Yewu the past few days worked very hard, because it prepared to escape from prison.

This is an extremely rare opportunity. The neurotic admirer went crazy before lifting the table, or angered the wraith Azure Emperor. Anyway, he hurriedly got into a huge bronze coffin. within.

For the bronze coffin, Ye Wu, who is so knowledgeable, certainly knows its meaning. Even more how Namu lifts the table and displays one's slight skill before an expert. He stole a lot of memory from here. Secret technique, use those secret techniques to carve on the bronze coffin.

So Ye Wu immediately realized that the fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth's admiration might have caused some terrible disaster. Anyway, the bronze coffin he got into has the effect of isolating the inside and outside. , Not to mention the rich historical laws on it.

This is a godsend. Ye Wu immediately wanted to escape, and Mu lifted the table to loosen a bronze chain for it, so now one of its arms can move, and there are still 7,000 left Eight hundred 92 chains.

"Madan, that's a shameless villain who acts as a despicable and wicked villain!"

Ye Wu scolded this more than once, anyway, Namu couldn't hear it when he lifted the table.

The process of cutting out the bronze chain is very difficult, because this is not an ordinary bronze chain. Each one contains a historical rule of 10,000 units. The ghost knows where the law power is obtained from the table. .

And these bronze chains also cruelly passed through every part of Yewu's body, from the belly button to the nostrils, from the pipa bone to the cervical vertebrae, shameless, shameless!

Ye Wumei hits the bronze chain hard, and it will suffer unimaginable pain on its own.

But it has tolerated it. As the saying goes, it is so-called because of the great responsibility of the sky. It must first suffer from its will, toil its muscles and bones, to hungry its skin, and its body to be empty.

I will bear it!

I will bear it again!

On the first day, Ye Wu was terrified, but Mu opened the table without moving. He successfully smashed three hundred bronze chains.

Then the second day, Mu lifted the table and there was no movement, so Yewu succeeded in excavating 500 bronze chains.

Next was the 3rd day. On the fourth day, Ye Wu was still anxious, and he successfully sculpted two thousand bronze chains.

Success is in sight.

The fifth day,

The sixth day,

The seventh day-Yewu is already painful and out of human form, oh, it doesn’t have a human form originally, But it withstood this extremely cruel torture and torture, and it finally succeeded in digging out 7,891 bronze chains, which was so difficult.

Yewu's tears will flow into a river.

Only the last one is left, and then I am free, really free.

Ye Wu's eyes are full of tears, but what is the sound?



Yewuxun flew away, but almost the soul flew away and scattered , Because the coffin board of Mu Qiuzai could no longer be held down, and it was moving upwards.

At this moment, Ye Wu was mad, regardless of the piercing pain that pierced the soul, desperately digging the last bronze chain, but only heard the sound of "Bang Dang", the coffin board of the bronze coffin was covered. After flying off, Mu Shaoan sat up sleepily, as if he still couldn't figure out what the situation was.

After a few seconds, his two eyes finally have focus. Oh, I was dreaming.

On the other side, Ye Wu was already full of grief and anger, shameless, and fainted in pain, so there is no such bullying.

"Minato, Ye Wu wants to escape? It's so hateful!"

Mu Shaoan quickly discovered the problem, waved his hand, and seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-two bronze chains were enough. Restoring to the original state is really not a bully. I forgot that Lao Tzu is a mechanical Heavenly God?

It was just a small accident that Ye Wu wanted to escape from prison. Mu Shaoan didn't take seriously at all. He suddenly woke up. There was a reason.

"The three consecutive blood sacrifices have been successful, which means that the Heavenly God breaking technique has successfully exerted its due effect on the three teammates and triggered a chain reaction to enter the next level. So the Heavenly God technique finally made a breakthrough, from the seven-star breaking technique to the eight-star breaking technique, but I remember that I had four teammates, why not the four consecutive blood sacrifices? What happened? "

Mu Shaoan muttered to himself. Now, with the advancement of the Heavenly God breaking technique, he can clearly sense some different signs.

So after thinking about it, he muttered incantations, walked backwards to the world of nine palaces, raised his right hand, and pinched his fingers. After a few minutes, he was frowned, his eyes were deep and unmeasurable, and his expression was even more unbelievable. Fame, this result—this result really surprised him, he didn't even figure out anything!

"Ai, IQ and me, are really like tomorrow's yellow flowers. It seems that they can only be used to zoom in."

Mu Shaoan said lonely, right hand thumb and index finger pinch, one A mechanical coin appeared, turned it on, and activated it. He wanted to directly connect with the last teammate and ask him why he didn’t get the trick.

The connection is smooth, and the communication signal is good, but this time is a flying crane. In a flash, a coquettish female with two tentacles appeared in Mu. In front of Shaoan.

The important point is that this is not a phantom, but an entity. In other words, the other party directly followed the communication signal and came to him.

Mu Shaoan yelled, apart from anything else, the War God flag shot to control the center, and 360,000 westerly winds -90 appeared to hide the sky and covering the earth.

"Stop! I am an ally! I am an anti-virus hunter from the Pan Myriad Realms Star Anti-virus Hunter Association!"

The orange cat was terrified, using the fastest speed Shout out, although she is a heavenly demon, although she has incomparable abilities, but surrounded by densely packed space cruise missile locks, it is also powerless, especially she is very aware of the use of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire gold Past achievements of cruise missiles built.

Minato, is this crab sick?

Everyone talks about a disagreement and just do it. This bastard doesn't even give a word.

Knowing this way, she wouldn't have been so risky if she was killed!

"Oh, friendly! You are so lucky."

Mu Shaoan blinked and said unfathomable mystery. The orange cat probably will never understand what this means.

Because Mu Shaoan just searched for the memory of the Pan-Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association from Yewu’s memory, so he knew something about it. Otherwise, even if the orange cat called him father directly, He would also do without the slightest hesitation, because the female creature's teleportation ability is too paradoxical and too lethal.

"Uh, Mr. Crab, look at us, can you talk in another way?" The orange cat wiped a cold sweat, and a charming smile was squeezed from the corner of his mouth. What's special, the bastard on the opposite side did not withdraw at all. Those cruise missiles are just hiding the sky and covering the earth. They are aimed at her in every direction. This is definitely a shameless person.

As a veteran guy who survived the last god battle, the orange cat has never received such a big insult, but the other party looks as it should be by rights.

"It's okay, just get used to it."

Mu Shaoan showed eight teeth, smiled gently, and did not forget to adjust the lock position of some cruise missiles. Well, he just noticed now, this female, oh, this woman's appearance is really good, she's so charming.

"Mr. Crab, I’m really an ally, maybe I’m a little presumptuous, but the development of the incident is a bit uncontrollable, so what? Can you please accept the Heavenly God spread by bad luck? Skill?"

"Of course, in return, the Pan Myriad Realms Star Antivirus Hunter Association will hire Mr. Crab to be our trainee antivirus hunter. In addition, without violating the principle, we are willing to agree with you. This is a condition." The orange cat said'very' sincerely. She has always been the only one to bully, and no one has been bullied. This hatred will not be reported, huh, vowed not to be a cat!

"Okay." Mu Shaoan agreed nonchalantly. When the orange cat thought everything is fine, he suddenly added, "You can be my teammate first, because I have to Complete four consecutive blood sacrifices."

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