I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 938: Humpback Primitive: Why does my heart hurt suddenly (2 in 1)

When my tribe exchanged these exquisite pottery with that tribe, didn't they pay so much food?

Why did this tribe give its own tribe so much food at once?

The leader of the tribe thought this way dizzy.

He wanted to express this doubt, but after looking at the pile of food, he still didn't say a word after thinking about it.

No one dislikes the food of his tribe.

He turned his gaze to the many foods carried by the people of this tribe, and suddenly he was relieved.

It turns out that this is the legendary food is so capricious!

After getting so much food out of thin air, the leader of this tribe would naturally not hesitate anymore, and directly ordered a few people from his tribe, and asked them to walk along the older female primitives with the humpback primitives. He went in the direction of his, and went to the tribe that was close to his tribe.

Looking at the humpback primitives and their party under the guidance of a few people in their tribe, the leader of this tribe will look at the exquisite pottery bowl in his hand and the pile of food, don't mention the beauty in his heart. , Even he was imagining how good it would be if someone came to find their tribe to lead the way...

The older primitive women and the others, packed up their things and left this new tribe with a burden.

The gains from this exchange are enormous.

When they came, only a few of them brought some pottery and salt that they had exchanged from the mysterious Qingque tribe.

Now that they have walked down like this, the burden of their group is almost full.

Seeing so much food, everyone wanted to go back the same way.

Looking at the remaining pottery and salt, the older female primitive thought for a while and did not agree with everyone's proposal.

Food is constantly being consumed. If you walk for a few days, the food you carry will be consumed a lot.

In this way, they will reduce their burden a lot, and they will be able to use the remaining space to hold the food they can exchange again.

So as before, she took out another pottery bowl and gave it to the leader of the tribe, and conveyed to him the meaning of letting them out of the tribe and leading them to a nearby tribe.

After some conversation, after understanding the meaning of the older female primitives, the leader of this tribe readily agreed to include this exquisite pottery bowl that needs a lot of food in exchange, and then sent a few people from his tribe. , Let them lead the older female primitives.

After the older primitive women and their party left the tribe, the hunched primitives arrived.

After learning that the older primitive females and their party had left here, they were eager to find the older primitive females and their hunchback primitives did not hesitate at all, and directly gave the bowl that the tribe leader held. Come here.

Then, without saying anything, he pulled out ten people from his tribe, asked them all to extend their fingers, and then began to dig out for food.

The leaders of this tribe and everyone who looked at such operations were a bit dumbfounded and confused.

Fortunately, the people who led the way for the humpback primitives were connected with the language of the neighboring tribe, and quickly explained to them that the people of this tribe roughly understood what was going on.


The humpback primitive who digged a hundred bowls of food in a hurry, shoved this big bowl into the hands of the tribe leader who was still not too acquainted, and asked eagerly.

The leader with a dizzy head pointed his hand in one direction.

The humpbacked primitive man looked in the direction of the tribe leader's fingers, and saw that, not too far away, a group of people was walking out of a depression, toward the hills that seemed relatively bare.

Such a scene left the hunched primitive man in a daze.

He looked down at a lot of food on the ground that he had dug up and placed here, and then at the line of people walking up the bare hills. For a while, he didn't know how to describe himself at this time. Mood.

Only those who have experienced getting into a taxi, reported a place name, and then stopped the car before they were seated, and the driver smiled and said to you that you have reached the destination, can you experience the humpback primitive People's mood at this time.


The humpbacked primitive man finally saw the person he wanted to find, and didn't have much mood to care about it.

After staying in this place for a while, he directly let the people of his tribe go with him, chasing after those who can see.

As for the food, it is cheaper for this tribe.

Seeing these people who left their tribe quickly with large animals on their backs, the leader of this tribe couldn't help scratching his head again.

This is the first time for their tribe to get food so simple...


The humpbacked primitive man whispered and slapped the big beast he was holding twice with the branch that was folded down from the roadside.

Large animals treated in this way will speed up their actions.

But it won’t take too long for the beaten animals to slow down again unconsciously.

The hump-backed primitives will once again raise the branches they hold when they see this.

After walking like this for a while, the distance between the two sides was gradually narrowed.

The older primitive female who was carrying a burden and leading people forward heard something, and stopped temporarily, turned her head and looked back, and saw a group of hunched primitive people catching up.

Such a scene made the older primitive people a little flustered, wondering why these people were chasing themselves and others.

But this panic disappeared very quickly and was replaced by some joy.

Because she has recognized the identities of these people who came from behind.

This is of course not because the older female primitives have super good eyesight and can see them clearly from these distances, but because of the big prey they are holding and the shining light in the sun, which will be dazzling from time to time. The weapon is so iconic.

I finally met these people again!

This is the common aspiration of the older female primitives and their group.

Over the years, not only the hunched primitives are looking for them, but they are also the primitives who want to meet the hunched again earlier.

