A star suddenly lit up in space, followed by a second star.

Then the third and the fourth.

When the Seventh Stars lighted up, the negotiation between the virus camp and the Mystery Rock Alliance Army officially started.

"In the face of interests, nothing can't be sold."

In a very ordinary space battleship, 32 negotiators sent by the virus camp were expressionless. Seated, opposite is the same number of 32 Mysterious Rock Allied Negotiation Envoys.

This place is not official, or even safe, but neither side has this concern, because when the two sides sit here, it actually means that the two enemies of life and death have begun some kind of unannounced cooperation. .

The virus camp needs to investigate the truth. It needs to catch the mysterious mechanical Heavenly God crab, and the Mysterious Rockman coalition needs a solid foundation, so even though it knows that the mechanical Heavenly God crab is its own Friendly forces, but the Mystery Rockmen Alliance still sold it without the slightest hesitation, in exchange for participating in the solidification of history.

The share of the two parties has already been negotiated, and there is no need even to fight.

The virus camp accounted for 30%, the Mysterious Rock Alliance forces accounted for 20%, a mysterious force accounted for 10%, a mysterious force accounted for 20%, and a mysterious force accounted for 10%. As for the last 10%, it was reserved for Heavenly God Teahouses, because they are just witnesses.

So, at this moment, the content of the negotiation here is not at all about the division of this solidified history, but on how to describe it, or in the most popular terms, who is the director and who is the female number one, Who is the male number one? Who is the producer and who is the publisher?

For the Miyan people, this is a completely unfamiliar, unheard model, civilization, or solidified history that can be played like this? But this is the veteran and veteran forces in the Myriad Realms starry sky that have long been accustomed to playing routines. They have even played brought to the point of perfection, playing out elegance and sentiment.

The way of plundering poison insects is still too low-end.

This is the real great generosity, big production, big scene!

These mysterious forces have a well-known name in the starry sky of Myriad Realms. They are called Civilized Investors, or "Civilized Angels" investors.

The virus camp can only be regarded as the downstream of this industry. Civilized investors eat meat. They can only drink soup or even eat leftovers.

It's just that the virus camp is widely known, everyone shouts and beats, and is notorious, while civilized investors and angel investors are rarely known.

Because of their noble (concealed) and elegant (evil) routines, they never shouted and screamed, and only became investors behind the scenes, such as the Purple Eagle War of the year, and the current war. .

Once a certain period of history has the ability to spread forever and have an impact on the Myriad Realms starry sky, they will turn up without being invited, they will not plunder everything, only focus on being investors.

Because of professionalism, it is worthy of trust.

So viruses or something are destined to be low-end.


Mu Shaoan is hiding in the vast mechanical dust at this moment, transforming into countless mechanical dust, and controlling this huge dust cloud to move slowly.

It’s slow, but it’s actually very fast, because the size of the mechanical dust cloud is already extremely large. Coupled with some well-known reasons, the pursuit of the virus camp is crazy. After trying a few times, I gave up.

Yes, the virus camp dispatched a total of three high-level Heavenly Gods, and 50 space fleets tried to blow this huge dust cloud away, or divide it, refine it, or simply vaporize it, or even those three. A high-level Heavenly God personally pulled three black holes over, hoping to create a cosmic garbage recycling furnace, because they all realize that as long as this mechanical dust cloud exists, they don't even want to find the mechanical Heavenly God crab.

Unfortunately, the effect is not satisfactory.

The individual of the mechanical dust cloud is very small. Any cat or dog can blow it away, but then, how many kilometers, tens of kilometers, or hundreds of kilometers can be blown away? A thin cloud of dust is still a cloud of dust.

Dividing is not possible, how to divide and what to divide?

As for refining, or collecting, transporting and burying, it’s even more joking. Now the entire dust cloud has spread to an area with a diameter of more than 5 billion kilometers, and this is only the largest diameter. This thing is like For a group of ghosts in the universe, how much engineering is needed to concentrate on transporting and refining or burying?

This is mechanical dust, not ordinary sand. Dust has weight. Previously, Mu Shaoan drove a space warning ship at 32 times the speed of light and ran around the world, although it was definitely impossible to finish a certain run. The galaxy, but enough to run the battlefield between the virus camp and the mysterious rock man, those abandoned, destroyed, and even the mechanical garbage on the hundreds of ruined mysterious rock man administrative stars are basically by him. It was drawn.

Want to get away, what's the joke? Nothing can't be done for hundreds of years. This is still not counting the factors of Mu Shaoan, the mechanical Heavenly God.

