Episode 73-Magic

Even Aison in the world was taken aback by the appearance of the God of Mana who appeared too quickly.

Lady Lemfra has never spoken to herself once, and when she wants to talk to Lady Catria, she has to speak at least hourly to give her a short answer. It was

[Why? You hate that I came out so soon? Shall we go right in then?]

The child’s voice, which seemed to jump out, did not contain any dignity as a god.


No matter how dignified his voice was, the god of mana was a god who was in charge of the great power of mana.

God of Mana said as if he was bored because Aison was polite.

[So what do you want to ask me? After all, didn’t you call me because you were curious? If you don’t tell me that and you keep wasting time just being polite, I’ll just leave?]

‘I’ll tell you right away. God of Mana!’

[Don’t talk with the child in front of you, speak with your words!]

“Okay. Mana God, I have a question about mana…”

[I know! I know! Why did you call me I must have called to talk about Mana, but I must have asked questions about her wisdom and knowledge!]

As the god of mana shouted, Aison trembled and pinned his head to the ground.

Pia followed Ison and hit his head on the ground.

[No… Yes, that’s okay, I’m fine, so ask what you wanted to ask.]

“Even if you ask…”

[You kid!]

“I understand! God of Mana!”

At the scolding of the god of mana, Aison began to ask the most curious questions step by step.

“What kind of power is mana involved in?”

[Involved in everything in the world.]

“Then the rain…”

[That’s not it. When it rains or snows, there may be cases where mana is the cause, but that’s the realm of science. Mana has the ability to intervene in everything, but pure mana without someone’s will can’t do much.]

The god of mana began to tell Aison about the nature of mana he had defined himself.

Mana is one of the forces that move the world, but she can’t do anything without her will.

Occasionally, due to the environment, there are cases where mana moves and creates a specific phenomenon, which is an extremely rare phenomenon.

Due to the nature of mana, which is most effective when will is mixed, only beings with the proper will can handle mana.

After hearing this basic explanation, Eison nodded his head as if he understood it to some extent.

Although he did not fully understand mana, it was because he could infer what kind of power it was.

[Is there anything else you want to ask?]

“Where is Mana?”

[It exists everywhere in this world, it’s a matter of whether there’s a lot or a little of it, but mana is everywhere in this world. It’s just that she lacks human ability, so she just doesn’t feel it.]

“It is said that if mana is mixed with will, she can exert great power. Even if she has little mana, if she has strong will, can she exert great power?”

[Yes! That’s right! A technique that uses strong will and mana to realize what the intellect wants in this world! That’s what magic is!]

“You mean magic?”

[Yes, I’ll tell you about magic again when you grow up to know more about mana, because it’s still too early for you to know.]

“How can I grow mana…”

“God of Mana? What are you doing here?”

While he was excitedly explaining about mana to Aison, a familiar voice came to the god of mana’s ears.

The moment she heard her voice, she changed her body into a figure she had preconceived.

“I was telling Aison about mana.”

When the god of mana spoke clearly, Catria sighed deeply.

“You shouldn’t get too involved with humans.”

“But Lemfra-sama ordered me to teach humans magic.”

The God of Mana was a nameless god who received orders from Remfra and informed humans about her mana.

One peculiarity was that the only being who knew that this was a setting was Lemfra, so all beings thought of Lemfra and the god of mana as being different, but Catria was similarly not informed by Lemfra. Without even dreaming that the God of Mana was Lemfra, he had no choice but to accept the God of Mana itself.

“You taught me so much in one day. Even if it is the role of the God of Mana to teach humans about mana and magic, what you’ve done so far is progressing too quickly. It will take at least a few years for humans to realize themselves. I think you should give it some time.”

“Okay, ma’am.”

“Yes? Madam…”

Before Katria could react properly, the God of Mana left Aison with the words that he was caught by Catria and was taken away, and disappeared.

Katria, who was left alone, moved to the place where Lemfra was staying while letting her anger go inside her.

Lemfra said that a tiny little god called her Ajumma. She wanted to reach Lemfra, but she didn’t know that Lemfra was the god of mana. I couldn’t help but listen to

“The God of Mana has left.”

“It’s magic…”

Pia made a puzzled expression.

“A technique that embodies the will of mana and realizes the desired phenomenon…”

Aison’s eyes twinkled.

The new study made Aison’s heart race.

Isaac’s heart trembled with a resonant sound comparable to when he first discovered the science Katria called physics.

‘When I grow up later…’

You must study magic.

Aison, with a deep dream inside, began to organize the story the god of mana had told him with Pia.

Although she couldn’t feel mana right away, she hoped that one day, when she could use her mana, it would be of great help to him…


Time started to pass quickly.

As the story of the existence of the prairie in the west of the Frozen Kingdom and the various powers beyond it flowed into the Lempria Empire, their life history began to slowly change as well.

Among their mythology, what changed most quickly was the story of the gods and how close they felt to humans.

The gods of the Lempria Empire heard that the gods in the Land of Dawn were writing numerous stories while approaching their followers in a friendly way, reducing the sacred power used to grant oracles, and emphasizing the close relationship between the gods. They started weaving together to create various stories.

In most cases, it was done as a friend or family relationship, but in reality, gods who had a bad relationship or gods who agreed with each other spoke to humans with a setting of antipathy to each other.

In this way, numerous stories began to accumulate in the Lempria Empire.

As myths that humans can see with interest, such as gods having an affair and fighting for each other’s existence, are being written at random, stories that can be called proper myths are starting to pile up.

In the midst of this desire, Katria gave herself a setting and spoke to her humans.

A goddess who loves Lemfra, the creator god.

In her heart, she wanted to inform her humans under the name of Lemfra, the goddess she loved, but even if she said that, no humans would believe her words.

So, first of all, let humans know about her love for Lemfra first, and after a long time single-mindedly unrequited love for Lemfra, she decided to use it as a build-up to create a picture of her that Lemfra passed over.

Her plan was a very good plan, but Lempra had no intention of accepting her heart right away.

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“Lempra! Oh, try it!”

“Why are you so polarized?”

Even if Ephrythia hardened her expression and looked at her, Katria put her food into Lemfra’s mouth with a nonchalant expression.

At most, such a trivial act would not be recorded as a myth, but Catria was polar to Lemfra. It was clear that she would be the strength to make her one sentence come true.

“But where is Alfre?”

“Looks like you’re dating?”

When Ifritia looked around her, Alfre was nowhere to be found.

Alfre, who is also a blacksmith god and a god of labor, is drawn as a servant of the Goddess of War because he is a slave god who joined in the early days and has the image of making weapons necessary for war. He kept getting out of hand and living his own life.

The curtain has risen on the age of mythology, in which all the gods struggle to create their own stories.

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