I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1212 Clues to Penglai Immortal Island

He never imagined that in this world, there would be such a place that is infinitely close to a fairyland.

Of course, Chu Feng was shocked in his heart. As a saint, he wouldn't show the slightest on the surface.

Shi Qingliu didn't find the slightest abnormality.

Take Chu Feng to the sect hall, accompanied by all the important figures of the sect.

After a while, a charming and beautiful disciple brought tea, Chu Feng took a look at the cover, and saw the tea leaves inside, all standing one by one, like independent mountain peaks, quite artistic.

After tasting it, Chu Feng found that although this tea is not comparable to the Netherworld tea in the underworld, it is also a rare tea for ordinary people, which can regulate the body.

Shi Qingliu said: "This is my unique Gufeng tea in Wanren Mountain. It is quite famous among several sects, what do you think of fellow Daoist Chu?

Chu Feng nodded and said: "Compared with the Netherworld tea in the underworld, it has a unique artistic conception, which is not bad.

It is the benefit to the body, which is not as great as Netherworld tea. "

"Oh? Fellow Daoist Chu actually drank the Netherworld tea from the underworld?"

Shi Qingliu asked with a look of surprise on his face.

Others, too.

Chu Feng said: "Some time ago, I just went to the underworld, and I did taste the Netherworld tea.

To tell you the truth, the place where the gate of Wanren Mountain is located was also told to me by Brother Bai Tian Yun. "

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Shi Qingliu's expressions changed slightly.

In particular, Chu Feng's name for Bai Tian Yun actually called him Brother Bai.

In the world of practice, the name cannot be shouted indiscriminately.

Because that is likely to lead to the disaster of death.

Generally speaking, they are called brothers, either because they have been recognized by the other party, or because they are people of the same realm.

Shi Qingliu and the others, as the high-level officials of Wanren Mountain, one of the seven major forces, of course know that Bai Tianyun is now the only saint in the Eastern Cultivation World.

But Chu Feng, the cultivator who appeared out of nowhere, actually called Bai Tian Yun as Brother Bai, could it be...

A terrible thought popped into their minds.

Shi Qingliu hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Fellow Daoist Chu, please forgive me for taking the liberty to ask what your current state is.~?

He was careful, and even used his honorary title.

Chu Feng didn't care about this, and said: "Not long ago, I just passed the catastrophe, and I was lucky enough to break through to the realm of saints."


All the people present knelt down.

They said in unison, "I have seen Saint Chu."

As for what Chu Feng said not long ago, they automatically ignored it.

For the sage's 100,000-year-old Longevity Yuan, thousands of years ago were not too long ago.

Chu Feng smiled, waved his hand and said, "What are you doing, get up.

The group stood up carefully and took their seats again.

But only dare to sit down half ass.

Chu Feng secretly sighed that this saint's realm, in today's practice world, is indeed an insurmountable ceiling.

"Saint Chu, I don't know what you have ordered this time. As long as we, Wan Renshan, can do our best, we will do our best."

Shi Qingliu asked again.

Chu Feng ignored the petty cat in his words and said, "It's not a big deal, I just want to ask you guys for clues about Penglai Immortal Island."

"Penglai Immortal Island?" Shi Qingliu was shocked when he heard the words: "Saint Chu, do you want to go to Otherworld?"

They didn't wonder why Chu Feng didn't go to Otherworld with the army last time.

After all, it is not uncommon for a saint to be in a state of great power to find a place to retreat for thousands of years.

It is normal to block yourself and not hear the outside world.

"Oh?" Chu Feng said: "Do you also know that to go to the Otherworld, you must pass through Penglai Immortal Island?"

Shi Qingliu said: "Not only me, but the high-level officials of all the forces are aware of this matter.

Over the years, we have also sent many disciples to look for Penglai Immortal Island, but what we have obtained is limited. "5

Chu Feng said: "The gain is limited, that is, there is still some gain, can you tell me.

"Of course no problem."

Shi Qingliu immediately ordered him to go and get the information about Penglai Immortal Island.

After a while, someone brought a jade slip.

Shi Qingliu put both hands in front of Chu Feng: "Chu saint please. 99

Chu Feng took it and didn't need to stick it on his forehead. With a scan of his consciousness, he could see the contents clearly.

According to the records here, after several generations of disciples of Wanrenshan had investigated for hundreds of years, they finally found some clues in the East China Sea.

They saw an island in a mirage in the East China Sea.

The island is isolated in the sea, and there are countless exotic flowers and plants, and rare beasts on the island.

They recognized several kinds of medicinal materials and exotic animals that had been extinct for many years.

They felt that it was the legendary Penglai Immortal Island.

However, the existence of the mirage was too short, and before they could take a closer look, they had disappeared.

After that, they carefully searched every place in the East China Sea, but they found nothing, and they did not find an island similar to that island.

They determined that it should be the legendary Penglai Immortal Island.

In the years that followed, they searched for a long time, but never saw the same mirage again.

These are the contents in the data, it's just a mirage, and there are no other clues.

Chu Feng certainly knows that according to the current scientific explanation, the mirage is just a natural phenomenon formed by the refraction and total reflection of light.

However, if it is really a natural phenomenon, why did the disciples of Wanren Mountain not find this island?

In terms of the strength of practitioners, if there really exists such an island near the East China Sea, they will definitely not miss it.

In fact, they didn't even find similar islands.

This is very strange.

How did the mirage scene of this island's mirage (Zhao of Qian) appear?

Chu Feng returned the jade slip to Shi Qingliu: ""Are there any other clues?"

Shi Qingliu shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, no more.

Chu Shengren must also know that the vitality of the outside world has been thinned to the point where practitioners cannot advance.

Therefore, even if we don't want to go to Otherworld, we still want to find Penglai Immortal Island.

In that way, we can also ensure that our disciples can practice normally.

Chu Shengren don't look at us here, the world seems to be full of vitality.

However, compared to when we first founded the sect, the concentration of the vitality of this world is less than 1/10,000.

If it goes on like this, there will be a hundred years at most, and the vitality of the heaven and earth here will be exhausted.

Therefore, we are also very eager to find Penglai Immortal Island.

However, we spent a lot of effort to search, but no other clues were found. "Press.

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