I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 882: Delicious soil (3 in 1)

Salt, for people in this era, really has endless temptations.

Especially for tribes like Xi tribes who already know the wonderful taste of table salt, and also consciously cannot do without salt, salt is really important, and it also has a fascinating charm.

All, after this person pointed to the mountain that had been cracked by something unknowingly, and shouted the word'salt', all of these people in the Xi tribe couldn't help getting excited, feeling their hearts banging. With a bang, some people even lifted their pectoral muscles, which were all moved by the violent beating heart.

Even the older primitive female who wanted to go back the most didn't say anything about going back at this time. Looking at the exposing large white patches, almost light was revealed in his eyes.

Salt is a good medicine, with blatant effects. At this time, the courage of these people in the Xi tribe has increased by more than 10%.


No, the older female primitive who just wanted to take the lead in fleeing, at this moment, the first one yelled, pointing to the white that appeared, and his expression was so excited that he would never talk about the tribe anymore. .

After she said a few words to everyone, she took the lead and walked towards the exposed white.

The others followed her to go there.

Of course, there will be some fear, otherwise the older female primitive will not hold the weapon in his hand so tightly, and raise half of the bronze tiger talisman so high.

Especially when climbing up the sliding mountain and moving forward, the older primitive female felt that both of her legs were soft, and she had almost no strength on her body.

But looking up at the half of the tiger charm he was holding in his hand, and then at the patches of white salt, the older female primitive couldn't control it and continued to go up.

The people who followed were in the same condition as her.

The mountain that had just fallen down looked extremely steep, and it was very difficult to climb up because the soil was wet.

The people from the Xi tribe climbed up very hard, and even two people accidentally rolled down from the top and made muddy water.

But these people did not go back, and continued to climb up after getting up.

After some hardships, the older female primitives who crawled at the forefront first came to the lowest place where the big piece of white, which they thought was salt, was located.

She stuck the stick-like weapon in her hand on the ground, then shook her hand slightly, dunked a little white salt from above, and couldn't wait to put it in her mouth.

However, in many cases, the more hope, the greater the disappointment, just like now.

The older female primitive woman of the Xi tribe who was full of joy and excitement, after sending some white things into the entrance, her expression froze on her face.

The joy and excitement all disappeared and were replaced by deep disappointment.

The people who climbed up later, after seeing this kind of reflection from her, probably understood something, and disappointment flooded towards them.

But there are still many people who are unwilling to believe that these are true, so they stretched out their hands to buckle up some white things that looked very similar in color to the salt they exchanged from the Qingque tribe into the empty mouth.

The taste of salt did not come as expected, and those who did not give up could only become give up.

The people who were still elated and happy just now are like eggplants that have been beaten by frost, their heads stunned, and the atmosphere looks sad.

The raindrops falling in the sky aggravated this sad atmosphere.

Under such emotions, a person who had tasted something they thought was salt not long ago couldn't help but move his mouth. After eating, he couldn't help but slap his mouth, and taste it carefully. .

After a while, the person reached out and buckled some of this white thing that they thought was salt from the ground and put it in his mouth, and tasted it carefully.

This kind of white, something similar to mud, the entrance is a bit slippery and a bit soft.

It still feels like this when chewing with teeth, and I can't dent my teeth.

There is no such taste as sweet, salty, bitter, etc. It is not unpalatable, but at the same time it is not delicious.

The man squirmed his mouth for a while, swallowed what looked like white mud, and his eyes lit up uncontrollably.


She couldn't help shouting to everyone, her voice filled with joy and excitement.

Everyone who understood what she meant, also turned their attention away from the disappointment that this thing was not salt, and buckled some with their hands and sent them to their mouths.

With this person's reminder, they no longer just pay attention to whether these things are salty or not, but start to pay attention to other aspects.

After a while, the eyes of these people began to brighten.

Because they discovered that this thing is really as edible as the man said!

It is not bitter, has no peculiar smell, and has no teeth, which is good news for them.

It doesn't matter if the taste is worse, as long as it can be used to satisfy your hunger and full stomach.

Moreover, they also have the salt that they exchanged for the kind and powerful blue bird tribe, which can make food extremely delicious.

Waiting for someone to sprinkle some salt on this before eating, will this food become delicious?

As a result, the people who were still full of disappointment just now are suddenly filled with deep joy.

This is a new kind of food!

And there are so many more here!

With these foods, my tribe's life can suddenly become very good.

Even if there is no hunting, no food to collect, with this new food emerging from the soil, oneself and others will never go hungry again!

Some people even thought of using this new food to go to the Qingque tribe in exchange for something.

In the past, because the amount of food available to my tribe was so limited, it was already a bit difficult to only exchange for salt.

In addition to salt, the Qingque tribe still has many good things.

For example, something different from animal skins, which looks good when tied to the hair, is called a red-headed rope by the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe.

For example, things called soaps can make hair smooth, clean and scented.

And the kind of hair comb, and the kind of clothes that are very airy and different from animal skins when worn on the body at this time...

