I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 895: Class 1 (3 in 1)

"Bang bang bang..."

In the early morning, there was a sound in the bamboo pole forest not too far away from the tribe of the green bird.

This is where some people in the tribe are cutting bamboo here.

Once the bamboo is rooted in one place, it will multiply very quickly.

Many bamboos can be drilled from a bamboo whip.

After nearly ten years of growth, the bamboo pole forest here in Qingque tribe has already fully multiplied.

Not only did it cover all the previous earthen mountains, but it also extended a lot to the surrounding area.

Had it not been for Han Cheng, he had let him dig a little down at the edge, and then simply built a stone wall with white ash mixed with stones. I am afraid that these guys would spread the arable land nearby.

Originally lying lazily in the bamboo forest, Han Cheng specially let people play with the panda Tuan Tuan on the wooden shelf, and its mother, and two other bear children. Hearing this sound, he saw Han Cheng's couple. After the personal action, the spirit came immediately.

Looking stupidly and crookedly coming down from above, he stepped on his short legs and rolled all the way, and then he hugged Han Cheng's chopped bamboos and stopped letting go. Various kinds of cute and coquettish, and put his head on human legs. Arched up and arched.

Can you do whatever you want by acting like a baby? !

Facts have proved that being able to act like a coquettish and cute is to be able to do whatever they want. In a short while, a few chubby guys can ask for bamboo from Han Cheng and others, and then sit there and chew away.

Bamboos that are so hard that humans need to use knives and axes to cut down, under their sharp teeth, are like tofu made, and easily bitten open, just like sugarcane.

Han Cheng, who was watching, wanted to drive them and let them gnaw the bamboo down one by one.

Of course, this is impossible. If these guys can be so obedient and obedient, they won't be able to chew down a bamboo easily, or even rob the bamboo that was cut down by others.

After severely despising the bear cubs who were afraid of work, Han Cheng and Shishi continued to cut bamboo.

From busy work in the morning to breakfast, a full six bundles of felling is the end.

And after their busy schedule, nearly two hundred bamboos were brutally cut down by them, tied into bundles, and lifted far away.

This move hurt these guys with sunglasses.

As soon as I saw that the big bundles of delicious food were about to be carried away, I immediately stopped doing it. Holding the legs of the stone and the others with his two front paws, and then sitting down on the ground with his hips, the shameless mode started.

If it weren't for Little Pea to hear his father's call and trot all the way to kill, I'm afraid it would take some more time for Han Cheng to get rid of these hooligans with sunglasses.

A pond was dug out in the lower reaches of the Qingque tribe's small river, which was not too far away from the Rema Pond.

It's not as big as the Ma Chi, but it's not too small.

Now that the hemp in the tribe has not matured, this newly dug pond is of course not used for hemp.

Under the command of Han Cheng, the few bundles of bamboo that had just been cut down were put into the pond one by one.

And just like numb, the top is pressed with a big stone to prevent it from floating.

However, the difference is that the pond used to soak the bamboo is not connected as a whole. The pond is divided into several smaller ponds, and the water between them will not communicate.

And every small pond is soaked with a bundle of bamboo.

"Get three more lime heads."

Seeing that everyone got it right, Han Chengcheng gave another order.

That's right, what Han Cheng leads people to do now is making paper.

Papermaking has been spotted a few years ago, and the tribes have also been able to make paper.

However, the material used is made of such things as the inner thin fibers of the bark, and the color is somewhat yellow.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that it is too soft and can be written on it, but after all, it is not as easy to use as the paper specially used for writing in later generations.

Also, if the ink is too thick and the handwriting is too strong, you cannot write on both sides.

In this regard, Han Cheng has long wanted to make changes, but he doesn’t know too much about papermaking. Before he instructed Stone to get this kind of paper out, he almost emptied all his paper about paper. knowledge.

But the writing and copying of textbooks during this period of time gave him the idea of ​​improving the paper again.

