I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 861: Painting the ground as a prison, standing wood as an official (3 in 1)

"Come, eat!"

Under the arrangement of the big brother, after everyone in the Qingque tribe had eaten and drank enough, they began to cook for the new slaves who had changed their faces.

The rice is not very good rice, it is just add water to the big pot, then put some shelled millet to cook, when it is almost out of the pot, pour a lot of chopped wild vegetables into it and sprinkle two Put the salt, stir vigorously with a long-handled spoon, and the vegetable porridge is out of the pot.

More than twenty people began to untie the ropes from these people, and some others began to serve them.

The leader of the grass tribe soon also got a bowl of such food.

Holding this somewhat hot bowl, the leader of the grass tribe did not eat this kind of delicious-smelling food for the first time, but constantly looked at this exquisite thing in his hand.

Some legends about the Qingque tribe that have been heard recently also came to mind.

‘That tribe has pottery, which can be made into all kinds of exquisite things. The large ones can be used to cook food, and the small ones can be used to hold food or water, which is very convenient...’

If it roughly means this, the leader of the grass tribe didn't quite understand it before, because she hadn't seen pottery before, so she couldn't imagine what pottery was like.

But now, when she brought this kind of thing into her hand, she immediately understood what pottery is and understood how good these pottery are.

This is really a good thing, not only is it particularly good-looking, but it is also very easy to use.

When the leader of the grass tribe was holding some hot bowls and couldn't help but look at it, there were already a lot of people around who were sucking and eating this weird food.

This includes people from their tribe.

The leader of the grass tribe felt a little dissatisfied with this, because in the past, she ate the food in the tribe first, but now, she has not started to eat it, some guys in the tribe have already eaten it.

She was a little dissatisfied and wanted to scold them, but thought that she and others had already been captured by the Qingque tribe, and this was no longer their tribe, so she suppressed this idea again.

She looked awkwardly burying her head in the bowl and sucked hard, because she sucked too much food into her mouth.

The porridge on the surface was a bit cold, but the porridge below was still a bit hot, so after the first mouthful of porridge the Qingque tribe ate, the leader of the Cao tribe was scalded.

After today’s washing, the face appeared clean, and it was hot and convulsed, but the leader of the grass tribe was not willing to spit out the food. This is because people in this era, and most people are very On the other hand, the food given to them by the Qingque tribe is so delicious!

This was a taste she had never experienced before, and it made her nerves jump for joy.

It was at this time that she somewhat understood why the people in her tribe could not help but twitch a little when eating these foods.

This level of hotness obviously couldn't stop the leader of the grass tribe from pursuing delicious food. She swallowed the food in her mouth, and after taking two breaths, she couldn't wait to bury her head in the bowl again.

However, after having learned the lessons just now, the leader of the grass tribe learned smart this time.

She didn't use so much energy anymore, and the most in her mouth this time was the surface porridge.

After the salted vegetable porridge is not hot, the taste in the mouth is even more wonderful.

The leader of the grass tribe even forgot to think about where it was and what happened before.

At this moment, she just wanted to indulge in this kind of taste enjoyment that she had never had before.

The tendency of the leader of the grass tribe to eat, waited until she buried her entire face in the bowl, but because the face was too big and the bowl was too small, she was forced to stop until she could not eat the rest of the food.

Looking at the delicious food in the bowl, the leader of the grass tribe looked very anxious.

It was only now that she noticed the two small sticks that those people had sent to her not long ago.

She thought for a while, took the small wooden stick in her hand, inserted it into the food in the bowl and then picked it up. As a result, only a small amount of food stuck to the stick.

After the leader of the grass tribe has eaten some of the food on it, he will throw these two inexplicable little tree sticks and prepare to dig and eat.

"Look here!"

The people from the Qingque tribe over there said loudly.

Although they did not understand what the people of the Qingque tribe were saying, no one dared to ignore the voices of the people of the Qingque tribe at this time.

Even if you don’t understand, try to listen.

The leader of the grass tribe who wants to dig is no exception.