Because the **** son of the mysterious Qingque tribe has asked them about this group of people more than once, hoping that they and others can meet these people.

The son of God wants to wait for others to meet these people, so naturally he wants to find these people earlier.

After all, this is one of the few requests made by the kind-hearted Qingque tribe **** child to himself and others.


The older female primitives spoke, letting everyone put their burdens down, and the hunched primitives waiting for them to come over.

Seeing the older female primitive people and the others stopped, the hunched primitive people and others could not help speeding up their pace, and the branches in their hands beat the big livestock they were holding more diligently.

It's strange to say that this animal is so big and beaten like this by these people, and doesn't know how to resist, it will only speed up the pace...

It didn't take long before the two teams, both of which were also second-door dealers, met together.

After seeing the older female primitives and their group, the hunched primitive seemed very surprised, because he discovered that he actually knew people from this tribe.

People in their line have a good memory, especially the leader.

Not only need to remember how the tribes and tribes walk, but also where there are water sources and the more important people in each tribe.

Some people's memory may not be so good before, but after a while, it will become better.

This is not a miraculous thing, mainly because this thing is related to life. When people do this, they will try their best to remember.

For example, when I went out to exchange with Mao before, why couldn't I remember the way?

Mainly because there is a living map of trade in the team, he doesn't have to worry about these things, once he is taken out alone, the result will immediately become different...

After recognizing the older primitive women, the humpbacked primitive people quickly remembered the place where the older primitive women and their tribes were, and at the same time remembered the situation of the older primitive women and their tribes.

The older female primitives are in a tribe that is larger than the average tribe, but it is only a bit larger, and has not reached the level of being able to make those two exquisite things.

Moreover, this tribe used food and other things to exchange pottery and salt with its tribe.

If their tribe can produce these two precious things by themselves, they will never use food in exchange for themselves and others.

In other words, the tribe in front of you, just like your own tribe, exchanged these precious things from the other powerful tribes, and then exchanged with the rest of the tribe.

It was the same as what I had guessed when I had the old priest before.

The humpbacked primitive people were not less influenced by the priests of their tribe, and the whole person appeared smarter.

He didn't wait for the older female primitives to speak. Based on what he had seen before him and what he had seen before, he had already guessed the matter.


After the meeting, the people between the two tribes began to communicate.

Because the two tribes have seen each other before and have exchanged more than once, the two sides still understand each other relatively well.

So although this exchange is more difficult, it is not particularly jerky.

In addition, a tribe deliberately sought to make exquisite pottery and delicious salt, and another deliberately took these people to the mysterious blue bird tribe, so even though the two sides had a lot of meaning, they did not understand each other, but The final meaning has been understood.

After some exchanges and understanding of each other's meaning, the rest of the matter went smoothly.

The older female primitives want to go to the next tribe to exchange the remaining pottery and salt for food, and then bring the humpback primitives to find the mysterious green bird tribe.

The primitive people who are eager to see the hunchback of the Qingque tribe earlier are obviously unhappy with these.

However, he has a good way. After understanding the meaning of the older primitive women, he directly stated that his tribe can exchange these precious things with food.

After understanding the meaning of the humpback primitive, the older female primitive naturally readily agreed to such a proposal.

After all, the exchange can be completed without running a long way, and no one wants to run too much.

However, during this exchange, the humpback primitives who often exchanged with the other tribes kept an eye on them. He did not take the initiative to exchange, but the older female primitives exchanged.

Watching the older female primitives pull out a person with more fingers than one hand, and then let them all spread their palms out, revealing their fingers, the hunched primitive feels heartache.

It turned out that the tribes who used precious pottery bowls to exchange with themselves and others in the past really demanded a lot of food.

In fact, the humpbacked primitive people understand this behavior better. After all, their tribe relies on such behavior to earn a lot of food.

But more understanding does not mean that you will not feel distressed.

After some exchanges, the surplus pottery and some salt that the older female primitives carried came to the humpback primitive people, while the humpback primitive people had a lot of food, to the older female primitive people. In their hands.

All the pottery in his hands has been exchanged, and the older female primitives naturally no longer have to go to the other tribes.

The two parties organized their respective things ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and under the leadership of the older female primitives, they walked in one direction.

On the way, the older primitive women were very envious of the humpbacked primitives who had such a large prey stuff, and the humpbacked primitives felt very similar to the older women primitives who used their hooks to carry things. novel.

The humpbacked primitive man immediately decided, and after a while, his tribe would also make some such tools to use.

The hump-backed primitive man didn't exchange it with food, because he felt that it could be roughly made by looking at it, and there was no need to exchange it with food.

This is probably the original copy...

The Jinguan City in the spring is very vibrant, you only need to look at the seedlings that have grown extremely strong under the careful care of Han Cheng and the others.

On the edge of the field where the seedlings were dropped, Han Cheng and some other people were squatting here, pulling out the seedlings from the first two seedling fields. For a while, waiting for the next time the seedlings are pulled out...

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