I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 997: Teach to be a man and be taught to be a man

Let the older female primitives take the hunched primitives to the Qingque tribe, the chief of the old tribe especially wants to do it.

Not only did he want to do it himself, but he also felt that the older primitive women would definitely agree to it.

Because that is a lot of food, and a lot of cows!

In the past, my tribe couldn’t afford to replace it with one. Now I only need to show the hunchback primitives and they can get a lot of cows. In addition to these cows, they can also get a lot more. Food, such a beautiful job, where to find it!

The older primitive women wanted to get some cows long ago.

Now that she has such an opportunity, she will definitely agree!


The old tribe leader who walked to the older primitive woman came to the older primitive woman, reached out to take the load on her shoulder, and said something with a smile.

After hearing what he said, the older primitive female was startled for a moment, and immediately showed an unbelievable bright smile, very excited.

This is because the leader of the old tribe told her that it won't be long before their tribe will have a lot of cattle.

When the time comes, let the older primitive women and them take these cattle to exchange with the people of the other tribes.

In this way, in the future, they no longer have to carry the load with the load, and they don't have to be so tired.

Hearing the tribal chiefs say so, the older primitive women are of course happy and unbelievable.

On the one hand, the leader was moved and happy when he saw the efforts of himself and others and expressed concern for himself.

On the other hand, he and others can finally get the cow that has been thinking about for a long time.


After being excited and moved, the older primitive women hurriedly asked, where are these cows? How can I get it.

After seeing the reaction of the older female primitives, the smile on the face of the leader of the old tribe became even brighter.

Things were exactly as he thought. The older primitive women were very interested in cattle.

In this way, what he thought can be successfully completed.


Looking at the leader who was talking to herself with excitement, the older primitive female's mouth gradually opened up, the expectation and smile on his face gradually solidified, and finally disappeared.

And eventually became a black face.

Even the chest was up and down, and there was a lot of surprise and annoyance in the eyes of the leader of his tribe.

But the leader of the old tribe didn't realize this, and was still talking to himself, telling the older primitive women his thoughts and the benefits of doing so.

Until the older primitive female came to him without saying a word, and after taking the burden off his shoulders and putting it on his shoulders again, the old tribe leader who had fallen into self-confidence , And then he took a sigh of relief under a sudden shock.


After a while, he looked puzzled and said to the older primitive female who was carrying the burden and walking towards the tribal cave without saying a word.

However, the older female primitives ignored him at all, and walked forward without looking back.

It’s not just that the older primitive females ignore him, and the people who come back with the older primitive females bearing the burden, but also ignore the leaders of their tribe, bear the burden, and follow the older ones. Behind the primitive female, just walk forward.

There is anger in my heart.

The atmosphere that had just returned to a happy and harmonious atmosphere, with the opening of the old tribe leader, suddenly disappeared.

The older primitive women who came back with a large amount of food and those who followed her to do the same thing, there was a gap between the leaders of the old tribe, and some people in their tribe, causing some unhappiness.


The old tribe leader who was stunned in the same place, and the older primitive female who was standing here watching and walking away without looking back, appeared angry and whispered something.

Judging from his expression, what he said was not a good thing, it should be a curse.

After standing on the spot for a while, the leader of the old tribe quickened his pace again and chased after the older primitive female group who had already walked to the cave...


The leader of the old tribe once again brought up the matter of leading the hunched primitive man in exchange for something like a cow.

This time, the older female primitives reacted much more intensely than not long ago.

She threw the pole that had just been taken off the load on the ground.

If it hadn't been for the leader of the old tribe to lift his foot to one side quickly, it would have hit his toe.


The older female primitives roared at the leader of the old tribe, and their momentum even suppressed the leader of the old tribe.

She was telling the leader of the old tribe that in the past, the **** son of the Qingque tribe, but she clearly stated that she could not tell the other tribes of the location of the Qingque tribe!

What's more, they can't directly take people from the other tribes to the Qingque tribe without the consent of the Qingque tribe!

Moreover, the **** son of the Qingque tribe said before that if they really did this, from then on, they would never exchange for their tribe!

The Qingque tribe under Han Cheng's leadership is a trapped horse pit. People who have a lot of contact with the Qingque tribe will easily get trapped, but they still can't get out.

For example, the older primitive women.

After such a long time of contact, it is impossible to say that the older female primitives did not yearn for the life of the Qingque tribe and did not have any other emotions towards the Qingque tribe.

Not to mention the unique, very comfortable atmosphere of the Qingque tribe, and all the other unforgettable things, just the talented and extremely enthusiastic trader can make older women The primitive people, at this time, fired at the leaders of their tribes, and strongly opposed their leaders' practice.

Not to mention, in addition to these, the **** son of the Qingque tribe has also specially emphasized that after telling the other tribes of the location of the Qingque tribe without authorization, they will no longer exchange with their tribe.

The older female primitive has already tasted the sweetness of being an Erdao dealer in many exchanges. She will never give up this fast way of obtaining food.