The three black holes that were pulled over in the end are effective in theory. They can definitely swallow all the mechanical dust clouds in a short period of time. Unfortunately, I only tried for a moment. The high-level Heavenly God of a virus decisively destroyed the black hole, because the black hole can only be swallowed, not destroyed, the mechanical dust cloud is affected by the mechanical Heavenly God in the dusty state, is it compressed together to become a ball without being affected by the mechanical Heavenly God influence?

And everyone knows that even Demi-God has the ability to take a 10-day tour from a black hole, not to mention the low-level Heavenly God, not to mention a mechanical Heavenly God that is advanced by the laws of mechanics, then The consequences are even more unpredictable.

Of course, the virus has the last resort, which is to use the galaxy-class main artillery to carry out volley strikes. The powerful energy beam is enough to make all flying ash annihilation, and the mechanical dust cloud is no exception.

It’s just that after high-temperature gasification, there is not nothing left. The dust that was originally the size of sand grains just continues to shrink and become atoms, molecules, and so on.

If there is no mechanical Heavenly God, they do not'exist', but the reason why the mechanical Heavenly God is a mechanical Heavenly God is that as long as there is a mechanical law, even if it is split into molecules, atoms , That is also a cloud of mechanical dust.

Are you not convinced?

Sorry, you can’t help me if you don’t agree.

So this is why it is clear that the virus camp is in control of the main battlefield, but it must brace oneself and cooperate with the Allied Mystery Rock to give up a lot of benefits, just to provide a machine that can catch that damn. Opportunity for Heavenly God.

This thing is really disgusting, because although there are always mechanical laws in the Myriad Realms starry sky, there are actually very few people who can successfully advance the mechanical Heavenly God with the mechanical laws, so who I don’t know how much power and destructive power the mechanical Heavenly God can have?

At this point, even the Heavenly God Teahouse had a wrong estimate, otherwise they would never give that crab a chance to collect garbage.

The result is now good. This cloud of mechanical dust floating in the outer space has become a dog skin plaster. It is not impossible to fix it. If it is really destroyed at any cost, it can be done.

But even if the Heavenly God teahouse is secured, the virus camp cannot be determined. If the mechanical dust cloud is removed, the crab will definitely be caught.

So they chose the safest way.

With this mechanical dust cloud as the core, all the real airspace within 5 light-years of depth in all dimensions of up, down, left, and right, and the time dimension within 180 days of time backwards, all directly forcibly solidify history .

There will be 18 high-level Heavenly Gods who will personally take action to ensure that the solidification history is foolproof.

Only if the crabs in the real airspace are solidified in history, is it truly safe.

when the time comes, if you want to braise in brown sauce, braise in brown sauce if you want to braise it, steam if you want to steam it, whatever you want, hairy crabs, swimming crabs, all are in the same pot. If you want to escape, there will be no doors. There will be dozens of elite antivirus hunters. The team personally captures what a low-level rule Heavenly God is, and the kind of skills or props that can block the history back are the most precious.

At this point, Mu Shaoan couldn't foresee the future fate of Yewu, and he couldn't see such a profound layout.

And the other party's pen is too big.

When the curtain was opened, within 5 light-years, 18 stars were lit up and down respectively, which represents 18 high-level Heavenly Gods, two of which are Heavenly of Mysterious Rock Man God Yuri, the four-armed Heavenly God Salem, and the five high-level Heavenly Gods including the Star God of the virus camp, and the remaining 11 high-level Heavenly Gods, are all unknown.

These 18 high-level Heavenly Gods are standing in different directions, pulling together a large net of 50,000 light-years in length.

This big net will cover everything, including the fleet soldiers who are not aware of the news at all from the virus camp and the mystery rock camp.

This will be one of the greatest, most magnificent, and largest solidified history in the history of Myriad Realms. 58 high-level Heavenly God pull the net.

This invisible big net is gradually being pulled up, no one will see the entity of this net, because this is not an entity, and people or things that are covered by the big net will not feel anything because of it. Consciousness still exists, you have to go to work, you have to fall in love, you have to go on a blind date, and you have to work overtime.

In this big web of solidification of history, maybe you will encounter a virus, because the virus has also become an NPC in history. NPC has a sense of accomplishment, as everyone knows that you are also an NPC.

But the greatest charm of solidified history is that you are dead and you have nothing, but the other one you can rebirth infinitely, repeat the path you walked infinitely, or it doesn’t matter if you don’t repeat it, but in short, it doesn’t matter to you. Any relationship.

Because you are just an NPC.

What's more heartbreaking is that even among countless NPCs, you are not a pig's feet.

When you enter this big web of solidifying history, it means that the theory of parallel universe has become a reality, and there will really be countless you.

So theoretically, civilized investors will make a steady profit without losing money. Diao Chan can have countless, Xiao Qiao can have countless, so theoretically there will be countless crabs.

Even the law of Heavenly God is no exception.

(Well, this chapter really has a special meaning, 404)

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