I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1156 Killing the ghost is like cutting leeks (please customize)

After all, there has never been a living person in this space, and Chu Feng was the first living person they met after entering here.

But the next moment, they became ecstatic.

They don't mind killing a living person to increase their strength before entering that passage.

Moreover, because Chu Feng has restrained the strength and breath of the whole body, in their eyes, Chu Feng is so weak and indistinguishable from ordinary humans.

In this case, killing such a human is not a waste of time at all, it is just a matter of convenience.

Those ghosts rushed towards Chu Feng excitedly, and then, they were stupid.

In front of that seemingly ordinary human being, there is an invisible power barrier.

They hadn't approached the human at all, and the strength barrier blocked them, preventing them from advancing.

They instantly understood that this man only seemed to be an ordinary human being, but in fact, how could the human beings who would appear in this dimension be ordinary human beings.

They wanted to escape immediately, but at this time, they found that the power barrier not only blocked them, but also had a strong adsorption force, directly imprisoning them in the air.

An incomparable sense of fear rose in their hearts.

At this time, the power barrier moved again, like some invisible grinding discs, turning them into fly ash and dissipating in this world.

"Ding, kill the ghost and get 3000 merit points.

"Ding, kill the ghost and get 10,000 merit points."

"Ding, kill the ghost, get 5000 merit points. 39

In an instant, Chu Feng's mind kept ringing the system prompt.

Chu Feng decisively chose to temporarily block it, otherwise the sound would keep ringing.

These most powerful and fastest ghosts were strangled by Chu Feng's hands.

After a while, the less powerful ghost also ran over.

They also saw Chu Feng, and that channel.

They are not surprised that all the ghosts with higher strength than them are gone.

That passage is there, and he must have already run into the passage long ago.

It's just that there is actually a human over there, which surprised them.

It is not only surprising how there is a human being here, but also how the previous batch of ghosts killed this human being.

They felt that maybe those ghosts were more powerful, and they were anxious to enter the passage to go to the human world, so they did not look down on Chu Feng, a human being, and were unwilling to waste time on Chu Feng.

"Although you don't like it, but I like it. Since you don't want to waste time, I'm not afraid to waste this time.

This group of ghosts also rushed towards Chu Feng with similar thoughts.

Then, they end up just like the first ghosts.

It was directly blocked by an invisible power barrier.

They instantly understood that something was wrong.

It's not that the first batch of ghosts didn't want to waste time, but they simply killed this human being.

This human must be a strong man, otherwise how could they be blocked.

If you can't kill it, then retreat.

When they retreated, they also felt the mood of the first batch of ghosts at that time.

I want to get in, but I can't.

If you want to go back, you can't go back either.

They were imprisoned in place.

Then, the power mill began to twist, and this batch of ghosts was instantly killed.

"You don't want to kill me?

After killing the group of ghosts in front of him, Chu Feng looked at another group of ghosts imprisoned in front of the passage.

This is the remaining ghost from the second batch of ghosts.

They did not come towards Chu Feng at that time, but went directly towards the passage.

As a result, he was also imprisoned in front of the passage by Chu Feng.

This group of ghosts was also stupid at this time.

Some of them really don't want to waste time in front of Chu Feng, they just want to enter the passage quickly.

Besides, there are already so many ghosts gone, and they didn't get much benefit in the past.

Some had never killed anyone and didn't want to kill Chu Feng.

But I never imagined that where is an ordinary person, it is simply a devil who is even more devilish than them.

So many ghosts were all smashed into pieces in an instant.

Needless to say, the first batch of ghosts who came over must have the same fate.

There was no ghost to answer Chu Feng's words, but Chu Feng was dignified and half-sacred, and with just a glance, one could see which ghosts possessed evil spirits, who had killed people, and which ones had not killed people.

Moreover, through the subtle difference between their eyes and evil spirits, Chu Feng can also judge which ones are forced to kill, or revenge to kill.

Which are homicidal, intentional homicide.

Without waiting for them to answer, Chu Feng reached out and grabbed the void, and part of the ghost was caught by it.

The rest of the ghosts are completely unkillable, just ordinary ghosts.

Chu Feng didn't kill them, but didn't let them enter the passage, but moved them aside, and cast a blinding technique to prevent other ghosts from seeing them temporarily.

For today's Chu Feng, this kind of blinding method is naturally easy to do, and it can be used at will without deliberately learning it.

After a while, the third batch of the weakest ghosts finally arrived.

Like the second batch of ghosts, they were also divided into two groups, one group ran towards Chu Feng, and the other group went straight to the passage.

It's just that in this group, a minority of them went to Chu Feng, and the vast majority went to the channel.

Chu Feng was not surprised at all about this.

The first batch is the strongest, they have no points (good ones), and they all rushed to Chu Feng first, thinking of killing Chu Feng first.

This is because they are the strongest and have the heaviest killing intent.

This is also the reason why they are the most powerful.

In the second batch, they began to disperse, but those who wanted to kill Chu Feng still accounted for the majority.

The third batch is the weakest. There are many ghosts in it, and they have never killed anyone, so the few who run towards Chu Feng are the least.

There was no exception to the fate of the third batch of ghosts. Similarly, some of them were strangled on the spot.

The other part was imprisoned in place by Chu Feng, unable to advance or retreat.

Chu Feng did not immediately deal with these ghosts, he was still waiting to see if there were any more distant ghosts running over.

This wait is several hours.

The result really made Chu Feng wait for dozens of ghosts one after another.

Either he was dealt with on the spot, or he was imprisoned, and placed with the other ghosts.

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