Once strange things happen, there will be even stranger things waiting in front of them.

This is Mu Shaoan's own experience.

Now, he is standing on the top of the peak, holding a baby in his hands, a baby boy, smaller than a slap, alive, but from the outside, there is a layer of gray and defeat, baring fangs and brandishing claws, but the baby boy has a calm breath.

This is exactly the next generation of law breaking Inheritor designated by Mu Shaoan, although the origin is a little weird.

The dark clouds are shrouded in the sky, all around the cold wind whistling, a War God banner is inserted in the front, a full of evil BOSS's way of appearance-or this is also a good description.

Suddenly, Mu Shaoan opened his eyes, right hand index finger on the center of the eyebrows, there was a pupil of destiny appearing ten centimeters away from the center of the eyebrows, through the pupil of destiny, he could see the entire The world has become gray and white two colors, and there is no more color.

Because, all NPCs in this world have no fate, so this is actually a dead world, although it is extremely prosperous on the surface.

Mu Shaoan controls the pupil of Destiny and continues to look forward, east, south, north, west, up, down, every direction, every corner, he won’t let it go. I was sure what he was looking for, but some strange things and some intuition that happened in the past told him that he needed to open the eyes of destiny once.

Everything is still gray and white in two colors, occasionally there will be a glimmer of light flashed and passed away, but it is an antivirus hunter who has entered this world within the realm.

Ten minutes later, Mu Shaoan received the Eye of Destiny. He didn't see anything, but he was not disappointed, because only then can he be truly sure that Heavenly God Juque made the shot himself.

"Fortunately, when I entered the solidification of history, I left the most important chess piece."

Mu Shaoan sighed leisurely, once again with a finger on the eyebrow, and then pulled it out A black and purple fate yoke line, one end of this yoke is connected to himself, and the other end is connected to a certain commander of the virus camp. The former old acquaintance, the fifth ancestor virus, has now officially changed its name to Yewu.

After hesitating for a while, Mu Shaoan shook off this fate yoke. It was a bit jerky and obstructed a lot, as if there was a force torn, that is the strength of history.

Mu Shaoan is not in a hurry, but he controls carefully. Every second, he draws out a colorful fate yoke line and merges into the fate yoke line of Yewu. This is burning The fate of other people, to continue Yewu's life, can also achieve the breakthrough and solidify the power of history, and find the solidified Yewu.

For one minute, Mu Shaoan burned 60 chains of fate, representing the destiny of 60 people, and finally succeeded in cheering on the black and purple chains of fate, breaking through the solid ice of history, locking After Yewu, Yewu was solidified by history.

"The destiny Heavenly God skill is indeed unfathomable! And it is simply the natural enemy of the laws of history. It is no wonder why the Heavenly God giant has to fight the fate of Heavenly God. This is not private enmity, but power and law. Conflict."

Mu Shaoan sighed with emotion, and put away the fate yoke line that had been connected to the solidified Yewu. He has not considered how to use it, but he has not considered it according to his own Judging from experience, mastering this is very good for what I will do next, and it can be said to be easy to advance and retreat.

Receiving the War God flag, Mu Shaoan sat cross-legged on the mountain peak and began to wait patiently. He believed that there would be guests coming soon, because he had already noticed, In the enemy camp, it seemed that someone was secretly helping him.

It is the arrangement of Dan Yading and Awen Ge. At first, Mu Shaoan conservatively estimated that after Dan Yading became pregnant, it would be discovered by the enemy at most four months, but I don’t know why, the time was delayed to six. Months before the enemy was shocked, but at that time, even if it was a miscarried baby, Mu Shaoan was able to keep the lawbreaker inheritance on him.

That’s why Mu Shaoan determined that there was some kind of enemy enemy in the enemy camp.

After setting up and leaving behind a lot of back players, he deliberately showed up, wanting to come to the enemy of the enemy, It shouldn't be missed this opportunity.

Now that he has been here for half an hour, the guests should be coming soon.

Mu Shaoan's estimation was not wrong, but he estimated the wrong way of the enemy's enemy going out.

First, there is some small information data flow, then a light curtain, and finally a familiar silhouette appears in the light curtain.

"Lin Yuan?"

What a blunt!

Mu Shaoan quickly calmed down after the big startled, and then he realized a lot of bad things.

"Lao Mu, long time no see!" Lin Yuan said with a slight smile, but his smile was a bit bitter.

"Shut up first! If you dare to say one more word, I will immediately detonate the nine-star Heavenly God technique!" Mu Shaoan said solemnly, his eyes like a knife.

And Lin Yuan in the light curtain immediately shut up and said nothing.

"Who are you? You only have one chance to answer. Don't think that you can help me out before you can make friendship, let alone use Lin Yuan's identity to get close. When you appear to me with this face In front of us, we should understand that our friendship has been wiped out!" Mu Shaoan asked seriously.

