I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1198 Revisiting the land of yin and yang

It's just that no matter how shocked he is, the proper etiquette cannot be abandoned.

Saint, is too far away from her.

This must be placed in ancient times. She is not qualified to meet a saint at this level.

Originally, she still had some grudges in her heart that Chu Feng wanted to gather her two daughters at the same time, but now, she didn't even have the slightest bit.

Just take a look at the benefits of Achilles.

Not only will his appearance last forever, but he also ate a longevity pill to increase his lifespan by 120 years, which is more than 100 years longer than ordinary people.

In addition, with the support of Chu Feng, they have also achieved achievements that ordinary people would not dare to imagine in their careers.

Not to mention, now Chu Feng has become a saint.

Of course, the most important thing is that Chu Feng loves Azhi and Afen.

Likewise, Azhi and Afen also love Chu Feng.

What is there to be dissatisfied with in Ming Lanzi's heart?

Azhi and Afen also felt the subtle change in Ming Lanzi's heart, and they were also extremely happy in their hearts.

"Chu..." Ming Lanzi was a little embarrassed for a while and didn't know what to call her.

Chu Feng said, "Call me by my name."

Ming Lanzi said: "Forget it, let's call you Chu Tianshi, I'm used to it."

667 "You can do whatever you want." Chu Feng didn't care about this.

Ming Lanzi said: "Chu Tianshi, you have other things besides visiting acquaintances on Hong Kong Island this time."5

Chu Feng said with a smile: "I really can't hide it from my aunt, yes, this time, I have one thing to do.

"What's the matter?" Ming Lanzi asked.

"We'll talk about that later.

Chu Feng flipped over his hand, and there was a jade bottle in his hand. He poured out a medicinal pill, and the fragrance was immediately fragrant.

Chu Feng handed the elixir to Ming Lanzi: "This is the elixir of longevity, if you take it, you can increase your lifespan by 1, and your aunt can take it. 35

"For me?" Ming Lan suddenly became excited.

As long as it's a normal person, who wants to die?

Ming Lanzi didn't want to die either.

After learning that Azhi and Afen had taken Zengshoudan, although she was happy for her two daughters, she was still somewhat envious.

Chu Feng put the medicinal pill in Ming Lanzi's hand, and used action instead of answering.

"Although Auntie has Ling Yuan Pill and Pei Yuan Pill to help her, her health is much better than before.

But in the early days, my aunt guarded this place where the yin and yang meet for too long, and I lost the foundation, so there is not much life left. "5

Chu Feng said: "It's just that Azhi and Afen are taking the longevity pill that has experienced the thunder tribulation, which can increase their lifespan by two Jiazi.

But I don't have this medicine anymore, so I can only feel sorry for my aunt.

"No grievances, no grievances." Ming Lanzi held the Longevity Pill in both hands, overjoyed.

Chu Feng also wouldn't feel that Ming Lanzi lost his temper. In front of life can be continued, this is nothing.

"Mom, take this longevity pill and take a look."

Azhi ran to Ming Lanzi: "Brother Feng said, we are too young, so there is no change in our appearance after eating the longevity pill.

But if older people eat it, they will become younger.

Over the years, I haven't seen it, and I don't know if this longevity pill is useful. "

"Don't talk nonsense." Ming Lanzi said, "How could Chu Tianshi lie to you about this kind of thing."

"Then take it easy and take a look. 39

"Then..." Ming Lanzi looked at Chu Feng: "Then I will be rude.

Ming Lanzi put the Longevity Pill into his mouth, and after swallowing it, a warm feeling soon rose in his abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Azhi exclaiming in surprise.

On the other side, Affin also covered his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Ming Lanzi asked hurriedly.

"Mom, you've become younger, really younger." Azhi said, and quickly took out a makeup mirror from her bag, opened it and handed it to Ming Lanzi: (bibe) "Mom, look at it.

Ming Lanzi looked in the mirror, and sure enough, her originally wrinkled face seemed to have been ironed, and most of those wrinkles miraculously disappeared.

In fact, Ming Lanzi is not very old, just because he has been sitting in this place where yin and yang meet for many years.

Before, the formation of the seal was not too strong, causing some yin to leak, hurting her fundamentals, making her look like a person in her 50s and 80s.

But now, she looks, at most, in her 40s.

From the eyebrows, it can be seen that she has some similarities with Azhi and Afen.

No, it should be that Azhi and Afen have some similarities with her.

It is conceivable that Ming Lanzi was also a beauty when she was young.

It is no wonder that Azhi and Afen can be born so beautifully.

Looking at the self in the mirror, Ming Lanzi couldn't believe it for a while, and couldn't believe that the person inside was actually herself.

Suddenly, her eyes turned red, and two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks.

Azhi and Afen hurried forward and hugged her.

Chu Feng has quietly walked out of the door, leaving this special moment to the three of them, mother and daughter.

After a long time, a soft middle-aged female voice came from the room: "Chu Tianshi, please come in."

Although it was the first time I heard this voice, Chu Feng was sure that it was Ming Lanzi's voice.

Not only did Ming Lanzi look younger, but her voice also became younger, not as old as before.

Chu Feng paced into the house and saw the smiles on the faces of Azhi and Afen.

Moreover, the eyes they looked at themselves were full of infinite gratitude, just like Ming Lanzi.

"Chu Tianshi, I made you laugh." Ming Lanzi smiled embarrassedly.

Chu Feng said: "Auntie's words are serious, and she has regained her youth. Who can keep her composure. Auntie's return to normal so quickly is enough to show that Auntie's mood is far beyond ordinary people."

Ming Lanzi held Azhi with one hand and A Fen with the other, and there was still an unstoppable smile on his face.

Only by experiencing all of this in person can you better appreciate the magic inside and the excitement of regaining your youth.

And Azhi and Afen saw their mother's rejuvenation with their own eyes, and they were naturally very happy in their hearts, which meant that the Longevity Pill was really useful.

60 years of longevity pills have been able to achieve this effect.

And what they take is 120 years old.

"Chu Tianshi, can you tell me about you?"

After a while, Ming Lanzi barely suppressed her excitement and asked Chu Feng.

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