I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1226 Soros' Warning

That Lord Gongyang actually ran out of hell and came to the world.

After learning that Chu Feng had repeatedly done bad things to him, he immediately sent some ghosts to assassinate Chu Feng.

Of course, it is more about investigating Chu Feng's true strength.

"The ram actually escaped from hell and has really come to the world?

how did you do that?"

Chu Feng is a little puzzled, the power of the two worlds is not so easy to break.

The stronger the existence, the more difficult it is to break this boundary.

Just like Bai Tianyun, he has been stationed in the underworld, not involving the human world. One of the reasons is that he has stayed in the underworld for too long and has a deep connection with the underworld space.

If he wants to come to the human world, the power of the human world will have a very strong resistance to him.

And this Lord Ram is different from Bai Tianyun.

It was originally a ghost, and later became powerful, but it still couldn't change the essence of its ghost.

Such existence is more influenced by the two worlds.

If it wants to come to the world, it is countless times more difficult than Bai Tianyun.

Therefore, this ram develops believers in the human world. On the one hand, he continues to strengthen his own strength, and on the other hand, he uses the strength of the 18 believers to come to the human world.

"In these years, I have traveled all over the world, but I have found some Ram believers, but they were all killed by me.

How can he still come to the world?"

Chu Feng has some doubts.

"Unless, there is another powerful presence behind it.

Chu Feng thought of a possibility.


Chu Feng frowned and looked down.

He saw a familiar face appear in the shadows outside his manor house.

As soon as he moved, he appeared in front of the man in an instant.

"It's you? Did those ghosts follow you just now?"

Chu Feng looked at the extremely handsome white man in front of him and asked.

This person was actually Soros who had a relationship with Chu Feng.

It was the A-level master who served in Area 52, Soros.

Has the super power to control metal.

"Shadow? What shade?" Soros was stunned.

Chu Feng didn't look like he was cheating. He really didn't know that a ghost came to him just now. He raised his brows and asked, "Then what are you doing here with me?

Didn't you come to me to catch up with you?""

"Wait a minute." Soros said: "Chu Tianshi, you just said that a ghost came to you?

"That's right." Chu Feng said: "There are dozens of them, and the strength is not bad compared to yours.

"I didn't expect it to be a step too late." Soros said with a sigh.

"One step too late?" Chu Feng's heart moved: "What happened in your fifty-two district? 35

Soros looked surprised: "Chu Tianshi, how do you know that something happened inside our fifty-two district? 35

"Nonsense." Chu Feng said: "Otherwise, how could you come to me.

Stop talking, tell me, what happened?"

"That's right." Soros said: "After you visited our fifty-two district last time, your case was reported.

Our director's opinion is that we will never do any surveillance on you from now on. At the same time, if you need it, our staff, including those who can influence it, will fully cooperate with you.

I wonder if Chu Tianshi, have you felt this?"

Chu Feng nodded and said: "Well, I have been walking in M ​​all these years, and I have indeed received mysterious care from some local authorities.

I guessed it was you at the time.

Soros's face showed a bit of joy: "Chu Tianshi can lead us this love, Director Kluber will definitely be very happy when he finds out.

Speaking of this, the expression on Soros' face suddenly changed: "But just three years ago, Director Kluber retired.

Then, a new director was transferred from above.

As soon as the director came, he consulted the information about you.

His proposition is that threats like you should not be allowed to stay with us to wipe you from the world.

But in our bureau, there are also some people who do not approve of this.

Therefore, the bureau is divided into two factions. One faction advocates peaceful coexistence with you and has nothing to do with each other.

Another faction advocates killing you. "

Speaking of this, Soros looked at Chu Feng carefully, afraid that if Chu Feng was angry, he would kill him easily.

But Chu Feng was not as angry as he had imagined, instead, there was a half-smile expression on his face.

He asked, "What about you, which faction do you belong to?"

Soros immediately said: "Of course I belong to the faction that you get along well, they don't know how strong you are, Tianshi Chu, how could I not know.

They are totally courting death.

"Is that so." Chu Feng smiled and said, "You are not stupid yet."

"Tianshi Chu, aren't you angry?" Soros asked carefully when he saw that Chu Feng didn't seem to be angry.

Chu Feng said: "Why should I be angry for other people's stupidity.

Since they want to court death, I naturally won't stop them. "

Soros was shocked, thinking, this is the mentality that a real strong person should have.

If someone wants to kill him, he will kill him.

No need to be angry at all.

Just like an ant 910 going to attack a human, that person will just lift his foot and trample the ant to death, and there will be no mood swings at all.

Soros felt that the powerhouses he had seen in the past were simply too far behind Chu Yi, and they were not on the same level at all.

At this time, he heard Chu Feng ask again: "What's the background of this new director? Forget it, don't worry about it, just kill it when the time comes.

Does the ghost just now have anything to do with your new chief?

These ghosts can be involved in a cult. "

Soros said: "Chu Tianshi, the strength of our fifty-two district is not only what you see.

We also have some hidden powers in Area 52.

However, these forces are too involved to be used at will.

Moreover, to use these powers, the price we need to pay is also very high.

However, this time the new director, in order to deal with you, paid a huge price and used those powers. 35

Chu Feng said: "This hidden power has something to do with ghosts and hell?"

"Do you know Chu Tianshi?" Soros was surprised again, "This hidden power is too secretive, and I only know a rough idea. What is the specific situation, only each director can know."

Bureau g

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