I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 876: Kind and wise son of god

"God, son of god, I, I should go by myself, let's go, no, don't ride a donkey, ride a donkey, butt, hurt..."

Originally, under the strong love of the tribal giants headed by the son of God, Mao wanted to grit his teeth and accept this strong love.

But thinking about the experience of riding a donkey last time, and thinking about the sour and refreshing taste that penetrated into the soul, Mao still mustered the courage to refuse, and explained the reason.

Your **** hurts?

After hearing Mao’s reasons, Han Cheng was stunned. How could his **** hurt riding a donkey?

It doesn't hurt anymore, my **** is on the tree!

After a daze, Han Cheng wanted to say such a sentence to Mao.

Just considering that Wu, Big Brother, Mao, etc. had never seen "Let the Bullets Fly" and could not receive the refreshing points in this sentence, so the Shang just swallowed these words back.

"Why does the **** hurt when riding a donkey? Isn't the back of the donkey soft?"

Han Cheng asked the trade with some doubts.

"Riding on a donkey, as soon as it runs, just..."

Mao scratched his head to explain this matter properly, but for a moment he couldn't remember how to express it.

At this time, I caught a glimpse of some donkeys eating grass in the open space not far away, and some light called Mingwu appeared in their eyes.

"You know it by riding."

Mao pointed to the donkey and said to Han Cheng.

Ride on ride.

Since getting these donkeys from the tribe, Han Cheng has never rode these animals. Now that the trader said this, his curiosity has been aroused a lot, and he really wants to see these ugly but very hardworking. What mystery is the guy hiding.

After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed.

After seeing Han Cheng's promise, Mao walked with the donkey very intimately.

Han Cheng looked at the surrounding terrain and saw that the surrounding areas were basically fields. The place where the donkeys stayed was an open space, which was a good place for riding donkeys. He immediately followed the trade to go there.

Wu and Big Brother also walked there, wanting to see the **** son riding a donkey.

Mao was very considerate to find a donkey for Han Cheng that seemed to be the most powerful and powerful one among the group of donkeys, and then led Han Cheng to ride.

The bare-backed donkey is really hard to ride, and it is hard to even go up. You need to find a stone or a ridge to step on it to climb onto the donkey's back.

Mao held the donkey in front and prevented it from moving. Han Cheng stepped on the ridge and climbed onto the back of the donkey.

Donkeys are not easy to ride. Not to mention, the bare back of the donkey and the uncomfortable feeling of having nowhere to take advantage of the feet off the ground are enough to make people who ride donkeys for the first time embarrassed.

Han Cheng, who was crawling on the back of the donkey, clamped his legs tightly around the donkey's body. He wanted to lean forward and hug the donkey's neck if he didn't know his body.

Fortunately, these donkeys have been tamed as early as the semi-agricultural tribe. After they came to the Qingque tribe, they were often exposed to humans. In addition to the original work of the pack people, they also learned to pull plows and columbine carts. These skills, such as pulling a cart, and Mao was still holding the donkey in front to prevent it from moving, otherwise Han Cheng's operations might frighten the donkey.

Sitting on it for a while, getting used to this feeling a little bit, Han Cheng asked Mao to take the donkey two steps and take a look.

On the other hand, he hugged the donkey's neck to prevent him from falling.

At the same time, I also paid attention to the feeling on my buttocks. I just felt warm when sitting on the back of the donkey, but I didn't feel any pain in the butt.

After a while, Mao took the donkey and accelerated his walking speed, changing from walking to trotting.

After the speed increased, Han Cheng understood at once why the **** hurts when riding a donkey. This is not because the donkey's back is too hard, but because as the donkey speeds up, people will involuntarily be bumped away while walking. The donkey then fell down again, making intimate contact with the back of the donkey.

The time is short, but the time is too long to be really unbearable.

And riding a donkey is not easy, because you need to tighten the body of the donkey with your legs, and always prevent yourself from falling off the donkey.

After riding like this for a while, Han Chengcheng felt a little tired and panicked, which consumed more energy than walking.

Of course, this also had a lot to do with his inexperience in every aspect of riding a donkey for the first time.

If you ride well, you can get better.

However, the biggest reason is that the donkey has two missing parts, the saddle and the stirrup.

