I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 910: Son of God: Let me go! (2 in 1)

A war broke out between humans and monkeys, and finally ended with the defeat of humans.

In the excitement of the monkeys' squeaks, the human beings headed south with many fruits.

Going all the way, eating all the way, leaving behind the orange peel all the way.

The sweet and sour oranges made everyone have the urge to go back and throw stones at the monkeys.

However, when they had dinner in the evening, they all discovered the consequences of eating too much oranges.

When eating at night, many people’s teeth were sore that they didn’t dare to bite hard to eat...

When people in the Qingque tribe surrounded the fire, ate in the temporary camp, and felt the sourness of their teeth, there was also a fire in the house in Jinguan City.

The crowd, led by older female primitives, sat in the room.

The clay pot on the top of the fire was steaming, and the fragrance of food filled the room. Everyone was waiting for the food to be ready.

After waiting for a while, the older primitive woman got up and put the wild vegetables into the clay pot.

Then he walked to a room inside, took out a wooden container commonly used in their tribe, and poured some white things out of it.

This white is not pure, it contains a lot of dirt and the like.

But the older primitive women obviously don't care about the soil.

After she poured out the mud, the eyes of everyone in the room suddenly gathered on her body, to be precise, on her hands.

Everyone looked at the white things in the hands of the older primitive women, their eyes became extremely eager.

Some people couldn't help but swallowed a few saliva.

They clearly know how delicious the food with these white things will become.

The older female primitives appeared cautious in their movements, for fear of spilling these things.

This kind of thing is extraordinarily precious, as precious as the small amount of pottery in the tribe.

The reason why they are so precious is because these two things are not produced by their tribes themselves, but they have used a lot of food in exchange from other tribes.

Because they are scarce and the price paid is large enough, they seem to cherish them very much. They are careful, for fear that they will break the pottery, and they will lose a little bit of this precious and delicious thing in their hands.

She carefully stretched her palm to the top of the steaming clay pot, put the precious things held in her palm into the clay pot, and gently patted her palm back and forth, so that the palm was covered Those things should enter the clay pot as cleanly as possible.

After doing this, she continued to repeat the previous actions, putting roughly the same white thing into another steaming clay pot.

Then carefully plug the container with the white stuff tightly and put it back in its original position.

While she was doing these things, the male primitive squatting by the fire, responsible for burning the fire and seeing whether the food was good, picked up the container with a long handle and plunged it into the pottery for cooking the food. Inside the tank, stir to make it even.

Then, the long-handled container was handed over to the older female primitive who came out, and she was asked to put the delicious food in another container.

It didn't take long for these people to eat exceptionally delicious food.

Everyone, including the older female primitives, was extremely greedy and enjoyable.

Not to mention that the two jars of food were eaten up and down. They also used water to cook the food in the earthenware pot and the container they held in their hands to hold this kind of food to eat. They were rinsed back and forth. , And drink it all.

Because that kind of white stuff is too precious, it is impossible for them to eat food with this kind of white stuff in it every day, and it takes a while to eat it once.

This is even more delicious.

As night fell, stars flickered in the sky, and the outside of the room looked dark. Because of the fire inside, it didn't look very dark.

The people who had eaten the food calmed down and lay piles on top of the dried hay.

No one spoke, everyone was lying quietly, reminiscing about the wonderful taste of the food.

Many people are fantasizing, how good would it be if they could eat delicious food made with that kind of white stuff every day?

They will be extremely happy.

But they know that this is impossible, because the white delicious things are too food-consuming to replace, and their tribe simply does not have so much food to replace so many white things.

Thinking of these things, many people couldn't help but sigh long, feeling very disappointed...

Early the next morning, after these people ate the food, under the leadership of the older female primitives, they left the slave courtyard in Jinguan City again, brought tools, and went to other places to continue collecting. food……

Just like in the mountains where the palette had been knocked over, Han Cheng and others who had also had breakfast also packed up their clothes, carrying a backpack, weapons and tools, and leading the animals from the temporary camp to continue. Head south.

Those oranges that fell into the water were all solved by them yesterday.

In view of the sourness of eating too much oranges yesterday, the teeth were sour, everyone has become a lot of this time, and they dare not eat a lot of these oranges.

Some people even have sequelae, causing them to drool when seeing these oranges...

As the sun rises and sunsets, the stars shift, time passes quietly in the autumn wind and the people's walking.

The mountains that were so vast that they seemed insurmountable were also slowly left behind as everyone walked step by step...


Looking at the suddenly clear terrain in front of them, Han Cheng and others couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Even though it was not the first time to walk these distances, Han Cheng and the others still held back their hearts of joy after passing through here again.

It was at this time that Han Cheng suddenly understood why this place was called the Kingdom of Abundance.

This is not just because Li Bing and his son ruled Shu and established Dujiangyan and other water conservancy facilities, which put a shackle on the roaring angry dragon, making it docile and turning the country into fertile soil for thousands of miles.

Another reason is the huge contrast between before and after.

Walking over the mountains and ridges all the way, and then suddenly discovered such a large piece of flat land, it is an individual who cannot help but praise it.

