I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 138 So you are a related household?

Seeing Yukihira Sōma's confused expression,

Mito Ikumi pouted in disdain,

What a nerve-wracking man,

How on earth did this kind of person get into him~ Tōtsuki?

Forget it, now is not the time to care about such things,

Mito Ikumi looked at Yukihira Sōma, and said:

"This is the end of the crap. 99

"Hey, transfer student, I have something to tell you today.

"I intend to change the conditions of this halberd meal agreement."

"The agreement made before is that if I win this duel, not only will the Rice Bowl Cooking Research Association be forcibly abolished, but you will also drop out of this school."

"Now, with great mercy, Miss Erina has decided to give you a chance!"

"Regardless of this matchup, win or lose, you don't need to be kicked out.

"At the same time, the lady of the Rice Bowl Cooking Research Association has no interest in you at all.

"Whether to dissolve or continue to operate, we will not continue to intervene. 99

"So, just keep it in your heart and be grateful to Miss!


Hearing what Mito Ikumi said,

Yukihira Sōma and Konishi Kanichi were stunned at this moment.

Why, Erina, would she suddenly make such a decision?

Yukihira Sōma scratched his head and asked in confusion:

"Why suddenly change the agreement? 35

"Because, did you understand the value of rice bowl dishes? 35

Hearing this, Mito Ikumi glared at Yukihira:

"What are you talking about?"

"In my eyes, you and this Rice Bowl Cooking Research Institute can't be on the table at all! 35

"You have to figure this out for me!

"Although I decided to let you go, in the eyes of the young lady, you are still a mere ants."

"If you want to be thankful, thank you for your background!"

"If it weren't for the fact that someone in your family happened to know Miss, I would have driven you out of here without mercy! 35

After saying these words, Mito Ikumi turned around and walked directly to the work area.

After Konishi Kanichi was stunned, he seemed to gradually understand the truth of the matter.

The next second, he held Yukihira Sōma's shoulder and said excitedly:

"Yukihira, your family is related, why didn't you tell me about this earlier!"

"I'm really....really worried until now, you know?"

"I see... it's because someone in your family knows Erina, so you're not afraid of being expelled from school, right?

"With this relationship, why didn't you use it earlier!

"It made me worry for nothing!"

"I don't even know what to say to you..."

Listening to Konishi Kanichi's excited voice, Yukihira Sōma was really at a loss.

Is there anyone in your home?

Still know Erina?

How did he not know about this?

Could it be a misunderstanding...

However, Yukihira Sōma was originally a person with relatively big nerves,

Since he didn't understand, he simply didn't think about it anymore.

On the other hand, Konishi Kanichi's eyes flashed "I understand everything".

"Yukihira-kun, since someone in your family knows Erina classmate, can you not walk sideways in your academy in the future?

Seeing Konishi Kanichi's envious eyes, Yukihira Sōma was speechless:

"Konishi-senpai, what Mito-san said just now, I don't even know what it is!

Damn, it's such a time, this guy is still "low-key"!

Konishi Kanichi couldn't help complaining in his heart,

But his face showed a look of "understanding":

"I see! 9

"It must be that your family wants you to come to this school to gain experience, so they didn't tell you about it.

"Yukihira-kun, this time, our Rice Bowl Research Institute is really blessed by you!

Yukihira-kun is a thigh, so I must hug it quickly.

Konishi Kanichi has already figured out that after the halberd meal is over, he will be fooled to come to the Rice Bowl Cooking Research Association no matter what.

The halberds of Yukihira Sōma and Mito Ikumi, started unknowingly.

after an hour,

The judges raised their number cards in their hands!

3 to 0!

The results of the duel are finally out!

Seeing the three judges, all gave their support to Mito Ikumi,

The expression on Yukihira Sōma's face instantly froze.

myself, is this a loss?

Compared to the silent Yukihira Sōma who stood beside him,

Konishi Kanichi didn't panic at all after seeing the result,

Sure enough, the little meat charm is stronger.

But it doesn't matter, if you lose, you lose.

・・・・For flowers・・・

Anyway, Yukihira-kun is a related household, and others will not treat him if he loses the duel.

Thinking of this, Konishi Kanichi looked up at Yukihira Sōma:

"Yukihira-kun, it seems that we all need to continue to practice.

"How about you, do you want to join our Rice Bowl Cooking Research Association?"

"From today onwards, let's work hard to practice together..."

Yukihira Sōma ignored Konishi Kanichi and focused on Mito Ikumi,

He's thinking about the dish Mito just made!

really excellent,

What do you have to do to make a meal that tastes better than that one?

In fact, it was not just Yukihira Sōma who was restless,

Mito Ikumi's heart is actually not very calm.

Just now, she saw the strength of this transfer student.


Not as weak as he imagined.

No wonder he was able to make such arrogant speech at the opening ceremony,

Is this where his confidence lies?

Thinking of this, Mito Ikumi suddenly felt a little lucky.

If it weren't for yesterday, Lord Chen Fei temporarily instructed,

So, today's Shi Ji, the one who loses is likely to be her.

Unexpectedly, there are so many details that need to be paid attention to.

It seems that he really underestimated the enemy before.

Originally, Mito Ikumi planned to make fun of Yukihira Sōma after winning the duel.

But now, she found that she couldn't do such a thing at all.

If it wasn't for Chen Fei's temporary guidance, the loser would be himself.

At this moment, Yukihira Sōma's cooking skills, to a certain extent, are also recognized by Mito Ikumi.

Thinking only of this, Mito Ikumi raised her head and looked at Yukihira Sōma, and then she looked at Konishi Kanichi who was glued to Yukihira's side:

"Today's duel, you can be considered very tenacious."

"I take back what I said before, you don't seem to be useless!"

"However, for the sake of her acquaintance with the elders and young lady in your family, I still want to remind you!

"Stop dealing with this spineless man.

"Otherwise, you will be dragged down by this kind of person!


Hearing what Mito Ikumi said, Konishi Kanichi was so frightened that he couldn't even breathe.

A man with no spine... Said... shouldn't it be him!? Chi.

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