I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 880: The cavalry must start from the doll

Following the departure of the elder brothers and their nearly one hundred people, the Blue Bird Master Tribe suddenly seemed quite empty.

But everyone was not idle, they were still doing various tasks.

Even because so many people left all at once, the people who remained in the tribe became a bit busier.

Next to the blacksmith's stove, the clinking iron strikes continued to sound, and the second senior brother was still processing the meteorite iron there.

The good use of meteorite iron weapons made him become selfless when he hit the iron, and wanted to create more meteorite iron weapons faster and better.

So that in order to save more physical energy, so that it can be used for ironing, when sleeping at night, he doesn't touch his spouses very much, and there is a trend toward an ascetic male god.

In the carpenter's room, limping led the new generation of carpenters such as cat ears to continue making donkey saddles and donkey stirrups.

Han Cheng meant that at least he had to create a donkey saddle and stirrup that could equip adult donkeys in the tribe with half of the donkey saddle and stirrup.

That is thirty-one pairs.

In this way, the tribe can try to form a group of donkey cavalry.

Of course, the donkey cavalry that Han Cheng said could not be compared with the sophisticated cavalry of ancient times.

It is impossible to open a bow on a donkey, or even charge a weapon while riding a donkey.

But it can greatly improve everyone's mobility, and it can also greatly save energy.

Even when encountering some tribes that have not seen such creatures as donkeys, the weird shape of riding on donkeys can scare them away.

So it is necessary to try.

Of course, according to the current level of the tribe, it is impossible to afford a professional army. These people are still the same as the previous ones. They will be trained every two days. When the farm is busy, they will rely on the work in the land. Mainly, stop training and go farming.

But even this level of training is enough. After all, in such an era, such training has far exceeded all the tribes known to Han Cheng.

Faced with such a tribe of blue ques, those tribes dared to spoil themselves, only to be beaten.

"Let these children give you a piece of the sheep, let them ride on the sheep when the sheep is raised. Of course, you cannot ride the pregnant ewe."

In the early morning, Laoyang and some other people picked up the sheep-raising whips hanging outside the sheepfold, brought the dogs who had learned to keep sheep, and carried dry food, ready to open the sheepfold and start a new day of herding sheep.

It was at this time that Han Cheng brought a group of more than twenty children over.

These minors are not very old, the older ones are only seven years old, and the younger ones are only five full years old.

The reason why Han Cheng did this was not because he disliked these little guys being too noisy in the tribe, but because he wanted to train these minors into more qualified cavalry.

As a person who prefers to watch history before crossing, Han Cheng knows a little about why nomads are mostly natural cavalry.

The biggest reason is the living conditions.

Because these people have been in contact with cattle, sheep and horses since they were young, many people rode sheep when they were young, and when they grow up, they have grown up on the back of sheep or on horseback.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if their riding skills were not good.

So Han Cheng wants to follow the example and prepare to let this group of children go to herding sheep with the old sheep, and they need to ride more sheep on the way of herding sheep.

This way, on the one hand, these children can get used to this life with their feet off the ground from an early age, and honed their good riding skills.

Those who are accustomed to riding sheep can ride a donkey better when they grow up.

Become a real donkey cavalry.

Getting accustomed to this kind of thing is really wonderful, especially the habit cultivated since childhood.

Than Han Cheng himself.

Plowing the ground with a shackle, carrying water with a load, carrying cow dung into the vegetable garden, cutting grass with a sickle, and picking wheat stalls with a wooden fork, etc., were all in the years from third grade to sixth grade in elementary school. Learned.

I didn't do it often after I went to junior high school, and then I basically didn't have the chance to touch it.

But even after so many years, these skills have not retreated. After coming to this era, he still feels very comfortable with these things.

Therefore, if the children of the tribe can be used to riding a sheep from an early age, they will not become unfamiliar when they grow up.

Education starts with a baby, and the same is true for things like riding practice.

On the other hand, at this time, following the old sheep and them for herding sheep, it can let them experience the hardships of life, and at the same time, they can also cultivate their herding skills, which is also a good example.

The children behind Han Cheng looked at the sheep in the sheep pen with excitement.