In thinking and meditation, when the light flashed, it really made him think of some new things about papermaking.

This seems to be what he saw in an online novel before he crossed over.

When he watched it at the time, he didn't pay too much attention to it. It was just that when he saw it, it passed, and the impression he left was not deep.

If it wasn't for this period of time that I was always thinking about improving papermaking, this period of memory might not come out.

Moreover, even in retrospect, it is very vague.

The use of bamboo as a raw material for paper making and retting is obtained from the vague memory.

As for why lime was added to it, Han Chenggong didn't know too well, and he didn't know whether it was to accelerate the corruption of bamboo or to bleach it.

It’s not just that the function is not clear, even if these limes are added when the bamboo is first soaked, or added after a while, or after the bamboo is soaked almost, then It’s not clear to add it.

But this does not prevent Han Cheng from directing people to do this.


Anyway, the general direction has come out, and the rest will be tried several times, and the process and results of each experiment will be recorded and summarized, and it will be able to figure out slowly.

At this time, the people in the tribe also came over carrying three limes in accordance with Han Cheng's request.

"In this pit, evenly sprinkle two limes into the pit, and pour one lime into this pit evenly."

Han Cheng pointed to the two small ponds closest to the shore and explained to the person who came over with the lime.

The two of them followed Han Cheng's instructions. Soon they carried the handle of the head with one hand, and lifted the head of the head with the other hand, and poured it into the two small pools more evenly.

These limes have not been soaked in water, so after entering the water, it easily releases heat. Not only does it emit heat, but also some bubbles rise.

Already before, I had already got the stone from the Han trade representative. Without Han Cheng's reminder, I consciously took a pen to record these things and also recorded the time.

As for the remaining four small pools, Han Cheng did not let anyone pour lime into them.

Instead, I wanted to wait until after a while, these soaked bamboos began to rot, and then pour lime into two of the ponds.

As it is today, one fell more and the other fell less.

As for the remaining two ponds, after the bamboo is completely rotted, lime is poured into them.

After doing this, and then comparing the final product, it is easier to tell when it is appropriate to add lime to it.

After finishing this, Han Cheng explained to Shishi and others not to let the water in several pools mix together, let alone let the water inside flow into the creek.

This is not just worrying that the mixing of water in several pools will affect the effect of the experiment. More importantly, the water used for retting is very strong and pollutes the water, especially the water with lime.

This is the existence that can poison the fish to death.

Han Cheng once experienced similar things. When a family in Murakami built a house, he bought a few carts of lime and soaked it with water in the pit.

The lime-soaked pit is near a drainage ditch.

On weekdays, there is no obstacle. After a heavy rain in summer, it will not work. The lime-soaked pit is directly connected to the drainage ditch, and then the water and some lime inside are washed into the stream.

Then the fish and shrimps in the stream suffered and were poisoned to death.

After the water went down, Han Cheng and some children in the village often picked fish along the stream...

As for Han Cheng's explanation, the people in the tribe such as Shishi naturally bear in mind.

After doing these things well, Han Cheng and his party left here one after another, and started their own busy work.

After this period of growth, the first batch of millet planted in the tribe has lowered its head humbly, and it will take a long time to harvest.

People in the tribe also need to prepare for this year's autumn harvest.

At the same time, we also need to prepare for Han Cheng and the others to go south...

"Once upon a time, there was a little donkey living with its mother by the river. One day the mother donkey called the little donkey to her side and said:'Little donkey, you have grown up and you can eat grass by yourself. Today, you Go to the grass on the other side of the river and eat grass... Little donkey! Little donkey! Don't go down! This river is deep..."

Inside the big blue brick house, the stone held a language book wrapped in linen in his hand, standing on the podium, reading the story of "Little Donkey Crossing the River" to the children sitting there in the tribe .

After a period of production, the first batch of Chinese textbooks of the Qingque tribe has come out, a total of 31 books.

One of them was used as a textbook for teachers, and the others were distributed to the children of Qingque tribe who need to go to school.

