within the prison, Mu Shaoan expression is very quiet, if this is the fate, then he can only accept.

May be so comforting, he is still a lingering fear, and not knowing what to do.

Because there gauntlet of challenges that war Heavenly God, so his mind on the extra large number of ancient memory, or is inheritance.

This memory is not inheritance from a person, a powerful existence, but the information in Myriad Realms ancient stars that existed to Universe Principle, with Heavenly Dao, there are all sorts of names , like a mirage.

But at the same time it is again the man to drive, because the desire for a more powerful force, eventually evolved into all this.

This is a Road of No Return.

five billion years ago, more than 300 Heavenly God involved in the God of War, which is represented by more than 300 powerful all-out war of civilizations, because behind every Heavenly God have a powerful civilization.

God throughout the fight on foot for nearly a billion years, 15 high level of the universe, the universe Intermediate 37, 120 lower and therefore the annihilation of the universe, but also because a god of war, 23 high level universe , 42 mid-level universe, 219 lower universe was born.

More than 300 high-order Heavenly God that both are super powerful existence, has hundreds of millions of the Universe Principle, when they die, Sanyi out of the Universe Principle After long years, will unite new galaxies, and even the universe.

This is a catastrophe mieshi, or can also be called a Jubilee winter rains, also called the cut chives action.

a cycle of every 50 million years.

Under such a vast historical background, Mu Shaoan the only feeling is small, and helpless.


a strange voice suddenly sounded, Mu Shaoan surprised a moment, he initially thought it was a ghost wood ready to give him open prison, but then he was surprised to find sound from his mind, it is far far away regions coming war drums,

this is simply incomprehensible.

He listened carefully, after a few seconds, and a cry of "boom" sound, this time some more real, indeed war drums.

within the mind, as the blood-red banner that shot, Mu Shaoan heart suddenly rises a strong, want to hold up the desire, of course, he also so I thought, this self-control he still Yes, he can be followed on the bodice, as he vowed, he really thought, and then immediately change the idea, but was too late, his hands suddenly more than a scarlet banner.

What the hell?

simply scared to death!

At this moment Mu Shaoan one did not want to throw all that scarlet banner on the long pole in his hands the same, but its own kind of majestic power from on top of that scarlet banner perfusion over, twinkling of an eye he was actually there is a surging river to be drowned illusion.

Mu Shaoan only struggling, but fortunately he did not struggle, he was a struggling, filling up on that scarlet banner of strength suddenly powerful times.

I take care!

Mu Shaoan also anxious eyes, teeth and began a frenzied struggle, but the struggle, and that the stronger the force of perfusion, and are ten times rolling the way, simply impossible struggle too.

Even he felt that he this low-level Heavenly God's power at the moment is so small.

But at the moment Mu Shaoan but instead no longer worry about the outcome, not indecisive, not to think about those useless things, but efforts to resist, even if it has entered the near-death state, never give up, so stay write.

I do not know how long time has passed, Mu Shaoan suddenly felt a light body, almost on the verge of collapse instantly grasp the soul of everything, as he hands it begins to stick scarlet banner is reduced to ashes, no longer exists.

Almost at the same time, Mu Shaoan also came to understand that this turned out to be a powerful ancient Heavenly God and technology, but the challenge of war Heavenly God get the gauntlet randomly obtained.

War God flag!

nine star ancient Heavenly God technology.

specific use, summon War God flag, then the flag War God placement center, far form one kilometer in diameter, latest three meters exemption diameter region.

in the region of this exemption, without any negative impact BUFF, will not be affected by any Law Power, and have a certain super stealth capability (Note: War God stealth flag, the flag is not in the range War God rule war holder in stealth)

Further, summon war God rule flag consumes 100 units of war, after landing, the unit consumption of 10 per second, Supreme time limit, the skills without cooling.

This is a good thing ah!

Mu Shaoan after careful study a bit, ecstatic, others get this War God flag may not be able to play the greatest effect, but this flag War God with his destiny Heavenly God and technology, it is simply It is the perfect match.

In this case apart from anything else, Mu Shaoan War God directly summon the flag, banner scarlet a moment before he fell, but only three meters in diameter enveloped region, this distance can be adjusted enveloped in , now three meters in diameter, just rolled down the quiet prison.

Mu Shaoan hehe doing all soon, first look at the state of your own attribute, really everything is normal, and then he immediately switched the title of breaking the law's brutal, saying he had endured for far too long, because Breaker title is simply a double-edged sword, wounding hurt himself, now has a flag War God, which is equal to specifically hurt, do not hurt yourself.

followed, Mu Shaoan had opened the eyes of destiny.

This is the fate of Heavenly God subsidiary of a branch of technology skills, be able to look to the future, is the side effects too, so if bad enough, but the problem is, in many cases, the fate of the vertical pupil can not get everything perfect , for example, in the infinite inside the battlefield, if he dared to open the cynical eye of destiny before, believing or not directly would be infinitely Heavenly God technology to detect?

But now everything is different.

At this point Mu Shaoan both switched Breaker title, then the effect of the eye of fate also slightly better, with no difficulty would penetrate the prison, he directly looked towards the ghost of wood.

Eye of Destiny is different functionality, if only moved towards the empty look, that the devil knows what can randomly see? So technology must meet the fate of Heavenly God, looking directly at someone.

Then fate of Heavenly God technology in silent out of the shackles of fate, and the fate of the eye will be able to see the person's past lives.

But once Mu Shaoan are afraid to do it, and now let yourself go.

I saw the ghost of wood really know nothing about, but in his body suddenly three out of the shackles of fate, one is gray, one is blue and one is in purple.

This is the fate of three shackles on behalf of past ghost wood, now and in the future.

very difficult to deal with, very powerful.

Mu Shaoan heart felt extremely excited, this is the fate of Heavenly God really technical with the eye of destiny only have the effect of super invincible, of course, have to add War God flag, the flag of the War God if there is no magical effect in this moment fear is that wood has long been aware of a ghost, and then rushing to him desperate.

Mu Shaoan first look of wood is the ghost of the past, in fact, is Floating Light Sweeping Shadow of a look, he did not waste time in this guy's biography of him then, but the next second he was shocked because he saw an acquaintance in the ghost of past memories of wood - Hurricane Prince.

Unfortunately, this fleeting shadow, but obviously a good ghost wood to hide the matter, there really tricky.

the matter remain in the heart, Mu Shaoan immediately look at the future of this ghost wood, because in a way, also belong to his future, after all, are in the same boat thing.

can see this, he once again was shocked, because he saw Fifteen minutes later, aboard the space ship early warning suddenly off the hook, is dense Galaxy-class gun blast to the bombers , the moment everyone all the injuries, ranging then they fight back, all of a sudden there are six low-level Heavenly God kill over, directly put the ghost of wood, ouen, gray back, insects were all there was to kill.

just crisp.

fuck, is looking back on the history!

Mu Shaoan mind immediately cropped up this idea.

absolutely wrong, do not look fifteen minutes later that the attacks came so abruptly, but in fact, it is the result of historical backtracking, they must have the rescue squad in what to do next, then the virus to capture the camp, and then directly back history, the last being intercepted directly kill in bed.

This is a fact.

If the flag if he did not War God, afraid of their own just before the release of the fate of Heavenly God technology, the fight against the virus will be faster.

Because that is exactly the same as a snowball, asymmetric super hit.

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