I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 985: There is a way to deal with them (2 in 1, I wish you all a happy new year)

Time passed quietly, and the place came to the cave where the non-tribe was located.

The non-tribal caves that used to be very lively and crowded are not lively at all.

Compared with before, there are fewer people gathered in the cave.

Most of these people have died, and some have diverted their way in the previous desperate escape, and have not returned to the tribe until now.

Some of these people who ran off the road never came back. It was not that they encountered the ferocious Qingque tribe, but that there was some other danger that could cause death...

The atmosphere in the cave is extremely silent and depressed.

Compared with the kind of fanaticism and arrogance two days ago, it's the opposite, it's all in the sky and the ground.

This is not just because part of the people in the tribe died and there were fewer people talking, so the cave was not lively.

More importantly, what happened one day ago has left a lingering shadow in the hearts of these people.

The death of the leader, as well as the deaths of the rest of the tribe, and the terrible scene at the time, made the living people panic.

There is no place for a heart to rest.

In such an atmosphere, it would be weird if someone could talk and laugh wantonly.

"43 RMB!..."

In this silence, a person squatting on a rock stood up from above and watched everyone speak.

As soon as he spoke, he attracted the eyes of the silent people in the tribe.

An older person in this tribe has many wrinkles on his face, carrying the vicissitudes of time.

Facing the eyes of everyone betting, this person seemed a little uneasy and embarrassed.

Because of this, his voice paused involuntarily.

After a while, he continued to speak: "¥……"

As he spoke, everyone in the cave gradually became uncomfortable, and there were discussions in the cave.

Everyone's gazes at this man of some age have also changed.

The reason it was like this was because he had spoken out the people in the tribe, and none of them dared to say anything or thought about it directly.

What he meant was to pack things up, take people from the tribe, leave from here, and go to live elsewhere.

After saying this, it would be strange if the atmosphere in the cave did not change.

After all, this is really an extremely bold idea and proposal.


Before he finished speaking, some people appeared angry and interrupted this primitive man who was a little older.

This person who stood up was an adult who was not too old, younger than the non-tribal leader who died tragically under the bow and arrow of the Qingque tribe yesterday, and the difference between the older primitive people is even greater.

This person is very sturdy, and he is also very skillful in hunting on weekdays. He can often catch more prey than the others, so he has a not low status among non-tribes.

Now that the non-tribe leader and many non-tribal backbones were killed by the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe, he can become the new leader of the non-tribe, almost a certainty.

Compared with old people, young people are more likely to be impulsive and less willing to bow their heads.

Maybe they won’t understand some truths until they face the ruthless reality, and they will make some decisions different from when they were young.

However, they will still be so high-spirited and continue to look down on the decisions made by older people until they have not touched their heads.

This young chieftain, while speaking loudly, widened his already big eyes, and looked at the elderly primitive man fiercely.

The cowardly behavior of the old primitive man made him feel angry from the inside of his heart.

In addition to these, there is another reason that he does not want to leave this place where he has lived for a long time.

They were already familiar with this cave, the land and vegetation around the cave.

He is used to all kinds of things in this piece of land.

The thought of leaving this familiar land to live in a completely unfamiliar place made this generation chief feel very panicked.

From this perspective, young people may not necessarily have the courage of older people.


The older primitives who had already revealed some oldness were taken aback by the reaction of the acting chief.

However, after remembering the meaning of what this young chieftain had just said and the ferocious appearance of the mysterious blue bird tribe, his fears disappeared a lot.

Compared with the ferocious Qingque tribe, this primitive man of a few years felt that the deterrence brought by the generation chief was simply not enough.

It is also because of this that he can continue to speak out under such circumstances and confront the young acting chief.

The meaning he expressed is very simple.

That's the ferocious Qingque tribe, who really came here, so he and others still stay here and haven't left, then what should I do next?

The people of his tribe, who wanted to **** all their belongings before, don't mind killing them all when necessary.

With what he and others did first, and the ferocity displayed by the people of the Qingque tribe.

After the people of the Qingque tribe came, they would never laugh like before, and they would give the minors in their tribe the extremely delicious food for free.

If you beat yourself and others, it is a slaughter that will definitely happen.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are differences, people of different camps will appear.

After the disagreement between the non-tribal leader and the old man, the non-tribal people immediately divided into three camps.

One faction stands behind the acting chief, one faction clearly supports non-tribal acting chiefs, and one faction remains neutral.

Among them, the people who remain neutral are the most. They are composed of hesitant fencers and adults who are too young to understand anything.

No matter what era or place, there will never be a lack of the existence of fencers.

Moreover, the fencers are extremely fickle. As long as there is a slight disturbance, they will change their positions and opinions.

For example, the non-tribal people, except for the ignorant minors, the fencers.

After the acting chief spoke, they felt that what the acting chief said was very correct. They really couldn't easily leave the tribe that had been living for a long time and go to live elsewhere.

Moreover, the ferocious members of the Qingque tribe have already gone so far. In the fight yesterday, so many people from their tribe died and so many were injured.