If you have two things, sitting on it can save a lot of energy.

Not to mention the rest, just having two feet where you can borrow is enough to relax a lot and feel a lot more confident.

This is the same as when a person walks along a raised shelf in the sky. As long as one can hold something with his hand, he will have a great sense of security.

Of course, except for air.

In the past, Han Cheng didn’t get the two things like saddles and stirrups. On the one hand, the tribe’s livestock were donkeys instead of horses. On the other hand, the tribe’s donkeys used to cultivate the land and pull carts for longer. Get fewer times.

Because of this, he didn't exert too much effort in this area.

Now, after riding the **** donkey himself, Han Cheng knew the importance of these two things instantly.

I also gave birth to the idea of ​​getting it out immediately and putting it on the donkeys in the tribe, but I didn't feel deep regret for not getting it out as soon as possible before.

"God, yes, does it hurt your butt?"

Seeing Han Cheng, whose legs were trembling slightly, came down from the back of the donkey with the help of the ridge, Mao asked.

And happy that I don't need to ride a donkey next time.

"It doesn't hurt, but it's too tired to ride.

After I go back, I will get two things and put them on the back of the donkey, and then I will be comfortable riding. But when you go out on such a donkey, there will be no problems. "

Han Cheng pushed **** his legs that were trembling because of excessive force. He smiled and said to the hopeful Mao.

Hearing what Han Cheng said, Mao's face suddenly became a little bitter, and he couldn't escape the fate of riding a donkey.

However, while feeling sad for what he was about to encounter, Mao also had a faint expectation in his heart.

Everyone in the tribe knows the abilities of the Son of God.

Now the son of God said that he could make two things and put them on the back of the donkey to make the donkey easier to ride. It would no longer be as uncomfortable as that. It would be true.

If this is the case, then it is not impossible for me to follow the leader north this time, riding a donkey.

Wu, the big brothers are also very curious about the two things Han Cheng said, wanting to know what these two things look like and can have such a big effect.

As a result, several people stopped hoeing their land, and followed Han Cheng back to the tribe.

People who can mix to the level of a big boss in the tribe are such willful and arbitrary.

Before returning to the inner courtyard, I heard the sound of ‘ding-ding-dang-dang’’ from far away.

"God, the meteor hammer is done!"

Han Cheng and his party just walked into the inner courtyard when they were seen by the second senior who was hitting the iron, and then his excited voice rang.

"It's done?!"

Han Cheng asked rhetorically, then speeded up and walked towards the blacksmith's stove.

People who wanted to see donkey saddles and donkey stirrups, witches, big brothers, and trade people all came here one after another, wanting to see what the effect of this hammer made with the meteorite iron that the gods highly valued. .

Four bronze hammers with bumps on their heads were lost on the side of the iron furnace. These were scrapped by the second brother when he built the meteor hammer not long ago.

At this time, the second senior brother was no longer carrying a bronze hammer, but a freshly baked meteorite hammer.

The whole hammer is in the shape of a hexagonal prism, with a hole in the middle, and a wooden hammer handle is installed in the hole.

The whole hammer still doesn't look neat. On the one hand, the second brother's skill is limited, and on the other hand, the bronze hammer used to beat it is not good enough.

But such a hammer is enough for ironing.

After a while, let the second brother hit a smaller meteorite hammer to come out, and then use a smaller meteorite hammer to trim the big hammer, and the appearance will become better.

And it is necessary to build a small meteorite hammer. After all, there are many jobs that a sledgehammer cannot do.

Han Cheng took it from the second senior brother and felt it in his hand.

The newly-made hammer looks not as big as the previous bronze hammer, but it is not at all lighter than the bronze hammer.

It is even heavier.

"How? Is it easy to use?"

Han Cheng took it in his hand and felt it for a while, then returned it to the second brother, and then asked with a smile.

"Easy to use, so easy to use."

After hearing Han Cheng's question, the second senior brother immediately said aloud, with excitement in his voice.

It just so happened that there was another piece of meteorite in the stove burning red, so he stopped telling Han Cheng where the meteorite hammer was easy to use. Instead, he took the bronze tongs on one side and clamped out this piece of meteorite. Be beaten afterwards.

