I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 884: Strong love from the Qingque tribe (3 in 1)

Speaking of kaolin, many people can immediately understand what it is.

Beautiful and beautiful, blooming brilliant colors in the long river of history, and silk, tea, rhubarb and other things that collect many foreign gold and beautiful jade and silver into China's porcelain, it is made of kaolin!

At this moment, Han Cheng would of course be extremely excited when faced with the very possibility of kaolin.

Because it shows that your tribe will get a lot of good things.

The role of porcelain is basically the same as that of pottery, but its value far exceeds that of pottery.

And in many cases, when there is porcelain, people are more willing to use thin, beautiful porcelain than clunky ones.

Apart from the rest, pottery is far less useful than porcelain just for bowls and plates.

At present, the value of porcelain does not seem to be very large, but with the development of time, the growth of the tribe, the role and value of porcelain will definitely throw away the pottery.

Not to mention the rest, just as in history, exporting it as a commodity to other tribes can bring a steady stream of wealth to your tribe.

Faced with something that has made a great reputation in history and is still very practical, Han Cheng of course can't calm down.

He came to the white mud brought by the leader of the Xi tribe and squatted down. After scanning it for a while, in the worried eyes of the people of the Qingque tribe, he reached out and squeezed some of the white mud with his fingers. Twirling.

This kind of white soil is very delicate, basically I can't feel any lumps.

Think about it too, if it is not delicate, but the taste is not good like ordinary soil, the people of the Xi tribe who can live by eating fangs, will not want to eat soil.

The people of the Qingque tribe all know their **** son very well. Now seeing their **** son squatting in front of this white thing that makes the people of the Xi tribe fearful, he showed this familiar smile. Those who are worried about their **** son rashly approaching this kind of possibly terrifying thing, immediately relax.

Not only that, but they all leaned to this side, and they couldn't help but bang banging one by one.

There is no way, who will let the **** child get good things in the tribe every time he has such a state.

As for the people like Dou from the original Huangguo tribe, and the people like Gu from the original green tribe, their expressions were even more excited.

This is determined because of their experience.

At the beginning, they thought that they could not eat more, and if they eat too much, they would have stomach ups and still fart. In the hands of the gods, they immediately became a kind of treasure.

So now, Yuan Huangguo is not the leader of the tribe, and he doesn't eat some tofu every few days, and he feels uncomfortable if he doesn't drink some tofu.

However, unlike Shenzi who likes to drink sweet tofu with honey or fruit candy, beans prefer to drink with chopped green onions, and some sauces made from boiled soybeans mixed with salt and sun-dried in a clay pot. Salted tofu brain.

I think this kind of tofu brain makes it more delicious to drink.

It can be seen that the dispute between the sweet party and the salty party has already formed in the primitive period.

It's just that it hasn't developed to the same level as it was later on. If you want to knock each other down, you still don't understand the hatred, and you have to wear a heretical hat and then grill it on the barbecue.

As for the wild grass ears, it is even more incredible. It has directly become the handle of the green bird's food world, and is the basis for the green bird tribe to be strong and prosperous.

But now, things are surprisingly similar, and the Xi tribe has also sent white mud that they think is a terrible thing, and the son of God has such an expression.

Although I don’t know what this kind of white soil has been confirmed by the people of the Xi tribe, what can be done if you eat it, you will die, but the experience tells them that it must be a good thing!

"Bring the manure scoop! Give them manure!"

After these people in the Qingque tribe surrounded them with excitement and eagerness, Han Cheng, who had recovered a little from the excitement of encountering kaolin, turned his head and saw not far away, he was extremely expectant and pleading. Looking at the people of his own tribe.

Without much hesitation, Han Chengcheng yelled these words to everyone in the tribe.

When this was said, some members of the Blue Sparrow tribe headed by Tietou immediately became excited.

The level of excitement was no less than discovering a new thing useful to the tribe.

At the beginning, they used the method taught by the son of God to save the light that tasted the poisonous bright grass, and also saved the big feet that were poisoned by trying the tung oil fruit.

