Mu Shaoan's attitude is very determined, and among the other four, only Divine Wood, Huozhu, and Jiangyu chose to stay, and Feng Luo also chose to withdraw.

There is nothing to say about this. It depends on everyone's situation. The civilization behind the trio of Divine Wood desperately needs to occupy a favorable position in the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association, so naturally they will not refuse.

As for the reason for Fengluo's withdrawal, um, Mu Shaoan doesn't know why, but this does not prevent him from holding the reward and the temporary aptitude permission given by the orange cat to the real war front line—— Tianlong 072 Hunter Tavern.

Cynthia, Old Fourth and the others were sent here before. It is also at this time that Mu Shaoan suddenly realized that the big circle they had tossed before was actually for The orange cat served alone.

Yes, the orange cat wants to select suitable new members, so they intercepted 16 hunter squads from them, 19 people were selected from the primary election, and three more were selected in the re-election.

This power is really not so big.

Of course, it’s not for Mu Shaoan to complain about it. After all, the Pan-Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association has passed the stage of building walls, accumulating food, and slowly becoming the king. They are expanding, so in today's battle, it's extremely tragic.


Tianlong 072 Hunter Tavern means the 72nd Hunter Tavern opened by the Anti-Virus Hunter Association here, and the level of this tavern is as high as LvLevel 23, which is really Mu Shaoan was very surprised. It seemed that his previous guess was correct. Tianlong civilization is really the place where the enemy and us began to lay out dark battles many years ago. At least this hunter’s tavern definitely opened several million. Years.

Now the war is officially unfolding. One side is one of the three virus giants that have just risen strongly, the architectural law Heavenly God, and the other side is Myriad Realms, who takes antivirus as its responsibility, and has now faintly become the leading antivirus banner of Myriad Realms. Antivirus Association.

This is no longer the grievances or personal feuds. It is a matter of philosophy, the nature of civilization, and the true war between justice and evil.

Especially this war broke out before the war of God once every five billion years.

The water inside will be so suffocating for Super Divine Grade layouters, so Mu Shaoan from the very beginning decided not to make trouble, don't make trouble, don't make trouble, we are big Bring a trumpet, and come here as a soldier.

It is said that it is a tavern, but it is actually as big as an Earth multiplied by 10.

In such a huge space, it is not easy to find Cynthia and the others, at least Mu Shaoan has to be checked for various identities, various anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, cleaning, physical examinations, and repairs.

After all, this is one of the base camps of equivalent to anti-virus hunters.

Even Mu Shaoan was given a free shot of the so-called'tetanus antivirus vaccine' after being tossed for three full hours.

Well, this is the unification of rivers and lakes. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

This so-called tetanus anti-virus vaccine is a composite anti-virus software patch, purely for anti-virus hunters below five-star Demi-God, because the strength is no longer effective.

The specific functions are anti-pickpocketing, anti-theft maps, anti-identity, anti-traveling, anti-historical retrospect, anti-fate divination, anti-curse, anti-historical solidification, anti-routines, etc. 78 functions.

Don't think this stuff is cumbersome, just think about the principles of the construction of Heavenly God and know that you can't be too careful.

Architecture of Heavenly God When Heavenly God did not have advanced architectural rules, what did its elderly people do best?


Yes, the answer is correct. Please sit down for the rushing classmate. When get out of class is over, remember to come to the teacher's office to pick up a small red flower.

In short-Mu Shaoan finally survived to meet nine new teammates including Cynthia, Old Fourth and Tortoise.

Yes, there is nothing wrong with calling them Mengxin now. Don’t look at each of them on the battlefield of your civilization, but when it comes to this higher battlefield, it’s Really dizzy.

And even Mu Shaoan himself is dizzy.

Don’t talk about anything else, the opposite architecture Heavenly God, there is nothing in the limelight for a while!

Old Ancestor, as the three major branches of viral civilization, is itself the law of Heavenly God. The high-level Heavenly God in the past of its disciples and grandchildren has soared to 58 in more than 100 years!

The low-level Heavenly God even broke through 3271 people in one breath. Yes, you read that right. This is the benefit of people plundering the stars of Myriad Realms.

Now, the framework Heavenly God has brought all its descendants and grandchildren, just across from it, glare like a tiger watching his prey.

As for the Myriad Realms Star Anti-Virus Hunter Association, there is also no show of weakness. How can you dare to go to Liangshan without twos and threes? This anti-virus association dared to rise against the wind, and the virus camp giving tit for tat, that was not blown out.

In this battle, the Anti-Virus Association dispatched 21 senior-level anti-virus hunters, and the orange cat is the senior-level. This senior real value is really high. Only now Mu Shaoan knows that every senior anti-virus hunter Below, there is a main team of elite anti-virus hunters, basically low-level Heavenly God starting.

In addition, the Anti-Virus Association has a great righteousness here. They have cultivated chaotic anti-virus models among various civilizations for countless years. A Heavenly God, a few Demi-Gods, etc., are all trivial.

So in terms of the lineup, the Anti-Virus Association is really true at all.

Full of confidence, because in the entire Myriad Realms starry sky, the viral camp did not open up a battlefield. Infinite Heavenly God is the main battlefield all the way, the nightmare Heavenly God is the main battlefield all the way, and the structure Heavenly God is the main battlefield all the way. , So there are also anti-virus associations in other places. Of course, maybe the focus is here.

So you can imagine how shocking Cynthia, Old Fourth and them are, the feelings we have come all the way, and we still enjoy the treatment of small soldiers.

So in the past two days, they are all cats in the rooms of the Hunter Tavern, collecting various materials and collecting battle reports, but they dare not pick up the task. Well, they are not a regular army. The anti-virus association Still disdain to force them on the battlefield.

This is so embarrassing.

The more information is collected, the more this heart will be refreshed.

At this time, Mu Shaoan knocked on the door of the guest room where they lived.

"Hey, the big guys are here. This is really very good. I'm still worried that you are young and energetic. You will run out to pick up tasks and die without a whole corpse. What can I do? After all, this is not In our own territory, even if I have money, I can’t resurrect you!"

Everyone was speechless, but they were still happy. They were told the truth when they were sent over, and they were worried about Mu. Shaoan's safety is at stake.

"Lao Mu, you are still heartless because of you, and you can laugh. After you learn the real information about this war, I don't believe you can laugh!" Tortoise snorted.

"Don’t talk about the useless ones, I have opened my eyes this time. No, I stole some Martial Arts Secret Book back. It’s definitely the kind of martial arts, Old Fourth. , Tangning, tortoise, you three hammers, scissors, cloth, let’s see who will make the experiment?"

Mu Shaoan said happily, even though he looks like Brother Hammer, he is actually a crab. So stealing the source of Heavenly God from Divine Wood, and stealing the source of Heavenly God from Jiangyu, it's still with no difficulty.

"Experimental product? Lao Mu, are you kidding me!"

Everyone was surprised.

And Mu Shaoan smiles like an Old Dog.

"Everyone, don't worry, I am a biological teacher!"

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