The opening of the origin channel is both complicated and simple.

Complex because it needs a special vibration frequency to turn it on, and simple because as long as it has the power of a low-level Heavenly God, it can be done in an instant.

For example, at this moment, Mu Shaoan has an extra channel of origin with the same origin. This is the result of his lease for one year.

The origin channel is always in pairs, one on this end and one on the other, the principle is unknown.

One of the origin channels will be permanently fixed in the Heavenly God teahouse, and the other one can be carried along.

At this time, as Mu Shaoan opened the origin channel, his body was distorted like a phantom, and then disappeared from the air directly, followed by the ghost wood quickly, and extended the hand. Above the grain of sand at the origin, he disappeared in the next second, not giving Mu Shaoan any time to be alone.

In the path of origin, Mu Shaoan's body and soul once again traveled quickly through the rise and fall of dimensions.

The first time, he hadn't noticed these details, but now he knows one thing or two.

For example, he knows that his body and soul will first face the acceleration of ascending, at least in the origin channel, the dimensionality must be raised to the height of the tenth dimension, and then the dimensionality will be reduced quickly, and finally arrive The positive and negative origin of the dimension, that is, the place where there is no dimension, finally enters the origin channel, directly crossing a dozen universes, a terrifying distance of more than trillions of light years, and reaching the destination in the shortest time.

Of course, the so-called shortest time is also impossible, which is one second, because the origin channel is always impossible to reach the most extreme positive and negative dimensional origin. With a slight gap, the result must be more than a few days. Fault tolerance time.

This is all allowed. As the fastest way of extra-dimensional travel in the Myriad Realms sky, what else can be requested?

Because of this, Mu Shaoan doesn't worry about anything.

When he left the Infinite Battlefield before, he told Cynthia and Old Fourth and the others that the origin was only allowed to be kept for three days, and then thrown away immediately after three days.

So, even if he did not delay too much time in the Heavenly God teahouse, but this time, in the Epic Grade infinite battlefield, Mu Shaoan dared to write the name upside down in less than ten days of.

In fact, it is true. After Mu Shaoan completely lost the sense of time and space, he finally struggled out of the origin channel and saw the dark and silent space.

"Where is this place?"

The ghost wood guy appeared next to Mu Shaoan only a second later, and then one after another was the giant queer Wun, Duo Er Human Race has a gray back, and a gloomy worm.

"Uh, I'm not quite clear, I was chasing down a virus low-level Heavenly God before, and fighting alongside me is the Kale Ninth Imperial from the Mystery Rock and the Four Armed Forces. Family Guard Fleet, the battle was very fierce at the time—"

Mu Shaoan continued to talk nonsense seriously. Anyway, if you deceive people, don’t use money. As for what the Kalai Ninth Imperial Family Guard Fleet belongs to The four-armed ace space fleet, it is said that the battle strength is very fierce. He also remembered it when Cynthia mentioned it casually.

"Kalai's Ninth Imperial Family Guards Fleet?"

The ghost wood was obviously prepared, and directly took out a sphere surrounded by black mist, but it was absolutely It wasn't a crystal ball, and I don't know how the ghost wood was operated. Suddenly countless thin black threads were shot out of the sphere, which was directly wound on Mu Shaoan.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Mu Shaoan was shocked.

"My friend, don’t panic too much. This is just a destiny tower. It will not cause any harm to you. It will only absorb a little bit of your future through the law of destiny. Destiny points. After all, among the five of us, you are the only one who has the identity in this infinite warfare situation. Because of the existence of historical retrospect, you have to help us provide some legal identities that can deceive the virus and the mysterious rock people. Now, You just need to relax."

The ghost wood slightly smiled, but he grabbed seven small light spots from his arms. Mu Shaoan looked over and took a closer look, and couldn't help turning pale. in fright, because of these seven light spots, it is clear that there are seven cores of civilization that have been plundered and then compressed.

Or more accurately, it is a civilized battlefield protected by anti-virus hunters.

But at this moment, these seven civilization cores were directly thrown into the destiny tower and consumed directly.

And the energy produced by these seven civilizations finally made the sphere rapidly huge, and then a round tower emerged from the center like a flame burning, that is the tower of destiny, Mu Shaoan can sense it, and it is stored inside The chains of fate are endless, and the condensed and refined laws of fate are even more numerous.

Madan, this is reckless waste of natural resources.

A group of laymen can only use the formidable power of the Destiny Tower to 30%, and the remaining seven achievements accumulate in it again and again. Well, no, this Destiny Tower is not owned by the Destiny Tree. , He just borrowed it to use.

Mu Shaoan's spirit came in an instant. If he was in other areas, he would not dare to lie, but he would have obtained all the inheritance of the destiny Heavenly God.

So he can see the profound mystery at a glance.

First of all, this Destiny Tower is a Divine Item, no doubt, but who can create a Destiny Divine Item with the law of destiny as the core, it is estimated that only the existence of a powerful destiny Heavenly God technology can do it .

Fate of Heavenly God is not unique, nor is the destiny of Heavenly God unique.

Like the laws of machinery, Lin Yuan has the opportunity to advance through the laws. The Heavenly God nine ears is only one line behind, and there may be more and more people. This is completely magnificent army with thousands of men and horses are the same as crossing a single-plank bridge.

Once someone succeeds in the advancement, others have no hope, either accept their fate or find the lucky one to kill.

So Mu Shaoan has every reason to believe that when the destiny Heavenly God dies, there will be other Destiny Heavenly Gods in the Myriad Realms starry sky.

So, is this a pit?

The battles between those Heavenly Gods are extremely complicated and indescribable, so he must be careful, and then be careful.

At the very least, he can't just blatantly snatch this Destiny Tower.

What if this is another serial bait!

In the heart sighed, Mu Shaoan began to watch his nose, nose, mouth, mouth and heart. He decided to be calm, calm, or not happy with things or sad with himself.

It must be stable.

This time there is no Cynthia to point me aside, so—huh?

Mu Shaoan was comforting himself like this, suddenly felt something was wrong, because as the ghost wood drove the destiny tower, the countless black threads fell into his body, these imitations like fate yoke The poor worm is like a fly without a head, there is no way out.

This is not fun.

If the Destiny Tower does not respond, wouldn't it be revealing.

Fortunately, Mu Shaoan was also decisive, and immediately pointed the direction to those black silks. At the same time, he ridiculed a few names and positions, as well as unwarranted appearance, etc., anyway, the Destiny Tower couldn't recognize it anyway.

Sure enough, the Destiny Tower took back all the black threads of fate, and soon four silhouettes emerged, corresponding to four names-Jiang Woshi, Carl Chunlu, Mei Wenhua, Tuski.

"Uh, these are the four men I brought from Dahe. They all died in the previous battle. Although their deaths will definitely be recorded in history, they are just a nobody. , So it can be confused at some point. Anyway, when we find Lin Yuan, everything is not a problem. That guy is a high level consultant of the Mysterious Rock Alliance Army and has great power."

Mu Shaoan was optimistic and sincerely explained that the Four Ghosts did not doubt it. After all, this is the name extracted from the Destiny Tower. It is impossible for this crab to play tricks.

"Okay, act according to plan!"

Kimi nodded.

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