God skill, so nothing will be dropped, but this kind of war beast is different. This is the mobile wild BOSS. Killing will inevitably drop Law Fragment! Do you know what Law Fragment means? That means you can continue to advance."

"Now, Lao Xiao, you stay to watch the game, Old Fourth, Tangning, follow me Go!"

With a shout, Mu Shaoan turned into the hammer brother of hundred zhang high, and rushed forward rumblingly. It is impossible to kill the monsters and steal the treasures, but the monsters must be robbed. .

As for whether it will cause any friendly disputes, a joke, he specifically rushed forward at this time because the team of Tianlong soldiers on the opposite side was already dead and injured. At this time, dare not to say thank you , Believing or not old man kill a witness to silence them?

There are five soldiers left in the team of Tianlong soldiers. They fought horribly, but the war beast was unscathed, not because its defense was high enough, but because this thing is the law disorder. The energy body born from the evildoer has no health at all, and there is no saying that it is injured.

The only way to deal with such a monster is to suppress, suppress! Increase the damage output to its critical point, and then it will be easier to handle, otherwise, no matter how much you attack, it will be the energy for this war evil beast.

That is, Old Fourth and Tangning did not understand the truth at all, so they rushed up like newborn calves do not fear tigers. Of course, since Mu Shaoan dared to make a move, there would be a hundred 100% sure.

"Hammer——Brother Hammer!"

With a loud roar, the big move started. The indiscriminate sonic boom directly killed a severely wounded Tianlong soldier on the spot. This is an accidental injury.

The remaining four Tianlong soldiers could not be restrained and fell into a brief coma.

In fact, such a sonic boom attack poses no threat to the war evil beast, but the movement created is enough to attract the attention of the war evil beast. This thing has no self-consciousness and is completely based on Law Power. To automatically determine the target of the attack.

So at this time, the war beast changed suddenly, and tú tú suddenly spit out dozens of hundreds of kilometers long'tongues' directly entwined on the body of Mu Shaoan's Hammer.

Then in the next second, the body that looked like a hill of war evil beasts disappeared, but Mu Shaoan's Tongue entangled on the body of Brother Hammer suddenly a few hundred more times.

This is the evil beast of war, with countless forms of war.

Old Fourth and Tangning were shocked, but they still didn’t understand the seriousness of the situation. To be honest, the low-level Heavenly God was so entangled by the war evil beasts. body dies and Dao disappears.

Unfortunately, the main body of Mu Shaoan is purely made of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire gold, and can't be strangled by this newborn war beast.

Of course the same, if Mu Shaoan doesn't use other means, relying on the main body of Hammer, he can't escape the entanglement of this war evil beast, and the two can only stand in a stalemate.

At this time, you can see the effects of Old Fourth and Tangning. A Heavenly God skill "quiet" can directly reduce the fluctuation of the law power of the war evil beast by half a level, a Heavenly God's technology'politics' can make Mu Shaoan's Hammer body increase by 10% formidable power.

In this way, we can break through the critical point of the Law Power of the war evil beast.

Mu Shaoan began to hammer continuously!

Crazy hammer, desperate hammer!

Finally, after being hammered hundreds of times, the war beast finally burst like a hammered watermelon with a bang. There were no corpses, only the sky full of Law Fragment, which was hundreds of yuan!

This is the real good thing.

But at this time, a faint black shadow flickered in the air, snatching all the Law Fragment away in the blink of an eye, and then disappeared instantly.

I was hacked, and I was hacked!

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