I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 871: Happy Meeting (3 in 1)

"Go from here..."

The next morning, after having breakfast, everyone who had rested here for the night packed up and continued to set off.

After walking for a while along the path left when they came over, under the guidance of Mao, the team deviated from the passage it had walked before and headed to the place where it hadn't set foot before.

This is the new walking route for this part of the journey that Han Cheng and Mao studied last night.

If it goes well, two big bends can be bypassed to make the route as straight as possible, while also reducing a lot of distance.

In this regard, the people who followed did not have any objections. This matter was raised by their **** son, and he also told them the advantages of doing so and the worst possible result.

Even the worst result is acceptable to them, not to mention that this matter was brought up by the son of God, and the son of God has been with them all the time...

Within the Blue Bird tribe, in the house where Han Cheng and the witch lived together, the witch once again put on a feather crown, holding a bone stick in his hand and praying in front of the totem pole.

In these days, the number of times the witch prayed to the totem pole was more and more frequent, and the time was getting longer and longer.

Because their **** son took some people from the tribe and left the former south of the tribe to find a warm place.

Up to now, he has left the tribe for three full months.

But until now, their **** son has not returned.

As the son of God and the others left longer and longer, Wu felt more and more uneasy in his heart, always worried that the son of God would encounter difficulties, and even something more unacceptable would happen.

Although he knew the incomparable wisdom of the son of God, and those who left with the son of God were also very strong, with weapons from the tribe, and were able to do things to protect the son of God, at the expense of their lives, but the witch still felt uneasy. Because the time for the son of God and their departure is too long.

One's own tribe can have no one, but it really can't be without the son of God.

So now, when praying to the totem pole again, Wu often prays to the totem pole, indicating that he is willing to use his life in exchange for the safe return of the son of God...

As time progressed, it was not only the Witch who worried about Han Cheng and his party. Except for the newly joined slaves, all the other members of the Qingque tribe were worried about their **** son.

In the tribe, you really can't live without the Son of God.

Even many people are regretting it. At the beginning, why didn't they and others be able to leave with the Son of God?

In this case, there is no need to feel the suffering in the tribe.

Because of these emotions, everyone didn't even feel that the big victories fought before and the fact that so many new captives were captured in the tribe were not so happy.

As the setting sun went down, the witch with a camel on his back followed the stairs built on the inside of the outer wall and climbed onto the outer wall, squinting his muddy eyes, looking towards the south.

There is the direction from which the sons of gods and them left, and it is also the direction to return.

In these days, the witch has imagined the scene of the gods and the others returning from the south countless times, but every time they are full of expectations, they will eventually be replaced by slow disappointment.

Even so, every time a new day comes, Wu will still have a strong hope, especially when the setting sun goes down, this kind of hope will become stronger when the day is about to end.

Bai Xuemei, who likes to raise silkworms and weave very much, can't hold her breath now. After a while, she will walk out of the room and look towards the front door, or climb onto the outer wall and look south.

Sometimes, Xiao Wandou will be sent to lead the unsteady Myolie to go outside the gate to see if Dad has returned.

Brother Cheng is gone, and it seems that all her mind has been taken away at once, making her always worry and miss, and her heart can't calm down.

When Brother Cheng was by his side before, he didn't think there was anything. Once he really left, he immediately felt that he couldn't think of it, and the whole person became lost.

Not only them, but many people in the tribe are like this. What everyone does the most is to keep looking south.

Especially at dusk, many people in the tribe couldn't help looking south, looking forward to the return of their **** son.

The leader of the grass tribe with a **** in his hand looked at the person who was hoeing the ground with him, as well as the many people on this land, looking to the south, he stopped his movements. , Holding the handle of the **** with his hand, and looking towards the south with everyone.

After living in the Qingque tribe for nearly two months, the leader of the grass tribe is now gone. When he arrived, he was panicked and shocked, and seemed much calmer.

At this time, she has basically adapted to the life of the Qingque tribe.

Moreover, I have also learned many tricks that I have never touched before, and I have also learned to use many tools I have never seen before.