Lin Yuan was silent for a while, and calmly said: "I can be regarded as 1/4/2021 of the long song of Heavenly God that fell in the Purple Eagle War. Because the long song of Heavenly God died too humiliating, she The anger and hatred turned into the first wraith creature, he was called the hurricane, the hurricane Prince of the Norman you should recognize; then the regret and sadness of the Heavenly God Long Song turned into the second wraith creature, he has a name called Ya Se, that’s right, that’s the teammate you once trusted very much; and the calmness and persistence of Heavenly God’s long song turned to me, so I was able to like a fish back in water in terms of mechanical laws. It’s a pity that I am wraith, otherwise mechanical Heavenly God’s position is not your turn. "

" And the Heavenly God long song has the last wraith creature that died, that is, her suspiciousness and brutality turned into a monk, and it happens that you also recognize , Is the head of the twelve apostles of the so-called Star God. Of course, this is one of the countless identities used by our four wraith creatures over countless years. "

"Heavenly God Long Song after his death The four great wraiths?"

The corner of Mu Shaoan’s eyes twitched. He absolutely did not expect that things would be so weird and strange. When he thought that he had hooked up with this guy, even I really believe that he went to cultivation for Claire, fuck, it’s pig blood.

However, he did not go violently because of this, but continued to ask:

"What do you want to do?"

"Vengeance! This is our four The only purpose of the existence of the great wraith creature is also the only common point of our cognition. "

"I want to know the specific details, but don't be burdensome!" Mu Shaoan said solemnly.

"The fifth series of people used to be the slave civilization of the black-eyed people, and the black-eyed people were the vassal civilization of the gray-eared people. After the end of the Purple Eagle War, all the civilizations related to the Heavenly God long song All were destroyed, leaving only a clever group of five people. When our four wraiths were spawned, after experiencing the initial confusion and anger, we decided to take revenge, but we are limited by Innate and will never be able to advance to Heavenly. God, until we found the survivor of the fifth series who was wandering in the universe due to an accident. After a brief discussion, we decided to cultivate the Legacy bloodline of the Heavenly God Long Song. "

" That's right. At the beginning, the most primordial fifth album people did not have much growth potential. They wandered in the universe, and sooner or later they would perish for various reasons. Later, our four wraith selected 300,000 most potential fifth album boys and girls, and injected them into them. After the last inheritance bloodline of the Heavenly God Long Song in this world, we then took these 300,000 fifth albums of young men and women from the most prosperous Myriad Realms starry universe, and brought them to this wild area where rabbits don’t shit. , Which is the intermediate universe where Dahe Civilization is currently located."

" Then, we erased the connection between the fifth series of people and the Dahe people. In fact, you think that the historical origin of the fifth series of people is put into the fault. Is space really safe? Wrong, under the historical laws of Heavenly God, all traces will be discovered. There is also the Heavenly God teahouse, where countless forces want to destroy the descendants of the fifth series of people, but why can Dahe civilization continue It’s safe and sound? "

" This is the reason. Daheren’s bloodline inheritance seems right but actually isn’t the same as that of the fifth series of people. As one of the numerous branches of Human Race, it makes They are very safe. As for the bloodline inheritance of the Grey-eared people, it is even more not a problem. Although the pure Grey-eared people were long dead in the Purple Eagle War, the Grey-eared people were after all Myriad Realms. The representative of Human Race, many multi-eared Human Races are now respecting the possession of grey-eared bloodline. "

" So just like this, Dahe people inherited the timidity and cautiousness of the fifth series of people. Suspicious, easy to satisfy, but without losing the characteristics of wisdom and cunning, it also inherits the gray-eared imagination, creativity, appreciation of art, and the cold and brutal contradictions. This is a long process, Dahe people After generations of elimination, superiors and inferior, finally have today's powerful and infinite potential. A brand new racial civilization-Dahe Civilization! "

"As for our four wraiths, they did not actually interfere with the process of Dahe civilization. We have a lot of advanced technologies and Heavenly God skills in our hands, but we rarely yearn to teach them, just for the purity of Dahe civilization. . As for what we normally do, the first thing is to search for potential Dahe people and provide them with some opportunities. For example, you, you know, once you were also one of my talent reserve list, it is a promising advanced machinery Heavenly God, even for this I have tested you nine times before and after, but you failed every time, no way, I had to cross you out of my talent reserve list——"

"Of course, what is even more embarrassing is that when I have almost decided to give up on you completely, and have destroyed all clues about the identity of Lin Yuan, you turned around and slapped me with a loud slap, so this is what I can only do. Stand out from behind the scenes, stand in front of you, and confess everything to you, because we don't want you to ruin the situation of our four wraiths for hundreds of millions of years because of some reckless action. "