As a result, the sound of banging iron was suspended for a while, and it rang again.

"Look, use a meteorite hammer to strike iron. Not only does it go fast, but the place hit by the hammer is also very flat..."

After beating with the hammer for a while, the second senior brother pointed to the iron block that had become difficult to forge because he had left the hot stove and the temperature had dropped and said to Han Cheng.

Han Cheng looked over with the guidance of the second brother, and found that it was so. The place that had been hit by the hammer looked relatively flat, not as if it had been hit with a bronze hammer. The same small protrusion needs to be hit a lot with a bronze hammer. To make it go down.

"Okay! You did a great job! Wait a minute to find a smaller meteorite, build a smaller hammer, and wait for the rest of the tools to be used.

After finishing the tools for ironing, you can make the other tools, so that you can do it quickly and well. "

After checking the effect, Han Cheng praised the second brother for a while, and then gave him suggestions for the next work.

He naturally agreed.

"You two don't have to hold it so tightly. After you hit the iron for a while, just take a break. There are more meteorites, and there are more tools to make. You can't do your work in a day. Don't be tired."

After the explanation, Han Cheng asked again.

The two nodded one after another and said that they were not tired at all.

After Han Cheng and the others left here, the two of them worked harder.

Han Cheng couldn't help but laughed helplessly when he heard the sound of iron strikes from behind. He had known this, so he wouldn't explain it.

Back to the house, took a pen and paper, Han Cheng went to the office inside the big blue brick house, sat on a stool, spread the paper out, and began to draw on the paper slowly as a saddle in memory.

This process is not easy and it is also very time consuming.

The few people in Wu quietly looked around for a while, and saw that this was not something that could be done in a short while, so they all quietly left to do other things.

Mao made the preparations needed to travel again, and Wu and Big Brother were also there to discuss how many people are suitable for this trip, and what they need to bring.

After talking about this for a while, people began to call back some people who were hoeing the ground, and began to prepare food.

"Get some more leggings, this thing is so easy to use."

Trade made suggestions on the sidelines and strongly praised leggings.

This long trip made him fully feel the benefits of leggings.

After a long trip in the past, the calf would inevitably swell and hurt, and it was also very easy to be injured by the thorns.

But this time, with the leggings that the son of God let himself and others tie, all these injuries were avoided.

Except for the uncomfortable first few days, the rest are only good and no harm.

This leggings is so easy to use. Of course, when going out this time, the trade is to recommend it to the seniors.

The big brothers naturally wouldn't forget the magical artifacts made by the gods. After listening to Mao's words, they immediately let people prepare them.

In such a busy time, everyone in the tribe also knew one after another. In the near future, there will be a long journey led by the big brother.

Moreover, the purpose of the long journey is to take those who had previously attacked their own tribe and those who were left from the original tribe to receive them from their own tribe and become slaves to their own tribe.

At the same time, I have to look for it to see if there is any stone that looks black and heavy when picked up and called meteorite by the gods.

I heard that this kind of black stone, called meteorite, is a very good material for building tools, and tools made with it are better than those made from bronze.

After learning of this, everyone in the Qingque tribe became happy all at once.

Not only the citizens of the tribe were pleased with the news, but even the old slaves in the tribe were especially happy.

Because past experience tells them that as long as there are enough new slaves in the tribe, the number of people who were released from slavery and become citizens of the tribe will increase.

There were so many slaves in the tribe before. If more people were brought back to their tribe and they all became slaves, wouldn’t it mean that more people would be released from slavery? ?

After becoming a slave, you can freely enter and leave the tribe, you can go to the inner courtyard that they cannot easily go to, and you can live in a much brighter, tiled room.

You can also eat as good food as the citizens.

Moreover, in addition to the hard work of farming, hoeing, cutting down trees and burning charcoal, you can also learn and be exposed to some more advanced techniques, such as pottery, woodworking, weapon manufacturing...

In the beginning, these jobs did not impose any restrictions on the slaves in the tribe. They could study and engage in these jobs just like citizens in the tribe.

But later, as the number of slaves and citizens in the tribe increased, and the citizens in the tribe were able to complete these, Han achieved these restrictions.