During this process, many blood blisters were worn out on her palm, and her palm was so painful that she hardly dared to touch anything.

But now, this situation will no longer appear on her.

After so long of work, thick cocoons have been worn out on her palms. These cocoons are enough for her to deal with many tools without hurting her palms.

In this process, she also understood more things about the Qingque tribe.

For example, the tribe that they had attacked with the leader of the Blackstone tribe before, which caused their entire coalition to suffer a great loss, was just a sub-tribe of the Qingque tribe.

For example, this tribe really has a lot of food that seems to be endless, just like the dead bark said.

All kinds of things that make people feel magical and enviable are more than what the bark says, and they are even more enviable.

But these things do not come out of thin air, and they are not something that you can enjoy without doing anything.

All the enviable things that the Qingque tribe possessed were created by the many people in this tribe through their own work.

Just as before, it is the same reason that they obtain food through hunting and gathering.

It's just that the people of the Qingque tribe use more and better tools, and they work in a variety of ways.

Through these tools, and these methods, they can finally make all kinds of things.

For example, after I waited for people to come here, I did the most work such as planing and hoeing.

I heard that after this and other work, you can get a lot of food in time.

In this regard, the leader of the grass tribe has always felt that he can't believe it, how can he get the almost inexhaustible food in this way?

But the experience during this time and what she did in the Qingque tribe told her that these should be true.

Because during this period of time, she has experienced and seen too many unbelievable things in this tribe.

Moreover, since coming to this tribe for so long, she has rarely seen people from this tribe go out on a large scale hunting or gathering fruits.

If it is not possible to obtain a lot of food through such a thing, then where does this tribe's food come from?

In addition to these, the leader of the grass tribe also knows why these people often look south.

They are waiting for the return of the person they call the Son of God.

At the beginning, the leader of the grass tribe thought that the leader of the Qingque tribe was the one who stood on the stone wall and led people to repel them.

Later, she felt that the leader of the Blue Sparrow tribe was the one who cut off the head of the bark with a black stone weapon.

Facts have proved that in this respect, she feels right. The person who held the black stone weapon and chopped off the head of the bark is indeed the leader of this huge tribe.

But besides the leader, she saw an old man with gray hair.

That very strong and violent leader would become very honest and respectful in front of this old man.

Later, she learned that this old man with gray hair and looking very old was the witch of this tribe and a wise existence in the tribe.

That time, they attacked the Tongshan residential area. After the people from the Green Bird tribe got the news, it was this old primitive man who gave everyone the order to set off overnight and go there to beat himself and others.

This is an existence in the Qingque tribe that is higher than the leader. It is a person not in their tribe or the tribe they have come into contact with before.

After knowing this, the leader of the grass tribe thought that this was the limit of the Qingque tribe, but she later learned that the Qingque tribe had a more intelligent existence.

This existence is called the Son of God by the people of this tribe, and it can be loved and supported by everyone in this tribe.

At the beginning, the leader of the grass tribe didn't feel much about this **** child who had never seen him before, because after she came, she had never seen this person, let alone felt his wisdom or force directly.

But as the time spent in the Qingque tribe gradually increased, she gradually understood how high this person was in this powerful and wealthy tribe.

For his wisdom, I don't know how to describe it.

Since knowing that not too many years ago, this tribe was still a small tribe indistinguishable from them, able to look like what it is today, all started after the son of God came over, the leader of the grass tribe has always been The son of God who had never met, didn't know how to describe his feelings.

Fear, awe, worship...maybe all of these, but she can't tell.

She followed the crowd and looked to the south, also looking forward to the return of the son of God who had never met before.

Because she wanted to see what a person with such wisdom looks like, is it extremely tall and mighty? Or maybe it's like the witch of this tribe, who looks very old with white hair...

She looked at it for a while, and it was the same as before. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she didn't see anyone coming from there, so she started to weeding with the **** in her hand seriously.

"Green, Green Bird Banner! God, Son of God! It is Son of God and they are back!"