"Yes, this layout is the civilization of Mysterious Rock and the Four-armed Man. These are our chess pieces on the chessboard. They are the chess pieces for Dahe Civilization as the pioneer of the king, including the virus camp attacking Mysterious Rock. , It is also an important part of the chess game, but we absolutely didn’t expect, you admired the boss to really be able to turn the table by the strength of oneself, but it was not the table that set off the virus, not the table of the'Destiny Hunter Alliance', yes We lifted our table, although it was accidentally injured, this is why I had to stand up and show my sincerity and hope that we can join hands. Because if you continue to toss like this, the secrets of Dahe civilization won't be kept. "

Mu Shaoan lowered his head to think, what Lin Yuan said shocked him, but he was not confused yet.

"Where's Claire? who is she! "

" She is the SmartBrain program that I wrote that year. It is the third generation of SmartBrain matrix. This series of SmartBrain matrix was originally used to create Chaos Base, an anti-virus organization. At present, this SmartBrain program has been updated to The nineteenth generation, but what I have to tell you is that among all the nineteenth generation SmartBrain, I think the most special is the third generation, because that generation I added some residual consciousness of the Heavenly God long song, you have to know , Our four wraiths are just the largest part of the soul consciousness of the Heavenly God Long Song, and part of the consciousness is in a free state. "

" Now you should be able to guess that the free consciousness fragments of the Heavenly God long song are 13 pieces in total, which were compiled into thirteen systems by me. I can swear that at that time So it’s definitely not for planning, it’s purely because if you don’t deal with it, these thirteen pieces of consciousness will die out. Just like that, I don’t know what changes will happen to these thirteen systems, because the future is uncertain, so I did not use these thirteen systems in the Dahe Civilization that we had high hopes for, but used it on a sub-civilization of Dahe Civilization. "

" In this way, they have become the main system and branch system of your Earth Chaos Base. The reason why I and another wraith Arthur and I have appeared in this Chaos Base for a long time is to collect them nearby. The situation, of course, I absolutely didn’t expect that something like that would happen later. Believe me, even if the SmartBrain matrix I compiled has a sense of autonomy that far exceeds that of intelligent life, even if I have a soul, I will never fall in love with a human being. of. But these systems that have Heavenly God long song consciousness fragments are different. "

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan smiled bitterly again," Heavenly God Long Song is a very powerful law Heavenly God, and also the fate of the previous generation Heavenly God, her grievances after death turned into The four of us, but there is still the most beautiful side in her memory soul, tolerance, kindness, um, cuteness, so the four wraith creatures of us are all male, because we want revenge, but the rest of the system of dissociation consciousness, It's women. "

" So you don't have to worry about anything. I am secret mastermind, but not secret mastermind. Dahe civilization is our hard work, and we will not destroy our own hard work. Similarly, Mu Shaoan, Dahe civilization It is also your mother clan and the civilization behind you. So, tell me, now you are ready to completely abandon all imprisonment and be free, or are you ready to perform the duties of a real anti-virus hunter again? "

"hehe! "

After listening to Lin Yuan’s description, Mu Shaoan suddenly shook his head and laughed.

"Lin Yuan, I have nothing to do with Dahe Civilization, nor do I have any sense of belonging. Maybe it was originally there, but after you explain it, I won't have it. So don't fool me with those words. Now, let's negotiate business! My request is very simple. Do you think the Dahe civilization you cultivated is very difficult to deal with. You want me to fight for Dahe. It seems that there is no problem. I have one request. I want to strip the civilization of Mount Tai descendants as a branch. We must have the backbone of branching, and we may still be relatives, but we are determined not to be cannon fodder. "

"Don't talk nonsense, don't try to smash me with big ideas, I know a lot now, you can't fool me, just give me a good word! "

Lin Yuan was stunned. It took a long time to say with a bitter smile: "What's so special about you, wild beast's intuition is still there, you are not optimistic about our plan, so you plan to separate it? "

Mu Shaoan shook his head again, then put away his laughter, and said with a serious face:

"No, it’s not that serious, except for the sense of belonging, the most important The reason is that I will never, never let down those colleagues who died on the civilized battlefield. "

"Even if they are dead, their bones are rotten, and the coffin board can no longer be lifted, even if I have forgotten what their names are, what they look like, even if I don’t Never had a chance to meet them, and never heard of them. "

"That's why I don't bother to care about what interests, what the overall situation, what messy advantages and disadvantages! Even if Heavenly God Juque stood in front of Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu would say so, and do it! "

" That is-where they have fought, they have watched, but at the last moment they did not have time to look back at the hometown, this is my battlefield, this is my battle against them The promise, whether it is the past, present, or future, forever! "

"I will kill anyone who dares to stop me! "

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