For these things, they have been looking forward to it for a long time, but because there is too little in the tribe, there are not too many things to obtain these things other than salt. They can only bury these expectations deeply in their hearts.

But now, everything seems to be different all at once.

With this large amount of food that can be dug from the ground, they have the ability to exchange for the things they have longed for!

It is a woman's nature to like beauty, and it is what every woman wants to do to dress oneself beautifully.

Whether it's ancient times or later generations, it's the same.

In the past, when the Xi tribe was incapable, these people buried their wishes deeply in their hearts.

Now, with the ability, these people immediately want to start the buying, buying and buying mode.


The older female primitive said to everyone very excited.

She meant to quickly dig up some of this new food and bring it back to the tribe, and wait until the leader and them come back to eat today.

So everyone digs up with sticks in their hands, and carefully put the white mud-like food on the leaves they picked to keep out the rain.

Everyone dug up a lot and determined enough for everyone in the tribe to eat, these people clamped the weapon made of wooden sticks under their arms, holding the white dirt food placed on the big leaves in both hands, facing down Going cautiously.

In fact, these people from the Xi tribe were reluctant to leave here like this, but it was still raining, and the fur that many of them wrapped around had been soaked by the rain, and the cool rain looked very cold against them.

This state is obviously not suitable for staying outside. They need to return to the cave as soon as possible, drink some hot water from the precious pottery exchanged by the Qingque tribe, and then use the fire to dry the water on their bodies. , Let the body become warm.

Otherwise, some people may die as a result.

This is their experience after a long life.

Of course, in the past, there were only things like getting rid of the rain, drying the fur and body with fire, and drinking hot water. In recent years, they got pottery from the Qingque tribe and learned how to use pottery. Hot water is added after it can warm people up quickly.

Fortunately, there is only their tribe nearby, so they don't have to worry too much about the food coming out of the soil being taken away by the rest of the people.

These people took the white food and returned to the cave. Those minors who looked a little nervous and waited in the cave, and some adults who did not go and who were not strong enough, saw so many white things, and After hearing that these are edible foods, and there are so many more there, I suddenly became very happy.

For these people, there is no better news.

Not only is there nothing terrible in the place where the horrible noise is there, but there is also so much food that can be used for eating. Such a change is really extremely exciting.

Many people swallowed their saliva and tried to eat this new thing, but did not eat too much.

This is because the leaders have not yet come back, and they have not yet come to eat food on a large scale.

They can only drink more hot water boiled in pottery to satisfy their hunger.

Although when there is not much food in the stomach, the more hot water you drink, the more hungry you are, but it is better to put something in your stomach than nothing.

In this waiting, the rain outside was still pattering, wet the ground, but also made the air much colder.

Time goes by a little bit, but because there is no sun outside and the sky is always cloudy, the light changes are not obvious, so it is difficult for people to judge how long time has passed and how long it will be dark.

After everyone was waiting like this, I don't know how long it took. The leaders of the Xi tribe finally returned from outside with the dripping animal skins on their heads.

They had good luck on this trip and they caught some prey.

It’s impossible to make everyone full, but putting it in a clay pot with more water and boiling it is basically enough.

The leader of the Xi tribe carried a prey and walked hurriedly towards the cave.

On the one hand, it was very happy to have caught the prey, and on the other hand, many of them were already half wet by the rain and needed to go back to the cave to cook.

The people of the Xi tribe who had been looking forward to the return of their leaders, when they saw the leaders of the Xi tribe, they all couldn't help cheering.

They couldn't wait to wait for the leader to return, and then tell them the great news.

The leaders of the Xi tribe only thought that these people in the tribe were so happy when they saw the prey they were holding in their hands, so those who held the prey in their hands lifted the prey in their hands high. Those who didn't take the prey straightened their chests, one by one proudly looking like a big rooster just coming off the back of the little hen.

Seeing the leader and the others, the people who stayed in the cave cheered even more.

The leaders of the Xi tribe and the others couldn't help but push their chests higher, let alone the pride and satisfaction in their hearts.

However, when they returned to the cave, saw the white food, heard about these people in the tribe, and their experiences and discoveries after they left, the leaders of the Xi tribe couldn't help but blush.

Feeling uncomfortable for the proud and complacent look of myself and others just now.

But this discomfort was quickly replaced by intense joy.

Compared with the large amount of food that can be easily obtained, what I and others have experienced just now is nothing at all.

Therefore, the leader of the Xi tribe quickly asked the people in the tribe where they found these new edible foods.

After a while, the leader of the Xi tribe, who had just drunk two sips of hot tea, led the people out of the cave and walked towards it under the leadership of the older primitive women.

Because the leader and them all returned, and the rain was not as heavy as before, the older minors also came out with them.

They also want to see that magical place.


Seeing the peeled mountain and the large swaths of new white food exposed from the mountain, people including the leader of the tribe couldn't help cheering.

This is really good news for them.

After all, this new white food, most of them just ate some of them personally.

After everyone cheered for a while, they dug up some of this white muddy food again and brought them back to the cave.


