I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 838: Plans to build a new tribe (3 in 1)

In the past, Han Cheng may not have a clear understanding of the growth habits of the two vegetables, cabbage and radish, but after several years of planting by the tribe, some people, including him, who often deal with these vegetables, have all this. Got a deep understanding.

It is precisely because of this that after discovering the situation here this morning, Wu and Bugs Bunny will appear so flustered.

Compared with the first time, cabbage, which is clearly different from ordinary rapeseed at this time, is already an important vegetable for the tribe to spend winter.

Whether you put it in the hot pot and cook it, or split it in half from the middle, cut it into two or three centimeters in width, and stew it with pork or other meats. It is delicious. .

Now, when it hasn't grown up, people in the tribe are worried by such frost.

"After the frost subsides for a while, wrap up the heads of these cabbages and look at them for a long time.

If the weather gets warm again after a few days, these cabbage can grow more.

Even if it is not as good as before, it can be a lot more solid.

If the weather still doesn't improve, pull out a large batch and store it in the cabbage cellar. "

Faced with this kind of weather, under these circumstances, Han Cheng has no good ideas.

If you are in later generations, you can use the artifact of growing off-season vegetables in a plastic greenhouse.

More luxurious ones can also build pure glass greenhouses.

In the worst case, you can find some colorful plastic bags, one on the head of a Chinese cabbage, and put a hat on them to keep them warm.

But now, Han Cheng can only make such an arrangement. Whether it can be achieved or how much production can be reduced depends on God's face.

The most troublesome thing is actually not the cabbage, but those radishes that were suddenly frosted, and the stems and leaves were frozen as if they were cooked.

Even if you ignore it, if you don't take into account the factor of eating cabbage, letting the cabbage grow in the ground, you can still resist the severe cold.

It's just that the leaves outside will be ruined.

But when spring arrives, they can also pull out the slugs, just like rape, blooming small yellow flowers, and then planting seeds, so that the inheritance will not be broken.

But the radish will not be made. If the weather is cold enough, the whole radish will be frozen, so that even the opportunity to preserve the seeds will not be left.

Radish and cabbage are two magical vegetables for the winter. After several years of selection and cultivation, they have improved a lot compared to the previous ones. If they are frozen to death and no seeds can be left, then they will really suffer.

What happened today also gave Han Cheng a wake-up call, that is, to plant things in the future, we must leave more seeds, and they will not be all planted all at once.

In this way, even if there is a season that has never been harvested, it will not even have seeds.

"After a while, I will shovel some more soil, and cover the exposed part of the radish with soil.

Then clean the radish cellar, pull out a batch of radishes, put them in the radish cellar, and pile them together, covering the outer layer with sand. "

Han Cheng looked at the radish that had been beaten by frost, and after thinking about it for a while, he spoke.

The radish cellar is underground, relying on the ground temperature, the inside is much warmer than the outside.

Before these radishes are completely frozen by frost, pull out a batch and put them in the radish cellar to prevent the radishes from being frozen.

After the spring begins in the coming year, transfer these radishes from the cellar and start planting again, and new sprouts will grow from the radishes and blossom and bear fruit.

At this time, the radishes are obviously not ready to be pulled out of the ground for hoarding, but in order to be able to leave some radish seeds, so as not to let the radishes die out in the tribe, we can only take such an insurance first.

After two days, the weather will get better again, and these carrots will be wasted if they are wasted, but if the weather stays the same, this kind of operation becomes very important.

"It's okay. Even if the production of these vegetables is reduced, I am not afraid. There is a lot of food in our tribe. It can survive the winter without eating radishes and cabbage. Don't forget that our tribe has lotus roots and can eat them in winter."

Han Cheng saw that everyone was not in a high mood, and they were all uncomfortable for the upcoming labor reduction, so he smiled and comforted everyone.

The food composition in the tribe today is very rich, and the Chinese New Year is the same without the radish and cabbage.

There is food in your hands, so talking and doing things are so hard.

After being said by Han Cheng, the gloom in Wu and their hearts disappeared a lot.

After eating in the morning, the people in the tribe became busy.

Some people went to the ridges and other places around the tribe to pluck the grass, and then twisted the grass a little to make a rough straw rope to tie the cabbage to help the cabbage wrap the head.

Of course there are in the hemp rope tribe, but the things that can be solved by ordinary fur, but he has to use hemp rope. Of course, people in the tribe will not do such expensive things.

