I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1218 The upgrade of the saint's practice

The same goes for Jessica Alba.

Although the role of Pepper, in the first part of "Iron Man", there are not many scenes, but it is also a real heroine.

Just based on this, Jessica's industry has also taken a big step forward, and it is like a giant's footsteps.

For a while, the script flew towards the two like snowflakes.

Even outside Jessica's residence, there are already paparazzi guarding her.

This made Jessica happy, but also a little helpless.

Such things generally require very popular stars to enjoy.

But if you really enjoy it, you will feel that these paparazzi are too annoying.

Not only was his life under surveillance, but his family was also affected.

Jessica complained to Chu Feng, but Chu Feng just laughed.

The world is still fair in some respects, and since you want to enjoy such fame, you have to pay the price of losing your freedom.

Robert Downey Jr. became popular again. He made a special trip to meet Chu Feng and expressed his sincere thanks to Chu Feng.

He knew that it was Chu Feng who first proposed to let him play the role of Tony Stark.

If it wasn't for Chu Feng, he wouldn't have the glory he is today.

Chu Feng just smiled, and then silently asked Kevin Feige to sign Robert Downey Jr. twenty times the Marvel movie contract.

Little 850 Robert Downey signed without saying a word, with a flick of the pen.

Three months later, the global box office of "Iron Man" has reached more than 700 million US dollars, which is not far from 800 million US dollars.

That's more than $200 million higher than in another world.

However, it has nothing to do with Chu Feng.

Now the money, to him, is just a number.

He has not paid attention to this matter, he has more important things to do.

On this day, in the manor house, Chu Feng was sitting on a futon in the practice room.

He entered the system and looked at his current attributes.

Host: Chu Feng (male)

Status: saint

Physique: Innate Thunder Spirit

Rank: One Star Saint

Cultivation Technique: Stars Shining in the World (Ten Levels)

Body Refinement Art: Thunder God Transformation Body Art (Ten Levels)

Combat Skills: Demon-Bending Swordsmanship (Successful)

Tai Chi (complete)

Tai Chi Sword (complete)

Tai Chi step (complete)

other skills:

Alchemy (Intermediate Perfection)

Soul Trample (Successful)

Corpse Suppression Talisman (Successful)

Pure Heart Talisman (Completion)

Amulet of warding off evil (complete)

Thunder Talisman (complete)

Fire Charm (complete)

Transformation (perfect)

contract art (complete)

Chinese Medicine (Consummation)

Qimen Dunjia (complete)

Destiny Transfer (Success)

Nine-character Secret Technique (Fourth Layer) Line, Approach, Soldier, Person

Keeping the face (first level)

Boundary Breaking Technique (not yet entry)

Soul Transmigration (Not Beginning)

Curse (Not Beginning)

Remaining merit: 2,795,160 points

Chu Feng discovered that his identity had become a saint.

It seems that the saint is not only a realm, but also a very important identity.

In addition, his exercises, Stars Shining in the World, and Body Refinement, Dragon Divine Transformation, have reached perfection.

However, the upgrade button at the back is still lit.

This means that the cultivation technique itself can still be upgraded.

"What will happen to the upgrade of the Stars Shining in the World and the Dragon Deity Transformation?"

Chu Feng is quite looking forward to this.

Last time, after he became a saint, because he couldn't wait to find the truth of myths and legends, he didn't rush to upgrade.

Now, when I finally have time to spare, I naturally have to upgrade first.

This is related to whether he can become the key to the Holy Monarch.

Even though he is a saint now, he can walk sideways on the earth.

However, Yujun and Yanjun are already saints.

What if someone suddenly comes back one day and sees that he is not pleasing to the eye.

Even if Yujun Yanjun didn't take action, he killed seven city lords in the underworld (bibe).

How could the elders of these guys not ask him to settle accounts.

Although, it is difficult to kill the saints, but always running for their lives is not the way.

Therefore, if you want such a thing not to happen, it is the key to continue to improve your strength.

Chu Feng didn't think much about it, and clicked the upgrade button directly behind the Star Shining Art.

In an instant, the cultivation technique changed.

Cultivation Technique: The Great Wilderness World Art (Not Beginner)

Remaining merit points: 795,160 points

"The Great Desolate Universe? Universe, or space. It seems that this is still related to the space avenue.

It is a practice that continues to improve the Great Way of Space.

Chu Feng nodded: "That's right, Daojun is only a corner of Dao, and when you reach the realm of a saint, you can truly perfect your Dao."

Chu Feng instantly understood the mystery here.

The reason why a half-sage is a half-sage is that in addition to being much stronger than ordinary Daojuns in terms of basic abilities, the half-sages are also infinitely close to the saints in the mastery of the Tao.

However, a saint is a saint, and the Tao mastered by a saint is much more than a half-sage.

If the sage wants to deal with an enemy like Daojun, he can use Dao directly, and he can crush the opponent to death.

"What about the saint above the saint?"

Chu Feng couldn't help thinking: "Has the Holy Monarch completely mastered that avenue?"

How terrifying it would be to master that avenue completely.

No road should be underestimated.

For example, the most common way of water and fire, if you fully master it, you can easily summon the flames of extinction or the shocking waves.

One person can easily destroy a planet or even a galaxy.

Chu Feng is not too sure.

Anyway, he is still early from the Holy Monarch.

Looking at the remaining merit points, Chu Feng couldn't help but smile again.

There are only more than 790,000 merit points left, and it is not enough to level up the Great Wilderness Universe Art.

At the same time, the upgrade button behind the Dragon God Transformation Body Art also turned gray.

This means that the upgrade of the Dragon God Transformation Body Art is not enough.

"Upgrading to the first level of the Great Wilderness Universe Art requires 1 million merit points."

Chu Feng had a headache: "The last level requires 512 million merit points.""

Chu Feng was a little worried that it would not be enough to solve all the ghosts of the whole earth.

In the front, the ninth level needs more than 200 million points, and the eighth level needs more than 100 million points.

In order to break through to the Holy Monarch, all together, the merit value required exceeds 1 billion.

When Chu Feng thought of this, he had a headache.

But no matter how much headache you have, it's useless, you still have to do what you need to do.

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