The leader of the Cao tribe had just hoeed the ground, and suddenly heard a voice with trembling and extremely pleasant surprise.

The leader of the Cao tribe was stunned for a moment, and quickly stopped his movements, straightened up, and looked towards the south.

Far away, there appeared a low hanging cloth tied to the pole.

Too far away, the leader of the grass tribe could not see what was on it, but from the shouts of everyone, she already knew what it was.

The leader of the Cao tribe is very impressed with what the people of the Qingque tribe call the Qingque Banner.

When they attacked the Tongshan residential area, such a flag was erected on the Tongshan residential area.

Later, when the leader rushed with people to stop them all, he also set up such a flag.

There is also a larger flag like this on the square of the green bird tribe.

Nowadays, there hasn't been any movement, and a flag like this has appeared in the south!

The leader of the grass tribe, who was thinking this way, saw another scene that shocked her the next moment.

The old primitive man with gray hair and a little camel on his back was the first to see and shouted out the wall of "Blue Sparrow Flag, God Child Return", the primitive man who has always appeared very stable and old in her opinion. At that time, I ran all the way down the fence and headed south, the speed was not slow.

In the room, Bai Xuemei, who was feeding the silkworms with mulberry leaves, was stunned for a moment when she heard the shouts from above the wall, and she was immediately full of joy.

She hurriedly put the basket with mulberry leaves on the shelf, but was touched by the bottom of the basket and didn’t put it away. The one who cherishes mulberry leaves on weekdays, does not care whether mulberry leaves are precious or not. Now, she didn't put the baskets on the shelf anymore, but dropped them all on the ground.

Then he flew out of the door and rushed out for nearly 20 meters, then stopped and ran back, took the little Xinger who was standing there, and continued to run towards the door.

Little Pea who heard the news also ran out of the gate with the people and ran toward the south, yelling to his father while running.

The short legs walked fast.

Even Tuantuan, the lazy giant panda, was twisting his fat **** and running hard behind Xiao Wandou.

The rest of the people also cheered loudly. They quit all their work and ran towards the south. The leader of the grass tribe could clearly feel the excitement and excitement.

I remember that the previous leader named Senior Brother returned with him and others and achieved a great victory. The people of this tribe did not have the excitement and joy as they are now.

This allowed the leader of the grass tribe to have a deeper understanding of the position of the **** child who had never seen him in the hearts of the people of this tribe.

It was the first time she had seen her, and a person could be supported and loved by so many people at once.

Before, the leader of the Blackrock tribe was able to command so many people, but those who were ordered by the leader of the Blackrock tribe, they did not have any support for him.

But now, more people than they had at the beginning are all cheering for the return of the son of god.

What kind of person is this!

In the distance, after walking for a long time, finally came to the familiar land. Seeing Han Cheng and others of the tribe standing there, each one was extremely excited.

After a trip, nearly a hundred days away from home, even Han Cheng missed the tribe very much.

However, after seeing the main tribe, before they had time to cheer, they heard cheers from the main tribe from a distance.

Then I saw someone starting to run here.

This situation made Han Cheng and others who were already in agitated mood even more agitated.

They walked all the way, and they were already tired. They didn't feel tired at this moment. They didn't need Han Cheng to tell them, they all ran toward the tribe and met the crowds.

While running, he cheered loudly: "We are back!"

The person holding the flag hulled the flag in his hand.

The flag that was originally hanging down suddenly danced, and the blue bird pattern embroidered on it looked like it was flying in the wind.

After a while, the two running men and horses began to meet, and the emotions of excitement and joy, after the two met, got an explosive climb.

"The Son of God!"

"The Son of God!"

The people who greeted him saw Han Cheng shouting in excitement, and a thousand words all gathered into this **** son.

More than half of the people looked at Han Cheng's excited eyes and were a little moist.

"Dad, father!"

The little pea, like a little sparrow with wings, ran past with flapping wings, chirping all the way.

Hearing the shout of the little guy, Han Cheng's heart trembled.

"Dad is here!"