What the old tribe leader just said, no matter in terms of emotions or practical interests, older female primitive people can't accept it.

Of course, if such a thing happened before the older female primitive met the Qingque tribe and did not act as the second trafficker, even if she was reluctant in her heart, she would not dare to fight for such reasons and confront the leader of her tribe. .

Not to mention that he specifically threw the pole in his hand onto the foot of the leader of his tribe.

But now everything has become different. By being Erdao dealers, these people led by older female primitives have become the group of people who can get the most food in the entire old tribe.

Even the most famous people in the tribe who get prey and wild vegetables can get food that is not comparable to them.

As mentioned earlier, the economic foundation can determine not only the superstructure, but also a person’s family status.

At this time, the changes in the older female primitives are the best witness.

As the food she brought back to the tribe with people and food increased day by day, her status in the tribe rose rapidly.

They are about to become the most dazzling existence of the entire old tribe.

People who can earn a lot of food for the tribe, talk and do things, are so hard, and the waist can stand so straight!

"@#……@#twenty two!"

The leader of the old tribe is speechless because of the attitude of the older primitive women.

One hand was raised, trying to hit the older primitive female.

The older female primitives were not frightened by these actions of the old tribe leader.

She stood here, unmoved at all, just watching the leader of her tribe quietly, watching his next actions.

The leader of the old tribe said with a bit of annoyance in his mouth, slapped in the air, raised a few times, but after all, he did not fall.

This is not only because the older female primitives have now become the most accessible people in the tribe, but more importantly, when they found conflicts between the two, they began to quarrel, especially the leader of the old tribe. After the older primitive women were to be beaten, they followed the older primitive women and exchanged with the other tribes outside, and they all surrounded them with a loud cry.

Among them, many people still hold poles that have just been removed from the load.

In addition to these people, there were also many people who stayed in the tribe and did not go out to trade.

They didn't say anything, but from their expressions and some inadvertent actions, it was easy to find out who they would help if there was a physical conflict between the leader of the old tribe and the older primitive female.

The leader of the old tribe is not a fool. At such times, he can naturally see some differences.

Therefore, his slap did not go down.

However, the reaction to these people in the tribe also became a little panic, or a little angry and puzzled.

In fact, his puzzle is easy to explain.

Just as he is not a fool, the rest of the old tribe are not fools either.

In many cases, no matter how loud the slogan is, and no matter how loud a person is to say it, but it does not bring any benefits to the person, or the benefits are lower than people's expectations, this person will eventually Abandoned by people.

At the same time, this is also a kind of dialectical relationship between matter and consciousness.

This is the fundamental reason why the older primitive females who don't speak much in the tribe have already surpassed the prestige of the old tribe leader without knowing it.


After a while, the leader of the old tribe spoke again.

The voice was much smaller than the previous one, and even the tone became much softer.

The old tribe leader who wanted to teach older female primitives to be humans, in the face of the ruthless reality, was instead taught by the older female primitives how to behave, and the effect was surprisingly fast and good.

He was explaining to the older primitive women.

This means that the people in the Qingque tribe are very friendly, they have always laughed, and since realizing it now, they have never been embarrassed.

Especially the **** son of the Qingque tribe, he smiled when they met, using his hand, holding his hand, shaking constantly, looking extremely kind, absolutely not like a person who can get angry and do what he says. .

If his tribe really did something like this, he wouldn't really do the things they said before.

Moreover, through this approach, the ox from the hump-backed primitive people and other things will not be required by their tribe, and half of them can be given to the Qingque tribe. In this way, they will certainly not be angry. Up.

This is not only a supplementary explanation for the things he said, but after these words are said, it also represents the leader of the old tribe and the softness of the older primitive women.

This represents a big meaning in the old tribe.

The meaning is that from this moment on, in the old tribe, the prestige of the older female primitives has officially overwhelmed the leader of the old tribe!


After listening to what the old tribe leader said, the older female primitives didn't even think too much, and shook their heads and refused.

She didn't want to do anything that would harm the Qingque tribe, and at the same time she wouldn't make fun of Erdao dealers, something he valued extremely.

After all, her current status was given by this matter.

For this matter, the older primitive women are very sober.

The conditions given by the hunched primitive people are indeed very generous and attractive, but in the long run, such conditions are far inferior to what they are doing now~www.NovelMTL.com ~Because the hump-backed primitive people give these things only once, and what they do can bring them food continuously.

Although only a primitive person, the older female primitive person is very clear about the priorities between these two things.

Under these circumstances, there is no way to deal with the older primitive females and the leaders of the old tribes who are unable to enter the market.

The decision to go to the Qingque tribe with the humpbacked primitive people was directly decided under the operation of the older female primitives who seemed extremely powerful. The leader of the old tribe, even a little extra. There was no resistance.


In a place where no one can see, the leader of the old tribe kicked a tree not far from the tribe...


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