I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 955: The Son of God is really kind, but the gods are too selfish! (2 in 1…

As the leader of the Rat Tribe had guessed, no one in their tribe was unwilling to join the Blue Sparrow Tribe and become a true Blue Sparrow tribe.

   Nonsense, in the past, in the tribe, he himself was the person who opposed joining the Qingque tribe the most. Now even he has become the most staunch supporter of joining the Qingque tribe. Naturally, no one in the tribe would oppose it.

   Even so, they did not join the Qingque tribe smoothly at all.

   Because no one in their tribe opposes it, it doesn't mean that there is no one in the Qingque tribe, just like now.

   "You still don't join the Qingque tribe."

   Just when the rat tribe leader came over with excitement to express their tribal meaning to Han Cheng, Han Cheng spoke.

   The leader of the rat tribe who understood Han Cheng's meaning was immediately stunned, almost crying again...

The witch who is excited about the rat tribe’s coming to join and the number of his tribe is about to grow rapidly, did not react for a while, and is still here with a smile on his face and nodding his head to express his appreciation to the rat tribe leaders. Approval of the decision to join your tribe.

After    this kind of action lasted for a while, Wu Cai finally realized what the **** child meant.

   The smile on his face gradually solidified, and he nodded halfway down and stopped.

   After waiting in this posture for a while, he raised his head with a look of incomprehension and disbelief at the divine son who was still frowning.

   Witch suspected that he had heard it wrong just now.

   Didn’t you propose to let people from the Blue Sparrow Alliance join the tribe?

   How come the people from the rat tribe actively ask to join our tribe, seeing that things will succeed, why do you refuse it?

   If it weren't for many people in the rat tribe, they would be able to understand the language of their tribe. At this time, Wu Wu would definitely be unable to help but ask questions, asking what the **** child really thought.

   "After joining our tribe, your tribe no longer exists."

   Han Cheng said still full of sadness.

   After understanding what Han Cheng was talking about, the leader of the rat tribe and others were stunned, and tears burst into their eyes.

   She shed tears before because of fear, but now she shed tears because of deep emotion.

It was also at this time that the leaders of the rat tribe realized that the reason why the son of God was so sad was not because he could not think of a way to solve the difficulties faced by himself and others, but because of the tribe of himself and others. Sad!

   The son of God is really kind!

   Think about yourself and others everywhere!

   Such a **** child is really worthy of being loved!

   "God, we are willing to join the Qingque tribe, our tribe, disappear and disappear, better than all the people die."

   The new generation of the rat tribe who is most proficient in Chinese, with moving tears in his eyes, said to Han Cheng.

  The rest of the rat tribe headed by the rat tribe leader, with tears in their eyes, they nodded vigorously to show that they all meant this.

The new generation of   rat tribe is talking about all of them.

   Although the tribe is important, it is not as important as the lives of everyone in the tribe.

   They are alive, and the tribe can be passed down slowly in another form. If they all die, the tribe will really disappear completely...

   Seeing the reactions of these people in the rat tribe, Han Cheng's conscience suddenly ached.

   It seems that he is not shameless enough, Han Cheng laughed so self-deprecatingly in his heart.

Quietly muttered in his heart several times, this is to make the tribe stronger, to bring civilization to these people, to save them from the distress and heat, after living a good life, Han Cheng's heart rises. The waves that started, finally calmed down slowly.

   Han Cheng made two refusals, completely standing on the side of the rat tribe and considering the rat tribe.

Whenever I heard from Han Cheng these words that were considered by the rat tribe, and they were extraordinarily reasonable, the two people who knew the inside story, Wu and Big Brother, couldn’t help being shocked for fear of rat tribe’s. When people hear such words, they will wake up and stop joining their tribe.

   However, the subsequent development completely exceeded their expectations.

   After hearing these words of the **** child, these rat tribe people not only did not regret not joining their tribe, but on the contrary, they became more determined.

   This made the two people a little surprised.

