I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1153 The key to hell (please customize)

Nailhead fell silent.

Why kill, does it need a reason?

Isn't murder just killing if you want to?

"Then who are you?"

Nailhead struggled again with the question of why Chu Feng wanted to kill the obese ghost, and turned to ask.

It really can't believe why there are such powerful human beings in this world.

"I'm an exorcist, isn't it just right to kill you demons who take pleasure in killing people? Like this."9

With that said, Chu Feng's hand gestures slightly increased.

Immediately, an iron chain separated, directly wrapping the skinless ghost round after round.

Immediately afterwards, the iron chain suddenly tightened, and the skinless ghost was cut into several pieces by the iron chain, scattered on the ground, and turned into nothingness.

"Ding, kill the ghost, get 500,000 points of merit-value."

This skinless ghost is also a fierce spirit, but it is only a primary fierce spirit, and it is only worth 500,000 merit points.

Between Chu Feng's understatement and killing one of them, both the Nail Ghost and the Broken Throat Ghost jumped.

Just now Chu Feng only had the upper hand, which made them feel that they still had a chance to fight.

Now, they know that Chu Feng is playing with them at all.

The eyes of the two people exchanged, and at the same time, their bodies began to fade, and they wanted to escape.

But the next moment, their faces were full of horror and shock.

They found that, let alone escape, they couldn't do it even if they wanted to become an illusory state.

The eyes they looked at Chu Feng had completely turned into fear.

How strong does this man have to be to crush them like this.

"You must kill us? 35

If the people who were killed by Nailtou could see the current scene, they would not believe that Nailtou would show the current expression and speak in such a tone.

In their impression, Nailhead's expression is always indifferent, there is no emotion in his eyes, all life in its eyes, there is only one road to death.

But now, there is fear on its face, and the tone is full of begging for mercy.

Chu Feng said: "Yes, just like you must kill the people who summoned you, I will also kill you.

But if you don't want to die as painfully as the previous two, you can answer some of my questions.

"Since I'm going to die, why should I answer your question.

Seeing that the Broken Throat Ghost couldn't escape, his tone became a little tougher.

"because this.

Chu Feng flicked his fingers, and a green flame flew out and fell on the Broken Throat Ghost.

"Ah! 35

In an instant, the Broken Throat Ghost was wrapped in green flames, and an extremely painful scream came from the flames, but it did not die.

However, just by looking at the extent of its struggle and its miserable cry, one could know that it must be suffering unspeakable pain now.

"Can you answer?" Chu Feng looked at Nail Head.

"go ahead.""

Chu Feng said: "Where are you from? Don't tell me it's hell.

The ghost of hell is not so easy to come to the world.

Like that Mr. Gongyang, he tried his best to establish a church and attract so many believers, but the result was not successful.

The Broken Throat Ghost said: "It's not hell, but a special world.

"A special world?" Chu Feng's eyes flashed slightly: "What kind of world?

Nailhead thought for a while and said: "I can't describe it accurately, it's a special space, there are some other ghosts there, but I'm sure it's not hell.

Chu Feng's heart moved, this would not be the world in the story of "Hidden".

The gambler's family also went to that world last time, and was pulled back by Chu Feng.

If it was that world, it would be interesting.

However, the nail head couldn't accurately describe what kind of world it was, and Chu Feng couldn't be sure.

"Why, when this metal block turns, you will appear, not others?" Chu Feng gestured to the metal block in his hand.

"Because the key of hell was made with the help of my master.

The moment it was made, there was a specific connection with my master.

We appear whenever the channel is open.

Kill more people to make the master stronger. "

・・For flowers.....

"The key to hell?

Chu Feng looked at the metal block in his hand and knew that this was what the nail head said, and the name was quite appropriate.

However, the head of the nail actually said that it had another owner.

This made Chu Feng a little surprised.

In the movie, this has never been done.

"Why didn't your master come to the world in person, but let you appear."

"This space channel is not too stable, and my master is too strong, if it wants to enter, the space channel will collapse immediately.

Speaking of which, Nailhead glanced at Chu Feng: "My master should have known about the deaths of the three of them.

And, because the passage is open, my master has seen you..."

"You want to say that if I kill you, your master will never die with me to avenge me?

Chu Feng interrupted the words behind the nail head.

Nailhead shook his head and said, "No, he will not seek revenge on you.

He didn't care too much about our life and death.

In fact, he didn't care too much about everyone's death.

But we are his people, and you will lose his face if you kill us.

He will find you and kill you, but not for our revenge, but for his own face. "

"Haha..." Chu Feng said with a smile: I hope it can come, but unfortunately, if it's like what you said, it can't come to the world.

Also, I don't like that there is always something behind me trying to kill me, in that case, it's up to me to kill it.

"You're going to... kill my master?"

Nailhead was so shocked that he couldn't speak: "Do you know how strong he is? Even the space channel is not enough to carry his power, so you actually want to kill him?"

"If it's weak, I don't want to go yet.

Chu Feng is worried that the merit value is not enough. Now that there is a strong existence, he is afraid that it is not strong enough.

While speaking, Chu Feng exerted force on his hand, and the metal block was deformed, twisted in his hand, and finally completely turned into a liquid, and then cooled into a spherical ball.

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