I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 824: The spring that breeds war (3 in 1)

He didn't dare to make the bark of the fire kang anymore, and almost roasted the leader of the Blackstone tribe, and the subsequent beating that impressed him extremely, made him have a deep fear of making fire kang.

Although Bark had thought about killing the leader of the Blackstone tribe or the other members of the Blackstone tribe, he didn't dare to act now.

People are doing a lot of things, especially very important things. Once they fail, they are likely to be irreversible. It is not easy to muster the courage once, and many times, once that courage is worn away , It’s even harder to summon up such courage.

That night, the bark was beaten to the same appearance, and it didn't finally explode. Now the injuries on his body are good, and it is really difficult to muster that courage again.

However, in addition to building the fire kang and killing the leader of the Blackstone tribe, Bark has other things to do.

At this time, the bark is squatting on the ground. One hand is holding a sharp edged stone that can be used as a cutting tool. The other hand is holding a thick wooden stick. Cut and smashed.

He was about to recreate a bow that would shoot farther than the bow he used before.

After this bow was made, he didn't use it himself, but gave it to the leader of the Blackrock tribe.

Bark has already decided that it must show more submission in the future.

The reason for making such a decision is that, on the one hand, he was severely beaten this time, which made him feel a little more fearful. He wanted to do better and try to be beaten as little as possible in the future.

On the other hand, it was because just a few days ago, he suddenly learned a piece of news.

This news is very good, why would the people of the Blackrock tribe attack the tribe where they originally lived.

In the beginning, Bark only thought that things were just like the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe said. The evil Blackrock Tribe discovered its own tribe, and then wanted to come over and kill himself and others, and put his own tribe to work hard. The food that arrived was snatched away, and he even ate himself and others as food.

Because the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe informed him of the news in advance, his tribe was prepared. When the Blackrock Tribe attacked his own tribe for the first time, he was repelled by his own tribe, so the bark has always been against the Blue Flower Tribe. The leader of, and the people of the Lanhua tribe are very fond.

However, from the chats of the people in the Blackrock Tribe two days ago, he learned that the evil Blackrock Tribe didn't even know the existence of its own tribe.

The reason why he would march directly towards his tribe and attack his tribe was because the leader of the Blue Flower tribe told the people of the Blackstone tribe how rich his tribe was, and how many things he could get after it was defeated.

And also very intimately told the evil Blackrock tribe where his tribe was.

After confirming that these were true, Bark suddenly began to doubt life.

The primitive female who had gone through the grass with him, had a strong physique and looked so beautiful, how did he start things, but he was so vicious?

When she went through the grass with herself and told herself that the evil Blackrock tribe was about to attack her tribe, she looked very kind!

The bark, who was betrayed and now knows the truth, almost shed tears.

Before, he had never thought that a person can be so vicious, things can still be done!

The taste of being deceived is very uncomfortable, especially for primitive people with straight temper.

Before, how grateful the leader of the blue flower tribe was, and at this time, the tree bark's resentment towards her was so strong.

This kind of resentment even surpassed the leader of the Blackrock tribe who brought people to annihilate their tribe and captured them.

Of course, part of the reason for this was that the Blackstone tribe was too powerful, and the bark had already feared them, and was afraid to attack them, so it transferred part of the hatred to the relatively weak Blue Flower tribe.

If the persimmon is soft and pinched, the bark doesn’t know, but after being beaten many times, with the emergence of the blue flower tribe, the bark naturally chose to be from the heart...

After several days of thinking about it, Bark thought of such a method and made such a decision.

He wanted to show himself more surrender, so that the leader of the Blackrock Tribe and everyone in the Blackrock Tribe would accept him, and then let him use weapons such as bows and arrows.

In this way, he can kill the leader of the orchid tribe!

I have to say that hatred or hardship is sometimes the best teacher, and can teach people a lot of things.

Of course, this price is too high, and the process is too painful, and the sequelae are relatively large.

But anyway, after experiencing so many things, Bark did indeed think of a way to deal with the leader of the Bluegrass tribe...

Inside the cave covered in ice and snow, the female leader of the grass tribe was sitting there, inserting a fish with a branch, and leaning on the fire to slowly roast it.

