After a few seconds, Lin Yuan calmed down and smiled bitterly.

"Mu Shaoan is certainly not a heavenly demon. This is certain, because I am a heavenly demon."

Claire did not reply, which is not surprising.

Lin Yuan continued to mutter to himself: "Although Heavenly God is powerful, it is not immortal, so when they die, some disappeared, and some obsessions transform into wraith, and then wraith enters. The order is heavenly demon. The nature of heavenly demon's existence and its corresponding law are called the Nether Ghost law, which also belongs to the formula of power formation within the category of Universe Principle. Moreover, the Nether Ghost law is also a branch of the fairy magic law, just like the law of war Subordinates’ branch historical laws, immortal laws, etc., for example, branch Internet laws subordinate to mechanical laws, etc."

"This is not a sensational, commiting any imaginable misdeed concept, although what heavenly demon does Basically, it can be classified as commiting any imaginable misdeed."

Lin Yuan's voice is getting lower and lower, until it becomes inaudible. He didn't say the rest, but it was already obvious.

Heavenly demon should be born of the obsession of Heavenly God after death. Even if he is not a wicked person, the existence of obsession is destined to be a demon of vengeance. In mind, this is the foundation of their existence.

And this kind of revenge is the revenge of the loser against the winner. Innate does not have the upper hand. In order to fight, it is of course omnipotent.

For example, the four wraiths such as Lin Yuan planned to avenge the Heavenly God Giant Que, Cambrian, and Gelsem Group. Although they did not take the initiative to massacre many people, they secretly stirred up the situation and laid out Myriad Realms’ behavior. It would cause the tragic deaths of hundreds of millions of creatures. In the face of such behavior, the so-called direct killing and devouring demon is really more than 100 million times worse.

Even, the virus camp can only be said to be naive in front of Heavenly Demon. They have devoured so many civilizations so hard that they can't compare with the layout of Heavenly Demon.

For example, Lin Yuan at the moment, who would have thought that the battle between the inextricably killed virus camp and the Mysterious Rock Alliance was just a corner of his chess game? It's not that Mu Shaoan disrupted the rhythm, it's almost time to clean up the mess at this time.

"Who turned back the time in the "Mist" TV series world by five minutes?"

There was a long silence, Claire asked.

Lin Yuan blinked, "I don’t know, who knows what Mu Shaoan did? The only thing I can be sure of is that the site of the battle of gods is safe before this, otherwise I’m impossible. After passing so many times there, maybe it is really the change caused by the War God flag. Don't worry about so many, Mu Shaoan is considered to be a heavenly demon better for our plan."

"The rain is about to come. I don’t know how many high-level Heavenly Gods fell on the battlefield of God’s battle five billion years ago. Maybe some powerful heavenly demons were born among them. In normal times, they would not be attracted, but now the distance The time for the horn to fight for War God is getting closer and closer. The ghosts know what they will do. Maybe, this is just the start of another layout war. It also means that there are other unknown heavenly demons that are also eyeing Mu Shaoan. "

"Then—is there a legend about Foreign Domain **?"

Claire asked again.

Lin Yuan was silent, and only made one gesture.


Among the mechanical dust cloud, Mu Shaoan floats quietly. A mechanical coin in his hand is tossed up and down. The coin is hexagonal with a circle inside, and the front is foggy. , The back is mist.

But he didn't make it. It was a business card or an invitation to a meeting, which he obtained after turning back time. This also means that the unknown force, in order to send him this invitation to the meeting, hesitate to turn back five minutes.

This behavior is very peculiar, but it is basically understandable. After all, Mu Shaoan used to be a biology substitute teacher.

So from a biological point of view, there are only three reasons for this. One is to show off to the opposite sex in order to obtain a certain indescribable behavior pattern; the other is to threaten the same sex. The reason is the same as above; the third is a simple threat to prove that oneself is actually inferior. Of course, there will be a fourth possibility, that is, the other party is already very powerful.

Now, Mu Shaoan is hesitant to open it?

A little bit of time passed, Mu Shaoan finally decided to throw out the mechanical coin, watching the thing turn into dust in the mechanical dust cloud, and then merge into the mechanical dust cloud, a few seconds later, a The old voice sounded in the dust.

"Your Excellency Crab, I am honored that you have made the right choice."

"Who is your Excellency?" Mu Shaoan asked blankly, without saying anything. The seven-star breaking technique was turned on, um, it’s still the seven-star breaking technique. Before calling out the nine-star breaking technique was used to blackmail Lin Yuan, but now, with that round of red sun, it has swallowed all the inheritance Heavenly God skills of two high-level Heavenly Gods. , The bottleneck of the red sun has once again broken through 50%, which means that the optimization of Heavenly God technology can be opened at any time.

Originally, Mu Shaoan was still hesitating whether to optimize the method or optimize the immortality. Now it is good. When facing unknown opponents, his favorite is to immediately open the method.

Regardless of whether he is an enemy or a friend, let's have a wave of hurting each other!