Some people pull out a piece of radish, use a copper knife to cut off the upper and lower ends of the radish with a knife, put it in the head of the radish, and then transport it to the radish cellar for storage.

The reason why you need a copper knife to cut off the leaves on the top of the radish and the roots below it is because if you don't cut them off, the radishes will continue to grow after they are placed in the radish cellar with higher temperature.

Growing in a dark environment like the radish cellar has no future. Except for the energy stored in the radish itself, it will only consume the energy stored in the radish itself, and there will be no other results, so you need to give them two dollars in advance.

Another group of people dug up the soil not far away, and after carrying it with a load, carefully cultivated the roots of the radish and covered the exposed part of the radish.

When everyone was working in the vegetable garden like this, after getting up in the morning, the gloomy sky began to clear slowly, and the earth appeared to be orange-yellow sunlight.

But even so, the temperature did not mean to rise, it was sunny and cold.

But no matter what, this sunny day has given people the greatest comfort, and the haze in people's hearts has dispersed.

What is more caring than the Qingque tribe is the tribe with a more primitive lifestyle.

The bear tribes not far from the large bamboo forests, and the Xi tribes with a lot of limestone not far from the tribes, the people in these tribes, watching the sun shining all over, jumped and jumped with joy.

Some people cried, and others knelt down to the sun in the sky and bowed their heads sincerely.

In their own way, thank the sun for coming out, and fortunate that the wind and snow did not fall at this time.

After the thanks, the people in the various tribes began to go all out to collect and store food.

Acorns, chestnuts, pecans and other nuts are their favorites.

However, when I encounter some late peaches, late pears, persimmons, red hawthorns, and some unknown fruits, I will never let it go.

These fruits, compared to chestnuts, can be stored for not long enough, but they are also food, and they can choose to eat these things first.

In the past, in the autumn, people from various tribes were very active when they collected food. Now under such weather conditions, they have become more active. I can’t wait to collect food outside all day long...

For the next few days, the temperature was very low. Every morning when I got up, there was a thick layer of frost on the haystacks outside. I looked at it suddenly and thought it was a thin layer of snow. .

A thin layer of ice also formed on the still water.

The autumn of Qingque's eleventh year was particularly short. The late autumn had not passed very much, and it was immediately replaced by a strong winter.

After waiting for another few days, seeing that the temperature showed no signs of rising, Han Cheng asked him to harvest more than half of the cabbage and radishes in the vegetable garden.

If you wait any longer, many will freeze.

In this kind of weather, the people of the Qingque tribe are not idle either. Some people are competing with cabbage and radish, while others are also seizing this opportunity to quickly collect fruits.

Just like in later generations, no one thought that he had a lot of money. People in the Qingque tribe never disliked the food of their tribe.

Although the food stored in the tribe is enough for them to eat until the autumn harvest next year, or even until the autumn harvest, the people in the tribe still seize the time to collect fruits.

There are also some people who are still turning the ground.

At this time, turn over more, and after the beginning of spring in the coming year, you can turn less, and the time left over can be used to reclaim new wasteland.

Within the tribe, the dexterous female primitives were not idle, sitting there using scissors, screwdrivers, needles, thread, fur and other things to sew clothes quickly.

This year the weather has become colder and faster, so that many winter clothes have not been made, so people in the tribe are hurrying to make them.

The weather is getting colder and colder. Will a period like the Little Ice Age begin?

Standing on the fence, wrapped in a tiger skin cloak, feeling the cold air, Han Cheng thought to himself.

It's just that the era he came from was too advanced, it was completely prehistoric, and there was no written record. Regarding such a thing, he could only guess in his heart, and couldn't confirm it.

Han Cheng has already known about the fact that the weather has gradually become cold in recent years, and he has already had speculations about Xiaobinghe.

Therefore, I felt the cold air at this time without much panic.

As long as the weather does not affect the growth and planting of millet and soybeans in the tribe, he doesn't need to worry too much.

If you can't live here, then take the tribe and move south.

I don't believe that the colder weather can affect places further south.

When I first came, the population of the tribe was only a few dozen, and there were only ten middle-aged men plus lameness, and nothing else. In that case, I took the tribe and developed slowly.

Today, it has absorbed more than 140 people from the Feng Tribe and the Lin Feng Tribe, plus the 89 babies born and surviving from last year to the present, and four dead people are removed. The Qingque tribe has a total population of 1,169!