With the passage of time, the originally frozen hard fish slowly softened and exuded a strong fragrance.

After the fish was grilled, the female chief of the Cao tribe ate two, and then gave the smaller one to a male primitive sitting not far from her.

Seeing this male primitive eating grilled fish there, the female chief of the Cao tribe smiled.

This male primitive man originally belonged to the tribe where the bark belonged. Because he was the first person to get the fish cage out of the grass tribe, his status in the grass tribe has been greatly improved, and now he is even more faintly female. The trend of the first person under the leader.

This can be seen from eating food.

For example, the female chiefs of the grass tribe do not grill the fish during the usual meal, and the number of grilled fish is not large, that is, these grilled fish are eaten as snacks.

In the entire grass tribe, apart from the female leader, only this male primitive can eat!

In this era, those who can bring food to the tribe can naturally achieve a higher status. This is the same reason that the most profitable people in later generations will generally have too low status in the family.

Therefore, regarding the fact that this male primitive man ate the fish that the leader personally grilled, and soon went to a deeper cave with the leader, the people in the grass tribe did not feel that there was anything wrong...

The Lanhua tribe, which is relatively south of the cave and closer to the tribe where the original bark is located, is also covered with snow and ice.

The leader of the Blue Flower tribe, lying not far from the fire, was sleeping.

It is said to be sleeping, but in fact it is not really falling asleep, just in a state of being half awake and half asleep.

The cold and hunger made her sleep unsteady, but she had to sleep, because only sleeping can make her feel unclear about hunger to the greatest extent.

There is food stored in the cave of the tribe, but the leader of the Blue Flower tribe is afraid to eat it at this time, because there is not much food stored in the cave. Many people in the tribe can possibly Can't survive this winter.

The leader of the Lanhua tribe lay here, half awake and half asleep, thinking about his previous life.

In the past, their tribal life was not so sad.

At that time, the winter was not so cold and long. At that time, they had not yet encountered the brutal Blackstone tribe. How many prey their tribes caught and how much fruit they obtained were their own tribes, and did not have to pay to the brutal Blackstone tribe.

I didn’t think it before, but now I think about it and I find that the life before is so beautiful!

But now, that kind of life can no longer be lived.

The leader of the Lanhua tribe lay here, and his whole person was full of sadness.

I originally wanted to kill the evil Blackrock Tribe through that bark tribe, but I didn’t expect that the seemingly powerful bark tribe would be useless. Instead, I was defeated by the evil Blackrock tribe. Destroyed...

This matter, as long as you think about it, the leader of the Lanhua tribe feels uncomfortable.

It was not these that made her feel more uncomfortable, but the evil leader of the Blackstone tribe, leading people and the rest of the tribe to destroy the tribe where Bark was located, because their tribe was far away from the Blackstone tribe and was not called. participate.

So when the spoils were distributed later, they won't have the share of their tribe.

At the beginning, the leader of the Blue Flower tribe didn't care much about the behavior of the Blackstone tribe sending prisoners of war to those tribes who went to destroy the Bark Tribe.

I even felt that these prisoners of war who were not from the same tribe joined their tribe, but they might make their tribe impure, or that it would threaten the safety of other people in the tribe.

But now, the leader of the Blue Flower Tribe regrets the prisoners who were not assigned to the Bark Tribe.

Because when she went to deliver food to the evil Blackrock tribe in the fall, she found that the tribes who had obtained the bark tribe prisoners of war had good food and a large quantity of them.

What surprised her most was that these tribes did not feel any distress for taking out so many such good foods to the Blackstone tribe. On the contrary, they were all very happy and looked very relaxed.

The leader of the Blue Flower Tribe is a relatively smart person. By asking these tribes, she learned that the prisoners of the Bark Tribe basically make two tools, one is called a bow and arrow, and the other is called a fish cage.

No matter what kind of tool it is, it can help the tribe obtain sufficient food.

The leaders of the Lanhua tribe certainly want such a good thing. Their tribe needs these two tools too much!