After seeing many people looking towards him, the person from the Qingque tribe put the rice bowl in his hand to his mouth, then raised the bowl that was not too much rice, and used the chopsticks held on his right hand. Put it in the bowl and grill the rice there.

After seeing the demonstration of the Qingque tribe, the leader of the grass tribe felt a sense of surprise.

It turns out that these two small tree sticks are used in this way. When you eat the food in this pottery, you don't lie directly on the bowl to eat, but put the edge of it to your mouth.

The leader of the Cao tribe followed the example of the Qingque tribe. After trying this, he immediately realized the benefits of eating like this. Just now, she couldn't **** the food in her mouth no matter how she sucked it.

Except that the two sticks are really inconvenient to use, there is nothing wrong with the rest...

The red sun was blocked by the high wall. After a short while, the sky slowly darkened. The leader of the grass tribe looked at the high wall and the strange cave surrounded by the high wall. Most of the people walking back and forth in the middle of the world are immersed in the beauty of that kind of food.

She carefully recollected the wonderful taste, and then reached out her hand to touch her slightly bracing belly, her heart was full of shock.

On the one hand, it is because of the wonderful taste of the food, on the other hand it is because of the generosity and wealth of the Qingque tribe.

They were prisoners of war after they attacked the Blue Sparrow tribe, but the people of this tribe were actually willing to let them eat such delicious food, and it was still the kind that could make people eat a little supportive.

Such things really shocked the Cao tribe.

In this era, the standard to measure the wealth of a tribe is the amount of food a tribe has.

The behavior of the Qingque tribe just now fell into the eyes of the leaders of the grass tribe and other new slaves of the Qingque tribe, which is undoubtedly an expression of extremely wealthy.

It is more shocking to tell them how rich the Qingque tribe is than the bark and the former bark tribe.

If you can eat this kind of food in the future as it is today, then it doesn't seem impossible to live in the Qingque tribe.

Do not! There is no need to eat this kind of food every day, just eat this kind of food once every few days, and they are already very satisfied.

Before you know it, these people's attitudes have changed a lot.

From the panic before, to the present kind of life, it seems pretty good to live here...

When the twilight descended, the moon rose, and the moonlight seemed to be shining on the earth, and it also shone in the Tongshan residential area.

The leader of the grass tribe lies on a soft haystack, covered with some hay.

Beside her, sleeping people from their tribe.

Like the rest of the captured tribes, the grass tribes are all gathered together subconsciously, whether they sleep during the day or night.

Compared with the time during the day, when you sleep at night, the distinction between the tribes has just increased.

The leader of the grass tribe was not asleep yet. She was lying on the haystack, looking at the glowing moon in the night sky with her eyes open.

The surrounding area was quiet, and there seemed to be no one quiet.

In this quiet, a thought quietly appeared in the head of the grass tribe, and there was a growing trend.

The idea is to take advantage of this time to lead people away quietly and return to his tribe.

At this time, the ropes on their hands and feet have been untied.

No one is watching them around, and it seems that it is very easy to escape quietly.

After thinking about it for a while, the leader of the grass tribe couldn't help turning over quietly.

Some noises caused by turning over made the leader of the grass tribe beat his heart.

At the same time, her gaze also fell on the row of sparse semi-circular branches not far away.

This is the evening when the people of the Qingque tribe inserted the things that are connected with the stone-like things built around them, like a mountain wall, and circled them.

Such sparse twigs can't stop people naturally, as long as they are willing, they can be pulled up without much effort at all.

But the leader of the grass tribe did not dare to get up and do this for a long time, because the impression left by the Qingque tribe was too deep.

Just today, she has seen with her own eyes how this seemingly peaceful tribe has beaten them into an improper manner with how violent gestures.

And it was night, and they were far away from their tribe. Even the leader of the grass tribe couldn't remember exactly how to go back to their tribe.

After all, when they came here, they all followed the bark and didn't remember the way at all. They felt that they would just follow the bark back when the time came.

As a result, the bark is dead now...

The moon moved slowly in the sky, the night became deeper and deeper, and the surroundings became quieter.