Nowadays, the people of the Xi tribe were poisoned by trying new things, and even died. Moreover, the son of God gave them such instructions personally, and some of the people like Tie Tou were excited and intolerable immediately.

In particular, there were so many people in the Xi tribe who were poisoned this time, enough to allow all of them to participate in the great ranks of healing and saving people.

There is no way, under the continuous influence of their upright sons, they are so enthusiastic about healing and saving people.

As a result, a strange scene appeared here-some people headed by Tietou, after receiving Han Cheng's instructions, immediately rushed towards the tribal toilet without looking back, the speed and reaction Even a leader like long-legged runners must be amazed and ashamed of their swiftness.

The leaders of the Xi tribe and the others, through the explanations of some equally enthusiastic people from the Qingque tribe, probably understood this symptom of themselves and others, and the Son of God had a way to solve it.

And those people who ran faster than they did when chasing beasts just went back to get things that could heal themselves and others.

After learning this news, the leaders of the Xi tribe were excited and moved.

This is the kind-hearted green bird tribe!

To wait for others, run so fast.

All the people in the Xi tribe, including the leader of the Xi tribe, thought in their hearts that they would treat the Qingque tribe better in the future.

Moved by everyone in the Xi tribe, the iron heads who ran back to the tribe hurriedly killed them out of it.

The iron head carried a dung scoop in one hand, and the other hand carried a jar for holding large dung, and ran in front.

The saying that saving people is like fighting fire was told to them by the son of God once, and Tietou and others took it seriously.

Not only the iron head, but also the few people who ran back afterwards, all did the same operation.

The Brook Tribe is its own neighboring tribe, and it has also joined the Blue Sparrow Alliance. They certainly won't compromise on saving people.

In view of the fact that there are a lot of people in the poisoned Xi tribe, they are worried that a dung scoop is far from enough, so this is the case at this time.

Seeing Tietou and the others who were running all the way carrying things, panting and unwilling to stop and rest, many people in the Xi tribe were moistened by the moved eye sockets.

What is kindness, this is kindness!

However, the next moment, after smelling the rich smell, seeing clearly what the iron heads and the others carried over were, and knowing what they were going to do to themselves and others with these things, they were all just now. The touched eye circles moistened everyone in the Xi tribe, and they cried directly.

This is really too moving.

This kind of deep love, even primitive people feel unbearable.

Such things were obviously not allowed by the Tietou and others, who were willing to help others and liked to save and heal the wounded. Therefore, it didn't take long for people from the Xi tribe to meet the kind-hearted members of the Qingque tribe with strong love.

The people who have been cared for, without exception, all vomit.

Even the people of the Xi tribe who have not been cared for, after seeing the appearance of the people of their tribe being cared for, they couldn't help but vomit.

The Tie Tou and others who watched this scene regretted it and felt deeply regretful.

After Tie Tou and others arrived on the battlefield, Han Cheng silently turned his head, carrying the kaolin wrapped in animal skins, and walked to other places.

Listening to the movement coming from behind, the smell in the air, and the somewhat excited greetings from Tie Tou and others, Han Cheng's cheeks couldn't help but twitch back and forth.

He had a certain degree of understanding of the ferocity of the tribesmen.

But at this moment, after listening to these movements, Han Cheng realized that he didn't know enough about the cruelty of the tribe.

For such things, Tietou and others are very experienced. When they saw that these people couldn't vomit something, they started to pour clean water on them, and then continued to induce vomiting with a dung scoop.

After a long time, the scene finally calmed down.

Looking at these seemingly weak people in the Xi tribe, the iron head and other helpful guys, they all smiled modestly and contentedly, with a sense of unspoken satisfaction in doing good deeds.

Many people in the Xi tribe are crying without tears, especially those who have not eaten the white clay.

However, after seeing some of the white mud that was spit out as the water was poured, their mood suddenly improved a lot.

This method is cruel, but it is really easy to use.

Even some people who ate the white soil but did not vomit it out, even gritted their teeth and took the initiative to pour water into their stomachs, and then moved their heads to the dung scoop...

The son of Han Da, who had twitched his face for a long time, walked over and inspected. After seeing only a few people vomiting some white mud, he thought about it and stopped those who were already very weak and still actively doing these things. people.