After returning to the cave, under the distribution of the leader of the Xi tribe, the people began to deal with the prey they hunted today and prepare to cook.

The older primitive woman pointed to the newly acquired white food and recommended it to the leader of the Xi tribe.

What she meant was that people in the tribe could eat part of this new food, and then eat some of the prey they reached, so that tomorrow morning, everyone would be able to drink a delicious broth.

Those who discovered this new food with the older primitive women also looked at their leaders eagerly.

This is a kind of psychology that many people have. I hope that what I find can be recognized by others as soon as possible.

For them, the greatest degree of recognition is to let people in the tribe eat this new white food.

The leader of the Xi tribe was said to be very moved, but after thinking about it, he still did not do so.


He shook his head at the older female primitives, meaning that he needed to wait a while for someone to try and confirm that this new food was indeed edible before eating on a large scale.


After understanding the leader's meaning, the older female primitive said, meaning that she still had these people. When she first found out, she tried these new foods. There was nothing at all, and she is still alive and well. of.

In order to increase the credibility, I convinced the leader earlier. While talking about this, she really jumped up on the spot.

Of course, if the animal skins were not taken off, everything would become more perfect.

The other female primitives also nodded one after another, and beat their chests vigorously to prove to the leader that there was really nothing wrong with eating this new food.

In fact, this new white food was brought back by the leader of the Xi tribe. After hearing about it, he also tried it. At this time, he also didn't feel any discomfort in his body, but he was still a little sick. rest assured.


After thinking about it for a while, the leader of the Xi tribe shook his head vigorously, and at the same time opened his mouth to tell everyone what he thought.

His idea is that everyone will still drink the broth tonight, and at the same time choose one person to let her eat more of this new white food.

After eating for two days, it was confirmed that nothing happened, and then large-scale eating was carried out in the tribe.

Although the older primitive women and them all felt that the leader was too careful, but the leader said so, they had to follow the leader's will.

The older primitive woman was the first to slap her chest to the leader of the Xi tribe and said that she was willing to try this new food.

The rest, especially those who were the first to discover this new food, all followed up, saying that they were also willing to try this new food.

They had tried this new food personally before, and they didn't think it was poisonous.

Moreover, once it succeeds in trying new foods like this, its status in the tribe can be greatly improved.

They naturally don't want to miss such a good thing.

Of course, it is up to the leader to determine who will try this new food in the end.


The leader of the Xi tribe glanced across the crowd, then pointed to one person and said, let her try this new white food.

The person he spotted seemed to be older than the older primitive female, and the whole person appeared weak.

The cheeks are sunken, the cheekbones are high and there is not much flesh.

Such people are of little use in the tribe.

So the leader of the Brook tribe gave her this task.

After receiving this task, not only did this person feel no fear, on the contrary, she was also very happy.

After all, everyone was rushing to try this new food. She saw it in her eyes and knew that this new food was not a big problem.

Moreover, as she ages, her status in the tribe is getting worse and worse, becoming a cumbersome existence, and the food she receives is the least and worst.

After trying this new food this time, and confirming that it is an edible food, her status in the tribe will be high, and her life will be improved a lot. That’s why she is like this happy.

Primitives also weigh the pros and cons.

Under the envious gaze of the older primitive females and others, the old primitive grabbed the new food with his hands and delivered it to his mouth.

This new food tastes soft, slippery, and not toothless, and is very suitable for people like old primitive people.

The old primitive man hasn’t eaten enough for a long time, so she won’t let it go when she gets the chance to eat more. She grabbed this new white food with her hands and kept sending it to her mouth until she had eaten a little bit. , Stop the action.

The feeling of fullness was really good. After drinking some hot water, the old primitive burped a full burp and smiled with satisfaction and happiness.

Everyone in the Xi tribe who watched this scene was very happy.

Happy for them to get such good new food...


As night fell, inside the cave of the Xi tribe where the broth had been drunk, it did not appear as quiet as usual, everyone involuntarily looked at the primitive female lying on the hay, expecting and excited.

The leader of the Xi tribe even personally asked what the old primitive man felt after a while.

Every time, faced with the leader's question, the old primitive man would smile and nod.

Everyone who watched this scene was even more joyful, even the leader of the Xi tribe smiled.

This kind of greetings lasted for a while before finally ending.

With hope and joy, everyone began to rest~www.NovelMTL.com~ The full old primitive people also began to rest, and soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long, the intense abdominal pain caused the old primitive man to wake up from a deep sleep. The pain was so violent that she couldn't help but bow herself.

After she endured here for a while, she finally couldn't stand it anymore, looking a little difficult to get up from the ground, clutching her belly and walking towards the mouth of the cave, and came outside for a great solution.

However, my legs were numb, my stomach hurts and I was sweating, and I didn't solve anything.

So she got up and walked toward the cave tremblingly, and couldn't help but utter a voice.

This movement quickly awakened the rest of the people in the cave. After seeing the old primitive people, the people who were still dreaming just now were surprised.

After a while, accompanied by the leader of the Xi tribe and others, the old primitive man once again came out of the cave to make a great solution...

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