After the seven-star breaking method was turned on, there was no heaven shaking, earth shattering movement, in fact, it would only moisten things more silently, so the old voice did not notice it, because Still in neither fast nor slow said:

"Your Excellency Crab, you can call me a spider, but this is not a coincidence. I have used this name for more than 300 million years. Of course, none of this Importantly, the important thing is that I am a Heavenly God Level anti-virus hunter. I am now representing the Starscar Council. The first is to express my sincerity, and the second is to invite Lord Crab to join the Starscar Council."

"Starscar Council? Is this a coincidence!" Mu Shaoan was slightly frowned, he was about to go to the site of Starscar Council, but the people from Starscar Council came home, he was still an antivirus hunter, um, Interesting.

“Hehe, it’s not a coincidence, but we’ve been following this war for a long time, but we didn’t join the Destiny Hunter League. In fact, before the “Mist” TV series started, I The application has already been submitted to the Starscar Council, and now, the application has just been approved." There was no weak spot in the words of the old voice.

"Why are you so sure that I will join the Starscar Council? If I object, will you join the'Destiny Hunter Alliance' to encircle me?" Mu Shaoan showed a playful expression, and his heart was quick Thinking about it, first of all, you can be sure that the opponent is definitely not a member of the Starscar Council. What are you kidding? As a force that can stand side by side with the Pantheon and the Heavenly God teahouse, if the Starscar Council is really interested in this crab, then it is not. Time went back five minutes, but grabbed him directly and sliced ​​it.

Mu Shaoan is very sure about this, because he knows too much top secret information about Myriad Realms Great Influence from Yewu, including the most mysterious civilized investors, and heavenly demon, which are very impressive The existence of horror.

But Lin Yuan, bastard, never mentions these.

Otherwise, why wouldn't Mu Shaoan believe him? Minato, all of them are all actors!

So, whether it is the Starscar Council, the Heavenly God Teahouse, or the Pantheon, they will never extend an olive branch to themselves, absolutely not, even if they make a big movement, they will not Yes, the reason for this is no longer profit, but something that Ye Wu doesn't know much about, such as the reason for the last sacred battle.

But, at this moment, why does the other party make such a naive mistake?

Perhaps, this is not absurd and naive, but the other party clearly knows that his identity is definitely not a time-tested veteran in the sky of Myriad Realms, but a fledgling rookie, at least Relative to the starry sky of Myriad Realms, a rookie who is still very unfamiliar.

Because of this, the other party will pretend to be the Starscar Council so blatantly. After all, the Starscar Council represents absolute justice. Under certain circumstances, it will really fool the ignorant Mu Shaoan. of.

At this time, the old voice said again:

"hehe, that is absolutely impossible. The Starscar Council represents absolute justice and will not go with them. Of course, we I don’t expect you to believe it. If you disagree, it’s okay. Our Starscar Council will still provide you with the opportunity to seek refuge in the Starscar Council. However, as a price, you need to act as an antivirus hunter for the Starscar Council. An anti-virus mission. "

" What if I still disagree? "

" It’s okay, but we will immediately close the origin channel. After all, the origin channel of smuggling was originally The ones sold in our hands, please note that this is not a threat, because the anti-virus task we asked you to complete has a great overlap with what you are about to do. If you miss it involuntarily, it would be a pity."

"Well, is that so? Okay, please tell me carefully, if I formally join the Starscar Council, what kind of treatment will I get?"

Mu Shaoan with a wooden expression , But suddenly there was a sentence of mountain road twists around each new peak.

The old voice didn't respond for a long time, and probably didn't respond. Where is there such a card that doesn't follow the routine? Don't all the jealous guys like this one like to be alone, live alone, withdrawn, and very vigilant?

"cough cough, Lord Crab, are you sure you want to formally join the Starscar Council?"

"Of course, what, do you think I'm unreliable? You still want me To repeat, in fact, I still quite hope to have a formal organization, a strong team, and a group of very bearable teammates." Mu Shaoan said in a serious manner.

"Uh, okay, this is really a surprise! If the Lord Crab agrees, the Starscar Council will give you the title of Honorary Antivirus Hunter for life, and also serve as the chief antivirus hunter of the antivirus squad under the Starscar Council. Every cosmic year, you will get the basic reward of 500,000 units of Universe Principle. If you have a mission, the team will be divided into five to five. If you are personal, it will be divided into six to four. You are six and we are four. "

That old voice I am a little excited, this is indeed a surprise, this is a mechanical law Heavenly God, or the future destiny Heavenly God, and even owning the War God flag, this business is too cost-effective.

"Tell me about the anti-virus task, what is it?"

Mu Shaoan asked again, his tone was as plain as water, and there was no waves.

"hehe, the specific task details require you to return to the Starscar Council, authenticate and take up the position of Chief Anti-Virus Hunter to know the specific task details, but what I can reveal now is that this anti-virus task is a prerequisite The task is to destroy the "Mist" TV series and seize one of the props like crystal ball. "

"Now, if Lord Crab does not object, I will immediately contact you with the other three who belong to Starscar. The chief anti-virus hunters of the council, they will be your teammates, of course, I am the fourth and also your Captain. "

"Of course, how could I oppose it, I can't ask for it!"

Mu Shaoan slightly smiled, this is really any cat or dog that can come to the group of demons to dance around. Well, on the day when the Jiuxing Breaking Technique is successful, there is a shortage of sacrifices.

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