With these restrictions, the difference between slaves and citizens in the tribe will become more obvious, and people can easily feel the difference between the two.

It is very useful to draw a clear line between slaves and citizens in the tribe and widen the difference between citizens and slaves.

After this operation, not only the citizens of the tribe, after comparing the living conditions of the slaves, are proud of being able to become citizens of the tribe, the slaves also aspire to become citizens of the tribe even more, hoping that they can complete this The feat of turning a carp into a dragon.

After all, after becoming a citizen, it means that you will enjoy a lot of things, not only material, but also spiritual, which will make people feel elated.

How can I become a citizen of the tribe?

That would require a lot of hard work on weekdays and a lot of contributions to the tribe.

At the same time become more submissive...

Not only the old slaves are happy, but most of the slaves who have lived in the Qingque tribe for more than two months are also very happy.

After living here for more than two months and gradually getting used to the living habits and rhythm of the Qingque tribe, these people have slowly fallen in love with this way of life.

Living here is a bit tired, but far away from danger, there is no need to go hunting outside, not to worry that there will be a tribe like the evil Blackrock tribe, holding a blackstone weapon to beat yourself and others, let yourself wait for others Consecrate precious foods obtained through hard work.

Here, you will not be bullied by the people of the other tribes, nor will things be killed by the people of the other tribes.

Living in the Qingque tribe, as long as you have completed what you should do according to the arrangements of the people above, you will not be beaten, let alone worry about being hungry.

Moreover, if you complete the task well, you can get some rewards.

For example, a pair of shoes made of animal skins, or a bowl of delicious food that is much better than the usual porridge.

The Qingque tribe lives, as long as you obey and work hard, you can live well.

Moreover, there are houses here, as well as the bark or the extremely magical fire kang that people from the tribe where the bark belongs to. When the weather gets cold in winter, they are not afraid of being cold, let alone being frozen to death.

Moreover, even if the weather becomes colder, there is no need to worry, because the incomparably wise **** son led people to find a place where the weather will not be particularly cold no matter how cold it becomes.

Such a good life, such a safe life, is their original way of life, and the tribe cannot give it, and they have not experienced it before.

Moreover, if you can perform well in the tribe and make a big contribution to the tribe, you can also become a citizen of the tribe!

Really blend into this tribe and enjoy the extremely beautiful life.

Not to mention the rest, the food that they eat on weekdays is much more delicious than the vegetable porridge they often drink, which is enough to make them work hard for it.

Not to mention, after you become a citizen, you can do a lot of seemingly amazing jobs.

Many of them want to learn how to make exquisite pottery...

Such a safe, prosperous and hopeful life is simply not good for oneself, and it is best to take over all the people from the original tribe and live this life together.

They can imagine, but after the people in the Time Tribe come over and experience this kind of life, they will be very excited, and will fall in love with this life and this tribe named Qingque just like them.

Moreover, the people living in the original cave really need to be taken over, because if they don’t take over, many of them will die in winter.

In fact, the idea of ​​bringing the remaining people in the tribe over to live, after being settled here, many people have risen.

However, no one dared to raise it.

Because they understand that the people who stay in their original tribe are mostly adults with poor health or not strong enough, and more minors.

These people can't do much work, no matter which tribe they are, they are not too happy to have such people.

So none of them dared to say this.

But now, the citizens of this tribe are doing this spontaneously. How can this not make them happy?

I heard that this matter was brought up by the wise **** son.

After learning about this, the respect of these newly added slaves to the wise **** son grew up.

I feel that when calling the son of God, it is not enough to just call wisdom ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and the word kindness should be added in front.

These people have been enslaved and oppressed by the people of the Blackrock tribe headed by the leader of the Blackrock tribe, and have experienced a worse life.

In the past, many of them felt that those tribes with powerful forces would be like the Blackstone tribe, bullying the weak tribes around them wantonly.

But after living in the Qingque tribe for a while, they realized that not all powerful tribes are like the evil Blackrock tribe.

The Blue Sparrow tribe, which didn't know how much stronger than the Blackstone tribe, would not do such a thing.

If no one takes the initiative to provoke them, they are very willing to get along with other tribes.

Just like them this time.

After this comparison, these people's goodwill towards the Qingque tribe has become more...


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