Among them, the number of citizens has changed from 513 before to 807. The reason for the rapid growth is that, on the one hand, the number of citizens who have been promoted to slaves in the past two years has been higher than in previous years. On the other hand, It is the joining of more than 140 people from the Wind Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe, plus 89 newborn babies.

The number of male adult citizens has increased from the previous 71 to 123, and the number of female adult citizens has increased from 133 to 225.

The total number of the two is 348. There are 459 minor citizens, and 19 of them are about to enter adulthood.

The number of slaves in the tribe has been greatly reduced compared with the previous time, from 426 people before to 362 people today.

Among them, there were 182 adult slaves, and 180 minor slaves.

The reason why the number of minors of slaves in the tribe has not increased, but has declined, on the one hand, because some of them have grown up, and on the other hand, after coming to the Qingque tribe, all the babies born are automatically converted into the Qingque tribe. Of citizens, after all, these children are innocent.

The crops include millet, soybeans, peas, rape, donkeys, deer, dogs, pigs, etc. on the livestock, and bronze on the tools.

Under such circumstances, with such a rich family background, if you move to a new place, you don’t believe it will fail.

Of course, this is only the worst plan. Han Cheng will not do this unless the last moment is reached.

After all, everything here has spent enough of their efforts, and if they really migrated away, a lot of their efforts will be wasted.

But even so, for the sake of himself and the entire tribe, Han Cheng had to make the worst plan.

After all, this is about the fate of oneself, one's own wife and children, and the entire tribe.

Do you wait until next year, and send some people out to go south.

Go there to find a place with a suitable climate, land and river suitable for settlement.

Some land was reclaimed there and a new tribe was established.

When the main tribe and the Tongshan residential area are still suitable for survival, it is relatively easy to allocate some people to do this with the materials from these two places.

And for the tribe, this kind of early preparation and gradual planning method can minimize the damage that the tribe may encounter.

If you don’t plan ahead and wait until the weather gets colder year after year and you finally have to move from here to the south, you can do these things again, it’s really too late.

In this way, with all the belongings of the tribe, with all the people of the tribe, heading towards the unfamiliar and ignorant south, bumped into it...this thing is exciting to think about.

If it is not done well, it may hit a head and shed blood, causing the tribe to suffer a big loss.

Far from having such an early plan, it is reliable and safe to move to the south after the business is almost the same.

In this kind of destiny that concerns oneself and the tribe, it is no risk.

The more Han Cheng thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was feasible. Even if he didn't establish a tribe there, it would be good to find such a place in advance, so as not to catch the blind at a critical time.

When this idea came up, Han Cheng's worries about the possible occurrence of the Little Ice Age were suddenly reduced.

If it was said that the possible occurrence of Xiaobinghe was just a mentality of fighting hard with some old books, then at this moment, Han Cheng, who thought of this method, really felt in his heart. To the bottom.

Such a thing, I should have thought of it long ago!

Above the wall, Han Cheng, who was facing the cold wind, held a smile on his face for a while, and then reached out and patted his forehead, looking annoyed.

As early as the construction of the Tongshan residential area, he thought of dispersing the population and wealth of the tribe to a certain extent, and not putting eggs in a basket.

Han Cheng, who made this decision, has always felt very satisfied with this method of spreading the risks of the tribe, but at this time, looking at the thoughts at the time, it seems a bit too petty.

In other words, the pattern is too small.

Mainly, the distance between Tongshan residential area and Qingquezhu tribe is still too close.

And basically they are on the same latitude.

In such a situation, it is usually okay. If you encounter a large-scale natural disaster, such as floods, droughts, and cold waves, it is likely to be affected together.

What I thought was safe at the time, from the perspective of putting it here, is not safe at all.

Cunning Rabbit still has three caves. Apart from the main tribe, his tribe has only one Tongshan residential area. Now it seems that it is time to build another sub-tribe!

At the very least, it can't be compared to the rabbits who are often knocked to death by witches carrying their ears.

Of course, Han Cheng didn't count the small courtyard in Yanshan at this time.

Yanshan is too close to the main tribe of Green Bird, and it can only be regarded as a vassal of the main tribe.

After thinking about these things, Han Cheng didn't feel so cold because of these cold winds.

Standing here again for a while and blowing a cold wind, Han Cheng stepped down the wall and was about to talk to the witches and senior brothers about this matter.

At this time, the witch was staying beside the rabbit circle, and his whole person seemed to be squinted, very kind.