The leader of the grass tribe who has been thinking about things has not moved.


She took a long breath, threw the thought behind her head and started to sleep, suddenly feeling relieved.

I don’t think about how to escape, so I can only stay in the Qingque tribe as a slave, but it’s really easy not to think about it...

He quietly opened some cracks behind the windows, and the big brother who had been staring outside yawned.

No one escaped, which made him gratified and disappointed. After all, he did a good job of taking advantage of this opportunity to catch two people who were trying to escape and chop them in public, and issued the strongest warning to these new slaves. of.

Such a trick was also learned from his seemingly insignificant son of God.

Back then, the Son of God did just that.

After yawning, the big brother looked out again, then gently patted Shang to wake up, let Shang stare at him instead, and he began to sleep...

On the second day, something happened that made the leaders of the grass tribe very scared.

After eating that wonderful food again, these prisoners were pulled out one by one by the person who seemed to be the leader.

The people who were pulled stood in one place, and the people who were not pulled stood in the same place.

Such strange behavior certainly made them feel terrified, and even some people felt that they were going to be killed and eat meat.

There is no such worry about the leader of the grass tribe, because yesterday, the people of this tribe burned all those who were killed.

If you didn't eat them at that time, you would definitely not choose to kill them and eat meat.

Although this point was figured out, the head of the grass tribe was not less fearful than the others, because she discovered something more frightening.

All the captured tribes were dismantled after some operations by the same leader.

No tribe's people were completely pulled out by the leader of the Qingque tribe.

There were as many people from their tribe as the fingers on one of her hands were left in place.

Senior brother, however, no matter what these people thought, he asked them to tie up all the hands he pulled out, and then tied them into several strings with a few long ropes.

These people waited for a while and brought them back to the tribe of Green Sparrow, and the remaining forty slaves stayed in the Tongshan residential area, lived and worked here.

Newly joined the tribe and dismantled are things that the Qingque tribe has been doing all the time. As early as when they joined the original pig tribe, Han Chengcheng deliberately dismantled them to a certain extent, such as those who worked. At that time, I mingled with the old man from the Qingque tribe.

Later, after the tribe had a house, Han Cheng's separation became more obvious.

For the big brothers who are learning like gods everywhere, he certainly wants to inherit and develop this method.

It is very simple to separate these different tribes, because these people who belong to different tribes will come together, and it is easy for him to distinguish which people belong to the same tribe.

"We are going back, and we have to hurry up planting millet..."

After separating these people and binding them all, the senior brother with the weapon said to Shang and the people living in Tongshan.

"This time I did a good job. If there is such a thing again, I will do it again."

The big brother said this, and pointed his finger at the seven or eight donkeys tied there.

People in the Tongshan residential area smiled clearly and nodded vigorously.

The big brothers did not stay too much. After saying a few more words here, they opened the Qingque flag, carried the Qingque flag out of the Tongshan residential area, walked on the Bronze Expressway, and headed east along the Bronze Expressway. gone.

The leader of the Cao tribe kept looking back at the few people who were left in the Tongshan residential area, and wanted to call them up, or take these people to stay with them.

But she didn't dare to do such a thing. She could only follow these Qingque tribe people one step at a time and walk along this strange land towards an unknown place.

The few people who were left, looked at the people who were going away, and felt more fear in their hearts.

They all wanted to go with the big troops, some even took action, but they were pushed on by the Qingque tribe just as they moved.

Facing the people of these Qingque tribes, they dared not take any other actions, and they could only watch with fear full of fear that the large forces were taken away by those Qingque tribes, getting further and further away from them.

They became a minority and were left here, not knowing where the people of their tribe would be taken, and whether they would see them again in the future.

Some people even shed tears because of this.

On the one hand it is because of reluctance, on the other hand it is because of fear.

However, those who stayed in the Tongshan residential area did not leave them too much time to express these emotions.

After the big group of seniors disappeared from the field of vision, Shang began to arrange the remaining ones according to the method negotiated with the seniors.

There were a total of fifty old slaves in Tongshan residential area who had been completely tamed, so Shang let these people take a new slave.