   Living in this era, they still don’t know what it means to retreat and advance step by step.

   "After joining our tribe, you can no longer quit. If you rebel against the tribe, your head will be chopped off and hung on a wooden pole. Everyone in the tribe will spit on it. You have to consider it!"

   God Son Han once again reminded him very kindly.

   Following his kind reminder, all the roads of the Rat Tribe after joining the Blue Sparrow Tribe have been completely blocked.

   Except for becoming a real Qingque tribe and following the Qingque tribe to the dark, the rest are dead ends...

"You go back first and take all the people in the tribe. Remember, don't give up anyone, even the youngest baby or the oldest old man. We will never give up. Any one of his own."

   After some dealings, Han Cheng solemnly said to the leaders of the rat tribe.

   The rat tribe people who understood Han Cheng's meaning all nodded vigorously, indicating that they and others understand.

   At the same time, I once again felt the kindness of Lai Qingque tribe.

   Do not give up any one person, the youngest baby, the oldest old man will not give up. In this way, it makes people feel comfortable and extremely safe.

   Even the most elderly people don’t give up, so obviously they don’t have to worry about being given up!

   "Take these and let the children in the tribe eat."

   After the explanation, Han Cheng took some fruit candy in bamboo tubes and handed it to the leader of the rat tribe.

The people of    Rat Tribe were even more moved.

  "This is the green bird flag. When I go back, hold it. With it, no tribe dares to embarrass you.

   If we dare to embarrass you, we will beat them! "

   Han Cheng picked up a small green flag pierced by a bamboo stick, solemnly handed it to the leader of the rat tribe, and confessed, with a kind of domineering unique to the powerful tribe.

   This kind of domineering, but the rat tribe people are particularly at ease and fascinated by it.

  This kind of feeling is something you can't enjoy in their tribe.

The leader of the rat tribe solemnly nodded, and carefully took the blue bird flag from Han Cheng. Holding it in both hands, he walked out of the gate of the blue bird tribe with great solemnity, heading towards the tribe where they originally lived, preparing to move the tribe Everyone in here will take over, let them come to Qingque tribe with themselves and others, and become members of Qingque tribe!

Along the way, the small blue bird flag was raised high by the leader of the rat tribe, and his chest was also quite high, as if there was a supreme glory on the blue bird flag held by his hand Spilled down and landed on him.

This time, Han Cheng was about to make a big move. All the 27 small tribes in the Blue Sparrow Alliance received notifications. Naturally, not only one rat tribe came, but the people from the rat tribe came the most. It's almost done.

   Not long after raising the Blue Sparrow flag and walking back, everyone in the Rat Tribe met another tribe from the Blue Sparrow Alliance that was coming.

   "It's the Qingque tribe!"

Seeing the pedestrian from a distance, and the flag that was lifted high and fluttering in the wind, which belonged to the Qingque tribe, a more majestic man said aloud, with surprise in his words And respect.

   In this area, no tribe or person dare to be disrespectful to the Qingque tribe and the flag that symbolizes the Qingque tribe.

   Even if there is, it is only secretly, no one dares to show it directly.

   This man is the leader of the bear tribe.

   is the tribal leader who once caught the bear cubs and brought them to the Qingque tribe to exchange salt.

  The rest of the bear tribes also focused their attention on the flag, their expressions and reactions were similar to those of the bear tribe leader.

  This kind of flag with a blue bird makes people feel respect and kindness involuntarily.

   Under the leadership of the leader of the bear tribe, they accelerated their marching speed and greeted the people of the Qingque tribe with the Qingque flag.


   walked forward for a while, and after seeing clearly the appearance of the person holding the flag who was about to raise his head to the sky, the leader of the bear tribe was so surprised that even the language of their tribe was blasted out.

   This is not because he is not calm enough, but because this thing is too surprising!

   is also a member of the Blue Sparrow Alliance, the leader of the bear tribe, knows a lot about the Blue Sparrow tribe.