On the contrary, the extremely brutal Qingque tribe has basically no casualties.

The gap between the two sides is so big that the people of the Qingque tribe are taking advantage.

Under such circumstances, they shouldn't run so far to the cave where they and others live and come to attack them and others.

The more they think about it, the more they feel that this acting chief is right.

But as some older primitive people spoke, they felt that what he said was right.

According to the ferocity shown by the people of the Qingque tribe, once the people of the Qingque tribe actually come, the people of their own tribe will really have no way to resist.

Before, the leader was still alive, and the people in the tribe who dared the most to fight were also alive. They were not the opponents of the ferocious Qingque tribe people, not to mention that those people were no longer there.

Following the thinking of the older primitives, these fencers suddenly changed their minds, and unconsciously began to move behind the older primitives.

When the acting chief saw this, he couldn't help but feel anxious. He opened his eyes and opened his mouth to speak: "e..."

What he meant was obvious. He was telling the people in the tribe, even if they were from the Qingque tribe, there was no need to be afraid when they really came. Your tribe has a way to deal with those who came to the Qingque tribe.

While saying these words, he pointed his finger to the cave of the tribe.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

It is that they can rely on the cave to resist.

The reason why my own tribe was defeated so miserably against the cruel Blue Sparrow tribe before was mainly because I and others didn't know that the other party had such a sharp weapon, and at that time, they were also far away from the cave.

It's completely different now. You and others only need to stay in the cave and seal the cave with a stone slab. You don't have to worry about this problem at all.

As long as oneself and others stay in the cave and do not go out, the people of the Qingque tribe, no matter how cruel they are, there is nothing to do with them and others!

After such a method was said, the vacillating wall-riding factions once again couldn't help but brighten up, and felt that this generation chief was very correct. This is indeed an extremely useful method!

Not only those who ride the fence, even some people who stood firmly behind the old primitive people, at this time are beginning to waver.

Some people began to walk from behind the older primitive people to behind the acting chief.

In fact, let's not say that it was them. Even this primitive man who was a little older, after hearing such a solution from the acting chief, was also shaken, and felt that this method was feasible.

If the ferocious Qingque tribe really came here, he and others would use this method to really block these people out of the cave and prevent them from harming themselves and others.

Just don't know why, the old primitive people always feel a little uneasy in their hearts, it seems that there is something extremely important that he has ignored.

But what was this thing, he couldn't remember for a while.

This makes the elderly primitive people feel very distressed.


Just when he was in distress, some familiar sounds suddenly came from outside the cave.

Hearing this sudden sound, everyone in the cave, including the elderly primitives, couldn't help but shocked all over.

Looking out of the cave in amazement.

Bend down some body, through the hole that appeared low, a group of people appeared not too far from the cave.

The dressing of these people from head to toe looks very strange.

They held strange weapons in their hands.

The wolves following them were uttering a ‘woo woo’ at the cave, which was a bit similar to howling a wolf, but somewhat different from a real wolf howling.

Such a scene is very familiar, because just yesterday, their tribe was still in the hands of these people and suffered a big loss!


After seeing this scene, the primitive people of a few years didn't even hesitate, so they shouted loudly.

While yelling, his legs quickly jumped from here to the entrance of the hole as if they were fitted with springs.

Bend down and picked up a large piece of stone used to block the entrance of the cave, and blocked it there!

The rest of the non-tribes who heard his shouting and saw his movements all woke up at this time, all rushing towards the entrance of the cave quickly, using stones to block the entrance of the cave.

With the sudden arrival of the people of the Qingque tribe, the non-tribe people no longer need to hesitate whether to abandon the tribe and completely remove it from here, or stay in the cave of the tribe and rely on the cave to face the coming Qingque The tribe resisted, this world-class problem that caused them to lose their hair.

Because the people of the Qingque tribe have already helped them choose.

When all of them were staying in the cave of the tribe, the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe who hadn't gone out, but suddenly killed them, they could only choose to stay in the cave and block the entrance of the cave.

Outside the non-tribal cave, looking at the non-tribal people who were blocking the entrance of the cave, Xiong Youer and other people from the Qingque tribe, smiles could not be helped, and Xiang Mao's eyes became more admiring.

The situation is really just like what Mao said. The non-tribal people who fled before have gathered in their caves~www.NovelMTL.com~ This is comparable to them chasing them one by one. Catch, too much speed!

"Quick, quick! They are going to block the cave!"

Such surprises did not last long, and were immediately replaced by some panic.

The bear holding the green sparrow flag has ears, pointing to the opening of the cave that was rapidly shrinking under the operation of the non-tribes, and shouted anxiously, and wanted to run away.

People who are worried about non-tribes will not be able to attack after the cave is blocked.

Mao smiled and stretched out his hand to hold him, and said, "Don't worry, let them just block, we have a way to deal with them! Blocked, we can better catch them!"

After being pulled by the trader in this way, Xiong Youer immediately stood in place, and the whole person was a little dazed for a while, and some of them did not understand what the trader was talking about.

After a short while, he seemed to think of something, and a deep enlightenment suddenly appeared on his face...

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