Children’s nature is fun, and riding a sheep is obviously a very fun thing.

In the past, they wanted to ride sheep in a sneaky way. The adults in the tribe would generally not let them come and bully these animals that can kill meat when they grow up.

But now it's different. The most noble **** child in the tribe personally allowed them to ride sheep. How did this make them unhappy?

Now you can have a good ride without worrying about someone stopping you.

Han Cheng, the son of God, spoke, and Lao Yang and others would naturally not object.

It’s just that you need to bring more food today to eat at noon.

Even though these children are not very old, but their stomachs can hold food.

"Take good care of them and don't put them in danger."

Han Cheng confessed to Lao Yang, who were herding sheep.

Of course, the dangers he was referring to refer to things like encountering beasts and falling into deep valleys.

As for the usual bumps and falls, it’s nothing at all. The children of primitive times are very skinny, far from reaching a small wound on their hands that healed without hurried to the hospital, and they feel distressed. , And then post on Weibo to seek comfort.

"It's all right, we will take good care of them."

The old sheep said with a smile.

Most people like children when they are old, and Laoyang also likes to get along with these children in the tribe, and it is very comfortable to be with them.

Sometimes naughty is a little bit naughty, but most of the time it is quite likable.

After bringing some food for the minors to eat at noon, the old sheep and the others opened the fence of the sheep pen and released the sheep.

These sheep have long been domesticated and are used to this kind of life, so as soon as the old sheep and the others opened the door of the sheepfold, these guys rushed out, and on that head there were two that looked very sharp. Led by the horned ram, he walked outside consciously.

This ram is obviously the leader of this flock.

Unlike other sheep, this sheep has a rope tied around its neck, and a stick tied horizontally falls under the rope.

The stick is not thick, so the baby's arm is thin and not long. It is about forty centimeters in length and hangs down to the knees of the two front legs of the sheep.

This is called Yangjuan in Han Cheng's hometown. With this stick hanging here, there is no need to worry that the sheep will run very fast, and it will be a lot easier to let the sheep go.

Generally, as long as the first sheep is controlled, the remaining sheep will be obedient.

One of the older minors selected by Han Cheng, seeing these sheep came out, shouted excitedly and ran over.

Pull a sheep nearby and climb on it.

However, sheep are not so easy to ride. The sheep that was pulled by the child immediately struggled alive, and threw the little two-legged beast trying to ride it to the ground in three or two.

The last thing children are afraid of is somersaults, especially the children of primitive times.

After being thrown to the ground by a sheep and falling down, crying is simply non-existent.

The little guy quickly got up from the ground, and then ran to chase the sheep that had just thrown him off. After catching up, he continued to climb on the back of the sheep.

Driven by this guy in this way, the other little guys couldn't help one by one, and ran towards the sheep that hadn't come out of the sheepfold with a cheer.

As for the fact that the child was thrown off the back by the sheep, it was directly ignored by them.

For them, these are really nothing. Who doesn't fall a few times a day?

The children were so enthusiastic that the sheep were frightened and dodged one after another. There was a small range of chaos in the sheep.

However, this kind of chaos will not affect the entire flock. It is not a problem to have old sheep and other herders and dogs who learn to herd.

After a while, these sheep are used to being ridden and accustomed to the existence of these children, this kind of chaos will not happen.

Han Cheng followed the old sheep and the others, leaving the gate of the courtyard with the sheep, standing here watching them drive the sheep to leave the tribe.

Under Han Cheng's gaze, during the period of walking from the courtyard to the outside, several children have successfully climbed onto the sheep's back.

Han Cheng looked at this scene and smiled unconsciously.

"Dad, ride a sheep."

Little Pea, who came out with Han Cheng, looked at the group of children riding on the sheep and going away with the sheep, and said with envy.

"You are still young, wait for the children to grow taller last year before you go riding a sheep."

Han Cheng smiled and rubbed the head of his stupid son.

Then he lay down on the ground not far away, lazily rolling, the cute-looking giant panda smiled and said, "Go and ride Tuantuan. Tuantuan is even more powerful and domineering."

As a result, the okay and cute Tuan Tuan who was rolling around there suffered a catastrophe and suffered the disaster of a pond.

