I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 864: Rice dream

"God, let's build a house here!"

The next morning, the sun had already risen from the east, but no sunlight had fallen to the temporary camp where Han Cheng and the others were located. This was because the sun was blocked by the eastern mountain peaks.

It’s so much better now. When Han Cheng and the others were traveling through the mountains and forests a while ago, they often had to wait until noon to see the sun.

And it won’t take too long for the sun, which is already a mature man, to appear on the other side of the mountain again.

All the people who went to bed early yesterday, except for the six who were rotating the night watch, seemed very energetic in the rest.

This is because I slept well last night, and another reason is that people are refreshed during happy events.

After washing and eating in the morning, some people mentioned the construction of houses and courtyards.

When he came, Han Chengchi had already told these people his purpose of coming.

On the one hand, it is to find a place where the tribe can rest. On the other hand, after finding such a place, if there is sufficient time, some things can be initially established here.

For example, it can provide people with a preliminary resting house, and it is best to open up a small amount of land here and plant some crops.

People in the tribe have become more and more fascinated by farming and building houses since they have experienced the stable life that farming can bring with Han Cheng, and feel that this kind of life is what people should live.

So what Han Cheng said was very enthusiastic.

In addition, these people have been away from the tribe for so long and have now found the place they want to find. Naturally, they want to build this place as soon as possible, and then rush back to the tribe to tell the good news to the people in the tribe. Let them follow along and be happy and happy.

"Aren't you tired?"

Han Cheng looked at these energetic people and asked aloud.

"Not tired!"

Everyone said one after another, eager to wait.

"If you are not tired, you can't directly build it at this time. You need to have a general understanding of the surrounding areas before you can start building houses."

Han Cheng smiled and said to everyone.

Building a house has always been a major event, and even at this time, it is still sloppy. Especially when Han Cheng is planning to build a sub-tribe here, he needs to be extra cautious.

After all, once construction starts, it will be a big project, and the site selection must be cautious.

Otherwise, at this time, my brain is hot, I just find a place and start to do construction with a sullen head, then it will be too troublesome to start migrating when I encounter various problems in time.

Therefore, it is very necessary to get familiar with this area first, and to consider as many aspects as possible before making a selection.

In many cases, choosing the right direction is more important than working hard.

After listening to Han Cheng's words, everyone thought about it, and they all felt that the son of God was very right.

Han Cheng originally planned to take a good rest here, at least two or three days of rest. When encountering such a group of people who can’t wait to build and contribute to the tribe, he wants to take a salted fish. It's too uncomfortable.

The son of Han Da, who vomited and couldn't be a salted fish, gave an order to let everyone start packing up and walking along this twisted and twisted river to the south.

When I was moving forward, I was still in the same posture that the king asked me to patrol the mountain. From time to time, he would go up and down the gong in his hand and make a ‘clang’.

Han Cheng's gaze was more on the small river and the places with water near the small river, constantly searching, and he had to be more serious than when he was looking for the plants that only grow in the south and confirming whether he and others entered the south. And look forward to.

It can even be described with a fiery heart.

This is also an important reason why he let everyone walk along the river.

Walking along the river, on the one hand, is because the new sub-tribe cannot be separated from the water source and must be built not too far from the river.

This way, walking along the river can better find a suitable place to establish a sub-tribe.

On the other hand, Han Cheng is looking forward to it!

His expectation is rice!

According to what he knew about early humans, corn, which is now a large number of millet grown by the Qingque tribe, and rice were the first two extremely important food crops for people in the north and south.

Millet waited until wheat was ground into flour before it quickly replaced millet as an important food crop in the north.

As for rice, it has been the main food crop in the south since ancient times.

Moreover, with the development of the times and the painstaking research of many scientists, the yield has been higher, and it has been planted from the south to the black soil of the northeast.

For such an extremely important food crop, it would be strange if Han Cheng didn't expect it.

Although he was a northerner in later generations, he ate the most noodles and steamed buns, basically three meals a day.

But he would still eat rice, especially the rice fried with Lao Ganma, who had already seen everything, so he could put the steamed buns aside without hesitation.

Especially when the tribe now has only millet and no trace of wheat, rice has become a food crop that he has extremely anticipated and desired.

Once rice can be found, planted and cultivated, the tribe will be able to obtain a food crop with a yield equal to or higher than that of millet, and it can be used as a staple food.

In addition, the taste of rice is better than that of millet, and it can make more tricks.

Another advantage is that with such a kind of grain, even if the millet in the tribe has suffered a serious natural disaster collectively, resulting in a substantial reduction in production or no harvest, the presence of these rice can also greatly reduce its production. The impact on the tribe.

Han Cheng didn't know whether there were some grain chaffs and straws left over from ancient times on the vast land of the land of abundance, but it is always good to have such an expectation.

After all, people still have to have dreams, what if they are realized?

With such a dream, Han Cheng stared at the vegetation growing by the water. Even if he didn't drink Dali, he still wanted to perform miracles.

In this process, the people walked slowly along the winding river, gradually moving away from the place where they had just entered, and gradually moving away from the surrounding mountains, and as they walked, the field of vision became wider and wider.

