I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 940: Primitive women who want to farm

The older female primitive said, gestured and twisted her body, trying her best to convey the meaning to the hunched primitive so that he could understand what she meant.

The meaning she conveyed is very simple, that is, the mysterious Qingque tribe said that after encountering the humpbacked primitive people, you can take them to your tribe first.

Then they go to the mysterious tribe to tell them that the humpbacked primitive people have arrived.

Then the people from the mysterious Qingque tribe came to their tribe with the people they had notified.

It is not possible to bring people directly to the mysterious Blue Sparrow tribe, nor to disclose the location of the mysterious Blue Sparrow tribe to these people.

Otherwise, the Qingque tribe would never exchange with them again.

The older female primitives have already become convinced of the Qingque tribe after going through this series of things, and they have nothing to do with what they said.

What's more, in this matter, the people of the mysterious blue bird tribe directly said that they would not exchange words after leaking them.

Over the years, they have deeply realized the benefits of being Erdao dealers. How can they never exchange them?

They are also counting on this way to get more food and make life in the tribe better.

This kind of thing was personally confessed by Han Cheng. The purpose was very simple. He didn't want to easily reveal the location of his tribe to other tribes, especially this unknown tribe.

The reason why he is always careful with this unknown tribe is because he doesn't know the depth of the other party, and the other is that there are too few people in Jinguan City now.

With such things as the inner courtyard, the wall ditch, the long ge, the big shield, etc., they don’t need to worry about general attacks, but there is a prerequisite that they don’t meet many people, and these people are all from one more For a more advanced civilization.

If the Jinguan City and the Blue Bird Master Tribe were to change their outfits at this time, here is the Blue Bird Master Tribe, Han Cheng would naturally not be as cautious as he is now.

Of course, this thing is impossible, at least it can't happen within time, so everything is better to be careful.

After all, this is not playing a game. People can be resurrected after they die. Here, people are really dead when they die, and there is no possibility of resurrection anymore.

Acting carefully is responsible for everyone in the tribe and also for their own lives.

This kind of more complicated things are restricted and expressed, and the language between the older female primitives and the humpback primitives is not very good, so it took a long time for the boss to work hard, the humpbacked primitive talents Finally gradually figured out what the older primitive women meant.

The hunched primitives are unwilling to go to the mysterious tribe immediately, but the older female primitives have made their meaning so clear, and he has to obey.


After some communication, the humpbacked primitives spoke to the older primitive females, meaning that they hoped that the older primitive females could go to the mysterious Qingque tribe earlier.

For this request, the older female primitive naturally agreed, because she herself wanted to tell the mysterious Qingque tribe earlier.

After all, the people of the Qingque tribe have asked themselves and others more than once about the humpback primitives.

The older female primitives took a little more than half of the food and set off to the Qingque tribe, which was extremely mysterious to them.

A small part of these foods is used to eat on the road, and the rest is used to exchange exquisite pottery and delicious salt with the Qingque tribe.

However, before setting off, let the humpbacked primitive people stand facing their tribe’s cave and cover their eyes with animal skins.

Until they were out of sight when they walked, the tribe leader who stood aside responsible for the operation of the matter untied the hides from the humpback primitives.

You don't need to think too much to know that such a method with a trace of trivial meaning must come from the hands of the traveler from the Qingque tribe...

Here in Jinguancheng, seedling transplanting is still going on. With Han Cheng and their non-stop movements, the paddy fields opened up by them have gradually grown green and thin hair.

Although it is sparser and the color is a bit weird, it still looks pretty good, at least better than when it is bare.

"344 ¥!"

From a distance, there were unintelligible shouts. Han Cheng, who was planting rice seedlings here, straightened up immediately, looking reflexively in the direction that the older female primitives used to come.

This time, it was no longer empty there, a figure appeared there, with a burden on his shoulders.

Such a scene immediately conveyed a clear message to Han Cheng that the people who came were the older primitive females and their party.

Han Cheng resisted the expectation in his heart and planted some seedlings. After the older female primitives got closer, he walked out of the rice fields and called to several people in Shangmao, washed the muddy water on their bodies and moved them towards them Welcome.

The older primitive women were undoubtedly extremely happy this time, after all, this time they finally got news from the tribe.

However, when they came to the edge of the waters, they couldn't help being stunned. After seeing what was growing in the waters that looked like a big change, they became more sluggish.

What did they see!

All the weeds that grew randomly have disappeared, and what grew in the waters has become the kind of grass that can produce small delicious fruits!

The older primitive man stood here, twisting his neck as if it was rusted, his sight shifted from the place in front of him to the distance.

As far as I can see, all of them are growing on this kind of grass!

The older primitive woman swears that when she grows up, she has never seen so many such grasses growing in one place!

How many delicious little fruits can be harvested at this time!

It turned out that the mysterious Qingque tribe had done so many things that seemed incredible to them and others, just for now!

But how did they manage to grow this kind of grass in these waters?

The older female primitives, looking at these sights before them, once again collectively fell into extreme shock.

They found that they could not come to the mysterious blue bird tribe with others, because every time they came, they were always able to do extremely shocking things.