Seeing this guy being pushed and humiliated by Little Pea for a while, he reluctantly stood up from the ground, and then looked at his giant panda with an innocent look on Xiao Pea, Han Cheng suddenly found his conscience. It actually hurts a bit.

Sure enough, this is the kingly way to be cute, and the rest must all stand aside.

However, this kid of my own family should not be too bad in riding skills in the future. After all, this kid wanted to ride the Tuan Tuan known as the iron beast when he was not stable. This really started from the baby. of……

Above the wilderness, from time to time there will be whips cracking the air.

This is the warning given to these sheep by the shepherds like the old sheep.

Of course, sometimes this warning will also become a guide.

For example, these sheep are now walking with the old sheep who keep blowing their whips.

After leading the sheep to a good place with grass, the old sheep and others relaxed their supervision of the sheep and let them graze here.

Only when some sheep run too far and show signs of wanting to leave the group, they will blow the whip.

If the sound of the whip cannot make these lambs who want to lose their way wake up, some of them will bend over and pick up a stone, or something like dirt, and throw it away towards the sheep. .

Because of the frequent herding of sheep, the ability of these sheep herders to throw stones with their bare hands has almost become the strongest group in the tribe.

The quasi-head is no less than the teacher who lost his chalk head in later generations.

As long as these sheep are generally thrown into a rock, they will basically jump in place, and then quickly turn around and run towards the flock.

However, unlike the peacefulness of the past, today's sheep seem a little unstable, especially the rams with horns on their heads.

In the past it was only for them to ride a little ewe, but today everything looks different.

There are a group of small two-legged beasts in the sheep, and they still want to climb on their backs when there is nothing to do. This is really difficult for the sheep to accept.

But they don’t have much to do with these little bipeds...

Most of the young children are not long-term, and they do everything fresh. In the first few days, they have a strong interest in being able to follow the old sheep to play in the vast world and ride on the back of the sheep. After several days of similar days, I felt a little bored and didn't want to go.

After learning the thoughts of these little children, Wu looked very angry, holding a cane and preparing to teach these little guys to let them remember.

Unlike later generations of parents who spoil their children with no lower limit, they also like children's witches. When it is time to do it, it is really unambiguous.

It's the same reason that he would knock his favorite rabbits to death one by one with a stick, and then skin and eat meat.

Han Cheng told Wu about his ideas about the donkey cavalry and how to train these children.

Although Wu didn't want to fully understand the meaning of donkey cavalry, he also felt very good after hearing Han Cheng's words of being a god.

Therefore, after seeing these children riding a sheep for a few days, they didn't want to ride, and I was very angry.

This is something of great significance to the tribe. The Son of God has given it to you. How can you do it if you don't do it well?

Seeing the look of a kind-eyed witch on weekdays, each of these children was immediately frightened, and two of them were timid, even young, and began to cry.

These children in the tribe are all unsuccessful when they play with each other on weekdays, with wildness unique to this era, but they are really afraid of the adults in the tribe.

Especially the giants in the tribes like Han Cheng, Wu, and Big Brother.

Han Cheng saw this situation, but did not stop the witch's behavior. He also suffered from broom bumps when he was a child. He knew that sometimes children really need to be beaten and loosened.

Quite often, this is more useful than pure preaching. Pure preaching is not enough for the master, but the broom bumps can be tangibly drawn to the body, which can make people remember.

Of course, this method must also have corresponding supporting measures. It cannot be stunned, and at the same time, it cannot be beaten all the time. It will be counterproductive for a long time.

Don't ask why Han Cheng understands these things so clearly and is able to say one thing, which is too painful to say.

Therefore, after Wu had beaten two crutches to these children, Han Cheng appeared here in due course.

"Do you know why you were beaten?"

Han Cheng knelt down and looked at them, and asked as pleasantly as possible.

"Know, know. I, we don't want to ride a sheep..."

A child sobbed and replied.

As people who have been exposed to Mandarin since childhood, these children have a very high level of Mandarin. After all, this is their mother tongue.

Han Cheng shook his head and reached out to wipe the tears off his face.

"That's right, but something is wrong."

