I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1209 Go to the Mainland (please customize)

"Where's Mom?" Affin asked.

Azhi said: "I must have entered the house, I don't want to be a light bulb.

A Fen said: "You were pestering your mother just now to ask if Brother Feng was okay, but now you despise it as a light bulb.

"Afen..." Azhi's face was shy: "Okay, you dare to make fun of me, look~ I won't deal with you.

Azhi rushed up and scratched A Fen's itch. A Fen smiled and hid behind Chu Feng.

Wherever Azhi was willing to let go, the two of them gathered around – Chu Feng spun around.

"Okay, okay, the smell of rice is coming out of the house, let's go in and eat.

Chu Feng, one in each hand, led the two daughters into the house.

Sure enough, Ming Lanzi was busy in the kitchen and had already cooked a few dishes.

After a while, the meal came to the table.

Ming Lanzi was about to say hello to dinner, but Chu Feng went to get a few tea cups, and then waved his hand, and there was an extra delicate tea pot in his hand.

"Brother Feng, what kind of tea is this?

Seeing Chu Feng coming with four cups of tea, Azhi asked curiously.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Open it up and see, if you don't know it.""

Ming Lanzi, mother and daughter, lifted the lid of the cup according to their words, and saw that a wave of heat rose up, forming a very realistic flower in the air.

"Wow, this heat can actually condense into flowers, it's amazing." Azhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chu Feng said: "Try it.

The three of them took a sip from their cups, and suddenly felt strange.

This is obviously hot tea, but it is cold in the mouth.

But soon after entering the stomach, it turned into a warm current, which warmed the whole body.

Ming Lanzi's complexion changed suddenly, she felt that after taking this sip of tea, her body's blood and energy were suddenly full, and her mind also cleared, as if her whole body became a lot more relaxed.

"Chu Tianshi, this tea?"

Ming Lanzi looked at Chu Feng inquiringly.

Chu Feng said with a smile: "This is the Netherworld tea unique to the Underworld, cultivated with the Netherworld's unique spirit.

After drinking it, there are no small benefits to both ghosts and ordinary people. 35

With a wave of Chu Feng's hand, three small jars appeared on the table: "There are not many tea places in this place, and I didn't take much with me, so I can only share these with you.

"Chu Tianshi, such a precious tea, how can this be made.

Ming Lanzi quickly pushed the Nether Tea back to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said with a smile: "It's all a family, and Auntie is still so polite, so let's go outside and accept it, this tea is not useful to me, you can keep it and drink it, it can be regarded as making the best use of it.

"Yes, Mom." Azhi also persuaded: "Brother Feng is a saint, and drinking this tea is useless, so you can keep it.

After repeated persuasion, Ming Lanzi finally accepted the tea.

Azhi and Afen also put away their two small jars.

After the meal, Azhi and Afen accompanied Chu Feng to the house next to Chu Feng.

On the way, Azhi asked, "Brother Feng, you gave us these Netherworld teas, do you still have them, or else, take mine."

"Yes, yes, and mine." A Fen also took out her share.

"Thank you." Chu Feng warmed his heart and said with a smile: "However, there is no reason to take back what was sent out, not to mention, I still have this tea, you can keep it at ease."5

Chu Feng didn't talk nonsense either.

Maybe because of the longevity pill, Bai Tian Yun finally gave Chu Feng all the Netherworld tea in the underworld.

Although it is not too much, but after so many years, there are still dozens of kilograms.

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Azhi and Afen also put away the Netherworld Tea with confidence.

Although they don't usually like tea, but this tea is not ordinary tea, how can they refuse.


After Azhi and Afen slept, Chu Feng quietly got up and came to the yard.

He looked up at the sky, where there was originally a dark space crack, allowing the monsters of the Otherworld to pour in.

It was those holy monarchs and saints, with the powerhouses of all human beings, who broke in and sealed the cracks in the space, so that human beings can continue safely to the present.

Otherwise, this earth would have long since ceased to exist.

Chu Feng believes that he can't be great, so he deeply admires the choices made by Yan Junyujun and others.

He looked back and thought of the way to enter the Otherworld that Bai Tianyun said.

If he wants to enter the Otherworld, he must first find the Penglai Immortal Island, which makes him a little headache, and there is no clue at all, where to find it.

・・・ Flowers ・・・

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry now, as a saint, his life span has been as high as 100,000 years.

His women have also taken the Longevity Pill, so there is no need to worry about Shouyuan for the time being.

Moreover, the strongest person on earth at present is only the cultivation base of saints.

As a result, Chu Feng is not so eager to find Penglai Immortal Island.

After living here for a few days, Chu Feng gathered with Zhang Yuling, Zhou Qiao, and Xiaoxue again.

After that, he went to see Yin Sisi and Xu Wenwen again.

With the help of Chu Feng's elixir, Yin Sisi has made great progress in Yin Yang technique.

Not only has it surpassed the original realm, but also entered a new level.

With her current strength, when she returns to the Japanese country, she has the hope of winning the throne of the number one Onmyoji.

Xu Wenwen's progress in illusion is also not trivial.

Unfortunately, Chu Feng progressed faster.

No matter how powerful Xu Wenwen's illusions were, in front of a sage, it was still not enough to see.

After all, the strength of the two sides is too far apart.

A week later, Chu Feng left Hong Kong Island, but instead of returning to M country, he quietly went to the mainland.

After all, the practice culture originated from the mainland.

Chu Feng also wanted to see if this trip would yield anything.

By the way, he wanted to visit those major forces in turn to see if he could get some clues about Penglai Immortal Island from them.

Although, he is not eager to find Penglai Immortal Island, but if he can find it, it is naturally a good thing.

According to Bai Tianyun, ordinary people cannot find the nests of these great cultivators.

Their old nests are all located in the Paradise of Paradise.

Although the vitality of the world outside is pitifully thin, inside the Paradise Paradise is full of vitality.

Although, it is still not as good as before the powerful one swept away all the vitality of the world, but it is still many times better than the current outside world.

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