"Go! Let's go down!"

Standing here and looking away for a while, Han Cheng took a deep breath and said to everyone.

The people who came out of the mountains were very excited and looked very energetic. When Han Cheng said this, they all followed Han Cheng happily.

It didn't take long before everyone went down the hill, came to the flat ground, wading on the old grass, and headed south.

The people who seemed very energetic, even walked much faster, so that in the evening, they walked a lot more than before.

According to the signs they left before, they will be able to come to Jinguan City by about noon tomorrow.

If it weren’t for the fact that there were no roads like Bronze Expressway built here, it would be unsafe to walk at night, and it would be easy to get lost. Han Cheng would even be able to take people on the road overnight...

"Go! At noon, we will go to Jinguan City for dinner!"

In the early morning of the next day, after having breakfast and packing up, Han Cheng stood here and said loudly to the crowd, feeling a little excited.

After walking for so many days, now it is finally about to reach the destination, and the others are looking forward to it.

After being said by Han Cheng, everyone promised, and then involuntarily speeded up their pace, following their **** son towards Jinguan City, which was not too far away.

I want to build it as soon as possible and plant a large area of ​​rice...

Here in Jinguan City, which Han Cheng had been thinking about, the older female primitives also walked out of the slave hut in Jinguan City at about the same time.


The older primitive females seemed extremely excited to speak, and the rest of the people who listened couldn't help but become excited.

After not too long, they all carried their tools, and hurried to the outside along with the older primitive females, each of them very energetic.

This is because, just yesterday afternoon, when they were collecting fruits outside, they found a large number of such delicious little fruits in a place far away from here!

As long as all the small fruits there are collected, then these people who have separated from the tribe and come here to live will have a great guarantee of life when the weather gets cold.

That kind of small fruit is the favorite of their tribe to collect before the weather is about to get cold.

This is not only because these small fruits are very delicious, but more importantly, these small fruits can be stored for a long time, even when the flowers bloom in the next year and the trees are growing many leaves, they will still not Bad.

For this reason, when storing fruits, as long as they encounter such small fruits, they will give priority to collecting them.

At this time, they found so many small fruits at once, it would be strange if they were unhappy.

With a lot of energy, they hurried away all the way, and soon left the slave courtyard in Jinguan City behind and completely disappeared.

And the slave courtyard was completely quiet here, and no one stayed here.

In the past, there were people who stayed to take care of the flames and the rice that was hanging outside, but this time, because the number of delicious little fruits that were newly discovered was too large, and it was too far away from the place of residence. , So all the people were dispatched, and no one stayed.

However, these people are also very safe. When they left, they actually knew that the burning fire in the room should be covered with burned ashes, and all the surrounding things were moved to the side, lest they leave. After that, the flames will spread, burning the place where they live.

Moreover, there is another advantage of doing so, that is, the charcoal fire covered with ashes is not easy to extinguish.

If they don't use it for a long time, after they come back, they will scrape away the ashes, and maybe they can find a charcoal fire that has not been completely extinguished.

At that time, you only need to put some hay on it and blow a few more breaths to reignite the fire, which is much faster than doing a log drill to make the fire again.

These are some of their life experiences summarized in their long-term lives.


The sun rising from the east glided across the sky little by little, and without knowing it, it had already ran from the east to the south.

Han Cheng and other people, also in such a lapse of time, constantly narrowed the distance between Jinguan City.

Gradually, the surrounding environment became more and more familiar.

After arriving at a big tree with some skin peeled off, Han Cheng looked a little excited and said to everyone.

Because they were about to reach their destination, everyone seemed more excited, did not stay here, and then headed south all the way.

After walking for a while, from a distance, I could see the small slave yard standing on the higher ground.

"Look! There is Jinguan City! That is the house we built last time!"

Among the team, someone who came with Han Cheng last time and started construction here, pointed to the house, and said to everyone a little excited.

As a result, the people who were not slow speeded up again and moved forward quickly.

Many people's hearts flew to the two magical crops of rice and sweet millet.

As for Han Cheng, a heart had already flown to the rice that they found in the waters. He hated to have to go to the slave yard, but instead led a person directly across to see the rice.

But reason still prevailed and didn't let him do this.

After all, everyone is still carrying many things in large and small bags. It was not appropriate to carry them in the past. It is better to put these things in the slave hut first, and then pack them lightly~www.NovelMTL.com~ Anyway, they have been waiting for so long. Now, it’s not too late.

With this feeling, the Qingque tribe and the group headed by Han quickly narrowed the distance from the slave hut, and Fu followed the dog with Han Cheng.

"I go!"

Even though Han Cheng's self-cultivation is very good, he rarely explodes, but at this moment, after seeing what is in front of him, he can't help but explode.

This is really not because of his lack of self-cultivation, because at this time, apart from these two words, he really can't think of other words to express his feelings.

Comrade Li Taibai's "噫噫嚱" is too elegant to be used here.

Following his gaze, as they and the others left, the open space in front of the slave courtyard that should have been regrown with weeds, not only did not grow weeds, on the contrary, there are still a lot of rice to dry here!


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