Twenty of them were two men with a new slave.

These old slaves are responsible for teaching these new slaves Mandarin and teaching them to abide by the rules of the Qingque tribe.

At the same time, they must be taught to work, such as plowing the ground.

And also to prevent these new slaves from escaping.

At the same time, these places to sleep were re-divided, so that an old slave and the new slave he took with him could sleep on a kang and be scattered around the clock.

After grouping, Shan told them clearly that if someone escaped with the new slave, then don't think about becoming a citizen of the tribe.

There is no chance to get rid of the status of a slave and become a citizen of the Qingque tribe. This is the most desperate punishment for the slaves of the Qingque tribe. They originally planned to take a good look at these new slaves. After these words, one by one made up his mind to say nothing to let these new guys run away.

In the days to come, these old slaves of the Qingque tribe will truly eat, live, and work with the new slaves they bring, and even go to the toilet together.

These new slaves, the tribe they used to live in were far away from the Tongshan residential area, and most of the people who were captured together were taken away, and their hearts became even more helpless and panic. They were then operated like this by the seniors. It is even more impossible to escape.

Moreover, under the leadership of the old slaves of the Qingque tribe, one by one is quickly adapting to the life of the Qingque tribe, and the progress is very fast...

In the field, looking at these new slaves, under the leadership of the old slaves, under their shackles, digging the fields that they had trampled on, and the citizens of Shang and Tongshan residential area, all smiles appeared on their faces.

When they found out that these guys were living and resting in the tribe’s fields, they made up their minds to dig out the land for the tribe. Now this kind of thing has been achieved through their joint efforts...

The Qingque tribe, the witch standing at the gate, looked at the big brothers who had returned from victory, with smiles all over their faces.

Especially after learning that this expedition, because of the various methods used in the tribe, only a few people in the tribe who participated in the battle suffered minor injuries, and no one was in danger of life, the smile on the face of the wizard became It became more brilliant.

Looking at the new slaves who were chained into a few long strings and brought back, the wrinkles on the witch's face could kill flies.

That wonderful mood is almost comparable to that of Han Cheng, who turned the deer back from Yanshan.

"Good! You guys are doing well!"

Wu loudly praised these people who had returned from the expedition, and those who stayed in the main tribe also returned from the expedition, successfully defended the tribe, and killed or arrested all these enemies. Heroes, sent respectful eyes.

Under Han Cheng's intentional guidance, the people in the tribe have a high enthusiasm for resisting external humiliation, and they also have high respect for those who resist external humiliation.

At this time, watching the demeanor of the big brothers and their triumphant return, many minors in the tribe have bright eyes.

This kind of weapon in hand, as well as the glory won by their own courage and wisdom, moved their hearts and made them very yearning.

Some seeds that were originally buried in the heart, after experiencing this event today, have accelerated their growth, and some people's hearts have even begun to take root.

Compared with the happiness of the people in the Blue Bird tribe headed by witches, the heads of the grass tribe and others who were brought back were shocked in their hearts.

On the way back, they followed these people from the Qingque tribe and saw two caves that looked very strange to them, but lived in very spacious and comfortable caves.

The leaders of the grass tribe and many of the people in the same group thought that this was the place where they were going to stay completely. As a result, these people took them to stay there for one night and then set off again, continuing along the strange land.

Just when they have been curious ~www.NovelMTL.com~ where they and others will be taken by the people of the blue sparrow tribe, they saw this scene that they will never forget!

Before coming here, they thought the Tongshan residential area they had ever seen was the largest and most amazing cave.

But after seeing the cave in front of him, the leader of the grass tribe knew how wrong his previous thoughts were!

The cave in front of her was completely beyond her cognition, making her wonder what words to use to describe the scene in front of her and how she felt at this time.

In this kind of deep shock, the leader of the grass tribe raised an idea-that he and others are not losing this time!

(Recommend a book "The Growth of Primitive Civilization", which is also primitive. It has more than one million words and is very fat. Book lovers who are bookish can go and read it.

I am a primitive

I am a primitive

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