I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1167 Set off again (please customize)

Christine's father was shocked and heartbroken when he learned that his wife had become a murderer.

But what hurts him even more is that his wife is actually having an affair with his younger brother. He wears a big hat, and it's still green.

And after wearing it for many years, even if the younger brother died and turned into a flesh-and-blood monster, the wife was still willing to be good to him.

But what he didn't know was that because of Chu Feng's intervention, he escaped the catastrophe and saved his life.

So, it is true that good and bad are interdependent.

Kristen was much stronger than her father.

After this incident, she suddenly matured a lot and became more confident and self-reliant.

She signed up for an adult college and was ready to finish the school she didn't finish.

As for her father's current state, she thinks it is a good thing.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It's just that she always thinks of that magical exorcist.

She would always look back unconsciously, as if the exorcist was still by her side.

She knew that if it weren't for the exorcist, she and her father would be miserable now.

Suddenly, she felt that someone was looking at her, she suddenly turned around and glanced at all the people behind her, but saw nothing.

She sighed in disappointment: "Am I feeling wrong, or 400 I miss him too much.

Chu Feng was actually standing not far from her, but she couldn't see it.

"It feels quite sharp." With a smile on Chu Feng's face, he turned and left.

As for developing a relationship with Kristen beyond the normal friendship, Chu Feng has no interest.

Although, Christine is still pretty and has a good personality, but he has enough women.

That is, a woman of Gal Gadot's level, Chu Feng is still unable to refuse for the time being.

On the same day, Chu Feng left here and continued to search for the spirit of the earth veins.

However, he deliberately tempered his mood, deliberately not in a hurry, and slowly searched for the past mountain by mountain.

At the same time, he also wanted to see if he could encounter some other supernatural events and earn more than 300,000 merit points.

Since he was not in a hurry, Chu Feng no longer used space to move to hurry, but took out the Mercedes-Benz Big G from the storage ring and drove it from place to place.

This walk is more than three months.

I don't know if it's because Chu Feng is too powerful, or for some reason, he didn't encounter a single supernatural thing.

Not to say that he did not encounter a single ghost.

Sometimes, when he goes to a place, his consciousness sweeps away, and he can also find that there are ghosts there.

However, those ghosts are too weak, and they have no intention of harming others, just because they are still too nostalgic for their family members after their death, so they linger near their family members.

That being the case, Chu Feng was too lazy to take care of it.

Although he is a cultivator, he is not the kind of guardian who kills the ghost when he sees it.

Anyway, these ghosts are too weak. After being killed or overthrown, they have no merits, so Chu Feng will not spend that much effort.

After all, he sent people away, but instead ruined their reunion, and they would not only not thank him, but also hate him.

As for the ghost wandering next to the living, the living will be affected to some extent, Chu Feng also ignored it.

To put it bluntly, he is not the Virgin, and the lives of these people have nothing to do with him.

Although, in the past three months, Chu Feng has not achieved any gains in this regard, but there are still some gains in other aspects.

In the past three months, Chu Feng remade a batch of storage rings with the raw materials of the key of hell.

Because of the material, this batch of storage rings has too much space.

It turned out that when he made those rings, the space inside was only made of suet white jade, and the space was only 1 cubic meter.

The jadeite is only 10 cubic meters.

And now these are full of 100 cubic meters.

In addition, he also (bibe) made a storage bracelet.

Because of more materials, the space inside has reached a full 10,000 cubic meters, which is larger than his current storage ring space.

Chu Feng immediately put the storage bracelet on his hand.

The remaining rings, he plans to give Zhang Yuling, Huan Ji, Ling Zhiruo, and Shamo each one.

Scarlett, Angelina and their children are not a problem.

It's not that Chu Feng is reluctant, but that even giving them this ring, with their spiritual power, is a bit too reluctant.

After all, they are just ordinary people. Even if their souls have been strengthened by the Holy Soul Stone, such a large space ring requires relatively high spiritual power.

With this storage bracelet, it is much more convenient for Chu Feng to do a lot of things.

Many big things that couldn't be put in before can now be easily put in.

On this day, Chu Feng drove into a motel.

There are many such hotels next to the expressway in the M country, mainly for people to stop and rest.

Hotel conditions are not very good.

But in this case, there are not many options.

Chu Feng naturally doesn't care about these external conditions.

Cultivating the mind means accepting the best and the worst.

Faced with any situation, you can take it calmly.

After parking the car, Chu Feng went to the hotel front desk to check in.

The front desk was a middle-aged man who seemed to be the owner of the hotel.

He first glanced at Chu Feng, then looked up at Chu Feng's car in the parking lot.

He asked, "Are you alone?"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, alone. Why, look at me alone, are you going to attack me?

"You've watched too many movies." The hotel owner said angrily, and then squeezed out a playful smile:

"If you are alone, then I recommend you go to a good place. 35

"Where?" Chu Feng asked.

"There is a fork in the road one kilometer ahead, you get on the fork, and drive straight there. After more than ten kilometers, there is a strip club there.

There are the hottest girls, the hottest dances, and the best wines.

If you're a man, and a man who walks alone, definitely visit there. "

Chu Feng said: "That club must be very rich, and it actually promotes it everywhere.

I've come this way, and with you, I'm already the fifth person to recommend that place to me.

The hotel owner said indifferently: "So, you should go and have a look."

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