I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 905: Civilization needs to lead barbarism

"Huh? We are the tribe of gods?"

The son of Han Da, who claims to have seen the face of the world, was surprised to hear what Mao said after learning the truth from the primitive female population holding the child.

Before Mao asked, he couldn't think of it anyway. It was such a wonderful reason that caused these people to do such a thing.

Could it be that I had really guessed it by myself. I often stood with the totem pole and accepted the prayers and worship of the witches, which caused a halo on my body?

Han Cheng thought this way.

However, after calming down a bit from the initial shock, after thinking about it carefully, I also feel that this incident is not without a trace.

Things like traps and war drums seem to be commonplace in later generations, and even the people of the Qingque tribe who are more and more familiar with these two things will not be too surprised by this.

But for people who have never seen these things, this is indeed something worthy of fear and awe.

It doesn't have to be too strange to make up a series of things from this.

This is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

The **** son Han Da, who calmed down, seemed to think shamelessly.

Seeing those people from his own tribe, who tied their hands with ropes and connected them in a string without knowing how to resist, and still looked at them in awe, Han Cheng couldn't help but sniffed. Enemies you encounter can also make up for the brains of these people. How good is that?

In this way, it doesn't take much effort at all, and you can get a lot of people from your tribe.

Of course, this is what he imagined, and he himself felt that it was impossible to achieve.

After all, people’s brain circuits are different, and not every tribe’s people have the same brain supplements as these people.

Just like not all rabbits will be killed on the stump, waiting for someone to pick it back to take a hot bath.

But he and others are not a matter of the tribe of gods, and Han Cheng didn't let Mao tell the primitive female.

Sometimes it's good to keep some beautiful misunderstandings.

With these things that they automatically make up for, these people will become more controlled.

In many cases, mental control is more terrifying and reliable than physical control.

For example, the brainwashed MLM staff who cannot be pulled out by Ladu.

Of course, Han Cheng will not deliberately promote such a sense of mystery.

When these people get in touch with them more and get used to these things, they will gradually come out of the things that their brains have made up.

However, even if they knew that they were not living in a tribe of gods, it didn't matter.

After such a long time of contact, these people have already been assimilated by their own tribe.

I am not afraid that they will be able to dig out any waves.

Han Cheng is now very confident about the assimilation ability of his tribe.

His own tribe with a higher standard of living is like a horse trap for the rest of the people who have lived here.

"Go, go ahead and rest after their tribe."

Seeing that everything has been cleaned up, and those who were stabbed by the wooden thorns in the trap have also been cleaned, medicined, and bandaged, Han Cheng issued orders to everyone.

Through the primitive female holding the baby, Han Cheng knew that there were some people in the cave where they lived.

Moreover, in addition to the existence of the tribe where the female primitives belong, there will also be people in the two tribes that attacked their tribe.

After all, a tribe cannot have only adults and no other people.

If you gather the minors of these two tribes together, your tribe can once again get a lot of population.

And these two remaining tribes are still a certain distance away from the tribe where the female primitive people are. It will take some time to send people to bring the rest.

Therefore, it is necessary to stay for a few days in the tribe where the primitive women belong.

After all, compared with temporary camps, caves are more comfortable to live in.

Following Han Cheng's order, everyone set off, left here, and headed towards their tribe under the leadership of the primitive female holding the child.

The leader of the nose ring tribe did not break his leg, but was stabbed by a wooden thorn.

But because of his later struggles and other people hitting him on his body, the wound was somewhat torn. Although the bone is not broken, the wound like this is already scary.

At least the leader of the nose ring tribe himself was shocked by such a wound.

With such a big wound, it is basically unlikely to be able to heal yourself. With such a wound, it looks like a broken leg in him and the people of their tribe and there is no difference.

The leader of the nose ring tribe is ready to be killed by the people of these **** tribes to eat meat, or to just throw it here.

Then, what happened next made me feel extremely surprised.

He was not killed directly, nor was he left here.

These people from the tribe of gods untied the wide rope tied to their legs and tied them tightly on their bleeding legs.

A magical thing happened. After being tied with a rope in this way, the blood flowed slowly from the wound that was originally bleeding.

These methods of people from the tribe of gods are more than these.

After tying their legs, they poured out some clean water from a very beautiful thing they carried with them, and put on some white stone-like things to clean their wounds.

Then he picked up a small golden stick to pierce his wound.

There is some thin rope behind the stick.

The magic happened again.

After this kind of operation, my own scars that looked extremely terrifying were actually merged together like this!

These people from the tribe of gods found some green grass and put them in their mouths, chewed them up, and smeared them on their wounds.

After finishing it, I had those white things that looked like animal skins, but were very different from animal skins, which entangled my wounds.

Seeing this, even if they had never seen these miraculous things, the leader of the nose ring tribe knew that these people were healing themselves.

At this time, the leader of the Nose Ring Tribe is moving with everyone.

Even if his leg is bandaged, it is impossible to return to walking.

He was carried on a walk.