Of course, the premise is that you need to ignore what he is doing.

Looking at the pile of motionless rabbits on the ground, Han Cheng couldn't help sniffing, moved by Wu's kindness.

It's a pity that there are no chili peppers in the tribe. Otherwise, so many rabbits can make many spicy rabbit heads, which is very enjoyable.

Well, near Zhu Zhechi, he often comes into contact with the benevolent witch, and before he knows it, Han Cheng has also become kind and loving.

After appreciating Wu's clean and neat technique for a while, Han Cheng also started to do it.

Instead of knocking on the rabbit, he tied the rabbit to death with a rope and hung it on a pole, and then started peeling it from the three-lobed mouth with a copper knife.

The big brother on the side has already peeled off several tubes very skillfully.

After the skinned rabbit was opened, the intestines were not thrown away, but put in a basin on the side.

Lame, and there are other people who often engage in knitting, rolling their intestines swiftly.

When the intestines are turned over, they will be thrown into the basin, and a certain amount will be saved, and someone will rub it over and over again with warm water and salt.

"Witch, big brother, when the weather gets warmer next year, we will send some people to go south hard..."

While peeling the rabbit, Han Cheng talked to Wu and the big brother about what he had thought before.

Following Han Cheng's remarks, Wu, Big Brother and others' movements gradually slowed down, and in the end they simply stopped.

Wulian didn't do things like knocking rabbits, he listened carefully to Han Cheng's comments about the harm that the continued cold weather might cause to the tribe, and the many benefits that this can bring to the tribe.

As Han Cheng said, the expressions of several people kept changing.

Hearing that the weather continues to get colder and the winter is getting longer and longer, it is possible to freeze to death the crops that have not been harvested in time, the livestock in the tribe will die because there is not enough food stored, etc. At that time, the big brother's fist was clenched tightly.

Wu's wrinkled face was full of horror and horror, and even the stick used to knock the rabbit in his hand fell to the ground.

They all have deep feelings about the cold, because there are stones, and they all know what winter is coming earlier and earlier.

In the past, the witches and the others might feel scared and feel dark.

But now that the living standards of the tribe have been greatly improved, they don't have too much worry about these.

With the fire kang, enough clothes, and food, they are extremely resistant to the cold.

However, at this time, the support in their hearts was torn to pieces by the scene depicted by Han Cheng.

The winter is getting longer and longer, and the crops have not yet matured, they have been frozen to death by the early cold, and then they have become grainless...These scenes they have never thought of before, just need to listen to it, and make people feel The hair is creepy.

Before, the people in the tribe might not believe these things, but now, after experiencing the radish and cabbage in the tribe, the production was reduced due to the early arrival of the cold, and the witches and big brothers who were distressed for this. They have no reason to disbelieve.

What's more, this is what the most respected and wise son of God said in person.

Everyone who heard this was surrounded by fear.

This is not only because such a scene is too frightening, there are even more frightening things, because they found that in the face of such an unmatched disaster, it is impossible to imagine.

Apart from waiting here for crops to be harvested and livestock to die from freezing and starvation, nothing else can be done.

"God, can you go to the south?!"

Wu grabbed Han Cheng's hand and looked at Han Cheng with expectation and tension.

After being said by the witch, the senior brothers quickly raised their heads and looked at Han Cheng with the same eyes.

They all remembered that before describing this terrible disaster scene, the Son of God had said that when the weather became warm next year, some people would be forced to go south.

Although I don't know why he has to go south, but since the son of God said so, it means that going south is very likely to solve the current dilemma.


Han Cheng nodded vigorously and gave Wu a thumbs up.

Seeing the **** son nodded in recognition and made such a move, several people let out a long sigh.

"The south is warmer, warmer than here. If you really can't live here, let's go to the south and live there..."

"But it doesn't mean that ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the weather will really be so bad, it's just the worst possible situation.

But we still have to make preparations in advance. Only in this way can we protect our tribe to the utmost extent when such weather really comes..."

Han Cheng continued to talk about these things to everyone.

The terrifying scenes described by Han Cheng first gave the witches, elder brothers, and the lame people so scared that they nodded their heads after hearing the words, feeling that what the son of God said was very correct.

Seeing this, Han Cheng felt very comfortable. After all, just today, he came up with these things, and once again received the respect of the tribe, and pretended to be silent.

Just when Han Cheng was about to decide this matter, Wu appeared very confused and opened his mouth, and asked a very profound question...

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