I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 197 Suggestions from Chef Komatsu

Hearing Chef Komatsu's inquiry,

Chen Fei gave him a general overview of the problems that appeared in his body.

After listening to it, Chef Komatsu generally understood the problem with Chen Fei.

Regarding Chen Fei's "super five senses",

Chef Komatsu is not too surprised,

After all, in the world he lives in, there are even more incredible abilities.

Because for a long time, relying too much on his own talent,

Has the "emotion" of cooking been gradually lost?

Chef Komatsu fell into contemplation at this moment,

"Mr. Chen Fei....Have you ever tried to build your passion on the pursuit of unknown delicacy?"

“I think if this can be done, there should be at least a sense of expectation. 39

Chen Fei understood what Chef Komatsu wanted to express.

But in fact, this method does not actually apply to him.

The world of "captive of food" is different from the ordinary world of food,

In that world, there are many undiscovered ingredients hidden.

Constantly pursue unknown delicacy, cook those unseen ingredients into exquisite dishes,

This is the goal and pursuit of Chef Komatsu,

As long as he doesn't dig out all the ingredients in the world, he can always keep this expectation.

And he, the world he lives in is completely different from him,

In the world I live in, the ingredients are all ordinary 620 ingredients.

If you have a super sense of taste, you can deduce the taste of the food in your mind just by imagining the cooking process.

Therefore, the expectation of "unknown" has no way to breed in Chen Fei's heart.

"Chef Komatsu, this method may not be suitable for me."

"In the world I live in, all the ingredients I have are those conventional ingredients."

"It's not just the taste of the ingredients that I can't feel.

"I can't even grow my expectations for cooking.

"With my super five senses, I don't even need to cook, I can evolve the flavors I'm about to create in my mind.

"Sometimes I even feel that I don't even need to do anything."

"Maybe because of this, I gradually lost the emotion of cooking.

Hearing what Chen Fei said, Chef Komatsu really didn't know what to say at this moment.


It was the first time he had seen such a problem with a chef.


If you don't even taste it,

without even doing it,

You can completely build the taste in your mind,

Whoever it is, the feeling of "expectation" will gradually disappear.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen Fei!"

"I really can't think of any other way about the problems that have arisen in you.

"But, I think if you really can't help it, if you have expectations about the food, or the cooking itself,

"Maybe, you can change your mind."

"Otherwise, transfer this expectation to the "surprise after the guest's tasting", do you think this method is ok?

Chen Fei understood the suggestion given by Chef Komatsu.

He was trying to suggest to himself, otherwise he would shift his "expectation" to how he might react to his guests.

In fact, the method given by Chef Komatsu is similar to the method given by Master Abe.

In other words, if you want to solve your own problems,

No matter what, you have to find a way to irrigate your emotions into the dishes, and then convey this emotion to the guests who are about to taste the dishes.

It seems that this is really the only solution to the problem.

In this culinary exchange, Chen Fei and Chef Komatsu did not make any practical culinary measures.

They were chatting the whole time until the time was over.

Frankly speaking, Chen Fei felt that the receipt of this culinary exchange was not as big as the first time.

However, this is actually understandable.

Chef Komatsu and Chef Abbe are taking two very different paths.

Regardless of cooking skills or experience, Chef Abbe is better than Chef Komatsu.

(bfec) The only thing that the two of them are on the same level is their passion for cooking.

Before Chef Komatsu left, he apologized apologetically to Chen Fei.

Because he couldn't help Chen Fei, he also felt embarrassed.

"Chef Komatsu, please don't pay too much attention to this matter.

"In this culinary exchange, more or less we also exchanged a lot of cooking skills."

"As for the problems that arise in myself, I will find ways to solve them myself.

"It's a pleasure to be friends with Chef Komatsu this time."

Soon, Chef Komatsu left.

And Chen Fei's consciousness also returned to his body.

After a quiet night's rest,

The next day, he woke up at four in the morning.

Today's freshmen have an assessment to be conducted early in the morning,

He had to get to the scene ahead of time to see how everyone was preparing.

The resort hotel has a total of 6 large dining areas.

In order to cope with this assessment, all the 6 dining areas have been activated.

After the assessment in the past few days, more than 100 people have been eliminated one after another.

There are more than 700 freshmen left now,

All were regrouped and then assigned to different exam rooms.

Just as Chen Fei got out of the elevator, he ran into Dojima Gin who came out of the elevator next door.

Seeing Chen Fei here, Dojima Gin was stunned for a moment:

"Lord Chen Fei, did you get up so early today?"

Chen Fei nodded:

"I want to go to the examination room to see the situation. 35

"Chef Dojima, are you going to inspect the exam room? 35

Hearing Chen Fei's question,

A smile appeared on Dojima Gin's face:

"Yeah, I'm about to go to the examination room.

"Look at how everyone is preparing, after all, after a while, the guests should come.

"Sir Chen Fei, do you want to join us?"

Seeing that Dojima Gin sent an invitation to him, Chen Fei didn't think about it, and immediately agreed:

"Let's go together then. 99

"By the way, Chef Dojima, you have a list of the specific distribution of candidates.

Dojima Gin nodded,

Then soon he took out a list from a file bag and handed it to Chen Fei:

"This is the specific information of all the candidates in the six test centers.

"Lord Chen Fei, do you want to take a look?"

Chen Fei nodded, then took the list,

In fact, he mainly wanted to see where the "acquaintances" were classified,

After taking a general look at the list, Chen Fei looked at Dojima Gin and said:

"Let's go, let's go to the No. 1 examination room first."

"After this assessment, the accommodation training is almost coming to an end."

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