The leader of the Nose Ring tribe lies on a stretcher made of two sticks and leggings untied by several people.

One of them was from the tribe who carried him, and the other was from the earring tribe.

Like him, there are four others enjoying the same treatment.

Lying on the stretcher, turning his head to look at the people of the God tribe walking with strange things not far away, leading the prey, the leader of the nose ring tribe became more pious and respectful.

These people must be from the tribe of gods, otherwise, how could they have such great power?

How can it be possible to have so many magical things and magical abilities?

If it were not for the tribe of gods, how could they heal themselves and others, and walk forward with their injured themselves and others?

Many times things are so wonderful. When so many things happen to others, you don't feel anything, but once it comes to yourself, your feelings immediately change.

The leader of the Nose Ring Tribe is definitely not a good stubble. He personally killed the more injured people in his tribe. He did it more than once, and he thought it should be right at the time. But now it’s his turn. People who do not have the slightest pressure to do this also become scared.

Because of this, the people in the Qingque tribe did not kill him, instead they rescued him and let them carry him forward on a stretcher. After that, he fell to the Qingque tribe.

At this time, if someone in their tribe dared to question the decision made by the people of the God tribe, he who was limping on one leg would definitely jump off the stretcher and hit that person's head with his fist...

Led by the primitive female holding the child, the team moved forward about three or four miles, and then began to deviate from the passageway opened by Han Cheng and the others during their last trip. Leaning diagonally forward.

After walking for a while, he gradually approached the tribe where the primitive women lived before.


The people of the two tribes who stayed in the cave where the primitive women lived, looking at the many prey and the many more people, couldn't help but screamed in excitement.

Cheered for the bravery and great gain of their tribe, and felt extremely proud.

While cheering, they ran to this side quickly to greet them.

However, they got close, and after seeing the situation clearly, these people were stunned on the spot, and the cheering in their mouths stopped abruptly, and each one became extremely confused.

Can't figure it out.

They really didn't understand why people from their two tribes were **** with ropes and walked all the way.

But those with weird looks are very free.

The situation in front of me didn't look like people from my own two tribes had captured that weird tribe with many preys. On the contrary, people from my two tribes had been captured by those who had a lot of prey.

After their confusion lasted for a while, it became more serious, because the people of the same tribe who had been brought back from the ropes began to shout loudly to them.

Among them, the leader of the nose ring tribe who was being carried on a stretcher shouted most vigorously and religiously.



The conversation was going on, Han Cheng stood and watched, and did not stop it, but let them communicate.

Han Cheng couldn't understand what they said, but it didn't matter. There was also the primitive female holding the child here, and she could understand what these people were saying.

Let Mao have an in-depth exchange with her later, that's it.

In addition, there is another reason that Han Cheng understands a truth, and this truth is that Erguizi is more terrifying than Guizi.

This metaphor is not appropriate here, but the truth is such a truth.

And what happened next was similar to what Han Cheng imagined.

After some conversation, the eyes of these people who were originally in a state of confusion gradually became different when they looked at Han Cheng and others.


One leg was wrapped in linen with a nose ring, and the tribal leader thumped the corner of the stretcher with his hand and roared loudly.

After being ranted by him, the person who seemed hesitant at first suddenly became no longer hesitant.

They lay down on the ground one after another to express their surrender to the people of the tribe of God.

Not only them, but even the rest of the tribe where the female primitives belonged, all fell on the ground.

Han Cheng did not let go of this kind of gift to the door.

Immediately let the female primitive holding the child lead, and bound all those who did not belong to her tribe.

After doing these things, Han Cheng's gaze fell on the open space outside the cave.

It can't be seen here, there is a lot of dried blood, with a stench.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there are more than a dozen corpses of male primitive men who have been killed.

And nearly twenty minors, large and small.

The bodies of most people are still intact~www.NovelMTL.com~ but a small number of people are incomplete.

If you look at the bones scattered around the fire, you can know what happened here.

Han Cheng endured some boredom and let go of his fists.

If it had only come to this era, he would still feel uncomfortable for such things, and even thought of killing all the people who caused it.

But now, he won't.

Because he has lived here for so many years, he knows a lot about many things in this era.

In this era, many concepts of later generations are not feasible.

Like what is happening now.

It is absolutely evil to put it in the future, but in this era, it is not too strange.

When people can't live happily, they don't think about so many things.

However, understanding belongs to understanding, and understanding does not mean that we will agree that such things will continue to happen.

Civilization cannot always be defeated by barbarism. Civilization must lead barbarism.

"Tell those people that you are not allowed to do such things in the future, and whoever dares to do such things will be killed!"

Han Cheng said to Mao.

Mao's complexion is also not very good-looking, influenced by the son of God, he also doesn't want to see such things very much.

Of course, the more important reason is that if these people are killed, one's own tribe can suddenly add a lot of people.

After receiving Han Cheng’s order, Mao nodded vigorously, and then began to convey this meaning with gestures to the female primitive holding the child, and then the female primitive conveyed this meaning to the nose ring and Earrings from these two tribes.


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