It's a pity that those tribes who have these only tell her that they have this kind of tool, but how these two tools are made and how they are used, but they refuse to tell her anything.

This made the leader of the Lanhua tribe very distressed and angry.


The leader of the Lanhua tribe protested once again, but she ignored it.

Turned over, from lying flat to lying on his side, facing the direction of the fire.

She opened her eyes with her eyes closed all the time and looked at the jumping flames, and there was also the light beating in her eyes.

Melt the ice and snow!

After melting, you and the people in the tribe will no longer have to suffer like this.

Because after the ice and snow melt, the temperature can become warmer, and some animals that died of freezing and starvation can be found to satisfy their hunger.

Another important reason is that just this winter, she has already thought of how to get these two tools!

The way she thought of was to obtain these two tools through the bark.

The entire tribe where Bark was located was destroyed by the evil Blackrock Tribe, and even he himself became a captive of the Blackrock Tribe.

The bark did not do well in the Blackstone tribe. The last time the leader of the Blue Flower tribe went to the Blackstone tribe to pay for food, he saw the bark being beaten.

As for the Bark and the entire Bark Tribe, I am a good person to them. After all, when the Blackrock Tribe wanted to attack them, I took someone to tell them in advance, so that they would be prepared, otherwise, For the first time, the tribe where Bark was located might have been destroyed by the evil Blackrock tribe.

Under such circumstances, the leader of the Lanhua tribe felt that as long as there was a chance, Bark would be very happy to tell him this tool.

After all, the bark at this time is no longer the leader of the bark tribe, but has become a slave, and the entire bark tribe no longer exists. It doesn't make any sense for him to stick to these.

As for the bark, he would know why the Blackstone tribe would attack their tribe, and the leader of the Blue Flower tribe was not worried.

Because she felt that Bark, like the evil and cruel leader of the Blackrock tribe, was a person with a bad brain.

It is impossible for them to know what's inside.

And since Bark was captured, when I went to the Blackrock Tribe, I saw him twice. The last time, Bark smiled at himself. How could this be after discovering this? Like?

Moreover, even if Bark really knew about this, the leader of the Blue Flower tribe was not too worried, because she had a strong confidence and was able to make Bark not resent herself by her own means, but To resent the evil Blackrock tribe.

Regarding the starting point, the leader of the blue flower tribe has never given up...

The flames in the cave continued to burn, and the leader of the Blue Flower tribe was also beating like a ball of flame in his heart, even making her feel hungry.

Come spring quickly! Spring is here, life will be easier! You can get those two tools that can get a lot of food through the bark!

The leader of the Blue Flower Tribe stared at the flame in front of him, thinking expectantly...

Spring is really here.

Unconsciously, the thick ice and snow had melted, the frozen stream dinged again, and the small river in front of the Qingque tribe was full of water.

The turbid river water with ice cubes rolled all the way towards the downstream.

If there is still ice in the river downstream, there is a possibility of an ice dam.

The gathering of ice and river water here will make the water level above the river rise further.

It seemed to have been used for a long time, and it seemed that it was just overnight. From a distance, the original bare wicker was already full of cyan.

The people of the Qingque tribe, who had been waiting for half a winter, brought their prepared tools to the ground as soon as the snow melted.

The head raised and lowered, the copper shovel stepped into the ground and pried up, the moist soil has been turned over, exuding a unique fragrance.




The crisp sound of the leather whip tied with a red rope pierced the air, accompanied by the dealer's shouting, echoing in the wilderness in early spring.

The donkeys in the tribe and the deer struggling to lift their hooves, pulling the plow, and turning up waves.

The vitality that was sealed in people's bodies seemed to be released together with the melting of ice and snow.

In the Tongshan residential area, under the arrangement of Shang, the several furnaces that often raised plumes of smoke have now stopped smoking.

Except for lemons, the other ore mining people also stopped their work and went to the spring fields together, using soil-digging tools to start the most important spring ploughing in the tribe.

After several years of production and manufacturing, the Qingque tribe nowadays does not have a very large demand for bronze like it just started.

Even if you stop smelting copper ingots for a period of time, the existing copper ingots and various bronze tools that have been produced are basically enough.