Of course, it is impossible for all places to be flat, and the terrain occasionally has ups and downs, but the overall situation is still very flat, especially when compared to what they experienced some time ago, the place in front of them is even more flat. Up.

The twilight descended once again, and the people of the Qingque tribe once again set up camps, and the smoke rose slowly. Against the background of the twilight, it always gave people a sense of tranquility and a very comfortable feeling.

In this scenery, Han Cheng vigorously blinked a few sore eyes, watching fish occasionally jump up not far away, or flung his tail to leave a circle on it and spread out towards the distance. Going to the rippling water surface, I couldn't help but sniffed.

At the end of the day today, he did not find a trace of rice.

Although it will be a long-term effort to know about rice, it will be a long-term effort. It is almost impossible to do it overnight, but there is still some disappointment that cannot be avoided.

A large part of this is because it is too important to see it.

Because seeing is extremely important, and there are so many things placed on it, so I don't want it to fail, and my mind will be affected by it.

For example, when you meet someone you like very much...

The twilight is getting heavier and heavier, and the curling smoke melts into the night.

The light from the previously inconspicuous bonfire was getting brighter and brighter, illuminating a large area, not too far away from the surface of the water, and a string of blisters swayed from the bottom of the water from time to time.

Under the reflection of the bonfire, it appeared half transparent and half dark.

They just float quietly on the water. After stopping for a while, some will rupture silently, and some will disappear silently as if they were raised...

The night is getting thicker, and the surrounding area is quiet. In this quiet, sometimes there will be several waterfowls' names suddenly sounded, I don't know if it was kissed to the foot by a big fish.

However, such a call will not exceed ten at most, and it will disappear, and the night will restore its tranquility...

The next morning, someone raised the flames, and someone pulled out the fish cages that had fallen into the water. With a quiet busyness, a new day of life began again.

Han Cheng withdrew his eyes from the purple soil beside the fire.

By now, he was basically able to be completely sure that the place where they were now was the famous kingdom of abundance.

Because since I walked all the way here yesterday, the soil I encountered is still purple.

It's just that the current land of abundance is far from what it looks like in the impression. Looking around, there is not much difference from the rest of the places I have seen before, it is full of primitive recklessness.

If you want to reproduce the kingdom of abundance, I don't know how long it will take and how many people will work hard for it.

After breakfast, everyone packed up and set off along the river. Because of the continuous flow of water, the river was several times wider than before.

After everyone walked along the river tortuously for about half a day, the river suddenly became wider.

This is not because of the sudden influx of large tributaries, but because the land has suddenly become particularly flat here, and the river water has made many small strands, flowing towards the distance.

As a result, the river water became very shallow, and some even had only a thin layer, flowing slowly against the ground.

In this large area of ​​shallow water, many aquatic vegetation grow, and a large number of water birds live here.

Some are slowly swimming in the water, while others are walking in the shallow water with long legs and graceful steps, leaving footprints similar to bamboo leaves.

A green bird standing there holding a grass stalk suddenly rushed out like an arrow from the string, leaving a circle of ripples on the surface of the water, and when it flew again, a small fish had already reached its abdomen. in……

Here is simply a paradise for birds.

Of course, after the arrival of a group of people rushing to beat the gong, especially after a few feather arrows came and nailed a few big birds, the tranquility and peace nearby was immediately broken, and a large number of birds beat desperately Wings hurriedly flew towards the distance.

Primitive people, the best thing to do is to destroy all kinds of scenery, and it is the kind without pressure.

Their **** son will also play the signs of revenge for the little fish and shrimps in the water, but they don't have so many ideas, no matter how beautiful the bird looks, it is a dish in their eyes.

Somewhere to the east, about a mile or more, there is a place that is generally higher than this side. It is good to build a tribe here.

It was almost dozens of miles away from where Han Cheng and the others came in. It was far from the mountains and rivers, and it was deep enough.

If time can develop here, basically there is no need to worry about the future development space.

Facing the river, there are large tracts of barren land in the rest of the land, which is very good for farming.

As for this large swamp area, it also plays a very important role. In addition to providing water for the life and development of the tribe, it can also be used for farming.

With a slight modification, it is a very good paddy field, suitable for growing rice.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is to be able to discover and own rice, otherwise it is useless to think too much.

Unfortunately, so far, Han Cheng and his party have not found a trace of rice.

The dream of rice might really become a dream of rice. Lao Gan Ma’s fried rice can only leave her saliva in the dream.

People were asked to set up the temporary camp in this relatively high place. After eating some food, Han Chenggong led people to check the surrounding area.

The point is of course the place where this swamp generally exists. After all, what I want most at this moment is rice.


There was a sound of water being moved. This was when Han Cheng and his party found no trace of rice or rice at the edge, they began to march into the water.

The action taken was the same as before, with a person wearing a vine armor holding a long stick in his hand, and vigorously beating the grass and the shallow water.

This way, some big guys who might be lurking in the water will be surprised in advance, so that everyone can prepare in advance.