The total number of minors in the Qingque tribe now includes more than 900 people, including slaves and citizens. Even if those minors who are young and not suitable for school are excluded, the large brick house at this time , Is still full of people, almost five hundred people.

With so many people, there are only 30 books. Of course, this is not enough for everyone. Almost 20 people can get a book.

But there is no way. Time is limited and technology is limited. It is a bit difficult to copy each copy, so I can only do it first.

After a while, there will be more textbooks.

However, although there are very few textbooks, the children in the tribe have a lot of novelty and excitement at all.

In the past, they had never thought that one day they and others would be able to use such things for learning. They never thought that the sons of gods and others have taught themselves and others things, they can also be put together all at once, and they are all written Go into a book called a "book" by the son of God.

Moreover, this book is still so exquisite, not only bound with leather cords, but also on the outermost layer, carefully wrapped with precious linen cloth.

It was almost the first time I saw these books. After I knew what the books were for, the children in the tribe liked these books.

The children who were sent to the book and were responsible for holding the book in their hands for the people around them to read, they even ran outside first, soaped their hands, scrubbed them seriously, and washed their hands red. He ran back to hold the beautiful book in both hands and opened it carefully.

It's like holding a fragile rare treasure.

The minors who seem to be tedious on weekdays have become extra careful and patient at this time.

After opening this exquisite book, some literate minors were immediately attracted by the content written in it.

Not only are they familiar with stories like "Little Tadpole Looking for Mother" and "Monkey Fishing for the Moon", there are also many new and unheard stories.

These wonderful stories, they are reluctant to remove their eyes, even more reluctant to close the book in their hands.

Han Cheng, who was also sitting in the large brick house of Qingque, looked at these children holding textbooks as if he had discovered a treasure, and couldn't help sniffing.

I remember when I went to preschool and received ink-flavored books for the first time. Although my reaction was not as good as those of the children in the tribe, my heart was also full of joy and excitement, and I couldn’t bear to get it dirty. Want to know what is written above.

Of course, afterwards, I would tear off some papers and use them to make origami airplanes and fold the four corners.

I just don't know if these children in the tribe will be like when I was a child.

Thinking of the good things he had done in his heart, the son of Han Da quickly decided which guy dared to tear the book and gave his legs a discount.

Who says that the upper beam is not right, and the lower beam is crooked?

Moreover, such a glorious history, as long as he does not tell it himself, no one in the tribe will know.

In the eyes of the tribe, he will still maintain an extremely stalwart image.

Although there are many people in the big blue brick house, it is extremely quiet. Only standing on the podium, holding textbooks in both hands, reading to the crowd, the sound of stones echoes.

The rest of the people listened attentively to the reading of the stone. They were all absorbed by the wonderful story of "Little Donkey Crossing the River", and the whole person was immersed in this brand new and particularly attractive story.

Not only the children in the tribe, but even some adults in the tribe who listened in the classroom, or at the door and window of the classroom, like Han Cheng, listened very carefully.

Han Cheng looked at everyone's reaction with satisfaction.

This shows that I am very successful in adapting this text.

After a while, Shishi finished reading the text. He moved the textbook to his left hand, took out a chalk chalk box from the chalk box made of bamboo tube, turned around at the middle of the highest part of the blackboard on the back, and wrote " The words "Little Donkey Crossing the River".

And write ‘one,’ below and start writing the new words that have been summarized.

This blackboard was made by letting them use wooden boards. After smoothing the surface with a plane, it was brushed with ink several times.

As for the chalk, it is made from lime soaked in water, put in a round mold, and dried.

Although it is not as easy to use as the blackboard and chalk of later generations, it can still be barely made. At least it is much easier to use than the sand table.

The words written in the sand table are not clear enough. The most important thing is that they cannot be erected. Only a few people around can see it.

Unlike the blackboard hanging on the wall, the words written on it can be seen by everyone in the room.

And the blackboard is big enough to write a lot of content at once.