And it is shocking every time.

Every time you wait until you think this is their most shocking thing, they can always easily make something more surprising.

Han Cheng and his party walked from a distance to the front. The older female primitives have not recovered from their shock. They are still standing here, watching the farmland where the seedlings are planted. , Doesn't move much.

Mao and the others who followed Han Cheng couldn't help but puffed up their chests, and even became imposing when they walked.

They just like to see these outsiders, shocked by the things their tribe and others have made.


Mao said with a smile.

His words sounded, and many of the older primitive women were taken aback by this. Several of them staggered under their feet and almost fell into the paddy field beside them.


The older female primitives who came back to their senses looked at Han Cheng, Mao and others, repeating words that she didn't quite understand in blunt Mandarin.



The rest of the people repeated the same, like repeaters one by one.

Han Cheng has seen such a scene many times, but now that he sees it again, he still feels a little uncomfortable.

After all, he came to the other tribes and said he was welcome. The older primitive women were the first group he saw.

Even knowing that they don't quite understand the meaning of these words.


The older primitive female pointed at the large paddy field and the seedlings inside, and said excitedly.

Of course she was excited. As a person who used to bring people from the tribe to gather such delicious little fruit food, she clearly understood the significance of these sights before her eyes.

If your tribe can learn this and can have so many grasses near the tribe, when the leaves start to turn yellow, your tribe can have a lot of food at once!

And most of them are such delicious and delicious little fruits that are very durable!

Life in the tribe can be much better all at once.

After understanding the meaning of the older female primitive, Mao opened his mouth again under the sign of Han Cheng. There is no doubt that the meaning expressed is the same as before.

That is, as long as you join your own tribe, everything is no longer a dream.

When they didn't speak, the older primitive women knew it would be such a result.

But she still didn't hold back and spoke.

At this moment, listening to what Mao had conveyed, her heart couldn't help beating violently again.

She turned her head to look at the large paddy field, recalled the exquisite pottery and salt, and glanced at the dark-looking Mao, and almost agreed without holding it back.

Fortunately, at the last moment, I was holding back.

But there were some other thoughts in my heart.

I don't have a clue about the precious pottery and delicious salt, but I don't have a clue about how to make so many grasses that can produce delicious little fruits in the waters.

Combined with some things I have seen in life before, as well as some scenes I have seen in the mysterious blue bird tribe, it is not impossible to experiment after returning.

It must not be as good as the mysterious blue bird tribe, but it should still be able to make some...

Han Cheng was not surprised by the old female primitives' rejection of Han Cheng again.

After exposing this matter quickly, Han Chengcheng asked Mao to ask the older primitive women if they had any new news about the unknown tribe.

I was still thinking about some of the older women who planted rice. After hearing what Mao said, they quickly threw the rice aside, and the rest of the people who followed the older women became excited.

After seeing the older female primitives and their changes, Han Cheng was also shocked, staring at the older female primitives with scorching eyes, hoping that they could bring good news...


After some exchanges with the older primitive women through the trade, Han Cheng learned that the unknown tribe had finally appeared, and had come to the older primitive women and their tribe according to his previous account.

At the same time, I also knew that the unknown tribe wanted to exchange for its own tribe, and that the tribe was carrying big animals as before.

After knowing this, Han Cheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this moment, he wanted to set off immediately to see what that kind of big animal was, and then try to get it to his tribe.

Mao, Brother Er, and others who followed Han Cheng also became impatient.

They also want the tribe to have large livestock earlier.

In the past, under the guidance of the son of God, the tribe began to plow the land with two deer. At that time, they felt that it was very fast.

Later, I got a donkey from the semi-agricultural tribe.

When they applied donkeys to cultivated land, they felt that the speed of cultivated land had become faster, and they were all satisfied at that time.

Nowadays, as the time spent in the tribe using donkeys to pull plows has increased, and more and more land needs to be cultivated in the tribe, people in the tribe gradually feel that plowing with plows is not as fast.

For the cows that the **** child said, and the two large animals that can be used for riding, and also for pulling carts and plowing, they became looking forward to them.

This is human dissatisfaction.

Especially the people who open paddy fields here are more looking forward to more powerful beasts and horses.

Because compared to the dry land in the main tribe and the Tongshan residential area, the soil quality of the paddy field here in Jinguan City is a bit heavy.

Although in the previous wasteland reclamation, according to Han Cheng's requirements, the water was distilled away as much as possible to make the land dry before starting, it still made everyone spend a lot of effort~www.NovelMTL.com~ When the donkey brought from the main tribe moved forward on the ground with the plow, it even appeared to step on the spot.

Shaking his legs tired.

"God, let's go to their tribe and see those people and animals."

The second senior said excitedly, Mao and the others couldn't wait.

But Han Cheng thought for a while but didn't agree.

"Wait, we'll start from here again after the last four or five days to meet them."

Han Cheng said aloud.

After the words came out, the Second Senior Brother and the others seemed very surprised. They all knew exactly how much the **** son expected for that kind of animal.

Now that there is finally news of that tribe and livestock, why is the son of God not in a hurry?


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