"Why do you let you ride a sheep? This is not simply fun, but because you can ride a sheep and ride proficiently at this time, and then you will be able to ride a donkey better when the time comes, and you can even ride a donkey on the run. Wield weapons on top, draw bows and arrows, attack those enemies who dare to invade our tribe, and defend our tribe.

Do you want to become the heroes of the tribe? Do you want to pick up weapons and defend our tribe when someone comes to invade our tribe? "

After talking for a while, Han Cheng looked at the children who had just been beaten and seemed aggrieved or fearful, and raised a little volume to ask questions.

This is to stop being beaten, that is, after the child is beaten, let them understand why they were beaten and what they did wrong.

Only in this way can the desired effect be achieved.

After all, beating people is not the purpose, it is the purpose to make them understand.

As Han Cheng said, these children who had just been beaten immediately became energetic.

Over the years, Han Cheng has been very successful in consciously carrying out the education of loving the tribe. After Han Cheng linked sheep riding with defending the tribe, and becoming the great hero of the tribe, the children who were beaten immediately became unhappy. It's the same.

"miss you!"

"miss you!"

These children said aloud, with some firmness and longing.

Adults still admire heroes, not to mention these children who are at the age of fantasy.

"Very good! You guys are awesome! But just thinking is not enough, you also need to have the skills, without the original people, how can you be able to defend the tribe and become a hero?"

After Han Cheng affirmed these children, he asked heuristically.

When asked by Han Cheng, these children fell into thinking one by one, and felt that what the son of God said made sense.

"Then do you now know why the sorcerer would beat you?"

Han Cheng asked again.

"Yes, because we didn't learn the skills well."

"Because by riding a sheep, you can make a big contribution to the tribe in time..."

Listening to these children with some childish answers, Han Cheng showed a happy smile on his face, and the witch on the side cracked his mouth with a lot of teeth missing and laughed.

At the same time, some enlightenment arose in my heart.

From this operation of the **** child just now, he felt as if he had learned something again.

"In the future, learn hard, learn the skills and become a useful person to the tribe. If it is not easy to learn, I will fight!"

Wu put a smile away and said to these children, and he paused **** the ground with the walking stick in his hand, looking very deterrent.

Of course, for children, these alone are not enough. In addition to spiritual encouragement and the threat of crutches, they also need to be rewarded with tangible things.

Carrots and sticks are the best way.

"You have been studying hard during this period of time. After 20 days, I will check your results.

But time will hold a small race for you to see who of you rides the sheep better.

The top three who ride the best will be rewarded, and the last three will be punished. "

Han Cheng said to them with a smile, and casually moved the matter of the future test and the ranking, and after making some changes, he announced to these children.

Exams, and ranking according to the results of the exam, and rewards and punishments according to the ranking, this is a very good system.

After today's operation, the children in the tribe who were selected by Han Cheng to train in the direction of real donkey cavalry no longer said they didn't want to ride sheep.

On the contrary, in the future, when they go out with the old sheep, they will ride the sheep very seriously.

Becoming a hero in the tribe, defending the tribe is a lofty goal. It is the direction of recent efforts to achieve the top three good results and get rewards. However, relative to these two, not to become the last three. Accept the impact of punishment on these children maximum.

After all, children are also very face-saving, and no one wants to be compared to others.

After learning about the status of these children from Laoyang and the others, Han Cheng and Wu both seemed very happy.

In the following days~www.NovelMTL.com~ For Han Cheng, he suddenly became more relaxed. What Han Cheng did the most was to live in the tribe as a dad.

Leading the little girl and taking his son around in the tribe.

After wandering around the tribe for a while, I will walk out of the tribe and wander in the fields around the tribe.

Sometimes, they would catch some grasshoppers for the little peas and go back to feed the chickens and ducks.

When you meet the big ones, leave them behind, take off the wings, get some of the innards from the pile, pickle them with salt, wrap them in eggs, put them in a frying pan, fish them out and bite One bite, that taste is not even more wonderful.

Crunchy and crispy, chicken flavor.

The little pea, the little apricot, and the other minors in the tribe were excited when they saw the lively grasshoppers.

I even reluctant to feed them to the chickens...


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