I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1163 Kick it away (please customize it)

"Do you want to see it, as you wish." The white robe moved his hand, and the white robe lowered again.

When it was only 3 meters away from Chu Feng, Bai Pao stopped.

At this time, Chu Feng felt as if there was a piece of sky pressing down on him.

Not only did the enormous power slow him down, but it also made him feel as if he was about to breathe.

This feeling is just an illusion, the effect of the spell itself.

However, under powerful spells, this illusion can also kill people.

"You're really strong, the bones haven't broken yet in this situation.

However, do you still have the strength to fight back? At this time, I only need a knife to kill you, like this.

Baipao Yinhun waved his hand, and in front of it there was a sharp dagger with a cold aura.

It pointed at the dagger, and the dagger shot towards Chu Feng's heart like a bolt of lightning.

In just an instant, the heart came to Chu Feng-.

But it didn't really stab Chu Feng, but stopped at Chu Feng's chest.

"I give you one last chance, three seconds, if you don't agree, my dagger will really pierce your heart.


The white-robed ghost began to count down.

"If you only have this ability, then I won't play with you."

Chu Feng smiled at the white-robed ghost, and his figure began to change.

"not good.

Bai Pao Yinhun's expression changed, and he immediately controlled the dagger to stab Chu Feng's heart.


The dagger stabbed hard, but only made a crisp sound.

Not only was it not pierced, but it was thrown out.


Baipao Yinhun looked surprised.

But it didn't have time to think about it, because Chu Feng's figure suddenly became bigger.

At the same time, countless lightning flashes appeared on him.

He was covered in lightning all over his body.

In an instant, his height had grown to several hundred feet.

Transformed into a huge dragon-headed human figure.

Countless lightning flashed on his body, and incomparably huge pressure radiated from him.

He lowered his head and looked at the white-robed ghost.

At his feet, the white-robed ghost was as small as an ant.

No, not even an ant, at best a bacterium.

The incomparably powerful pressure that the white robe fell on him disappeared without a trace from the moment he incarnated as a dragon god.

At this time, as his stature became huge, the white robe was also lifted up by him, but it was not broken.

The next moment, the giant Thor, who was several hundred meters tall, raised two arms as thick as hills.

He grabbed the white robe above his head with both hands: "Are you proud of this thing?"

His voice was loud and vague, resounding in the entire space, as if the master of this space was proclaiming an irreversible will.


As Chu Feng exerted force on his arms like two hills, the white robe made of unknown material was torn apart by him, revealing the foggy real sky in this space.


As the white robe was torn, the ghost of the white robe suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood red gas, making it weakened a lot at once.

But it ignored it, it just raised its head and stared blankly at the huge dragon god hundreds of feet high in front of him, his face was full of shock.

It never thought that human beings could be so powerful.

Moreover, it also appeared in front of it and became an enemy of him.

At this moment, it just wanted to kneel and kiss the god's toes, offering it its deepest surrender.

"Do not!""

The next moment, Bai Pao's yin soul shook all over and woke up. It quickly backed away with a look of fear on its face.

"How could I possibly want to surrender to him, it's impossible, how could I, Moxic, surrender to a human being."

The white robe yin roared furiously, his long golden hair fluttered, and his face became a little crazy.

What it didn't know was that this was the effect of Chu Feng's incarnation as Thor.

Thor, the legendary god of ancient times, is in charge of thunder and lightning.

Since it is a god, it will naturally make other creatures give birth to the heart of surrender.

What's more, the power he carries, from the pressure of substance, makes people feel so clearly.

And weak creatures, surrendering to powerful creatures, this is the nature of creatures, so what is strange.

...... ask for flowers .....

That is to say, the white-robed yin soul has strong willpower, and only wants to dominate other people's lives, rather than being dominated by others, so that he wakes up so quickly.

"It's not that you get bigger."

The white-robed ghost Moxic roared angrily, and his figure began to soar.

However, when it rose to a height of 100 feet, it stopped rising.

But compared to the previous time in front of Chu Feng, as a bacterium, it was already too much higher.

This made it a little more confident when facing Chu Feng at this time.

"Can you only get so big, small?"

There was a hint of ridicule in Chu Feng's tone, and he didn't use any magic. He just lifted his leg like a giant pillar and kicked it towards the white-robed ghost.

The speed is too fast, the power is too heavy.

Baipao Yinhun felt that a mountain peaked towards him, and he couldn't escape.

He could only cross his arms in front of him to resist the blow.


It was as if someone had knocked a giant drum that covered the sky, and the sound was so loud that it reverberated throughout the space.

The white-robed ghost was directly kicked away by Chu Feng.

It turned into a white dot, and I don't know where it flew.

Chu Feng unfolded his consciousness. At this time, the suppression of this space on him was completely useless.

His consciousness has been able to expand to its original range normally.

He "saw" that Bai Pao Yin Hun was kicked out by this kick and flew over a hundred kilometers away.

It fell to the ground and smashed a big hole on the ground.

At this moment, the white-robed ghost was lying in the huge pit, motionless.

"Oh, it wouldn't be too much force, just kick it to death. 95

Chu Feng shook his head, obviously not.

The white-robed ghost is not that weak.

Moreover, he did not receive a prompt from the system.

Sure enough, in the next moment, in Chu Feng's consciousness, the white-robed ghost slowly stood up from the giant pit.

It shook its head vigorously, as if the blow just now had caused a lot of damage to it.


It became extremely angry, and it was no longer the same as before.

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