He answered aloud, then squatted down, opened his arms, embraced the little guy who was flying over, and straightened up.

"Do you miss dad?"

Han Cheng reached out and touched the little guy's head, and asked with a smile.

"Well, I thought about it!"

Little Pea nodded vigorously.

"I have dreamed of you several times, I called you, and you ignored me, I cried."

After Xiao Wandou had finished speaking, she added that she was a bit wronged.

"That's all fake, why would Dad ignore you."

Han Cheng smiled and rubbed his son's head, and said with a smile.

Then he turned his head and looked, but he didn't see the witch, and his heart was tight.

"Where is the witch?"

He asked everyone.

"The witch is behind."

Someone said aloud, then scratched his head in embarrassment, turned and ran back.

They were so excited just now that they all forgot to wait for Wu to run here.

When Han Cheng heard that Wu was behind, he was relieved.

After leaving the tribe for a long time, he was most worried about the witch. He was worried that after leaving, coming back would be a farewell.

At this time, I heard people say that Wu just didn't rush over from behind, so I was naturally happy.

"Go, let's go back! Let's meet Wu together."

Han Cheng said loudly.

So those who had just ran over turned around, consciously came behind Han Cheng, and walked back with their **** son.

Those who rushed over later consciously followed Han Cheng to the back of the team after shouting the **** child to Han Cheng, and walked back with Han Cheng.

In the excitement, I also feel that my heart has settled down.

This is a very strange feeling, which can't be given by tall walls and sharp weapons.

After walking forward for a while, Han Cheng saw the panting Bai Xuemei holding Little Myolie and running all the way. He couldn't help but speed up.

"Brother Cheng!"

Bai Xuemei shouted happily, running faster, Han Cheng smiled and greeted her, holding both of their mother and daughter in his arms.

He stretched out his hand and patted the back of this grown-up child-in-law, wiped the sweat from her head, and smiled and said to her: "Big Brother Cheng is back."

Then he turned his head and looked at Little Myolie.

Nearly a hundred days have passed. Compared with when Han Cheng left, Xiao Xing'er looks a lot older, but when she looks at Han Cheng, she looks a little timid. Obviously, she has not seen you for so long and she has some recognition gave birth.

"Sister, called Dad, this is Dad."

The little pea on the side taught like a little adult.


After getting the elder brother's prompt, Little Myolie hesitated for a moment, and yelled timidly and vaguely.

The dad from the baby girl made Han Cheng very happy.


He happily agreed, wiped his hands on his body, reached out and took the little girl from Bai Xuemei's arms, held it with both hands, and raised it high.

This familiar action made Xiao Xing'er instantly recognize who this person looks black and thin, and the bearded person is. All of the birth points when he first came into contact, disappeared all at once, watching Han Cheng. , Giggled with a smile, even if one did not control it well, there was still a drool flowing down.

Put down the baby girl who used saliva to wash her face just after meeting and hugged it in his arms. After Han Cheng wiped the saliva on his face, he also hugged the little pea in his arms, followed by the little wife Bai Xuemei, and continued to move towards Go in the direction of the tribe.


After walking forward for a while, Han Cheng saw Wu, who was trying hard to come here, accompanied by Yuan, and shouted with a smile, put the two little guys down, and greeted Wu.

"The Son of God!"

Wu Ye shouted excitedly, his voice changed a bit, and once again accelerated his pace.

Compared to when Han Cheng left, Wu looks older, and his whole person looks haggard~www.NovelMTL.com~ This is because he has been worrying too much for Han Cheng since this period of time. They worry about this business.

"Witch, we are back."

Han Cheng stepped forward, grabbed Wu and said with a smile.

Wu's expression also seemed agitated, but more completely relieved.

He took Han Cheng's hand and looked up and down. Seeing that Han Cheng was not hurt, he became happier.

"The Son of God!"

He let go of Han Cheng's hand, and shouted respectfully to Han Cheng.

"The Son of God!"

The others also shouted in unison with Wu.

This is their **** son and deserves respect.


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