Using a dung scoop alone can no longer satisfy these people, and some other methods are needed.

From asking these people before, he learned that these people have eaten the kaolin for a long time, one day and a half and two nights.

Except for a few people who still accumulate in the stomach, the rest of the people basically ran into the intestines.

Things that run into the intestines can't be obtained by relying on this rough gastric lavage alone. They can only get these people to eat more smooth things and let them come out of another place.

Banana is such a good thing, and the taste is not bad, but unfortunately, it is not in the tribe.

Rhubarb, which has attracted countless nomadic people in history and has solved many people's painful problems, is also absent in the tribe.

But this shouldn't be difficult for Han Cheng.

"Put out a pot of mutton oil accumulated in the tribe, put some salt, and let the people of the Xi tribe who ate the white soil eat it."

After thinking about it for a while, Han Cheng gave such an order to the people in the tribe.

Suet is also a good thing that helps defecation.

It's the same reason that some people will have diarrhea after eating too much fat.

For people in this era, some are too extravagant.

But remembering that these people from the Xi tribe brought kaolin, after a while, after a period of time, his tribe was able to make porcelain, Han Cheng didn't feel sorry for this pot of mutton oil.

Under Han Cheng's order, someone soon brought a pot of mutton oil, sprinkled some salt on the mutton oil, and brought a few spoons for these people to eat.

Sheep fat is an accessory product after slaughtering sheep. It is good to put some in it when cooking or cooking vegetable soup. It will make the food very fragrant.

But if you really ate it with a blank mouth, it makes it a little difficult to spit it.

At least Han Cheng couldn't make this mouth by himself.

If there are hot steamed buns, break the steamed buns apart, put some salted mutton in the middle, and eat them with buns. It is still very good.

Here, I have to sigh with emotion the good appetite of primitive people.

Having just experienced such a devastation, facing this kind of food at this moment, these guys can actually send pure mutton fat into their mouths spoon by spoon, and Han Cheng does not need someone to supervise it.

While Han Cheng deeply admired this, he was also thinking, no matter what, if you sprinkle some salt on it, these guys can eat it?

"Where did you find things here?"

After a pot of mutton oil ran out, Han Cheng asked the leader of the Xi tribe.

After a certain degree of translation, Han Cheng learned about what happened near the Xi tribe.

After understanding what happened there, Han Cheng couldn't help but sigh. Many things happened with a certain contingency and inevitability.

For example, these kaolins were discovered.

If the rain did not increase the weight of the mountain and make the mountain loose, it would be almost impossible for the people of the Xi tribe to discover the kaolin that is deeply hidden under the mountain.

But it is undeniable that even without this incident, kaolin will still be discovered in the long history of the future, and after a series of things, it will become porcelain.

It's just that in today's Qingque tribe, with Han Cheng, a traverser, these things will accelerate.

"God, what's the use of this white clay?"

Someone finally couldn't help asking Han Cheng.

In fact, before questioning Han Cheng, the people in the tribe speculated about the purpose of the white clay that seemed to be valued by the gods.

With the attempts made by the people of the Xi tribe with their lives, everyone has eliminated this aspect.

Can't eat, then the rest is just used.

Because there are limes burnt from limestone in the tribe, many people think of it as something similar to lime.

But some smarter people don't think so.

People like witches and stones.

Because the lime tribe has already existed, if this white soil had the same effect as lime, the son of God would definitely not be so happy.

"This is kaolin."

After hearing the people's questions, Han Cheng smiled and said to the people in the tribe a term they had never heard of.

Those who didn't know kaolin would naturally not be the same as Han Cheng. Just hearing the name kaolin would be agitated.

"This kind of soil is not edible, but it can be used to make a kind of exquisite utensils. The things fired from it are called porcelain, which is similar to pottery, but more beautiful than pottery..."

Han Cheng smiled and continued to explain to the people in the tribe.

After learning about the function of this white clay from Han Cheng, although the witches, stones and others seemed more happy, they were not happy when they got pottery and other things.

This is mainly because they think the pottery in the tribe is already very useful.