Not only are the large blackboards hung on the wall, but the children in the tribe now basically have a small double-sided blackboard that can write clear words on it.

You can also raise the small blackboard in your hand according to the teacher's request, so that the teacher standing on the podium can see if the writing is correct.

A blackboard stained with ink will get ink on your hands at first, but after writing a few more times with chalk, it gradually gets better.

With the writing of the stone, the room fell into silence.

After Shishi wrote the two characters, he realized that this was not good, and he quickly found a way to deal with it from the training that God had given him before the class.

He paused to write, his gaze swept across the room quickly, and then he nodded an older minor who already knew and could write a lot of characters, and asked him to stand up and read "Little Donkey" aloud for everyone. "Cross the River", so that these people are more familiar with the text.

And he, while the child seemed to stutter, continued to write new words on the blackboard...

And Han Cheng, sitting there, said nothing, quietly watching what happened in the classroom, just like the teacher organized by the school to attend the class.

After a special lesson, the children in the tribe looked extremely excited.

Many people seem reluctant to leave.

Many people entangle the literate people and let them write the rest of the stories in the books.

Not only the children, but the stones that use this method for teaching for the first time are also excited.

After the teaching, he came to Han Cheng and humbly asked Han Cheng, the son of God.

Han Cheng combined his experience gained from being taught for more than ten years, and made some comments on Shishi's performance in class.

First, I praised the teaching of stone as a whole.

Then they found out specific and well-performing areas and praised them.

After listening to the stone happily, he started to point out some shortcomings and gave some suggestions for improvement.

"You can't always hear about me. You have to think about it yourself, think about it a lot, and see what deficiencies you have in teaching and what needs to be improved.

Think of a way to improve it yourself.

According to the actual situation of the tribe..."

After commenting on the stone, Han Cheng said to the stone with a smile.

He is telling the truth.

Teaching seems to be very simple. You only need to move your mouth. In fact, this is a very challenging thing. There are many aspects that require people to pay attention and explore.

Different people have different teaching styles.

For this matter, he can only give an opinion in a general direction. As for the rest, Stone needs to explore and continuously improve based on the actual situation of the children in the tribe and his own situation.

Stone nodded vigorously, and then took the textbook to the office next door to feel it.

This is the most formal class ever given by the Qingque tribe.

Overall, it is very successful, but there are many things that need attention.

The biggest problem is that the children who go to school together have different ages and different degrees.

Talking and writing things have been taught in the tribe one after another, but there is no such system and formality.

But there are still many people who have learned a lot through the previous extensive methods.

Nowadays, with so many children, UU reading www.uukanshu.com all at once gathered together to teach, and the problems came out all at once.

Some people can basically read through the text, but some children don't even know a few words.

In addition to this, another big problem is that there are too many children in class together, and a teacher simply cannot take care of them.

Even these children in the tribe are very obedient.

The solution to this problem is not unfamiliar to Han Cheng, and he can pick it up at will. It is to teach these children in grades and classes according to their respective levels.

In this way, these problems can be solved perfectly.

But in doing so, new problems will follow.

After class and grade teaching, more teachers are needed to teach.

Among the tribes who have teaching experience, in addition to Han Cheng and Shishi who once taught people in the tribe to speak Mandarin and write Chinese characters, there are also Yuan, a mathematically talented person, and two other people.

It is impossible for Han Cheng to stay in the tribe to teach. He needs to take people to Jinguan City to rebuild the second tribe.

Moreover, time has become more urgent now.

Now, the first batch of millet planted in the tribe can be harvested in a few days.

Although rice is different from millet, as long as it is not too close to the south, it is basically harvested in autumn.

Moreover, Jinguan City is further south, coupled with the barrier of Qinling Mountains, above the same latitude, the temperature can be two or three degrees higher, and the rice there is afraid that it will mature earlier.

If you wait for someone to go too late, it is estimated that a lot of rice will be eaten by various birds...


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