After all, where I am now, and far away from my own tribe, it is no longer familiar waters, and in this era, no one can say if something like a crocodile will suddenly come out. , So there is nothing wrong with being careful.

In addition to these, the people who came together were all connected by ropes, and they walked more scattered. This is to prevent someone from stepping on the swamp full of silt and sinking into it, causing heavy losses.

In addition to the rope, some people who followed were carrying small wooden rafts that were temporarily tied with branches.

In order to prevent possible dangers, Han Cheng and the others have taken great pains.

Fortunately, the worst case did not happen. There were a lot of things that were disturbed by everyone's movements, but most of them were flying birds and some old turtles basking there.

And they didn't encounter that kind of particularly deep muddy ground. After submerging their calves in most places, they had already stepped on the hard muddy ground below.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that they didn't deliberately die, and move toward those silt areas that have been silted up a lot of time.

The long tree sticks slapped on the water, with great strength, and water splashes mixed with mud will splash and fall toward both sides.

It seems to be happier than a child who stomped and splashed with his bare feet against a small bay of water on the ground after the rain.

But the fact that everyone walks this way is not happy at all. Walking in such an environment is even harder and more frightening than their previous traversing mountains and gorges.

But for a lot of time, paying does not necessarily yield gains, the two will not be proportional, or the gains are very little before the pay reaches a certain level.

For example, Han Cheng and the others took a lot of risk walking in such a place this time. They even crossed this shallow water and came to the other side without finding anything.

"God, what are you looking for?"

Finally someone couldn't help but ask.

According to everyone’s understanding, one of the major goals of everyone’s trip has been accomplished. The son of God judged from the purple soil that he and others have reached the south, and he no longer needs to rely on plants to make judgments as before. They are still looking for something here, which makes them not curious.

"Rice, a plant that can grow in shallow waters, can be grown on a large scale like millet, and the yield is higher than that of millet, and it tastes better than millet, and it is hungry..."

Han Cheng, who had some mud spots on his face, smiled and said to everyone. When he said this, his face was full of yearning, full of longing.

He even caught up with Grandpa Yuan's longing of sitting under the rice to enjoy the cool.

After hearing Han Cheng's description, everyone in the tribe couldn't help but become stunned, their faces full of longing and yearning.

It tastes better than millet, the output can even exceed millet, and it can be produced in large quantities...

These things that the son of God said circled over and over in their minds, and every time they circled, they would set off a monstrous wave in their hearts, causing many people to tremble.

What are the benefits of Xiaomi? As people who rely on Xiaomi to start their homes, they all know very well. Without a large number of Xiaomi supporting them, it would be impossible for their tribe to develop to the current scale.

And now, they have learned from God's Son how a crop that is no less than or even more than millet in all aspects can be held back!

"The Son of God! Let's find it!"

Under the strong stimulus, some people were so excited that they couldn't help themselves. They said something like this in their throats, turning around and heading towards the swamp-like area that had just flowed over not far away.

Not only was he alone. After his howling, the others couldn’t hold back one by one, and they had to turn around and head towards the waters behind him. Be positive.

Such a scene, as early as when he was about to talk about rice, Han Chengcheng had already anticipated it. After living in the tribe for so many years, he had a clear idea of ​​the personality of the people in the tribe.

Under his deliberate guidance, there are people who will spontaneously complete things when they encounter something beneficial to the tribe.

These people have a very high sense of identity with the tribes built by themselves and others.

"No! Let's rest before starting! This matter can't be anxious!"

Han Cheng smiled and hurriedly stopped the upper group of guys in the tribe.

After coming from the opposite side, everyone had exhausted a lot of physical energy. It's best to take a short rest before doing this. After all, walking on the mud is not easy.

"Let's take a look at this side first, and after inspecting some terrain, we will continue to look for rice here."

Han Cheng added that he was given a new task.

With this new task, everyone's urgency to find rice was slightly suppressed.

This kind of observation of the terrain with some sense of walking is more acceptable to everyone at this time than sitting here and resting.

So everyone formed the previous formation again, and started walking on the west side of this swamp-like place.

Basically, there is not much difference from the east. It is mainly based on gentle terrain. There are ups and downs in some places, but not much.

The plants have not changed much from the east.

As for Han Cheng, who brought up this matter, he actually didn't have any hope of discovering anything strange here.

After all, he said that, the most important thing is people who want the tribe, take this opportunity to rest.

But this is often the case ~www.NovelMTL.com~ if you want to plant flowers but not, unintentionally plant willows.

After swaying around here for a while, Han Cheng's casually wandering gaze stayed in one place. During this short period of gaze stagnation, his expression went through doubts, thoughts, surprises, and surprises.

"Look there!"

Han Cheng pointed to a place not far away, and said to the people in the tribe with some eagerness and joy in his voice.

In the place where he pointed, a plant grew.

This kind of plant has relatively long and narrow leaves, about 20 to 30 centimeters in length, and is much taller than ordinary grasses.

Although at this time, it is far from the time of late autumn, these guys have grown very tall, and together with the dead old vegetation, they have joined together, which is very conspicuous.

It is precisely because of this that it is possible to attract Han Cheng's attention first and let Han Cheng notice it.

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