Especially with the continuous study of Heiwa, the pottery craftsmanship of the entire tribe has been greatly improved. Not only the types of pottery in the tribe have increased, but they have also become more usable and beautiful.

In their opinion, such equipment is sufficient.

The kind of porcelain fired with this kind of thing called kaolin by the gods, even if it is better-looking than pottery, is not very useful for the tribe.

After all, the son of God himself said just now that the purpose of porcelain can basically overlap with pottery, but it is more beautiful than pottery.

For people of this age, practicality is the most important thing.

Han Cheng could roughly tell the thoughts of some people like Wu and Shishi, but he didn't say much at this time.

The role of porcelain is not big, he, a person from later generations, knows better than them.

And Han Cheng is also very much looking forward to the reaction of Wu and others after Heiwa burns the porcelain under his own guidance.

One thing is just a little bit more attractive than another. It is really not worthy of people's attention. But the degree of beauty is completely qualitatively changed. It wants to not attract people's attention and attract people. The mind is not enough.

There is no doubt that compared with pottery, porcelain is such a thing.

Wu and they are not too excited, but it does not mean that others are not excited.

For example, the people in the pottery workshop headed by Heiwa, after understanding from Han Cheng what these white soils can make, they did not even have a necessary transition process, and they directly reached the peak of excitement.

Heiwa is a person who likes to study pottery.

With the increasing time in this industry, the immersion is getting deeper and deeper, especially when things like turntables come out, and after Han Cheng raised the point, he tried to glaze the pottery with various things, and the black baby was on the pottery. , Gradually there was a bottleneck.

It is not easy to continue to improve the skills.

That is to say, under such circumstances, he saw this white clay, and learned from the wisdom of the **** son the important role of this white clay and the exquisiteness of the utensils made with it.

If you are not excited, it is a weird thing!

Kaolin, this material, and porcelain made of kaolin that can surpass pottery, is attractive to him, even surpassing the attractiveness of meteorite axe for lameness.

For this reason, Heiwa hugged the kaolin wrapped in animal skins tightly at this time and did not want to let go. He wished to get some water to make these good synthetic muds, and then make them into embryos, put them in the kiln and burn them out. The kind of porcelain is more exquisite than pottery.

"You can try these, as long as you don't eat them, nothing will happen."

Heiwa's condition Han Cheng saw in his eyes, smiled and waved at him when he saw him like this, and asked him to try with these kaolin.

After getting Han Cheng's permission, Heiwa cheered, hugged the package tightly, and ran towards the pottery workshop.

Those apprentices brought out by Heiwa also ran towards the pottery work with the excited Heiwa, all wanting to see a new thing earlier, born in the hands of others.

Han Cheng watched Heiwa and others leave with a smile, but did not go to the pottery workshop.

By now, the Heiwa and others who often deal with the pottery ~www.NovelMTL.com~ have already thrown away his half-hearted goddess.

These things that test craftsmanship, it doesn't matter if he can't pass them.

The place where he is needed is not in the production of mud tires, but in the subsequent firing.

Compared with less demanding pottery, porcelain has much higher requirements for kiln and kiln temperature.

The kilns built in the tribe for making pottery should not be very useful.

When Han Cheng handled these things, some people from the Xi tribe who had eaten mutton had already reacted.

This is not because mutton oil has miraculous effects, but the main reason is that these people eat enough.

In order to facilitate the verification of the situation, Han Cheng did not let these people go to the toilets of his tribe to solve them, but instead let them go to the croplands not too far away.

Of course, the premise is to tell them not to trample on crops.

After some people's stomachs reacted, other people's stomachs also reacted one after another, and these people were all driven to the fields.

It didn't take long for the person who first went to the village to return, with a happy expression on his face.

There is no need to ask more, just look at this person's joyful face to let people know that her problem must be solved perfectly.


This person seemed very excited to say, and leaned forward in front of Han Cheng, very pious.

But her piety did not last long.

This is not because she changed her mind again and is a fickle woman, but because she had eaten too much suet before, and the power of suet was a little too powerful.

Before lying on the ground had time to say more to express my gratitude, I once again clutched my stomach and ran towards the cropland...


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