Therefore, in response to this situation, as early as a year ago, Han Chengcheng gave his replacement to Sha’s brother Sha’s garrison at Tongshan, and stopped the production of copper and tin ingots during spring plowing and autumn harvest, and went all out to prepare for spring plowing and autumn harvest. Instructions.

After all, sufficient food is the foundation of a tribe.

From this point of view alone, it was wise to emphasize agriculture and suppress commerce in ancient times.

Of course, nothing is immutable. At the beginning, it was very useful and adapted to the social development of the society. With the changes of the times and the progress of society, it gradually became a shackle that hinders transformation.

However, according to the current situation of the Qingque tribe, there is nothing wrong with focusing on agricultural production.

As for restraining business, Han Cheng would not do such a thing.

Because the extremely primitive commercial trade of the tribe is too fragile, Han Chengdu is a little worried about when it will be cut off, and support is too late, how can it be suppressed?

Moreover, he who came from later generations is not one of those ancients.

He has a very clear and deep impression of the important role of business.

In the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng was not lazy. After arranging work for the people in the tribe, he also rolled up his trousers and went down to the ground, and devoted himself to the tribe’s spring ploughing...

Ten days after the Qingque tribe began to cultivate the land, the spring that was pushed all the way from south to north, finally came to the Lanhua tribe.


Outside the cave of the Blue Flower Tribe, I saw a lot of snow thinning. One winter, the leaders of the Blue Flower Tribe were thin and shouted with joy. The rest of the Blue Flower Tribe followed them. The leaders cheered together.

Then, under the leadership of their leader, with simple weapons, they left the den for a winter and walked far away on the remaining snow.

After leaving the cave for a certain distance, these people spread out within a certain range, and their eyes were like searchlights, shooting back and forth on the surrounding land.

When they saw some small drum kits, these people quickly ran over and picked up the remaining snow on these drum kits with the wooden sticks they held in their hands.

Under the snow, it may be rocks or tree bumps. If you are lucky, you can see some animals that died of freezing and starvation in the winter.

Whenever they encounter these, the people of the Lanhua tribe will cheer for a while, and then quickly pick up these animals, no longer the sluggish look in the winter.

Spring is really a magical season that makes people happy and full of energy.



Here in the Blackrock Tribe, where spring is also coming, the leader of the Blackrock Tribe holds a newly made longbow in his hand. After putting on the feather arrow, he pulls it apart with both hands. After letting go, the feather arrow shoots out. , Nailed far away on a somewhat decaying tree trunk.

This time, it was farther than the arrows he shot before.

Looking at the feather arrow sticking to the stump in the distance, and then pulling the bow in his hand hard, the leader of the Blackstone tribe grinned happily.

Then he stretched out his hand and patted the bark head looking expectantly while standing not far away. The smile on the bark's face immediately increased a bit. This situation seemed to have caught a lot more than him. The prey must be happy.

The leader of the Blackstone tribe was very satisfied with the performance of the bark. After taking out two more feather arrows from the quiver made of the half-folded bark and shooting them out, he looked at another bow not far away and thought about it. For a while.

This bow was originally used for bark, but because it has not been maintained, and the bow is too long, the toughness and elasticity are not as good as before.

Before the bark made the new bow carefully crafted~www.NovelMTL.com~ this bow was still the best and the farthest shot in the entire Blackrock tribe.

But now with this new bow, this old bow immediately dropped a grade in the eyes of the leader of the Blackrock tribe.


After staring at this old bow for a while, he suddenly opened his mouth to the bark standing aside, and after finishing speaking, he pointed to the bow on the ground.

The meaning is obvious, that is, from now on, this bow that originally belonged to the bark will once again belong to the bark.

The bark, who had been waiting for the leader of the Blackstone tribe to say these words, was immediately happy when he heard the words. He did not go to grab the bow immediately, but first beat his chest vigorously, and seriously expressed to the leader of the Blackstone tribe that he must Will use this bow to get more food for the tribe and protect the tribe.

After seeing Bark’s reaction, the leader of the Blackrock Tribe, who was already happy, became even more happy...


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