There is no ruin in front of me, because the ruins are much more complete than here.

"This is the last stronghold of this world. It is also the headquarters of the Resistance Army. It is also the battlefield of the last battle. It is also the capital of the King of Wisdom. However, I don’t think I can find it here. That human head."

Mu Shaoan and the others quickly found the specific location, which is not difficult, because although the historical data of this world no longer appears with the invasion of the virus, it can be related to the virus. War is originally a new history, so it can still be recorded.

It's just that this battlefield is too miserable.

The huge and towering city in the original picture was not only raze to the ground, but now there are no bricks. The entire city has become a large city with a diameter of more than 2,000 kilometers and a depth of more than ten kilometers. pit.

In the big pit, the starlight is a little bit, but this is a sign that the world barrier has begun to collapse.

Outside the big pit, there is a piece of scorched earth, all the original mountains, trees, and stones are missing. As for the corpse, sorry, nothing left.

It’s no wonder everyone is puzzled. Even Cynthia and Old Fourth are not optimistic. They are all like this. You still let us find that skull. What are you kidding me?

Mu Shaoan himself feels ridiculous intellectually, but his instinct tells him that he can find it and must find it.

"Let's do it!"

Mu Shaoan said in a nutshell, everyone was ready to disperse and search in this sleek world, even if it is an impossible task forever Task.

"Wait." Cynthia stopped everyone at this moment, and then looked towards Mu Shaoan, "Are you really sure, we can find that skull?"

"I I don’t know how to say it." Mu Shaoan helplessly said, "Or just make sure."

"Okay, just take it as a certainty. Using your intuition, I suddenly had an idea just now. Why don't we think about this from the nature of Tianlong's civilization?" Cynthia mused.

"You mean-the characteristics of the layout?" Old Fourth is also slightly frowned, and also looked thoughtful.

"Yes, in the starry sky of Myriad Realms, Tianlong civilization is very distinctive, because they stubbornly chose this not the best development route. We all know that the layout It’s very difficult to deal with, but the layouter can’t deal with everything. Anyone can understand this truth. Why doesn’t the smarter layouter, that is, the Tianlong people, understand it? So in a sense, this civilization It is deformed."

"But since it is a deformed civilization, it must be of little value. Then, you, a civilization without much value, is it worth the visit of the virus camp's architecture, Heavenly God? Is it worth the Anti-Virus Association’s defense at all costs?"

"So I was thinking about one thing before. The unique culture of the layout of Tianlong Civilization is more like a puzzle, hidden by layers of fog. All the Tianlong people, and the generations of Tianlong people who have arranged the game, are to cover up the existence of this real puzzle. Well, for an inappropriate example, the Tianlong people are like the guards of certain imperial tombs. Tomb people, they keep their names incognito. They don’t hesitate to cover up not only from their identity, but also from history, but also from the laws. They even unearthed the rules of the chessboard at all costs. Everything is just to protect the original one. The secret truth is a tomb in a certain sense!"

"It is also because of such a unique origin tradition that eventually led Tianlong people to regard the layout as a commonplace meal, and basically all behavior patterns can be used. Consider from the perspective of the layman, can we boldly predict that the world will of this world we are in will also have such a puzzled logical thinking?"

Cynthia just said At this point, the eyes of eight of the ten people present were bright, and many things were clear at one point, especially not only were they not stupid, but they were very clever.

"The logic of the puzzle has a characteristic, that is, wherever the puzzle is, the key must be left, just like the secret line in our civilization, the one that escaped. This is not the same, nor is it a coincidence, but a mystery. Game logic, no no no, is the biggest feature of chess game rules."

"This principle is not obscure. Many people know it, and viruses also know it, but it is not easy to find the key to the puzzle logic. Hammer, if it were you, and you faced a puzzle, how would you find the key?" Cynthia suddenly turned to Mu Shaoan.

"Of course, it is to completely destroy the logic of this puzzle from beginning to end. Without the puzzle, naturally there will be no key." Mu Shaoan replied without thinking about it.

"Yes, the architecture of the virus camp, Heavenly God, should also do the same now. The logic of the puzzle that Tinnoh has been operating for countless years has already had countless layers and layers, even if there is a puzzle. The key, the chance of unlocking the truth is small and pitiful, so the architecture of Heavenly God chooses to destroy it directly!"

"However, if from the very beginning you don't know what the logic of this puzzle is, how can you go about it? Destroy? Can you punch and kick against the air of nothingness? So I have reason to think that the war has just begun, and what the Heavenly God structure violently destroyed is only the massive outer puzzles and deeper mysteries created by the Tianlong layouters. The game hasn't started yet-well, it still has nothing to do with us, but I know where the skull is."

At this point, Cynthia pointed to the huge pit ahead!

"The scene that Brother Hammer just saw should be the key to the puzzle given to him by the will of the world, but the key will not be a direct key. There are still some small tricks in it. That person’s head can Think of a skull, but the skull does not necessarily have to be a skull, it may also be an object resembling a skull, or even a certain pattern, such as this earth!"

"I know, that city is transformed into The deep pit must be part of the skull. As long as we fly up to the sky, we can see the full picture of the skull!" Karak shouted excitedly, but immediately saw everyone’s strange eyes, "Uh, what I said. Isn’t it right?"

"In theory, you are right, but in fact, you are wrong again. How can the virus ignore a skull pattern on the ground? So, from a high altitude , There is only one big pit in that city, but the edge proportion and shape of this big pit are exactly the same as a certain part of the skull of Tianlong people. According to the information we have collected, this big pit is from Tianlong people. It was formed after the resistance army and the virus were perish together. This is the key to the puzzle."

Cynthia had already written a series of numbers in the void while she was talking, but she was based on the big picture. The other positions of the skull calculated by the pit, while Old Fourth, the tortoise and the others left quickly, and used these figures to outline the outline on the ground.

Wait for Mu Shaoan to jump into the sky again, and what fell into his eyes was a super huge Tinno skull.

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