   Just like the blue bird flag that looks very beautiful in front of me.

  The people of the Qingque tribe never give the Qingque flag to anyone outside the Qingque tribe, even the tribes in the Qingque Alliance.

  Because the son of God once said that this green bird flag is a symbol of the green bird tribe, and it represents the green bird tribe, and only the people of the green bird tribe can hold it.

   But now, such a flag actually appeared in the hands of the leader of the rat tribe!

  Moreover, the leader of the rat tribe came from the blue bird tribe, this...

   Could it be that this time the Green Bird Tribe gathered everyone to come for this matter?

   Is it for my tribe to join their tribe?

   is different from the leader of the rat tribe, he looks very strong, the leader of the bear tribe, his mind is more careful, and he can notice a lot of things.

   He looked a little surprised and greeted the rat tribe who had returned from the Blue Sparrow tribe, and shouted the boss of the rat tribe with his chest straight up to talk.

The leader of the rat tribe who held the Blue Sparrow flag in his hand was much bolder. He held his head high, until the leader of the bear tribe called him three times before he finally stopped, as if he had just heard it. Head down the bear tribe.

   The leader of the bear tribe who watched such a scene really wanted to press this guy to the ground and give him a hard hit.

   But after seeing the blue bird flag in his hand, the bear tribe leader still did not dare to do so...

   The leader of the bear tribe looked at raising the blue bird flag high, leaving the place pretentiously with the people, and the head of the rat tribe and the group of people walking towards the distance, his eyes were especially complicated.

   After this conversation, from the leader of the rat tribe, he roughly understood what had happened.

   The weather is getting colder and colder?

   Is there a warm place in the south that can withstand this cold?

   The gods of the Qingque tribe do not allow people from the other tribes to go to that place together, otherwise a very bad truth will happen? ...

   The leader of the bear tribe stood here, thinking about the news that he had just heard from the leader of the rat tribe, and the whole person's heart could not help but surge.

   The weather became cold, they did notice, but like the leader of the rat tribe, they didn't take it too seriously in the past.

   Now that the leader of the rat tribe said this, and heard that this was what the **** son of the Qingque tribe said, I couldn't help but believe it.

   He stood here and carefully recalled the news he had received from the leader of the rat tribe. After a while, he could not help but sighed.

  The **** son of the Qingque tribe is indeed very wise and kind, and under such circumstances, he still thinks about waiting for the tribe.

   The gods of the Blue Sparrow tribe are too selfish and ruthless. They only protect their tribe, not even the tribe that has joined the Blue Sparrow Alliance...

   But, he is really reluctant to let his tribe disappear...

   stood here and thought for a while, still the leader of the bear tribe, who was still sad, sighed a long sigh, and walked towards the Qingque tribe.

   How to decide on this matter~www.NovelMTL.com~ He has no idea for a while.

   The final decision is to go to the Qingque tribe first, listen to the gods and the others, and then make a decision...

A lot of people gathered on the huge square between the outside of    Qingque tribe.

   In addition to the host of the Qingque tribe, there are three other tribes.

   These three tribes are all tribes that have rushed to the Qingque tribe after receiving a letter from the messenger of the Qingque tribe.

   The bear tribe, who has received some news from the rat tribe, is among them.

   In front of these tribes, the son of Han Da once again displayed exaggerated acting skills and began to lead these people step by step into the lies he fabricated on the basis of facts.

   kept aggravating their panic, waiting until they followed his thinking step by step toward despair, and then guided them to find a solution.

  The solution to this predicament is naturally to join the Blue Sparrow Tribe, so as to perfectly avoid the selfish Blue Sparrow God’s punishment to everyone.

   After practicing with the people of the rat tribe, the acting skills of the **** son Han Da became more proficient, and some improvements were made on the original basis, and some things that were not applicable to this era were removed and became more direct.

   In this situation, even the bear tribe leader who has already known something in advance, wants to speak immediately and ask to join the Qingque tribe...

  :. :

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